1025 (2) P0aBS t& Ls , S� �SWAKSO/.5�, cFT ,.L T ® APPLI N FOR BUILDING PERP/ Tom/' 1 '\ tTY OP CUPERTINO �� l`t> . Nov ism �' 0 as' Iy I 95_ Permit u 1 ,° • plif�1�on �7`�e��y {��e��.(�gJr a permit to a��a , " Vory r Rel -'7_. /C, . A Building / - i1 / - to be e pied only as i i /r� in accordance with Plans, Specifications and.Plot-Plan filed herewith. - •. a0 ' -Estimated Value of Improvements,$_ /.-�.�G00 , Fee$ S / u c "Itis hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and $ all:other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings withi. the 'ty of j Cupertinow'll .. .igr Witt". / --416.44 • w Owia i, i ice. l _ Address - • /CPC By :Aar ! - .a;. Address e e ' - W _ Approved �I,_�lGt± Y TC_r 7 Phone ., --/---,41--/1‘0 9 PP.,.., i .•.1?:��J.;.��❑UILDING"INSPCCT02 . RECORD OF INSPECT! N APPR• VALS ", rou rvnTroN s c 11- v •• t°% ' d /4 /� xo Y' tic INSPECT 't 2 F7iAME/2 O . 3 , A !`s ar . ' Z DATE Or ' INSPECTOR 71 aIL,...c.,_ C IZ-I,D^ /-.. r� ` , INSPECTOR Or Ya1/4 Q %.' /A/6A Cs, _i , ' DATE /: / s, 1 INSPECTOR . /3 4 FINAL ELEC. / / .I 11-COCO . Ire L ��'INSPNCTOR . FINAL PLBG. /0�3�i � A A D R / INSPECTOR FINAL GAS /a�3�i C>! C - DAT _, .• INSDEC'EOit ti': . NO. STREET LOT NO. . ,n P L _ T�'ON FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1�J "" C[ j1 ,OF CUPERTINO 8,190 Date TTY�n(,I Ip RT N , 196' Permit No. Fee S CC (f ��' ApP?l'J bn T�erecy"'n9a�'Pd A{ Qity of Cupertino for a permit to instal electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 1f-C-i Use of Premi c .x/"-'-,I-'7f'—'7`"• 5,�-PR-d 7/e—t-i V / u-e rY�-UQ-ti ',,"'iO/ , ''n 3a f1 6Z-4LICJ L-fee4;6/, a Owner L� gAddress , � at By la CC ffdd S' & • 9 Address 'A d"\--;9! lett -e'_c .4.1" 17 CONTRACTOR, AGENT ' `''!, r F. [��IA (( _� % Approved'`n- ` / Phone:L '4' `•/ 434%225 - ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Z_ ' ' . . .. 1. -'., , ,,, i NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit . -7. Number. of Outlets 21/ 02. 10 3-ti/o Size Service Wires I - 47.4.:- Number of Switches __7.. I •/0 Size Service Switch -40C /it Number•of Receptacles ./-6-./' /• .5-e)Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures 'L! "2• 90 Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW / Number of Circuits..A/96..'!. Oven KW Number of Meters / Signs Transformers- Misc Dryers r, Motors / HP C' Phase Motors HP Phase Permit Fee $1.00 Motors HP ' Phase HP Charge i / 00 • • - TOTALPEES 41 V. OG A, (ag:04;74RECO EeTION APPROVALS Rougaingr aispE Fixture's � - DATE INSPECTOR Z tors ..II � ' .y.. DATE• ;INSEECTOP 'al - • DATE IRssEDT0D .:� -I ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE • . COPY ' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, • CITY OF CUPERTINO ' !' - c� i , 196 ' • You are hereby auto led to connect t ELECTRIC service for Owner or Tenant "�.r�. .S.J �.,,�.. _[._ -- J Sb- ' OQ3 -. At O C Sr 'etc ,< . t ‘0d ; • - ,,,'''��� No. of Wires 3 Size of Wires*.� Size of Switcl> tOAfrtj Motor Load Voltage Phase- v _...-. ._ Heating Load K. W. Voltage ... _. • No. of Meters -� Light ', 110 —i ew Service Reconnect No. of Add. Meters Heat • 220 Three Wire Move Service Power fhre ase Move Meter 04 • 1/6o-500 ELECTRICAL INSP TeR• G." 0c&3J 1 cS ev(2.tJs Crzee!( Q1tf04No. NO. STREET • • JPip:FAWN FOR PLUMBING PERMIT -3 ® • 4.4IFFY OF CUPERTINO ti ,V DEC 13 1960 9q .j i , 195_ Permit No. 10 CITY OF C�1PpR roo Fee $ 7 v0 1"4 pplication is ere y ma e to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices ' and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of .� Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. • 8 Use of ices `5Q e V I ca S(� 0 r • 41 Owner JA :'. W Ala SCta Address tk• e NI Q.. . 5, ' Byr"ea R--.4t e4-1--Sc r1 Addres.a!rAir • _ .46: �/ co TRACTOR, AGENT ? -I 4Phonei/7 —3.?S r ' , f' Appro . - /�OLtiiara ' i 1 ' PLUMBING INSPECT.R i it _ - ___ FIXTURES I NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS I FEES II I UNITS FEES. Water Heater I I Size Water Closets � Z �at It Material CS.I I Bath Tubs I To Curb I.• I Showers\ I ' I To Prop. Line✓f • I Lavatories '�., at-9I To ng P Kitchen Sinks of Conn., , �g rlgz Dish Washers 7 Waste Disposals I . Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines I Size I I, Water Softeners I Material I j' ' . Bar Sinks • I To Main Drain I .I Ic- _ Comb. Sink &Trays I To Curb I , . I_ Dental Units I ' Drihking Fountains II 4. _ Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Size _ I - I Restaurant Sinks Material I I _ Sand Traps TOTAL FEES. Urinals Fixture Fee I Lr`L Area Drains Main Draib Fee'I / en Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee I Sprinkler Valves Water Sys. Fee Permit Fee I % ' TOTAL . Cr!:ITOTAL FEE .`_�" / :a' ,��SrGF< NSPE. 02 „� t r el artfal.Rough Rough Complete - final . H J atTIY"_—�O mADDITIONAL CHARGE PJ c10 -- r•-• l: QOPERTINO It I olIiQ SC IORS OFFICE Date o - 1. -I - 14 Permit I.o. ..q.9.4. To j('� ' DF' l emit''..e. 1,1 • _ (1a , /�/` Address 'V NTA CIL{� Z___144.Q...o$l'I.4tOS ReaShil n��aT..a .'. _l�� it , I..Pc< KIR' 17.0.0 u...A.,.1. .--1-2(2..___f Glck.. . - .. 1 r � oo /� Amount$ Signed 1 ,�`l. .. . U16 3/59-300 11;'ub .• r, a �- . • . . 7 -- _ Cupertino Sanitary .. . :.- . ..0If•ice Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE , CITY OF CUPERTINO 0 Sewer Connection - Sanitary Permit No. .177. 2,--Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. y7,9ii . Lot No. . .., Owner or Tenant ..02e6d7 ,Cfeli.00VC., I At p2eP7,-96.-- C7 a/a -- --- -----.7...... - Tract • 66 Date Connected 47/or 19 . . Date Finab ' ' ' ./490& ' , '•- 19‘./ . . . • , is • , • 41„ .c. .-;,i, . .- ; 1.IJ NI BINp INSPEcTplyWI,Ic '•'' gi-••"otl:Tilr'31/60-5.604rA 4-V•. • . .• -', 44-;'4'.' ' i>. " 1 :400"114s7 . } "I"V"...-,';c4".;t""-r,• -g'')044(114tii2In-ittPA. :.' —471/44.."9"--a ,-”. -- • oZo03iI adeNis Lace i< 8Ldr�clo. NO. STREET c••0 APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO REG 13 1HbU 195_ ''< Permit No. —Al2 D Fee $ �\ tSio p p\ppl iy � QtKu iotp the City of Cupertino fora permit to install gas pipes aW 1of gaYtpplMrWs hilgtVIIchf the.reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City ' �..� of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. - . ' } c 7 . V • ,Use of Pr m es Ql C Q YIP • III Owner Ao I `'—�f-A-�''y' n $ 0A1 : Address 'e /- fp. /i • Y- � w�'y6il.1.$o/jAddres' ✓i ' l ur 6 1 ;', ' C70R' AGENT • / 1. :PhoneG'� . ,.... . Appro ..-n,... 7 ����•L. Al . ' 1 - , q " PLUMBING NSPECTO • `/' �-J . ~ Y•/g tt-. 'S)..V m. r4RM . ,....I11.,51- • . Remarks (Check V) ' __ Type of Appliance Units Fees New Replace. Relocate •Gas Ranges Wall Heaters . Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles • I1 Steam Tables I1 Gravity Furnaces 1 - Suspended Unit jI Floor Furnace f• Miscellaneous j -• • NAME TYPE) Appliance Fees ' Inspected and Approved ....._....... ----....--....__:_..........._._...._... DATE INSPECTOR HOUSE GAS"PIPING Number of Outlets I UOI Size of Main I ' Gas•Piping Fees / — c,.. • Kart pr�Sted a wcpr, e� ---............._I........._........_.................. .gj LI Qin DATE INSPECTOR• r( j' • cJCOQL3,1- �1 elle N3 > . CICC+eki- LOT NO. • . NO. - STREET nD APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT V I CITY OF CUPERTINO O Date I'' a !I b 96 Permit No. .3 Z -1/ -� /DEC 13 1960 ' s� . ba Fee $ / C rAp,,PPlication is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install • gas gpbli4iceO liseJpi Ef Jj� side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City • of Cupertino, and al ther laws applicable thereto. Use of r ises �(p • 1.1 1 Owner A o L Stk3 A OSa�_ Address •' _le 'd• 'yn'"s' ByAe teszrzin`I-S'�r •Address MY�IVi�i G.G. y� CO ACTOR AGENT , , v, � C e.0=hone A�y-3.7.3 Approve: PLUMBING INSPE • ? .: Remarks (Check1) • Type of Appliance Units Fees New I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters f S� _ Gas Plates + '' Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces 1' Gas Fired Boilers • Warming Ovens Percolators • Griddles II Steam Tables . • I� Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit-. Floor Furnace II ( R Heerva 1 ' II Miscellaneous (NAME TYPE) I ' I ' • Appliance Fees 7 Inspected and Approved/�/1/...... ��� ATE INSPECTOR 1,V 7 Y 3 4/_i/...S l✓r tt-Cit ea< LOT NO. NO. STREET APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT a rut .. OF CUPERTINO p Date i ,._ Di196../ Permit No. 37 t5.a ' J " J . -0 ., 0 Fee $ • CpilicaffIs �f Qa e City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances a5 lis e``d�'on }}�I,,e"reveersse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. � ,:k; , �ya-�- Use of Premises-1 d,—e— o I Owne ti F 22o-sjC'C rd Address /•J ` . .!:t , �. By AC2/ . Address �. v A . \ CONTRALTO , AGENTir 3 -b•-•w: ,..9.(4.-- a ' ti-t flax. r t�C PF:one E L` '1� - C{ % 3 APProve. I.I . _ ` PLUMBING INSP:--OR • •' Remarks (Check V) Type of Appliance Units Fees New I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gal Plates Circulating Heaters • Blower Furnaces - ' Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators • Griddles Steam Tables II Tr Gravity Furnaces I . . 'It; Suspended Unit — 6 _ Floor Furnace II - Miscellaneous ii (NAME TYPE) I� ' II • II � Appliance Fees • e4 Inspected and Approved44A/ ilii ' • DATE ® INSPECTOR • 0 1 . . , . 1 . GAS SE '/I1E -NI , LE i - cc'EggE i BUILDING I ,SPECTOR . OFFICE I . ' CITY Ot CUPERT NO • Mft , 196../ To . You are hereby aut . ed to connect the GAS service for. Owner or Tenant . ...a.G.... . .410e#1 4,57 sr oe se At al-0,20-4--as-0 New Service 4------ yr No. of Meters / .Reconnect , . 'Move-Service No. of Add. Meters ... Move Meter .t. , apv OF . •• • '' . t"tea ,e,gpt5 4 .. ,., 4; •LyMBING INSPECTOR - i• 110 1/60-500 , • . . .__ . . . .• _