CC Resolution No. 6473 ~ ~ • t . RESOI.UTION NU. 6473 A RF.SOLIITION 01' TFIf: CITY COIINCII. OF 'fH}i CI'C'Y 0~ CUI'I:KTINO TRAIi5FERRINC '~'H6 I'RIVATIi AC'CIVTTY 80NU AI,LOCA'L'LON OF 'fHF, CCPY OF' L'UPlilt'fINO WHERF;t\S, pursuank to the '1';~x ReForm Act of 1934 (Public l.aw 98-369) and the Covernor's Yroclamatinn of July 19, l9$4 implementin~; said Act, the (:ity o1' Cupertino (the "City") has r~~celved a private nctivtty bond allo- cation in tht amount of $1,750,000 all for the calendar year 1984; and ~ WHEREA5, it is not expected that [he Gity wiil uCilizc the full amount of such allocation fur the issuance of prlvate activity bonds during 1984; ' and , WIIERCAS, the Vroclamatfon pcrmiCS tl~c City to trnnsfor to the State of : r;:ilifornta ~~r any otht:r local agency alL or any portion of its prtvate activity bond allocation in any c~lendar year; and WH@RI;AS. thc C1ty wishes to cooperate wiCh [he Sta[e and other loc:al governments which may need allocation in 19H4; and WIIERIiAS, Ghe City ~mdi~r~;[ands that the State acting throuqh it:; Urbt I.imit A11.ocation Conunitleo [s willtng to acl ~s a clcaringhuusc to asstst In the mos[ efficient u[illzatiun of allucatLons in 1934, NOW, TI{f:Kt:PORF., BE IT RGSOLVEll by the Clty Council of thc City oF Cuper- tino ~s tollows: I. The~ Ciry of (:uper[inn hereby transfcrs to the Stato of Calitornt.i thc :~~r,~;rc:gatc amounC of $1,75U,OQp atl of thc Ctty's unusEd privatt• :~ctiv(tY hund all<~catton for 1984 ~md~~r the Ac•t .ind thcr Cnvernor's Proct:~ma[ton. Suc1i alloc•a[ion may be tr:uisfer~•ed by the C.~lifornia Uob[ I.imi~ Altocation Cumr.~it~ec co any other state agi~ncy or locnl aqency as suc•h Commtttoe may d~~•m approprlate, and may he used by any such Cransferec For a carryforward elc~ctton. 2. Thc~ City Cl~~rk ts herohy dlroctcd Co immedtatcll' transmIt a ci~rtift~d copy of thi~; resoluCian to the C;~lifurnia lleht I.imlt A1loi~alion CommllCee. 3. This re::olut[on shall take eCCc^ct immedlatel.y upo? its passaFc•. PASSF.U ANll ADC)F'I'1•:U at a ri,kular mec•tin{; of th~~ City (:ouncil of the City ~~f Cupurtino this l7Ch dny oC Ucccmbcr, 19$4 by [he [ollowinR vaCc; Vot^ M~~mbcrs oC the (:ltv Coimr i 1 AYI3S: Catto, Pl'ungy, Roticr~, SEi:iCks, Johnson ` y01~S: Nnnc At;S6NT: None \ AISSTAIJI: Nonc ~11~5 • API'1' hD ~ l' ~ _ ~~'r..,._ _ _ i - _ - CitY (,loek Piri~~~~ , j.i,4~ ci Cuprrtinc~ f ~