07120217 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO 7.!«��ayp�$,&ks BUILDING DIVISION PERMITCl[t�� QR jAf g7�'V1.�an+ A� 1\ BUILDING, DDRESS: PERMR NO. U;�1 / N STEI.,L1.NG RD LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT 07120217 W NER'S NAME: PERAVf ISSUE DATE I.AS PAI.,MAS STELLING LLC 1307 S MARY AVE STE 120 09/03/2008 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHI]ECf/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMR INFO NEW TWO STORY-TO HOUSE BLDG ELECT PLunIB MEcx O O O 0 �Op LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION ' Job Description WE I hereby affirm that 1 an licensed under provision of Chapter 9(commencing P x NSectioa70710)-T..sa.3 ofthe Business and Professions Code.and my licensee ^=H nrfull forte and effect. �( 33C 7 p2'Z Lima= fY.N T o l- Dam Conlractar D RARCHRECI'S DECLARATION e oqT 1 un icresnd my plana shall he used In wblic r cods 3yu eQ� g0� Encased Pm(rssionl 3 OWNER-BURDER DECLARATION 1 hcmby,afrrm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's Licenm law for the 00 fallowing mason.(Section 7UJ 1.5,Business and Profesnbns Cade:Any city or county 3 8! which rmuima.permit to construct Alar.improve,mntoluh,or repair any structure _iprior its issuance.alar,requires the applicant for such permit w Bk asignal summcnl Ia w ss ti tom he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the ConBaaters License law(Chaps 9 Sq.Ft.Floor Area Valuation Is I-a (commencing with Section 71100)ofDivision J of the Business and Professions Com)or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis fon the alleged exemption.Any violation of Schon 7071.5 by airy applicant for a Permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty of APN Number Occupancy Type trot¢ort teas lave h rndmJ dollus(5500). 0 I,In owner of the property,or my employees with wages In Neo sale compeaallon• will do the woe,and the wucwm la nor Awarded ouRmed for aab(Sec.7014,Business Required Inspections And Pro W leu Cade Tee Conracwh Liowe law does not apply 1f an owner of q P pmpem w•ho builds serimpuveach improvements r andwhe doessure woe himself edthrouae his owe employee•provimd that antro improvements are m1 yarded mo nion,dosaln If. however,Ne Wilding ha improvement 4 said Wthn et year of mproe far Ns r,wmr- builder will have the anther of proving that he did not build w improve far wrpose of - 0 1.O owns of the property.w caelwively contracting with Bowed omtraoms w construct the mojm(Sec.706x.Business and Professions Cade:)The Countesses Li- ve Law does not apply to an cancer of Property who milds or improv thereon,and , who contracts far each projects with a emmax wr(s)licensed punom w de Guarantors Isena Law. O lamuemwunder Sae ,B&PCfothis. saner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hwebY affom under Penalty of penjury cam of the following declaration¢ - ❑I h,m and will maintain•tion 37 teof Cr,nsem w xelRinua fm weM1sta ce of the Oban, r provided for ni Section 7]00 of the labor Code.for the Pertormeetce a(the wont far which Nu permit is inued. 0 1 have and will maintain Workee.Corepersssiun Insurance,as a ialred by Salim 3700ufdec labor Cab.for the perfomtanccor the work for which this Permit is issued. ' My Wankel''ComPenatim. sueas.carrier and Policy number Are. Carder-. Poliry N^.: CERPIF'IE�'IEO XPIION FROM WO ERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE . fAbumcdon nccd rotbecompleted if t e Permit is Inrcam hundred Oil=(SIWI ter leu) 1 cadfy Ihet I.the perfone.of the work fon which this Permit A Wood.l shall not umploy,sy person Iran,manmrw In In become subject to Lie Workers'Compensation Laws of California Dan Appian, NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,afar making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become nd,j.as Ne Wohch Compensation provisions of the tabor Code,you mew .J O forthwith comply with each provision or this Permit shall b=damcd mooted, EV) CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [-+� Iheneby,fDrm that then u a conslru:tinn lending Agency fm the Performance of 6i the work fon which thus Permit Is Wood(Sm 3097,Cih,C.) W�Q lender'.Name =z Lo me.Address U O I gratify that 1 have rod this application seed sure this the above information is - IL`­Icorrect.l Agree,w comply with all city sad county ordinances and state laws relating to 0 building construction,and hereby aubonm¢presentativ of Nu city w enter upon do � I37 anew.-men lmad property for Waded.purposes. '•t G (we)al to Ove•indemnify and trap harmless the City of Cupertino against V Z Iiabllltin,judgmms,cots and expenses which yin y way.mucagalwt Gid City In e C of tandn of thn all t-^ APP ERST LL PLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date nun gl�_d(�j Re-roofs tgewum of App son wcwr Data D=b MATERIALa DISCLOSURE Type Of ROOF Will y t applicant a fMuni building occupant rwm o And the h Health a ntaterisi In mRSec by 01 CuPenim MUMnwI .Chapter 9.12 and the Health and Safety ode.section usJz(.)] ❑Yu a All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. `1 tem N=app0=anerr meso Wilding a cawrt we=gmpmem a ma es wrier If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove eemithandoas air conuntionts O der d by the Bay AeaAir(ulWiLY Managemcm all new materials for inspection. 0y. lhavewvlda by materisie mquimemata unser Chapter b.95eflheCsiifo- niaHeallh&SdciyC=d4Sccdats15505.355 556.IunticrsuetlthuifNc building 21h&n.d mx mobilityw¢drytheocculasmorNe I ens roe of.Cewrc.warampanjSignatureofApplicant Date *Otero,or n1 Dia All roof coverings to be Class's"or better i