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// / / ' `rL '. LOT NO. NO. STREET — w }1P,1 etml . FOR `BUILDING PERMIT ° t Ci t SP CUPERTINO Sanitary No. w „ Date "BSEP 17 1989 ,..I 6_ Permit No. • ✓ o // ll.o W tat tin hC1jg ,• .ermit to - �' n-` - r 2 u a i. • VI Or V��.SIpp((4�` , k • 1"Iir i /�", �, Buildi / to be occupied only asl�Jf - ii,s:s",•%2LeAd �r r ' I •�[ O• o in accordance with Plans, Specificationstand Plot-Planofiled herewith. •• • F3 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 6OO . Fee$ iJ It is.hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and!Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 3 0 Cupertino will_b �plied Ni p _ m Owner�•YX •a Address SEt�r�c et..� airt-1. I. lic ,c13 y 1 �q(Y�'Ll2 �'y _g ,' Address .e a 8• "Whom-'M J5 3 / JC — PProve State License• BUILDING INSPECTOR I RECORD OF INSECTION APPROVALS . P FOUNDATION I" DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR 'DATE INSPECTOR • FRAME DATE INSPECTOR • ` LATH and PLASTER- I - ' .. ATE INSPECTOR . , i FINAL BLDG. '/1 z� fict_____„. - `-:. ;y•:? DAT• FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. - - - • DATE. INSPECTOR • L, FINAL GAS •' i. • >: ,ib., .INSPECTOR: • i9 7' , I ,ei , ,_ ' a, APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT N Q4 .• MAY 7 1963 �a OF CUPERTINO w 2 o Sanitary No. Y ca4 o a Date ___., ,962. ' Permit No � 05-7 w LL CII cc.PER i V7Fee $ 00 h ° Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices im and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of • w Cupertino, and all otl t- laws applicable ereto, �/ < " J4Use of Premise 4. ,J.!/ P/lP/1-4-, C P.�.C;>�//LSQii!/ O 0 r 3 O•. '' . Address - J z By -/' - IL_. �-.4st Address rne/«fa.6Pt/ L-.. CONTRACTOR, AGENT - ' Phonr./ r w S-- L. 9 a- / . � • w w/ - �` Sttate License 7- .2.-SI Approved 1 // '� • PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Heater Size , Water Closets Material . Bath Tubs To Curb Shoers wTo Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer.Boxes Waste Disposals Wash Trays _' STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size Water Softeners Material Bar Sinks To Main Drain Comb. .Sink is Trays To Curb Dental Units a Drinking Fountains Floor DrainsWATER SYSTEM• Floppcis.(i ) 4L_ Duo Size Restaurant Sinks Material Sand Traps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee ic 00 Area Drains Main Drain Fee Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee ' Sprinkler Vaives Water Ss. Fee Permit Fee .02. O0 TOTAL • - TOTAL FEE 4... . 06 RECORD OF I PECTION Underground Rough. .Partial Rough.. 6 11 Lo 5 . .Rough Complete.. Main Drain J _ Final._ h / lv/ta�- /7 7 (57�Y g7), /-./7l "c-NO. STREET LOT NO. . . �►APjICATION 'FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITXIiOF CUPERTINO 'NAY 7 . 1963 t_& Date �' 19C-3 Permit No. �0 Z CITY F CUPLKIIK Fee $ 9C6'o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtureslas listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixture"s''`in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u Use of PremicPs gedFAir tie:4/i'S s /9,0'7,K. • c ;.a Ow r N Address _ :_, 2 CO n.. /% . /G- _. Address?, 1- /f1 -.L-', S7. CONTRACTOR, AGENT . . � Approved �`-C` , , . ;$ Phone: f- i'.( 11.4/ /2 ELECTRICAL INSPEZTO _ 1 . . • ,--- NEW APE FEES ir----, Size Service Conduit NumSer—of biitlets Size Service Wires Number,of Switches Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles g , EL, Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures ti ..q..0._ • Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Number of Circuits Oven ' KW Number of Meters Signs Transformers - • J 'l _ rise Dryers ) ..-.. Motors at HP 7 Phase ,,-.11.,. Permit Fee $1.00 Motors,,S- CIZACIIF Phase ',Motors HP Phase H P Charge ii-- i TOTAL FEES 0 ( ' RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring I Fixtures I DATE . INSPECTOR t rDATE /INSPECTOR Finish'Wiring ' I otors , I - .DATE INSPECTOR F. . • i 1 iwi.c,.< (gr.,INSPECTOR inal . 1 ......,,r...-4... -. it7s, I C DATE - INSPECTOR "lel ` I _,. „ t .rd . NO. s-•HET LOT NO. _ - • rAP.PLICATIO.N FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ea .,-A CITY OF CUPERTINO 1 '101s15,3 ^ 01-0 Date- , I%y_ Permit No.Cfrs vk--.-.1 d'��' �.• nr rllrbymad tiff , Fee '' - `11- UR � CApplicatinn is hereby made to.the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures -in accordance with t rovisions of the ectrical Code of the Nt- City of Cupertino, and all `other`laws plicabe thereto. p �y IL se of Premises s/ 7/`i i S S9\ ,,,,....?.1 ;.t Owne n Address C/224/ S.-1:B y�y�=�/-0�" Address } Wlear'L+ ./e�4W CONTRACTOR; AGENT .Approved 4,- WWI.,_ _w ' one: • EG�ECfAIUL INSPECTOR ' ` Y ,..- . . . .. . NEW ' RPL FEES .. . Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets V (Pt) Size Service Wires Number,of Switches .7 3 9 • Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles 2- Size Sub Feed Conduit Number GE Fixtures Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges . KW Number of Circuits Oven KW Number of.Meters -" Signs . Transformers isc Dryers --‘Motors..P444:1..3.— HP Phase iMotors - HP Phase. Permit Fee $1.00 ,Motors • HP Phase H P Charge 50. ...•.. • • . -TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring I . •Fixtures _ DATE INSPECTOR,O•iEINSPECTOR ‘ . , • , •••• • ...Finish:Wiring ' _ I - _ • Motors ---- I-------1 .... • 4a .1 X: r; ay.,•;:,` ,-"Iftsptc•roR S ;$. •....r.-: :-•• -;:if-'' ' . 'rd.:31.7:.::: .::,'k Finii ;1/ .1.he •.5. it.",t ecta.;. I '„,. a DATE • I I? INSPECTOR ‘.— - . . . • a ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE �� PY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE' c.c.), Iss CITY OF CUPERTI/N'O To You are'hereby authorized to connect t to CT I service fo rte' ('' Owner or Tenant 1�..i24-) 1 IC..}�) At 0.aq . No. of Wires Size of Wires' Size of Switch .60 \ f t .Motor Load Voltage Phase Heating Load K. W. Voltage ILight . IO Ne:v Service Reconnect ».No..of- MetersHeat---, ...1120 Thr . !ire.,. .MoveLSenv_ce __,__mss,�1 No. of Add. Meters power, T Yhas Dfove eter • /h • ELEC 'ICAE 4.PECTOR ,( ,to4 .7/61-500 • TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATE: /, .s 6 a CS Pee: .... OWNER: IP \\\ s ir edad.- 4 ' ..�NAT:2/4:9 ?'� -- /�'. `ki) LOT: REASON: r," ei(9.4 .y�7 - deAt The undersigned agrrees.to 6e'responsible for the electrical service at the above location, -� -until the building is ready for occupancy, and is released by the-Building Department, City of Cupertino. ( �ej: - Phone �9+r " 'see 71 INSPECTOR / / TENANT OR OWNER `716 1/63-500 l./ /9979 SVare LOT NO. NO. STREET �q ,, ,APPPLI„CATION FOR GAS PERMIT (sem `at29 CITY OF CUPERTINO CC• II' APR 2 1963 ��JJ 3 U Date r C T p 196_ Permit No. n(o?0S r1T1Pati�Fs hCOPEDdd IoIV Cit of Cu ertino for a Fermit t installgas pipes orni B. Y. Y P fI P o a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes i and/or appliances in accoldance with the provisions of the Code of the City a of Cupertino, and all er laws�a�pppliccable there o. . i= w' it Itt Use of Premis o 3 Owner -SAddress t1 t J• z B ,,--4P/2-i,r:s ,u..• •W1 n".n'�'L ' Address • d O -' •J CONIRACIOR,AGLNT 3a • LI Phone �'-/:• C>let— - ® w Z r Q' S:4N7tr ' rrJ! s V •° Ghf>3` ksReteR Remarks (Check V) Type of Appliance Units Fees Nev I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges , Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters .,>,. - Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers - • Warming Ovens .. Percolators Griddles Steam Tables . ' Gravity Furnaces • I .Suspended Unit .. 1 Floor Furnace F laneous (NAME TYPE • HOUSE GAS PIPING- . Number of Outlets I I .Size of.Main I • • Gas Piping Fees I � �.'—3 .� Tested and Approved ... .... I . If--- . DATE tNSPECTOR n . . TEMPORARY',...GAS SERVICE DATE: 4O .S/6 Fee:c$ OWNER: ...e „,,,,.GfiC!!.FCl . ..2f: ' . ✓ `_..z., AT: ../ Irt >. LOT: L ' J N 2 8 1963 REASON: a. -:. 4.r„ •-1 - ... .°.C4,:-/' y I>1 ) c The undersigned agrees to be responsib - for the gas service at the bove location, until the building 's ready for occupan ', and is rele'ase-d'/b'y the B�lil id n D art ent City of Cupertino - `ta ' J ?rs� / Phone - q ....,,KTh /vu c. INSPECTOR{ C7 } TENANT OR OCVNER 117 I/63-500 illi... \1 ` _ _ GAS SEMOTICE OFFICE BUILDING INSPE 'S OFFICE '/ COPY CITY OF T17�i0C/P To ' ©©© I \. You are hereby aCrized to connect the G servic for j� Owner or Teennant / Z� ,ti;:-�-- ,.,1\r t t11 S CI_ • - - . New Service.. I. No. of Meters Reconnect " - _• •; _ Move Service[ K"a' - No. of Add. Meters .e •, ' II ove e`er F J-. PLUMBING INSPECTOR ;:,, j'��3 -`I(0 6/63'7500." . t •:' ^`Y- y? - ' = I OSc Us c/F/2 STREE LOT NO. Te RE mh t C._ 'FA- `KATION ••Oil's: ELECTRICAL PERMIT f DEC 17 1961' 'P CUPERTINO. Date Ta �6 2 195— Permit No: ( g Z" CI I Y O CUPERTINO • FCe $ a6O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u. Use of Premises ca�s4/, — ,E7 ML ,$' -ap, ( i:.I`..-c - k•\'r.ltr . 9 — x 1 ` Owner s w-e–A" 4's•Sac44rSS Address . i. « By .'.G/JRL..' f�tc, - .v%S_:^. Address'• 2211111,r .'.r 'ow 116J N CONTRACTOR/AGYNT ' - n k. .y.•,,.-+,a:,5,•.::a"r'��: Approved Y. --� I`. I. I h ' . - Phone: 'taY5 - 3YVG - 'ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR NEW RPL FEES I ,�o Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets 6 Size Service Wires Number of Switches....-5 '� Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles / I c' Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures.._6 Le'' Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Number of Circuits Oven KW Number of Meters Signs Transformers Misc Dryers ers I Motors- ' HP Phase Permit,Fee $1.00 Motors HP Phase Motors HP Phase H P Charge J. LC: TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS .C-, Rough Wiring I Fixtures •a -.44. ..7.11 .w-�_ _ OA�*� INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR g 32 4E �,� _ _ 't i-�at A /1 .-t:..—_._ Finish Wiring CNS. Motors / GATE l INSPECTOR q / 7,'‘' .1' 1' ,\ INSPECTOR Final /- 7,'‘' x? :I:l Mick" DATE INSPECTOR l q CI '1 l IL STF��s c/?/( NO. STRE T .¢ LOT NO. S70/re FA ,ESC JE FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ClfTF CUPERTINO DEC 17 1962 Date /0//6 Xi? I• , 195— Permit No. ` ga CITY OF CUPERTINO pees CM Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to nstall electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agre sr to install said wiring and/or•fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Eledrical`Code of the om City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ` 't` v Use of Premises /to# ' l —77Ø,' s'jq.?e (I"kf4`! La4mi I., c n 'a Owner XJA-n.E// /7s ti so at s Address ' 4 . By 'Lc,K/ K/.Ec,,, yvc , it Address 6 7AC'`.&a Ko44-' ' -if CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved \'\. �'_ • Phone'•'2. Rs- 3 9.Ve, ( ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ( .. i t NEW . RPL FEES Size Service Conduit. .,..- -- Num 4er i of Outlets -14A, I / .9 ' • • Size Service Wires Num r of Switches eir 1 ° .e.. Size Service Switch Number.of Receptacles.. .cf.' / ea Size Sub Feed Conduit . Number of Fixtures 454-- 3 70 Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW _ . Number of Circuits Oven KW • Number of Meters Signs / Transformers , Misc Dryers • I Motors HP Phase , • Motors HP Phase PermitFee $1.00 Motors HP Phase H P Charge 1 . I•1 1 0 — TOTAL FEES .4 I I ...- i„. RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS, . Rough Wiring . I _R.,.. , _Fixtures ; S- -11---- •-1-•lie-‘1-4. DATE f inspEcrom .: .. .:ii.... . /tel.:,bo,:E4 t.,1/;sHeCii1:::::TrooRR. , Finish Wiring., — - I es•—•-... ' Motors --r- 0-, -I. /0_, - tjt •''‘1,1 • • -' • ••'' 14 : 'Final"-- • •*- 'I, t''' . r"'te":' •. '. ''- ?