CC Resolution No. 6634 ~
i . • •
I ~ ~
. RE:ii1LUT I ON IVU. _t~b'?4
( WHk_F:EAS, Clie F;uies nn Conditior~s ot~ ~mployment need ti.-, be
~ rt~or_lified in order t~~ conform with the Memuran~a caf Understanding
I batween ~i ty of Cupert i no and tf'~e Mi scel l anenu~~ Empl oyees Uni t
i and ~'ublic Worl.s Unit-;
, NpW, THEfiEFOkE, bE IT FE50LVED that th~ Fules an i:onditions
, o+ Employment be amr=nded as shown in Attachment "A" which is
incorporated in this resolution by reference.
F'ASSED AiVD ADOF'TEli at a regul ar meet i ng r~f the Ci ty Counci 1
I of the City of Cup~rtino this __lst_ day of __JulY______} 1985 by
the rollowiny v~te:
Vote Mcamh~rs_of the City_C~uncil
, AYES: Gatto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson
' NOES: None
~b'BEIVT: None
' ~,~iiTAIN: None
r, City of Cupertino
' Lity Clerk.
. , ~
auLes o~ co~ui~rlo:vs or E;iF~~o~r~~n~~
~ tnn~:x
(;ategory Section
Purpuse 1
1.1 Yolic}~ 1
1•2 eldminSsira[i.on
1'3 [nCe:preta[ion I
1.4 2
Coverage 2
1.5 Repeal of E:;isting Rules 2
1•~ Amendmer.ts to Rules Z
1•~ Effective Date z
RETENTIOV Techniques of Recrui[ment 3
Z•i Examina[ions 3
z•z Eligible Lists 4
z•3 Selection of Employees 4
2•~+ Appointment Approval 5
Appointment, S
3.1 Cer[ified Status 5
3•Z Probationary Status 6
3.3 Provisional Sta[us y
3.4 Tempo;ary Status 6
3.5 Exempt Status 6
OF E:fYL0YEG5 1'rumot ions 6
4.1 Trar,sfers ~
4•z Voluntary Reductions ~
4.3 Demotions ~
Warriir.~; Not;ces ~
S.1 Su:;Gensiuns 8
S.l,l Dismissal 9
5.2 i)isciiarges 9
5.3 Due P:ocess !0
Form ~~f Appeal 10
6.1 Filing o: Appeal 10
~'•Z Representat.un
6.3 Who Ptay F,~ipe.~l 10
Hearings on rippeals ll
f7efinitton and Procedure 11
Lim:[ation~ on Au[hori[y
of Advisocy Arbitrator 14
. Cata~;ury ~ Sectiun Sub ect • p~
A'CTR\i)ANCE e1ND LEAVL'S 8.U Hours oE l,brk 14
• 06 AB5ENCG 8,1 Holidays 15
8.1.7 Holiday Yay 1~
8.2 Vacations 1~
8.3 Sick Leave 19
8.3.1 Personal (.eave ZZ
8•3•2 Bereavement Leave ~2
~ 8.3.3 Absence Notification Yz
~ 8.3.4 Unused Sick Leave Zg
8.4 Leaves oF Absence 23
8.5 Military Leave z4
8.6 Jury Dnty 24
8•7 Tempo:ary Disability
I Benefits 24
8•8 Maternity Leave 25
~ 8.9 A[tendance 25
9.0 Overtime 26
9•1 Non-Exempt Overtime Z6
' 9•2 Managemen[ and Confidential
Overtime Z6
, 9.3 Stand-by-pay 27
OT9ER CONDITIONS 10.0 Continuous Service 27
OF EMPLOYMEWT 10,1 Reimbursement for Tzavel
and Other Expenses 27
10,2 Layo.fs Zg
10,2.1 Reinstatements Zg
10,3 Senior3ty Zy
10.4 Training Programs 30
10,5 Suggestion System 30
10.6 Hospitalization, ;7edical,
Dental and Llfe Inszurance
Programs 30
RELATIO::S 11.0 Memoranda of Understanding 30
~ ~
JULY 1. 1985
~ . ~ +
City of L'i.ipcrkino
Secti an 1. 0 F~i_~rgo ~e
, "fhe ~urpo5e o+ these Rules shall be to provide the basis of
' cummon understanding between supervisors and employees as to terms
and conditions of employment insofar as they ar~ not supersedr~d by
a formally a~opted M~morandum of Understandiny for such terms and
conditions of empluyment as are permittcd for inclusion therein
under i:hc prcrvi~~ion~~ of Chapter 6 of the F'car~~onnel Code,
EmpluyF~r-EmployN:e R.~] ~;t.i.ons.
Secticn 1.1 Pulicy
Tlie policy under which these Fules shall be adminiatered is
onf~ of fair-ne,s buth to the e.mployee and th~~ City and of
i.iniformity uf action so that all may bcr awar~ of the duties and
re~spcinsiF~ilitiNS of the ernplay~e in this reyard as well as the
rights and privileye~ of employment with the City.
SE~ction I..:' Administration
The administration of the~e kules is hereby ~nvested in the
F'ersonna~l Officer SLIV,jP.Ct tn administrative policies as st?t fort:h
by the Cxty Manager, who is the Appointing Authority.
• ~vct:ion 1. Ir~t~i_ ~t. t_laii
Flny intc_~rprct~tiuii u~dtinikion or~ ni~antr~i• ~f ariy provisiun,
Lcerm i?r cor'iditian r_ontaincad t'~e_rein sliall bi:r as ~s~C furtf'~ in
wr-itini~ by tfie F'er>unnel Officcr whose interpretation, definition
or mear,ing shall be consicJered as being =_.uppleme.ntal I-icreto.
Sect i un 1. 4 Ci~v_er agea
ral l of f i cers, en~pl oyees and posi ti ons shal l be~ sub j ect to
these Rules save nnd e::cept for those officer•s, employ~es and
positions specifically enumerated hereinbelow.
(a) All Elected Officers
(b) City Manager
(c) Assistant City Manager
' (d> City Attorney
(e) City Prosecutor
(f) Chairmen and members of appointed boards, commissions
and committees
(g> F'ersons engayed under cuntrict to supply expert,
profession~l, techniczl or other ~s~rvices.
Section 1.5 F~~ecl_ot_E_isting_Fules
All e;:isting Rules and other policies currently or heretofore
in effect rclating to those terms and concJitions of employment as
provicli~~ for herein are hereby rescinded and repealed.
, Section 1.6 Amendments_to_Rul~~s
'j Amendments to and modif~c~~tions of these kule~ shall be as !»et
forth in the Personnel Coclca.
~ Section 1.7 Effectiv_e_Date
I, These Rules shall be filed with the City Cler4: on adoption by
the City Council and shall become effective immediately
. r;~_r_ruiTr,rn~r ANU i,E_~,~a-r zoN
' E~ecti~,rt ~.p Tec.l~ii iecs ot ftt~c:ruitmE~nt •
12~_citu:triir:rr~t of' eoiploy~'es fnr positions zn lhe City she~ll be
tl~e responsibzlity af the F'~raonr~cl Office~~ wha may rey~_iest tl-ie
zcivicEa and as<sistcance of ar delegate the functian tq a Ueparlment
Hc;ad with his/hEr conserit. The tec.hniq~~cs and pi--ocenur-e~~ of
recruitment ~h~~ll be thuse rnoat e{fective in attracting qualified
applicant> fpr Gnsitiony with the City without rcgarU to race.
reliyion, sex, national origin, political bactcground, or sexual
~raction ~.1 E:_aminations
i Ex~minations shall be prepared and administered to test fairly
, the fitness of app~icants. Said examinations ah211 be comprised
~f 2~y one or mare pracesses of written, oral, physical fit~ess,
unc~ssembied or such other method as can serve th~ purpose of
deterrt~ining thc~ ski.lls and knowledge, qualification ur fitness of
rr}E' ~pplic~nt. The determination as to the processes that wi].1 be
used for each position classiFication shall be that of the
F'ersonnel 0{{icer- who may obt~in ar~d utili~e such a;,e,ist~nce as
~1»Y b~ requir~~ to ful+ill the intcnt oi this section, gaj~
e>camin~,tions may t~e cpmpetitive or noncompetil-ive; providNd,
however, that advance public notice be advertised prior to ~ach
such c~mpeLitive e;;aminatian as to the rnethud by which the
eJigible lisst st~all be prepared, z},=; ~ffective life, weightiny
~actors and >ucf~~ other detail that may provide the applicant with
a better i.indei~~~,tandirrg of tl~e e>:amination and selection process
for- the po~it.ion for which he/she is applyYng.
. Ser_tior~ E7 i.1i~ c~ Li,,L'~:a
' iJhenever cu~np~•t_itive ~;;aruinations ar'e adnilnistF:~red Llie names
of ~uccees~_.ful ~~~.iplicaniss thereto st~all ~e pl<aced on l~.sts from
which appointmcnts there4rom shall be n~ade during th~ effective
t.c~rni uf t:he li~L-. Eligible l lsts may be constructcd so as to give
ni.unerical run4iiny=; uf successful :pplicants or in cateyory
gr~~upinys wY~en s~id lists are ~btaineG from examinations
admini~tered in th~t manner or from e::aminations ~~dministered un a
~,ass-f ai 1 L~+si s.
Employn~ent lists shall remain in e4fect for one year unless
e;:hau~sted sooner or abolished by the Fersonnel Officer. Employment
lists may be e;;tended for up to an additional year by action~ of
the Persunnnl Officer.
Section Selection_of_Emgloyees
' The selection of a successful applicant fr~r a position with
the City shall be made by th~ Department He:ad having supervisory
tontr-ol of the position to bea filled. The D~partment Head ahall
recommend such ~election of the Appointing Authority who may
approve or disapprove an appointm~nt.
If the sel~rction of d SUCCC~SSfU~ applicant i~ tc~ be m~de from
~~n eligibility list con~tructed by n~imerical ranking the persun
s~rs~ltact.ed shatl be from one of the thr~e highest available persons
on ttie list. If the ~~lecl-xon of a successful applicant is to be
mad~ fr oir~ an E:11 y i kii 1 i t.y 1 i st c~~nstructed by cateyory gr•ou~~a nys
thc persan selected sl•iall be fram ~mong those available in the
Yu.ghest category before a selection may be made from ~ lower
, Section ~.4 Ae~o: i~~.?ni_A~~rov_al
~ .
' F~11 c~pNointments wriethcar irom eligibilit•lxsts or not nnd
ir'rec~pective of tti~ '_ypE~ of po~3ition to wt~ich onta ls made 5ha11 be
I'~I approvf_d by the Appointing Authority bef~re bacoming effective.
li Sectiun ~.U ~l~gointment_
I l~11 appointment~ to pusitions sub~ect to J~_~risdiction P of the
II F'~r•sonnel ~ode and a~~ ~pproved 6y the A~~painting Authority shall
I be made in one of the following named manner~ and the affected
employee sh~~ll be granted the >amE: status accordingly.
Section :.1 Certi.fied_Status
Certifiecl ~tatus shall be granted to all employees c~ccupying
, positions subject tu Jurisdiction 6 who havt successfully
completed their probationary period when either appointed from an
eligible list or as thc result of having successfully completed an
e;;nmination for tFie appointment.
One ut fuur ~urisdictions created by the Fersunnel Cude_
Jurisd~.c.tion 6 establishes the provisions ind conditions for thr
appointment, empluym~nt and retention of sub~ect employees on
6~si s uf rner-1 t and f i tness. The f ol 1 c~wi ng of f i ces, posi t i ons ~ind
i~r.~ployees arc, e::cluded from Jurisdiction b: All elected offir_e„
C~ty Manag~r, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City
F'r-oseCUtUr~ Chairmen and Membe~-s of nppoint.ed boar~s, commissions
r.~nd r_ummittF~e~, persons engagE~iJ under contr2ct to ~upply services~
Uep~rtn~ent Hiaads, employees occupying positions whose principal
job rr_~q~urement !s guod physical fitness and employees serving
under appointments of provisional, e;;~mpt, temporary or emergency
s1_atus. Cu~ertinn1_Fersonnel Cnde~ Title XIt, Chapter 1, Article
2, p. 2 and Chapter 4, Article 1, p. 8.
. ~~F3L'tlol'i f_YUti~ Jlilr"'ii i;t:?CU> •
f'rob~at~ onar y st«t~r~ ~~hal l be yranLetci tc al l employees
or_~upyinq posi~lon=> ~~uh~ect tn Jurisdictior~ b who hav~ IjP.Lfl
~~~,pointed tr-om ari eligibility list or when riune is available as
the result of havxny successfully completed an e>;amination for the
apNolntinent. The probatlonary per-iod m~~y be nut less than three
i.:) months nnr more than twelve (12) months and shall b~ as.
~ spec i f i ed i or• ~ach cl ~i~ss o+ posi ti ons uril ess when i n the absence
u, a spccified dur-ation it shall be si: fb) months.
Seclion F'rov_i=;iona7._Status
' Frovisional status shall be yranted to all employees who are
, appuinted ~~n uther- tlian a temporary basis to positions subjNCt to
,Jurisdiction 6 but for which no eligible lists e;;ists. Said
~_ir-ovic;ional appnintrnents sl~all bE terminated no l~ter than one
I~ur~dr-ed eiyhCy (1t30) days after appointment.
Se•ction =.4 T~,ni-~nrar 8tatus
~ L=---Y----
Iemporary status shall Ge grnnted to all employees appointed
far wc~rk ori n~eas<anG~l, less than une-half time or to uther
non-per~nanent work. Full time emp2oyment in nny position under a
Ye;mporary appcintrnr_nt shall not e;:ccF>~ 1:'~~ daye; in any t.welve (1~>
incntt~ per t od.
S~~.tion L.•_Fm ih
L::empt status ~Fiall be granted to all employees occupyiny
pi~sitiuns nut ~ub~ect to Jurisdictinn 6 of the Per•sonnel Cod~.
5ection 4.ti Promot~ons
A promotion shall be defined as the appointment oF a certified
or e::empt employee occupyiny a position in a lower cla~sification
. rcJ ; vacant Posi ti•
~n a highc~r cla~,s_.ific~
on. F'romations may
bE mad~ on
a non-corrpetitivr_ or clused-ci~mpetitive;r
x r-r~ , ~asi s
pectivc: of ttie~ e:;istence ar eligible lists for- the samN
pusition classification which m~~y t-~ave been constructed from
up`.n'comp~tltive e;;amin~tion5.
:',E:ctivn 4.1 TransfErS
A tr~ns{er shall be defined as the appolntmEnt uf an emplnyee
to a vacant positiun having an assignment to the same PaY yra~Je as
tht: positiun pr-eviuusly occupied by tfie employee immediately prior
to the transfer. 1'he status of the ~rnployE,~ so transfer-red shall
not be affected bY the tr~nsfer: pruvidecl, however, that a
tr.~nsfer shall not be made fr-om a position
subject to Jurisdiction
I tc une that is e;;ernF~t iherefrom. The applicability of requiring
qualifying e;;zmination of tha emplayce as Prert~quisite to the
~~'ansfer shall be as determined by the F'ersonnel Officer in
reviewing whether dF~sii-abl~ minimum standard5 of the pc~sitiqn have
been met.
Section Vo:li_intary_Fe~duction'a
A vnlur,tary r~,~uctlun sh~ll be deflned as th~ ~ppr~ved reyu~st
~r-~ ~rry~loye:e Fcr .an ~ppointment to a vacant po~ltion haviny an
assigr~m~nt to a lower pay yrade from the position previc~usly
CiLCU~~l@U bY thE errq~loYE'e zmme~iiate.lY Prior tn th~ n~w
=,ppoinkment. The status
of the af{~ct~~ ~,mp1pYE~ shall not be
changed as a result uf thN new «ppointmr~ni; Prnvided, howev~r,
l-hat a valunt.arY reduction ma not
Y be macle from a position subject
to Jurisdir_tion fi to one that is exempt thcrefram.
applic.:+bility p{ ~ The
eq~iiriny a yualifying es;amination of t~e
employeF as a prer-equisite to aPF~r~~val of a r~q~i~st f~r a
~ vc?lunt;r-y rE=ducti~ sh~:~ll L~e as determin~ oy thc f='ersonnel
. Oi ficer i.n revic~winr~ wfiethc~r desirable minim~.un standards of thE
~_sosition have been ~r~et.
;3~ctior7 4. ~ i)E,~motion5
A demutic,n shall be defined as the invuluntary reduction in
r-ank or- yradrr and shall be made only far causE. No demotion shall
' be m+de without the Appointing Ruthority fir-st haviny reviewed a
' statement fur cau~e as s~Abmitted by the Department He~~d having
' supervisury control of the ~mployee. Said statement for ca~~se
~hall be giv~n in writing t~ tl7e ~ffected emplay~e- Th~ etatus of
, a demoted empioyee shall be determined in the same manner as
~ provided tiy thi= rule on volunt.~ry reductions, above.
Section S.U NoticE~~_
At the discretion of the Department Head h~ving supervisory
contr-ol w~arning nutice5 in writing may bc prepared and served on
an employee for min~r infract~ons ai r•egul2tlOllS or for
unaccezptaGle conduct. A copy n+ e~ch such warning notice ~u
I ~1erv~d will be furw~vdecl to the F'~r-sonri~l Officer who will retain
~ it wiCh other personn~l recor~s of the offer~~ing kmpluyee. Such
~ r'ecor-d~> rnay be USaE~d to substantiate SULISE?C~IIB~it~ mcre serivu~
disci.plinary action~s. 7he misconduct of an offending employee
~~hail be review~d for indication o4 improvement or correction.
Such iriforn~.t_ion w:ill be ret~in~d with oth~r personnel recurds for
r:~ perio~ of thre~ years only.
S~ction :,.1 S~_i~gfrnsions
A Uepartment Head h;ving supervisory control may suspend ~n
; r.mplnycae without pay for s~rious or repeated infr~ctinns of
reg~.ilation~. Such susp~nsions may not e:;ceed thirty (3~]) days
' iri any twelv~ (1•n~ontli pcriod a~itho~rt the~aht of the employee
. to filr~ an ~:~pp~al aiitli th~ Appotnting Huthoriky for a hE~aring on
tt~e. mat~er. (See S~ction 6.= Who_May_A~~eali
Nothing contained hereiri shall preclude the i'ight of the
~ i)epartment Head tu reGuire ~n empioyee to ceuse wor4: immediately
and lEave the wurk premises without pay whFan such action by thc
Depar-tment Head is in the interest of safeguarding the health,
~~afety and welfare of the City, its employees, citizen~. and their
I Sea~tio~ 5.1.1 Di_;missal
' An cmployee may be dismissed by a supervising Department Head
fiar substantiated cause when it is deemed to be in the best
interest of the City. Upon verbal or written notice of dismi55a1
an cmployee shall t~e rEquired to leave the work ~rremises with luss
of ali rights and privilege~ of employment. An empl~yee holding
certified status may appeal the dismissal to the Appoi~tiny
Authority within three wor4:ing days from d~.te of notice of
dismi~~sal. If no appeal is initi.ated within the specified period,
the dismissFrd emG~loyee shall be discharged from employmenl.
Sectian :;.2 D~_~_cli.~r-g~•_
An ert~ployee shall Ge discharyed 4rom employment wlth th~ City
af ter da ami ,~~al wi thu~~t a~~peal or af tcr deni al uf an ap~eal by the
Anpuintir~g c~uthority. An employee so d~scharyed shall losca a11
pays, rights and privileges of employment with the City on the
erfect.ive date of notice of di~smissal. A wrltten statcament rrf the
CdUSE'S of discharge and dismissal shall bE7 prepared for the
employee's personnel r~curds and a copy given to the affected
. Section U~iN_F'~_ess •
Sn e~.~cl~ and evc_~ry instancra lnvo7.viny thr~ i~~suarice of w~:~rning
notices, su>pension~. or the dismissal or dischai-ge of an employee,
~ucl'~ will not be effectuateci without the employee first having
been given in writing the basis for si.~ch nction being taken and
the opportunity ta question the reasons therefore of hi~~
supervasu~~ or Department Head. S:id oppurtunity shall 6e as soon
as it is pr~ctical zfter having been served the written notice and
sh~~ll not constitute any limit~tion otherwise available through
l-he grievance or appeal procedure.
I 5ect i on G. Ci f~orm_of A~LF_~ yi
All appeals to the Appointing Authority shall be in writing
and shall be siqned by the empioyee.
Section S.1 Filing_of_F~~~eal
The fili~g of an appeal to the Appointing Authority shnll be
accompii~~hed by the submisszon of the signed wrikt~n document to
the F'~rsonnel Officer who shall be responsible for the issuance of
prop~r notiricat.ions.
Section 6.:: Rr:pi_t_~_enraCion
An employee su6mittiny an appeal to the Appointing Authority
~r~ay bs• rE~prer>ent.ed by a person of his choosiny or may ~lect ko
reprEas~~nt him~~elf; provicled, however, that when ar~ ernployee is to
be rt~~r•esented by another persnn the name uf that per~on shall be
macie I:nown to the Appointiny Authority nt least three days prior
to thc- sctieduled hearing. Substitution af re~re:~entation m~y only
be as~ pE~rmitted by the Appointing Authority.
' Suctiun 6.3 Whca_~(yL~r-p,~j • .
• Ea~~y emNloyee m~:~y +il~ an appeal with tt-~e r'~ppointlr'ig F,uthority
as thca final stt:~; of tt~~~ yr~.ev~•.nce proc~~ure, for s~.~5pensions
e:;ceediny thirty (3t~) d~ys in any twelve il~) month period, or
aftei~ noiice of dismiss~l, Appeala fr-om dismissal may be filcd
unly ~y e;nployees c~u~rently holding certified status zat the time
of di smi ssal .
Section 6.4 t_iearings_nn_A~e~_~1_
If deemed necess~ry, hearings may be held on appe2ls by the
Appointi~y Authority. The conduct of such fiearings shall be a5
~i deY.c.rmined necessary tiy tl~e Appointing Huthurity t~~ best ev~luate
~ac:h ~ippeal on its merits.
De±initin~__ar7d__F'rncedure A grievance is a dispute or
di+ferk~nce of opininn raised by an employ~e ~overed by this
ayreemE<~nt ayainst the City involving the meaning, interpretatian
or ap~ilicaation uf the e;;~~ress provisions of xn appiicable
Memurar~dum u+ Understanding (or e>;isting work: rules3. A grievance
shall Uc~ pru~essed in the followirig manner:
'~;teg__1: F,ny emF,lpyee who has a grievanca shall submit it
drasignated as a gr-ir=vancc. to the em~~luyee's immediatc _~upervisor,
. whu is fnr this purpose by the City. The supervisor
=_~h,all yive thca employ~~ an oral answ~r within five (5) calendar
days after duch pres;entation.
~?~r'k__: If the grievanc~ is nat settlcd in Step 1 and the
~mp.lnyee wishFS ta advance the yripvance to 5t~p 2 pf the
grievance procedure, it shall be referred in writing to the
empioyee's n~>;t highest su~ervieor within five t;;> ~alendar days
a~ter the supervisor's oral an=~wer, or anawer due in St~p 1, and
~ shall be signc.d ~ ttir_r ~,ygi~itv~:rd empluye_e~nd thk~ em~loyee's
. desaic.~natc_d r-~present~:,t.ivelUnion Hu~,inese; Agtant. Tl~e wrii.ten
yrieva.ncF= stiaili contain a complcte stEitP_ff~Ellt o{ Ch~ {acL's} the
pruvisian of thc M~mor~ndum of Understanding or wor4: ruies whi~h
th~ Clty is aileged to have violate~ ~rid khe relief requested.
I Tt7e superv~ sor or other pf~rson dr:a~yiynakecJ for this pur-pose shall
~ discuss the gr-ievance withir~ tive (S) cal~ndar days with the
employee ~nci the enployE:e°s dESiyn~ted representative ~t a time
mutually agreeable to the p~rties. If no settlement is reached,
the supervisor or ather per-son designated for this pur-pose shall
provicie the employee a written answer within five (5) calendar
days +nllowing their meetirig.
Ste~__: If the yri~vanc~ is not settled in 9tep ~ and the
employee wishes to appt:al the grievance tc~ Step ~ of th~ griev~nce
procecJure, it sh~ll be referred in writiny tn the employ~e's
Departrtren{: HPad within five (~1 calendei~ days aftcr the
supervisor's an5wer in Step _ anci ~hall be yigned by both the
ayyi~icveci 'employee and the em~loyee's desigriated r•epresentative.
The Department Nezd shall discuss the yrievance within five t5)
calendar days witii tfiF~ employee and the emGloyee"s de~ignated
repi~esf_~nt~tive at n time mutually agrecable in the parties. If na
settlem~nt is re~:~ched, the Department Head shall yive th~ City'S
writt~n answer to tne em~loyEe within fiv~ i5) calEnd+r unys
fellowiny tt~eir mEeting.
Stc~__4: If the grievance is not settlec:i i~ Step _ and the
employee wishes tu appeal. the grievance to StEp q uf the grievanco
procedure, the employee's designated representative may reftr the
grievance to adv:iaory mediation as destrihec! below within 14
cal enda~r d~ys af ter the dec i si on i s provi deci at th~ thi rd step.
~ ~ ~
' (li The pcartiecs shnll attc~mpt to ayrec: upon an advisory
ar-bitratcii- wit.f-~in ~scven (7) cal.endar d~ys after~ r~•ceipt of tF~e
notice of referral. ln the event that partie~, are unable to ~yree
~i{aon e~r~ advisc,ry arbi.trator within said seven (7) dWy perio~i, tFie
partie~~ shall immerJiatEly jointly rEquest the 5tate M~diation and
Conuliation Servic_e t:o submit a pan~l oF five (5) ac~visory
~arbitrators, Each party retuins the ricalit to ~~~_~ect one p~+ncl in
its entirety and that a new panel bc: su~n~itted. Hoth th~
employee's de~~ignated representativ~ and the City shall have the
, right tc, stril:e ~430 namFS frum th~ pan~l. 7he party
' requesting advisory rrbitration ~>hall st_r-i4::e the first two names:
; th~ other pai~ty shall then ati~ike two namPS. The pt~rson rem~ininc~
shall be the advisory arbitrator.
'fhe advisor-y arbitrator shall be notified of his/her
selection and sh~.ll be req~_~ested tn 5et tiioe and ~lace for the
hcaring, sub~ect to t_ha availability ~f the employee's de~ignated
rc:pre~aentativc and the City reprESeniative.
7he City or- the ernployee's desiynated reaprFasent~tive h~vE
~ khe ric~ht r~ r~quest the zrbitr-atur tu require the pr~sence uf
~ witne~se~~ or documents. The City and the employee's designate~
repres~ar~ta~tlve ret.,in ther right to ~mptoy ley~l r.ounsel.
(4) The advirsory arbitr+tar shall submit his/her
rctca~T~rnc:.ndation i.n writiny within thirty ('_0> days followiny thN
clc.~se c,f the hearinc~ or the submi ,eion of briefs by the parties,
which~~vtar ~s later.
(S> More than one grievance may be submitted tu the same
advisory arb~trat~r if both partie~ mutualay agree in writing.
. (6) Tiiea fees ~J e::p~ns~s ~f thc~ c+dvis~ arbi trator and the
co~~t of a wr i t ten tran~..r..r i pt ~~ha11 be di vided eyual l y L,e;,tween the
City ~~r~d tiic~ employee' ~ desiyn~at~d repr~esun~atlvca; provided„
howevcr, that each pnrty shall be resp~nsible for compensating its
own reprESentatives ancf wiknesses.
Limitatians on_r_,i_itt_i~7rity_of_FcJv_isary_ Arbitratar Tt7e advisory
arhitrator shall have nn right to amend, mndify, nullify, ignor'e,
add tu, ur subtract frum the provisions of the Ihemorand~im of
Under~~tanding. The advisory arbitrator shall consider and decide
only t.he yuestiun of fact as to wliether there has been a
' violation, n~isinterpretation, or m~sappiication nf the specifi~
~ provi~ion, of this AgreNment. The advisory arbitrator shall be
ernpuwt~red io determine the is5ue raised by the grievance as
~ suhmitted in writiny at the 5ccond St~p. The 2dvlsory arbitrator
shall Iiave no riuthority to make a r~commendation on any issue not
so subrnitted or raiaed. The advisory arbitrator~ shail be without
power t.o mal:e recon~mend<+tions contrary to or inconsistcnt with, in
; any way, applicable laws ur rules and reyulations of
admini~trative bodies that have the force ar~d effect of the law.
, 1'1-~e advisi~ry arbitrator ~;hall n~t in any way limit• or interfere
witt~ tl-~e powers, d~~t~es arid responsxbilities of the City under law
ar~d ~~p~licablF~ court deci+sions. Th~~ recommendtic,n shall be
;dvi~~~ry unly to the Appointing Authority. The Appotnting
Aukl'~orily will make the final decic>ion.
Sec t i oi ~ 8. ~J Ho~~r s_~4 _Wor
TF~~ norm<~1 wark: wee4: shall be Monday through Friday. The
normal wurk day shall be from B:vU a.m. to :;:i~0 p.m. with one !1)
hour o{f f~r- lunch.
. A vari ance t~~i:he nor-mal work: week ~ worl; day rnay bc:
e>tablishecJ l~y tl-~f~ Uepnrtmcnt Head witr~ thE~ written r:ipproval af
the ftppointing Huthoril-y wh~n such is deemc-~1 by Chc~ Appainting
Autl`~ar i ty to be i n the best i nter-est of the Ci ty. Any such
var•iance shall identify the positions to which it appiies and
~~hail be filed with the P~rsonnel Officer. The normal work wee~e
~ ~'~ha11 be 4u hours in seven days.
Section 8.1 Holidays
I Th~ fullowing named h~lidays shall be considered ~s no~-work
, days:
New Year's Uay
(I~) Washingtnr,'s Birthday
(c) Memorial Day
(d) Ir~dependence Day
(e) Labor Day
( f ) Veteran' s D~~y
(g) Than4i~giviny Day
(h> Friday full~wing 7hank:sgiving Day
(i) L'1-rristmas Eve (1/2 shift on reyular wor{; days only)
(j) Christmas pay
t1.) New Year's Eve (1/~ shift on regular worl.~. days only)
(1) Martin Luther k:ing Day
Sectior~ 8,1.~
In addition to tf~e foregoing paid holidayU, eligible emplnyees
sh.all be allow~ad to schedule two workday~; as additiona~l holid~ys.
Theasc~ two 4loating holidays shall be takEn at dates of the
employee's sclection, providrd that: 1) prior supervisory
approval be nbt~ined~ and before the end uf the ^nd pay period
in Der_s~rnber af each calcndar ye~+r, For new ~mploycc~, floatinq
' I-i~7liday=.s wz:ll be ~~r~tte~d L-he c~~tenci~ar ye+reirr whzch i:hey were
, f-~ired in th~ foiluwing manner:
i~i) Employt~cs hire~J aftczr Janu~.ry 1 but on or bc+oi~~ rl~u~ch :=1
sl~ali bc~ enl:itl~d to two floakiny holidays in that calendar- yr~r.
ib> Ernployees hir~d on or after April 1 b~it un or before
S~E~tember 3~:> ~~hall be entitle~i tn une~ floating holiday in that
cal er~d~~r year.
I (c) Emplayees hired on or a{ter Uctober 1 but before pecember
ui will nut b~ entitled to floating holidays in that calendar
I ye~r.
Stction 0.1.3
' When a holiday or a non-wor4; day falls nn a Saturday the
prezceding Friday shall be abserved as the nori-wo~~~; day ~nd wl~en a
P7oliday falls on a 5undtiy the followiny Monday shall be observed
a~ th~ nan-worl:: day.
Section 0.1.4
7hEa N~rind between 1~:OU noun and ~:G!i p,m. on Good Fr~day
shall be considered as a non-wor4c period.
' Section td.1.5
f~Jnthiny conl~,ir'ieci herein shal l preclude the right of the
' Departa;~nt Nead with the ~:,pproval uf the Appuintiny Authority to
r-~~~checlule wor4:. a~signments or f~ours of warF:, to meet emerytncy
siti.iations ,ar~d ath~i~ ~cimin3~tr~itivF nece„it.i~e, caused by th~
ubserv~,nce af a holiclay or nun-worlc day or ~eriod; provided,
however, thzt all such ~ffected employet5 are duly ~:ompensat~d for
said reschedul~d worG: assignments.
' Sit=c ~ i on t~. 1. 6
t_mploycc~~=; whos~normc~l work: day is at var~ic«r with the nor'mal
war ~ I-~our<.s £;~E~Cli 1B(:1 in S~ction l3.~~ c~f thes~~ rulc~~s may bEa
, ._on~pF=ri=,ated ior the differential shift huurs their d~ities
re.quire. The Appointing Authority mry establish suitable
ad«~ini~.trative policies and quidelines for this compensation.
~I! S~ction 8.1.7 Holid_iy_F~y
In order for an employee to receive his regular pay for a
holiday or deaignated n~n-wnrk day, work must be performed on the
~ regulai- scheduled day befure and the regular scheduled day after
the holiday or desYgnated non-wor4; day. Em~loyfaes ~n vacation,
' in~ury leave, approved short term leave of absc>nce, with or
v+ithout pay, or- who subrnxt satisfactory evide~ce of personal
illness shall be considered ~s wor4:iny their regular schedule for
P~Y P~.~r-po5es.
S~ction 8.~ Vacations
l~11 employees, other th~n those holding temporary <status,
' whase work: assignmE+nt is c~f a ~~ecurring nature of not less khan a
normal worl; week shall accrue vacatiun credits.
After- ai:: monttis c~t continuuus t~mployment, ac~rued vacatio~
may bfa ta4:.en with the prinr approval of the Department Head.
Vacatiun leave must be ta4:en in no less than ~ huur increments.
Duriny the first three ycars of employnient, an employee shall
earn varati.on credit ~~n the ba,.is ~~f 5/b work day, or the hourl.y
ey~u v~lent, for each complete month of continuing service.
During thc fourth ycar of employment, an empioyee sh~~ll earn
vacNtiun credit on the basis of 1 1/4 wor4; days, or the hourly
equivalent, for each ~ompleted month of coritin~u ng service.
Diu iric~ th~ f:te~~nLt~~ year uf emp:luym~n.and thereaftcr an
~ er~npioyc:-e: ~sti-~11 ea~rn v:~ca~t:ion rrE~d:its a~ the r-a{_e uf t~/~, work
, d;iyss, ur Lt~e Iiuurly eyi_iival~nt, 4or E~~=~ch ir~onth or completed
I crnitini_~ous servicc;.
I An ~~nployeF~ may accrue no mure vacrition credzt than twice the
annu~~l rai_e being car'ned.
On tc:rminatiun of einploymc:rrt or on r~ceiving a leave ~f
I abscnce o4 more than three (3> months an employee shail be
j compensated fur ~11 earni~d but unused vacation accrued at th~ time
~ of terminatic~n nr- at' the st~rt of satid leave of absence. Unused
I~ vacat~c~n may not be used to e>:tend final employment d~te beyand
thc ann~ial rate be:ing earned.
The accruul of vacation credits for those employees whose
normal wor-4 w~~~:: z~~ of not less than one-half (1/2) time shall bc~
' prcirated accurding tu the time of the recurring w~rk assignment as
Lo thr~ n~rmal warl: wee~ .
Employtes may convert, on a c~nce ptr calendUr y~~r b+sis,
i.~nu~~ed vacatiun time for payment sub_~ect to the fol lowiny
1. The ernployee m~.~at have ~m e~~rned vacation of a minimum of
l~~ d;ys.
Any pay~ii~nts made for unused v~~cation ~iill be subject to
all appropriate ta::es ancl ded~_icY.ions as determined by the
Finance Department.
Minimum e::change will be i day, ma;;imum e::change will be
;3 d~ys. All changes 2re trrevoca~le.
Sr~L-ion 9.'~ Sicl ~vr• •
, F-111 ful l ti~~~~~ empluyer_s, oth-r_r tt-~an thase f~uldiny te~nporary
~~tatiis, shall cc~rn eight (fi) hours per~ mc; ,1cFc leivra ttme
wii'hout limit on accumulatian. Thase perrnanent cmployees working
less than full time (at least ~O huur~~ ~E:r week:) shall c:ar-n in onc?
~r~untli the num~er of hu~.~rs of sicl, leave they wo~~ld normally wor4;
in ~ne c~ay ar the equivalent without liniit an accumulation.
Employee~s nbsent without pay for any re~son for more than forty
(4l~) hours during a calendar monih shall not earn sick leave
benefits for that mont-h.
Sict:: leave may be utili~ed due to the employee's personal
illness, in~ury, maternity, or sickness or in~ury in the immediate
' family. Immediate family is de4ined a~~ sp~use and childreri.
Empioyc~s shrtll, wYienev~r possible, mat:e appointments for medic~l,
dentil, anU similar purGoses on non-wurk hours. If this is not
po=_~sibl~, sicl_ leav~ may be used for these pi_irpo~seg.
Withi proper notlce ar~d ~pproval of the super-visor, sick leave
~~hall be ta.ken in periods uf no les~~ than one-half hour
Employee~ wili h~~ve the option, su~~ect to approval, of
conver-ti ng si r_4; 1 eavk: to vacat i on 1 eave cn . two-to-one basi s.
The ma;:imum allow,able e:;cti~~nge will be 96 hours uf sicF: time for
4a hours af vac.atiun lerave per cal~ndar ye~~r. I`linimum E::<ch.ncae
will bE~ d hours s~c4; leavE~ fur 4 hours of vacation. An employee
may conve~r•t sicE; leave in excess of _,u hours to vac.akiun le~ve on
one-to-one b,a=_,is to a ma:simum of 48 hours and ~ minimum of 4
As a cor~~i1:. of convE~i^tiriy ~sicl: l~ve to vaction, all
emplay~_es will L-~e r'eyuired to ~.i•~e at. lecise une-half of vacation
ar_~_rued cl~.~riny tiie pr-EViou~~ tw~~lve «~onths,
aucl-i comcrsion, either to e::cha.~n~ae sic4, lt~ive for v~ication or
vice vers~~ ~~hall bc~ sub~ect to the following cc:>nditions:
i. All reyue~,tss l•o e::chanye sic4; leave for vacation time
ahall be submitt~d in wr:iting to th~ Department Head at
least 60 calendar days in advance of intended vacation
~ utili<ation.
The granting of such e:achange and subsequent use will be
at the discretion of the U~p~rtmPnt Head.
If twelve (1~) months h~ve elapsed since approval of the
e:<change of sict:: leave for v~cation, and the employee has
not been permitted the use of the converted vacation
time, (after submil:ting at least one written reyuNSt for
utili~ation) the employee will have the right to
r~-conver•t the •~acation time tu sicl: leave in reverse
ratio to the original e;;change. This exchanye will be
allowed only for previously converted sic4; tim~ to
v~c~tion and will not be pcrrz~itted for regularly accrued
vacation time.
4. If an carn~~yr_r_, c.ftc~r converi:iny e;~c.4 Jerr~;s t:u vacatlcn
time, e;:h._;usts cil of his/h~_~r remnin ~1ic4. leave due to
inji.iry or- :illnrss, he/she may mal;r <i wr-iY.t.en r-caque~~t to
the Dep~irtment Head to re-~onvert v.acation time to sick
1 eavE~ on a revcrse r,:,ti o k~asi s. Appruval wi 11 be sub j ect
to an ass~s~>rnerit L-y the Departmer7t Head as to the
validity ;~f the illness/injury and whether ~r• not a
wril•ten physician's statement attesting to the
i11n~:sslinjury is required will be at the s~le option of
the D~partment Head.
I If the employee's vacation accrual exceeds the mar,imum
j allowable Gzccrual, he/shE will have thE option to
re-convert vacation time bacF; to sict: leave on a reverse
ratin basi~. Such re-cunversion Gh~li be limited to
previously converted sick leavelvacation and may not
e;:ceed thc necessary to reduce the accrued
vacation ta the ma:;imum allowable. .Fegularly accrued
vac~~tian time will not be eligible for ihis re-conversion
to sick leave and any regularly t~ccrued vacation time
accrued in c-:;cess of the m~zximum aliuw~~ble will ~e
disali~wed 7nd not subj~ct to utili~ation by the
emp 1 oyc~e.
NOTE: As u<~td in t.hi~, document, "reverse ratiu" is intended to
mean that the ratio 04 sick l~ave ta vacatiun will revert
to the original at the time th~ initial e>;change
was implemented.
Section H.=. J. f r•r'~=nn~7 Lc~_av~
Tt~e City sha~alli~w twenty-four (~~i) I~urs of accumulated 1~~~~vE to ~P uscd frr conductinc7 person~l businFSa which
cann~t be conducted o~.itside i'egular wor4<iny hu~u~e, .
Th~ employee n~u~s't r-eyuesl: leave, if non-c.mergency, at least
; farty-eight i4J) hours (twu working days) ~rior tn the time of
~ utili::ation yiving the i~e~son for th~ req~~est on the form
~ presently provided. In ~ases uf emergency, the furty-eight (48)
' iiour- not i f i c~ti on procedurra m.~y be wci ved ~y the i mmedi ate
~i ~~~ipervisor, provided the form i~ completed and the reason f~r the
1 r-equcst is stated upon rEturn.
Sectiun 8.~.~ 8ereav_emEant_Le~v_e
Emplcyees shall Ge yranted paid tereav~ment leave not to
, r-;:cc>ed three work d~+ys upon the occasion ~f death uf r close
II' relative. ~lcise relatives are dcfined as rnoth~r, fath~r, sister,
t;r•other, wirc, husband, child, yreindparent, grandchildren~
I'i ~nother-in-law and father-in-law.
Sectior~ FiClSf?f1CG_NOtl_f1CEi~lOfl
; An -r_mploycc= is expected not to absent himself fr~m work for
_~ny r~~asun other than pcrsnnal iliness without n~al::iny prior
arrangernt:r-~ts with his superviaor. Unik:ss prxor arrangements are
' maGe, c~n employee~ who fo~ any retr5on, faul~, ko rEport fur wnrk
' ~niisk m~~bF~ e.~ •sincerc: cffart tn immediately notify his ~upervis~r• c~f
, I-~i=_: r~~r~-:nn for beiny absent. If the absencE~, whether for personal
i l i ness or' utherwi ,e, i s to conk i nue bey~~nd t'he f i rst day, the
~~r,ployte_ must notify the supe.rvisor ~n a daily basis unle~s
, nther-wise arranged with his supervis~r. In proper cases,
e,;ceptions will 6e made.
' Any unautharized absence of an cmployec from duty she11 b~
deemed to ~ea ~n abesEnce withnut pay and will hcs grc~~inds for
' di~>ciplinary acti. by the Dcp_~rtment I-iea~ In the a~sence of
suct~ disciplin~~ry action, .,ny emplayne who ~~bs~nts himself for
ti~re_e dNys~ ~r ir+~rte authoriz~-d le~ave sh~~11 be dE_•emed tn
h~ve resiyned. Such ait~sence may be covered, however, by the
Department Nead by a following grant of le~ave with or without pay
when L=•:;t@flUdtllll] L'll'CLiI?';Cdf1C2S are found to have e>:isted.
Sect i on 8, 4 Uriused 5i c 4: Leave
The City shall pay an employee fur unused balance of sick
leave upon retirement, ~r terminatiun for other than just cause,
, ~~ccordiny t~ the full~wing schedule:
, 1. Upun retir~ment, which shall reyuire the +ormal filing of
, the appropriate forms with the Public Employees
Fetirement 5ystem, a cash payment shall Ge made
equivalent to seventy-five percent (75%) of the dollar
value uf the uriused sxck leave balance e::cee~ding ..2u
hours. The dollar value for such payment ahall be
calculated at a waye rate which is thG aver-age of the
preceding five (5) years for the employae.
Upon termination for other t:han d~scharge with ~~ist
cause, c~sh p~,ymant ahall be n~ade equtvaler~t to f;fty
p~rcent l:,V%) of the dollar value of the un~~sr~d si~l:
le~ave balance c::ceeding '~U hours. The dullar v~~lue for
~uch pnynient shall be calculated at a wage rate which is
the avEr ~ge of the preceding fivr_ (51 years for the
einpl oyee.
Sec t i on 7. 4 Lr=avcs of Ab ,enc~
Leaves of absence without pay not to exceed three i3)
consecutive work: days may be gr-anted to an ~mployee b~~ his
Dc~partmcnt HearJ. Such leave~s o-f absence in e;;cFSS of three (3)
con5rc~rLive ~~or-t:: ~1ys s~-~nll req~~i°e the pri~r- ~~ppr-oe~al of ttie
' F1F_~painting Authori•. i;ll such letive<.~ of ab•ice in e;;c~~s~.; of ter-~
(lii) wni~~:: ~ays sF~tall havc_ thie prior wr-itter'~ approvai uf the
Ap;.ointiny Authority and shall be rcrported to the Personnel
()fficer on the appropria'Le form pruvicJed.
Sect.ion E3. ~ rli 1 i t_ai_v__I_eav_r':
tlilitary le~ve shall bc granted in accordance with the
pr'ovi si ur~s ~f State 1 aw.
All employees entitled to military leave shall give their
supervi5nr an opporturiity, within the limits of the military
il requirement, to determine when such leavc shall be tak:en.
I', Section 8.b J~iry_D~rty
Employees called for jury duty shall ba paid the difference
fnr such npn-wor-k time between the base sc~lary they wnuld havE~
earned had they nol b~en required to serve or be in attendance and
t_he t~asc s,alary, e>;clu,ive uf any mileaye allowanca, receivc:d for
~~uch sE~rvice,
Secti on 7 TE~m~~~rary_Di snbi 1 i ty_Esencf i t=s
Any employee sustair~ing nn injury ai~ising out of, or in the
cours>e~ of, the perform:ncr of his ji~b and who cannot work: at the
dutie~.; .cind res,pcn~isa.ibilitie~ norrt~~~lly assigned to tli~t job i~a
entitl«:~d tu receive te:mpurary di~dbility payments: as prescribed by
u~tE~te lc+w.
Any employee entitled to r~ceive temporary disability payments
may el~~ct to suppl~~ment such pnyment~~ with an amount not to e~;ceed
that whir_h 1:; the employee's weekly earnings or week:ly earning
c.apacily by us;e of sick: lcave. payments L-o the e~:tent that SLILII
sic~; ltav~ has been accru~d to ttie empluyee's account.
~ • ~
' :ie~_Liar~ u.1~ I_1~itr~rr-~~._ty_Lerav_F,
Girq~lo~i,~_rc: ~~hall be qr-~nt_r_~d n~~:~t~~rnily leeavc:~ wit.h'iouC p~ay ii they
I~~v~_ t~een c;mployc:~d by the Cily for- at leasl- twelvr (1„> continuoias
~nonths, an~ havEa e;:ha~isted their sic4:: leave. Lik:e other
nun-incli_istrial disabilities, emplc~yeea may uscs ~~icl<: leave and
v~:~catiun leave ta >uppleme~t lost w~ges. The City will pay he~lth
and weJtare benefit_~ at the samk rate as przor i:o the 1Gave ~.intil
khe employee is released by her physician to r~turn to work or for
si>:ty (6G) days, whichever- comes fir~t.
! Section 8.9 Attendan.r_e
EmE:~loyee~~ shall b~ t;;per_ted to rE~port for work promptly at the
start of each work: perio~ ancl to perfurm their given work
~ssignments dilig~ntly until the erid of that worl: period. An
emp~loyee who is not able to da so shall so arJviss~= his supervisor
of tli~~t {act at tfie earliest possible time after that fact is
I::nown Lc~ him/her. Ah~.ise o+ attendanr_e ~^eq~~ire.ments may be yruunds
fur- apprc~priate dis~ipltnary ~etiun.
aectiqn F3,9.
Adequatr and proper attendance recor-ds shall be m~lntained far
c•ar_h cmploye~~ wh~ch records shall form the basis for payroll and
accounting reyuirements.
. Sk'ctinn 9.ii • •
. 0_v_ci_ t i rne--
Tt ~;hall be llie pulicy of the City to I:r>~p overtimF~ at a
mini~num, WhE~ situations arise which r~r~uire an employee to
per-fai~m outside ~f the normal worl; week, compensation shall be
madk li7 one of the followiny ways.
Sectian 9.1 Non_E;_Nrngt._~7v_Frtime
All approved work perfurmed by employees in e,;cess of 4C~ huurs
in a sevE~n d~y wor4c we~k, shall b~ paid at the rate uf one and
nnc-half (1 1/~) times the normal rate of pay, Wor{,, pErformed pn
rE:gul ~~rl y s~hedul ed days off , Ci ty Nol i days or d~~r-i ng ~n
err~pluyee's scheduled vacation shall Ge considered to 6e overtime
~ a~d paid accnrdinyly.
Section hlana1emenk_and_Confidential_Ov_ertime
All approveci wor{; in e>;cess ot tfie norrtial work day or normal
riurk wrrcl:: performeq by employees occupying positions officially
desiynated a~~ mar~ayement or confidential and not otherwi~e
cornpensated shall be com~ens~ted with campensatory timE~ off ih
~iF':~ for the time so wor4;c:d. Such cnmpensatory time off
shall no1: be offirially r~corded foi^ attencla~nce and payrnil
u~~rPosEas, :~nd sti~ll be ta4::en at ~uch times within thE calendar
Y~'~r in which it is earned ~s is mutu211y ayreed upun betwee~n the
empluy~e ancJ the sup~rvising Department Head.
' Sc~ctia-~ 9. _ St.anc -I"=ay •
. E=mployees wl~o a,-e r~eqi.iir-e~ to ma4::e Yhcroselve~~ avaxi~ble for
bE:ring called bark: to wor-4: outsid~a the normal a~orl: peric~d <;h~i11. be
compensated for sucn stand-by assignment at the rate of l~~IUU.Qi~
p~r- w~F4: for each wee.4; =>o assigned.
Section lu.U Lontini_ious_Serv_ic~
Lontinuou5 service shali be defined a~ the uninterrupted
<~ervice of an employee from the date of his latest appointment to
the then present time. Continuous service shall be broF:en through
death, diacharge:, re~;ic~nation, retir~ment or layoffs e;;ceeding
twelve (1~> munths duration without the employce having been
r•einstated. C~ntinuous service ~hall be inl-Frrupt~.d throuyh a
le~ivc. ot absence without pay e:,c.eeding ten (10) wcirk: days, l~yoff5
and su~speansions e::ceeding ten (10> work: day~.
Section 1G.1 Fc:~imbi.~rs~ment fc~r_Tr_~v_el_and_Oth~r- E~Qen~es
Fmpluyee~s who occas:ionally are reyuired to use their personal
, ~ehir_les for City busine~s shall bc- reimbursed for such use ~t an
appropriate rate to be determined by a schedule adopted 6y the
City Lruncil. S~it~mi5!;ior'~ of a request +or rt~imbursemcnt mus't be
~~pproved by thE: Depar'tment Head.
Section lU.i.l
' ~t~ Emplc~yees, utl-~er- than Uepartment Hleads who are require~ to
' use their personal vehcile fnr Cit:y busin~ss; on a rr~~curring and
' often ba~is shall, with the approval of the (~ppointing Authority
be reimbursed ;:vt the rate of fifty dollars (Y~~,O) per month for the
given numt~er of milc~s to be determined by a schedule adopted by
the City Cc~uncii ~t the e~,tablisht~d r~te per mile for each mile in
e:<ces~~ of the af orem~nt i oned mi 1~age rei mbursement of ti5~1, l'~l'~,
• b) Lmployet~a ~ier thdn Dep.:+rt~lienL HeaJ~Y~o were hir ed priur
, tu hlar-cli , 1Y7~ .~nrl wlio are i'F°imbur~,~_rd fo~- the u~_;e of tl-~eir-
~,ers~:in~_~l vt-fitcJa~ fur GiLy b~.isine~as ~~t the rate of ,eventy-five
dollars (Y75) pF~r month fur ~;uch usr.~ stiall continue to receive
' ~aid reirn6ursement without the req~nrement oi reporting a record
, of mi 1 E_ ~ge i nc~ar red on Ci L-y busi nesss~. The e;:c~pt i on ta thi s
! par~yraph ~:hall l-ie~ tY~e As,istant City Engineer and the Assist~nt
to the City M~~n2yer- who shn11 be reimbursed at a ratc of a~e
I hundrecl dollars (31UU) per mnnth.
II c) Depar-tment He~ds who ar-e not provided a City automobile
j shnil be reimbursHd for the u~;t of their personal e~uiumobil~ fnr
'i iiity busines, at the r~+tc of one-hundred fifty dollars (~15U) per
month and at an appropriate r-ate ka be determined by a schedul~
, adopted by the City Council for each mile in e;;c~ss of an amount
alsu tci be dc>termined by t.he City Council (see F~sulution #::,~>~~6,
dated Ptr~y 2~"t 1979) .
Section lii.l.~
, Employee~~ who are required to advance pNrsanal f~mds for the
pi.irchase uf ~ninc.~r materials and supplit:s or for other approved
ser'vi~es duriny Lhea perfurmancc uf or erising vut ot the duties
assigned to th~~ employe~ts work shalt be re.imbursF>d for funds so
jE.'l_ t 1 l!Il 111.
Th~_~ Appuintiny Authority may prescribe such administrative
r~.ilr_+s and regulatiun~, gavern:~ny khe allowable and y1Ti0Uflts of
such r-eimbur-sable er.penditures and the method~ and procedures
usable to substanl-iate and process submittF~d claims.
Settion 10.2 Layoffs
t_ayoff=_, of employee> may be made by the Appointing Authority
' +c~r l~~cl; uf fur~. of wcrE: o~~ for oth~ sim~lar and just
. , cai_is~=. Th~f_ ui-der n; ]ayoff =.ha1.1 Lic tl-iat which. in ihe opinlon uf
t:tie~ Il~:ipoir~l_; nq R~.itt~~:~r l t_Y, will c.:~use t.he le~~st cJi>ruptiorr of
service to the Ciky.
Unl e:s~s c~th~rwi s~ prcvented from doi ny so a~ a resul t of
con~i.F.xons or >ituratians ~i=yond thE City'~ cuntrnl. The City will
r;rovide a minirnum of thirty (:~~i) d~y=; natice to any cmployee
subject to UEinr~ laid aff pursuant to the F"tule on layoff5,
Sectian l~i.~,i Rei~~tatements
The names of employees affected by layoff shall be placed on a
recall ].i~t f~r- a periad of two year~ in the rever~er order uf
layoff ;nd sliall have the first opp;~rtunity for r~instatement.
Failure. to respond within Cen days tn a written ~iotice of such
oRpor-tunity shall CclL15E? that name to bE removed from the rec~ll
l~Jith the aF:~proval of the Appointing Authoraty, ~ perman~nt or
~rob~.kionnry empioyct~ wh~ h~as resigned with a good wai~k record may
t~c reinstated wilttiin twenty-four mnnths of the ef{ective d~te of
resignation t.o a var_ant position in the samr or cornp;rable class
~-~E~she prev~ously occuptied. Upon reinstatement the emplayee, fur
all purposes, shall b~ considerNd as thouyh they had rnceiveG ~n
ori y~ r~al aPPoi ntri~erit.
Seart~ur7 14,~ ._S'eniority
Seniority shall be defined a!~ the length of contin~~ous service
in a ~iven cla~ssif~catian, Seniorzty sh~~ll not bE~ affected by ~i
chanyc~ in the allocatian of a posiiton, by a chanye in the class
sGecificatior7s or by a change in the evaluation of the class of
~ S~ckion 1~i,4 "fr a nn I~rc;; r~jm~s
, Il' shall bc: lf~e~ ~;c.~licy of kh~: ~'ity ta encourayt employeF~
partici~raitic~n iri tr~_i, program<a whicl`~ a~iil bez oF ~errcfit tu the
i=mployec ~n~ L'he Clty in the better perfnrmance of his/her work
and ~s a me:ans of prc,vidiny assist~ncE~ tc~ the employee Wualifyiny
far promotion~il oppurt~~nitie;. The Appointing Authority m~y
prescri6e suitabl~ requl,~tion~~ and yuidelines under which auch
progr-ams may l~e administerr~d.
~ection lU.~ 5ugge,tiun SyStr_m
5uggestion~ of employees relating to the improvement of work
, r-elnt~d rnatters shail be encouraged, The mcaans of receiviny,
F'r6~~'»i~9 =md implementiny such suggestions as w~ll as the method
of 9iving appropriate recognition thereto shall te as prescribed
by tY;~ Appointiny Authurity.
Se~tian iG.b Hos~it~~1i_akxon,,_Meclic~al1_Dental_ancl_Life
, Insur-an~_~ F'roi r-~ms
- 3----
It shall be: the policy of the City to provide si.~itable grqup
huspit;alizat~on, medzcal, dcntal and life insurance programs under
which empluyee~> and their dtp~nde~ts may b~ covered. The needs of
the employee~ ~shall he given due consideration.
Sc~cti~~n 11.0 Merrioranda_~~f_Llnde~_~tanding
Rules r~elatiny tu thiose matters of mutuai intt:rnst and c~ncern
betwe:e,•ri Ci ty rn :nayerc~ent and L'i ty empl oyees o-ihi ch <are sub j ect to
me~ting and c~~n4c~ri-ing in gaod f~ith shall be as mutually a~r-eFd
to between the two p~rties and approved by the City Council in
the Merooranda of UnderS~.anding. Tn the abs~nce uf such ma?moranda
the rules contained herein shail apply wherever- applicablE.
• In the~ ,itisenc~~ o~~~y ~,pecific rule on any g~n mattF~r the City
, Manager- in th.'at c.apacity or " Z~> the Fippointing Ai_~tl~inr'ity sha11.
e>taL,l~e;i-i suil:able policies by admini~~Lrative r~Equl~ations ancl
u~~ders which shsll be consiaer~d as su~pl~mental hereto unless or-
until arnended or ~uperseded.