07120225 (2) FNER'S ITY OF CUPERTINO ��s,�� BUILDING DIVISION. PERMIT kVo1�-YV1''tl l�'cjteA�'yOfr�f'AIA/ s ° IN ❑ ES PERMFTNO. iInflD� K STGLLTNG RD LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT 07120225 WNAME: PERMrr LSUEDATE AS PALMAS STELLTNG LLC 1307 S .MARY AVE STE 120 09/03/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO NEW TWO STORY TOWNHOUSE BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u00 169 GF LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ' aF!� I herebyaffirm that I w licensed under pmviaioas of Chapter 9(commosemil Job Description �erZE with Section lle)ND'"'' 3hfthe Business WPrafesdw COVd�e[.)�gd myl,ecmeu in full face antl effect. YC (J33 r( CJZ Own, . J Lie. meq Da¢ Cs DizcDECrL i✓1 7W '^ AR If1ECsLARATION DAU /wl U I uMcrsanJ my plans Nall W used as PUM1Iic rsoNa Ga s G� Licensed Pmfcsnional V - 5 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION - .� f I hcmby aflrm that 1 am acmpl from the Conuanors Uccnw Law for the 00 fallowing reason,fSectiun 7031.5.Business and Pmfessiom Code:My city.11...1, $Pi which requires a Permit to comrmm.slur,impmw,demolish.or repair any suverum _Zy Prim an its issuance.star rectums the Applicant for such pemtit to fila a signed sum ical pp "ba is liccamd pursuant to tho Provisions Of ft Contracten"License Law(Chapser 9 Sq.FL Floor Area Valuation y $ (commencing with Scedon 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cook)Or that the Is exempt therefrom and Ile basis(m the alleged eumption.Any violation of Secdm 703"by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicants to a civil Penalty of APN Number Occupancy e mat mare Ilan eve hundred dollms(5300). P Y +]�yy'P E I,nmmroftbopmpmyormYemploywwiNmgmulhe mkcompenudon. and tlo Newons Code:The ontumtuLia hrane does a(Sec.in sur Bosuns alta property lu9as Code:The Conlracmrt and w1be law tach act apply lf an sums is Required Inspections man enywho WildaorimProwachimprwments who doe samhwakhimalforNrough his ownr,cr.metf,dovided pnat such imptmid wimin an[intended of ompletred for humn, safe.If. however.Ne building ft orimpmwmmn It mid ed did will haw Ile burden of taming Nos k did rot build or improve(m purpose of ' ❑I.u owner of the property,am exeluiwly eoulMinL with licemud comma m s to construct ft majM(Sec.701x,Beat..and Professions Code:)The Couu,esora Li- . ..law does not apply in an owner of property who Wires or impasses thereon.antl who coupes for such projects with aconuacmr(O licensed pursuant m the Contractors Licence U- 0'...."underSec. .B&PCfurlhisrenan Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby air=under penalty of perjury one of the following declalNmcm E I haw and will maintain a Ccnifinu of Conant to self-Iume fm Workers Continua. sataun,as provided for by Section 3100 of the labor Code,for dm performers of am work for which this Permit is wood. E 1 have and will maintain Worters Compensation lamer nee.as required by Section 37Wo(me labor Code.for NC Performance of the wort forwhich this permit is issued. My Wohrls Compensman Iwrvue carrier and Policy number ere: Canis: R W_�G�1l;.I�Policy No.: CEICfIFIGTE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE . (Odsseemat head not be campkud if the Permit is forme hundrt9doll.(SIM) muni) I certify Nal in the performance of the work for which Nix permit is issued,I Nall ant employ any person in my maonera as to become subject to do Workers'Compensation U.of Califamis,Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject in Ne Workers Compensation provisions of Ne labor Code.you mum .J O forthwith comply with such Fovisiom or Nis Permit shall W decmW mmkcd. ..- y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY (-+ Iherebyaffrm that ft.a.eomuucdm lemdingageney for the surfornametuf C > Ne wale ran which Thu Permit Is issued(Ser.3097.Cir.C.) .. QLanders Name z Lenders Add. U p 1 mtify that l law read this application and sera that On abuse information Is LT. cones I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and a=Iowa misting m .0 building commuctum.and hereby suthoria mp,ematives of this city to calm upon tit shave-nommand property for impeNon purposes. CL Wc) Io sew.indemnify dkeephwksslhe Ch (Cuperlino,gainst tjr/) liabilid gm .e ea which a it way agumisid Cuy x me ling of ^ A LI ER A W OMP L ITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date �c `]•a Zr so GULATIo Re-roofs w ngnuure ofApplicaHAZARama Data HAZARD SMATERIALSOISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will ticappliant or forum Wll "n9 me IN.Thandkhaardoumaarial ss dcfned by Ne Cape Mums Cadc.Gaper 9.13,and the Health and Safety .scum zss3z(,n All roofs shall be inspected prior to an roofing material beim ❑tier P P Y g g installed. Will On.pplicans (alae building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove emit hwommus air cmlemin,nts dcfmd by the Bay Ama Air Quality Managcmenl all new materials for inspection. D thiel? Etih No Ihawmwlthehasmmmrmkri qui a Ierb.93 of the Glife, nu Health Codc,Scc' U rsund than Rthc Wilding Jus y l nlil neof,the occupant of du regniremcna ora ruampf 'Pency.� Signature of Applicant Date G. or a aedagcm Dam All roof coverings to be Class'jg"or better