CC Resolution No. 6369 • RIi501,U1'ION N0. 63G9 • A RESOI.U'CCON OF T}IE C11'Y COUNCLL oF 'CHIi CITY I1P CUPIiR'CLNO ~ FIXING 7'HE EPIPLOYER'S C~N'fRIBU'PION ONUER 'I'lIE MBYERS- GEDllES STATE FMPI.OYGES MGULCAL AND HOSPITAL CARE AC'C ' WIIF.RF,AS, the Government Code Seciton 22825.6 prov(des that a local agency contracting under the Meyers-Ceddes State Employees' Medical' ~ ~ and Hospital Care Act shall fix the amount of the employer's contricution at an amount no[ less [han the amount required under Section 22825 of the Ac[; and ' W}tBkEAS, the City of Cupertino is a local aRency cuntrac[ing • under [he Act; NOW, THERF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVF.D tha[ [he employer's con[ribution f~r each employee/annuitan[ shall be the amount necessary to pay the c<,s[ of his/her enrollment, including Che enrollment of his/her family members, in a health benefit plan or plans, up to a maximum of Code Bargaining Uni[ Cost Per Month O1 Management $185.00 02 ConEidential $185.00 • 03 Miscellaneous $180.00 PASSF.D AND ADOPTED nt a regular meeting of the City CouncLl oE the ::ity o( Cupc•rcino this 2nd day of July ,1984 by the following vote: ~\YF.S: ~atto, Jolinson, Rogers, Sparks, Plungy NOh:S : None ABStiNT: None AB5TAIN: None APPROVF.D: • a r, ty of Cupert ATTEST: City Clerk