S 2343 (2) APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPER'TINO BUILDING-ELEC1'R1 CAI, PERNU I'NO, BUILDING DIVISION APPIACATIONIPERMIT PI-urHHNG-MEC,HANICL �] I5GI LDING PIEOJECF IIIEN'I'I FICA][ON J BUI.MING wrIiSS'. SANITARY N(1. APPLICADON SUBML'(-IAL DATE of p UR��e Cit �rtmo cA 9so �y-' ��i OW,,[ 5 NAME, I �O PHONE:� I - CON IHA EOR'S NAME: LIC NO: V` fln, Or- /� ^y� /� NIC CON'IRIILp ^CIIITECI'/LNOINIiFW LICNO: 296/Ll�/IlAS / 'em�/� `�••9¢S39 ❑ O - /eNn ��IVit CONTACT. PHONE: BUILDING PERMrf INFO G/eyq C¢ti (:;23.7B9t ❑ Consullanl Fees Paid by Applicant Qnilifd) BLDG LICI PLUMB MICH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION QTY. ELGCI'RIC I'L'RMFF FEE ItJ CJ Lrn`Y/ I thereby arena mm 1 at',fi.en.ad nmmt pmnislnm m C,na"e.9(e..mmea:ing ('�/� JOB DESCRIPTION W 00 ZO with ScOm.70M)ofDivision 3oftheBosinessand Pmfeasiom CWavndmy belows PERMITISSUANCIS f / V RESIDENTIAL; CIF- In full forccundrhr,,. ❑SFOWL 6 KITCHEN kEMODEL QUO License Class Lic.N APPL.IANCCS-RESIDENTIAL *ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE-11111E F L¢I Unto Contractor vat Qy ❑MUI,TI.UNII' []STRUCTURAL ARCI{O'IiCPS DIiCLARATI(1N F'z I nnderatmd my plum.��ll h used ev public mmnp S M(IUIhICATION OZrN— U1"1Y 11 I'S XHER� IOR ❑CHIMNEY RI?PAIR 1:�P]W Licenced Prutc,wional I-11 PS VEMENT (3SW[MMINGPOOL.S OWNER-BUILDER DECLARRI']ON IiR MIL NEMODELIREPAIR []DEMOLITION C C Q I hcrchy affirm that 1 ant cecmpt from Inc Contractors Licemc I nw for the XO a FU- following reason.(Seetina 9011.5,Holmes,z I Rol'ecsinnn Code'.Any city or cuu'nY SIG .I,I 'HLT which re 't e,construct,am,improve,mlnmlish,or repair any Slmnure0� "i q 'k I h p(f.. If hl a tl .. g Ia ,Bel I: ALCI ) IISCE[5p„Ymal dP nua tit p s Ith L I I 1 La (Ch pter9 I - �a�� (cmnumrnmg wnh Sono h"IIXNpnf D'v xiunInflhv Branca.md lmfsvionv Gdc)or TI:MP.MICI'E NIY)LEINST. M S e C that he is esempl Ihcmfmnn and the basis or he alleged aanptinn.Any vlulminn ill ❑NE BhUGIADDTTION ❑UEMOLI'TION X04- Section 9031.5 M1y any r,51am for a Inn il1-meet.Thu applicant n aeivil penally of P(1WFR Il 1 :P [I TENANT 0FOOD SERVICE W rn al mmrc Than Five hundred dollar,(S510). ,ZO I.asownendthc n OTHER IV EMEN'1' ❑ property, ne ran, ded or oacmc for sol.enm.lmsaamq SN'IMMIN 1'HIC El F will dutn,sion,Code: Unt nummucto %License Law d( % o applyNice10 an. caner o • O a3°�^° and coy wl nh cd.,4.r"contmeln a Livens.Law d«s no apply to l4. owner m ouru;Ts- cure-nxruREs pmpuny whooyees.or sided that t such apo who Joey m n tints deedhanor oreredf l his own employees,pnrviJ.J ILm such impmvuwms em not intended lir offered for NIiW BESIDES'I'Al.11111i6i SQ Irl'. sale ll:haw s.me huikling lir inhprn em iv Bald within oneycmofe ablmiun.the SQ.IT.ILOOH AREA S/SQ.19'. ansmar-builder will have the burden of proving that he did nal M1uild lir improve Ibr pur- $pmwnfstd..). (�q�• dhd�,m owner at the pmpeny,,B ext ss and contracting will licensed contractor,ones tinct the pn,iem(see.sal,Bnam.:.and rroresai fns cote)The commrn,rs u- seLawAre.nm apply man awhhur of Property woo Huila.mringames mcrenn.and QTY. PLUMHING PERMIT PEC who contracts for such projmd with v cc mrui licenwil pursuant Ire the Conarcmrs Liecnsc Law. 1'IEIi MII'ISSIIANCIi ❑ I am ca.trtpt u der Sec. .B&P C Inr this mama ` ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-NATER(IiAI ^�VALUATION owt - to U[�"I/ hL W(IRKEk'S COMI'ENSA'TION DEChARATION SACK FLOW 1'ROtliCT.DEVICE XV 11 y affirm under penally of perjury,line of lire fllowing Jeclarullon.c. 1haveand will maintain aCenificatnof Consenttolelf-insure far Worker's Camper- DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF.AREA.COND. STORK '1'YI'Ii CONSTRUCTION scion,as poo iced for by Section 391X)of the Luhm Cale,fur the <,f ntr of the l O work forwhlch this pemat is issued FIXTURES-PERTRAP L C] I have and will maintain Worker's Clings elanion Invmranae,as required by Seelinn 3100ofthc LathanCode bombe performance of lie wild forxhichthispemtil is issued GAS-HA.SYSMEA-I INC.40UI'LEIT OCC.GROUP AI'N .�IT My Wake,Cnmpvnsmlun lnvuruuce none,unit Pali.y number are CAS LIS'$YSTPHbI')NERA ' 3 //, I l -T Currier: Policy N., 14l'/s//Ys (� 1 CI!R'Il19CAT11OPE%HMPII(1NFROMWORKICRS' UBE DUST S'B INTO' iPfOR COMPENSAI'[ON INSURANCE tl TNG DIVISION FEES (ILls section Bad not bccnniplcmA ifthe permit is formic treated dollar,(SIM) GHF RAI' � J l P ®� or less.) PLANCIIFC til? -/ I certify that in the pertormance of the wart for which this fiction is issued.I shall r nal cm In m become sub.cl lm lire Worker.'Coat 51" _S EN IiRGY ;E ` pram Iwnmh�m:hay mahm�r,n n. i pe'n- ,Z S:uionl,vwsof C.Iiknri,Drm WA MEATIER W/VENI'/EI. 'IR GRAM Z Q Applicam Z NOTICE'I II AI'1'LIGNT:If,aRcr making min CeniOcam of F.xcmption,3nu ahoulJ µ S'I, TREATING S(11 I iii bavnne xuljor Ire the Wadu's Counpensulion prnvisiuns ml the LuM,rCoda,you mull � ,--, fonnwnh comply with such provisions or this permit shall be detailed revoked WATER SER in PATI 7z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NI2W RESIDIiMfIN,PLMI{, SQ.FT. Date Brecon U O n:..cny:mmh:mill 11....is a.o umedna leading a,cac,blithe performance.. F-t the work ft whiehdas Nrtnil is o,aad(See.3099,Civ.C.) O U Leaders Name St1 CP IsnJer'.v Address lAl.. lit r 0. 1 certify that 1 have read this application and stale that the shove information is BUII,UI l Flili Q a FTA correct.I agree to congly with all city unit.a,.mynoinune.s:rd.staauw.ml:ling ,, QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FETE SEISMIC] I' U Z building construction.and hereby numomc representatives of this city m enter upon the q i� unavcmantiona i Pnq> 'y En Ia.pv..imm....""e, PERNH I'ISSIIANC17 . ELEM RIC L 3 v (We)agree m save,indemnify and keep bamless the City rob Cupertino against �q liubiliti...'.... awmpauso andc ,rmscs which may in any wry uecme against slid City ALTER OR ADD IO MECO{. PLOMB lit In comailmenee of the'main of itis pemnit. tAPPLICA -111NDEHS'IA DS AND WILT.GDAfPhY N'LTII ALL NON-1'OINI' NRfIANDLING UNIT RO 10,1)00 CPN) MEL'H, LFEIi Z 0'GLAfIONS, k. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVIER 10.000 CFM) CONS�f . ION IAx PPlicant2ontrumr me IixHAUST HUpU(WIDl1Cf) HOUSIN A11'1'LGA'1'IUN 1iB IIAZAIi DOUS MA'L'I?WAIS nISCLf 1SUHIie applicant air l'murclwilAim6.........arc lir handle nvardnusmmenal , 1117A1'ING ON I'I'('101(11.1XX)1{'I'U)me Cup25532(0)? L_YNIIIIAI'ING UNITIUVER II1f1,IX)1191U)VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) PAID nam Receipt a Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which If -COMP(3HPOR t0B000 BTU) hI harurdoun air cnnmminants to de recd icy Ihn Itay Aruu Air Quuty M:tmmmncm O O ."whet? BOILER-COME'(OVER 100,000 BTU) ❑Yea ❑ I mvemajtlm he,;... nsmutmial mats mtdcrCh,pmrb.95obthe Cilli- AIRCONDI'I'IONI?k ISSUANCE DATE fomia lI.allh&Safety Qak lions 50 3 and 25534.1 undemmnl that it the NEW RISIDENI AL MECH. SQ.FI'. Sp m / ( ` haddun, nut un.uul�nvlaln Ij tI it,m,an,daitymnotby thc,ncupul mfthe"tan menu , lhm I t.,ujavcculaccnl Pu�lf`'u (/� (4.(p Owncrnramhmrme 6cnl Ilam. A" ISSUED BY, OFFICE 16