CC Resolution No. 6672 ~ ~ RfiSOLUTTON N0. 6672 A RESOLU~rruv OF 7'HE CI'I'Y COUNCIL 0~ THIi C1'1'1' OF CUPF.RTINO ' APPRUVItJC CUN'i'Rl1CT CIIANGIi ORllF.R N0.5 FOR FOOTHII,1. BOUI.EVARD AND STtiVEN5 CREF:K [10Ul.GVARD TRAFFIC SLCNAL ; YRO.JECT 80-15 ' ANI) APPROVINC APYROPRIA'CION j RESOLVID by tl~e City Council of the Cit~ of Cupertino, California, that Change Order No. 5 for addiCion to work which hns been approved by the llirector of Yubllc Works and thi5 day presented to this Council, be, and it is liereby ' approved Ln conner_t Lon wi th pro;ject kno~.m as i~ ~'I 1~OOT1IILL BOIII.C•.VARD A*1D STIiVF.NS CKIiiiK BOUI.F.VARD TRAI'FIC SIGNAI. I PROJECC 80-15 • I BF. T1' FURTIIER RESOI.Vi~D that an npproprlatlon in thc amount of $3,400.00 from the Ga5 Tax i~lmd is hereby lpproved to cover this change order m~d hiJ I quantity ad_}ustments. PASSI:D AND AT10PTff1 at a re[;ular meeting of the City Council of the Cily nf Cupertino this __16th day of _ Sep_Cember 1985 by the following vo[e: VoCu Members of thc CL~_Councll ' AYF:S: Gatto, Plungy, Rogera, Sparks, Johnson NOE.S; None ABSh:NT: None ,1BS'1'~1[N: None ~Yf"CF:ST: APPR~)V 'U: . City Cierk .ar, t oF Cupcrtino