00080154 (3) CITYBUIoFNcuPERTNNo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT lid ILDING ADDRISS: PERMIT NO, OWNER'S NANh:472 - - - APPLICAI'ION.I A '•- ZONE: \IM YONGSOO1:11,10AROER 1I SANI'1'ARYN(. C(1. C ARCHI1FC'T`ENGINI;rR: v — BUILDING PERMITINFO lihl%'i [LIiCT PLUMB MliCll U - Z��7 LICENSED C'ONTRACFOR'S DECL\RA7'ION - Job Description v I In mby affirm that l am licensad under Noviaions of Chapter 9(commencing p �rz with Section 7000)of Divi.inn3uf the liu.i....a..I Professions Cidc/and my license iu t'ulll'otcc an II•t �1. ii«n%eclax% — Li1.« 22 73 REMOVE SHAKES, INSTALL 1/2 CD X GLYWOOC x 9 a O Dnte _ _ �a-o— Contractor ce 5 a as ARCIII'rECr'S DECLARATION twig Iuadcl.In:da,ypinn.anJlhenwd:LpnnliemamJ. FELT, LIGHTWEIGHT CLAY TILE ani p O Licensed ProfessionalM OWNIiRiBOILDER DECLARATION e =v 1 hereby affirm'I'm 1 ton oxanan tram the Cn immmr's Liceme I.uw fur that F Z a following mown.(Semon 7031.5,Bmhws%and Pmfcssiun.Codc:Any city or county fo which req pc nim nw c . ct hen' ,p J IIh p sram y, c - 61j2 ma I. Iry 4 .tit PPIi<mf ch pc a fl 6 J.ttmens Irtn tl rat tt m p ,n, r n c t t 'eL 1 (cn pr,9 Sy. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 70hi at Drom..o 3 of teat Bu'n111and I'...aWra%Cn]I) or that he is exump,Iherefmo,and the basis fur the alleged csempdon.Any Imlmion Of Section 703 L5 by any applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty art not Imre man five I,uadmtl dolim,(5500,. APN Number Occupancy Type oLasnwurrofthe prnperay.mtnyemployccrwith w.,u,a,mei-olea...1penxatim,. $12621 will Jo the work,and he,tmantre is not intended tar altered for alc(Sec.7044. 13.,11111%and Pruhe,,imn Code:The Contractor',Liccnw,Law dues not apply to an Required Inspections r ahmn rt proper,who build.m ,4ne, ,crenn,tlad won dins\ace work bimwtlr 36624057. 00 as,through hit own eagbycee.provhlcd that Inch hnpnwlmem,am not inteadcd or offered on sale.IL howcseo the building or improvement is,old within one year of completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not!wild or moms ser partro""I,al'.). 305 — FRAME 01.a,owner Of pmpenr.amexchi%ind,emnmming with licensed contmai"to 307 — INSULATION Linstruct the project(Scc.TM4,Bminca and 1'ndcssionre Cade:)The Contructur's ininw Law doe,non apply to to,awmrIr prop«1y who h"hd,m impnw",maroon. 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF and who contracts for such projects wit),a contmcmr s)accused pursuam to the Contmctnrs License Law. 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL ' ❑I on exempt ander Sec. .H A,P C for this reason 603 — ROOF BATTENS WORKER'SCOMPENSATION DECLARATION 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS I boron,"mini ander p a Ce of I+,'Jury ono:watt itlilbwing dedfor Wor: C I bine and will maintain t Certificate of Cement Il uladyer for Worker ComP•.11vt ion, a% provided fir by Section 3700 of the LaWr Cole, for she perfnnnuucl ill see work for which mli%permit i1 mated ❑I has the will Lobar Code.n or the Pe fo mance 01 t e work f r whit thi ny Section 37W of,heorker Cale,for the Performance of the work for which mire pcm,it in lowed,MA'Y nWn,n,,`,A'cr'x Gnnpcn%atinn Inwrancl carrier anti Policy numhe��r••��arep: CNlee_"aAJ folic,Na.: H I'l1ICATION OF EXEMPT[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Q/ I'Ibis section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollar, ($100)or Ie") I"Tiny that in Inc perbnname al the work for which at,pooh is i„ued,i mill not employ any pcnon in any manner so a%In necnme subject in the WorkccJ - Compensation Laws of California.Date Applin at N'OI IC17,'10 APPLICANT:IL;deer making this Certificate at Extn,ption.San d a:dd necotm aubjen m the Work,,Campen,anor pravisianl of the Inbar Cade,yon man ' O C forthwith comply with auto provision,or this pcm,it shall bo dmmcd revoked. Z p_J CONS'I'RLUION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby alliin,that there is a contortion lconingtgeney for the l,courmnnce of the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097•Civ.C.) ❑ Lcudcr're Name = 7 bunch,',AdJes, U 1 comity that I have mad this application and state thin the anove information is G. E.. comet.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and%tate laws relating 0 C.1 mhulldingcongn¢tlnn,and bcrchy authorize representatives ofthis city to enter upon } rya the m.wounersuined autwa,In,impcnion or %I,. F-' 6, Date)agree in save.indemnify and kelp hannle,s the City of Cupemno again, Z) liabilities,judgmenn,cis%and cxpen%cs which may in any way aerate against said U Z City Ia consequence of the gron ing of this permit. ^ APPLICANT LINO RSTANDSANDWILLCOMPLYWITHALLNONJ%OINT SOURC Issued by: Date L 51k ffliu Sigautom Applimnr/Comm,uu 6- Date Re-roofs HALIRDOUS MAI TRIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or lutum huilding tccupanrttore ar handle harandur.numeral Type of Roof are defined by the Cupertino municipal Cude.Chapter 9.I],aad the lmalm aad safety Code.Scodor 25534(.)7 ❑Vere ❑No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove it noadmis air c"numinann as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management ismer) all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Y,, ON. all non-point source regulations. have mad the hvmdous materials rcyuimn3ns under 4.1 l 6.95 of the it he build iHoUlthn,do AC Sal Codle.Soctians 25505.2,9533to k ni nd 4553,.1 nn%Ic„mud that tithe anilOf t aces nils onrt,amend,hove a mount,tett it is to issuance Oility a niftily,of ��-D he occupant of she u ems which moat M met prior m issuance of a Certificate of . �ig %tore of Applicant Date Qlk1L2_ ZZ a4 J aathnri.,�d agent Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better