CC Resolution No. 6308 ~ ~
~ Ht:'~a~u~~ tot, 630~1
CtfY U: CJP6fi;I110 Olll)F.H1tJG (11;~lEXi~TION OF 1'lli:
ABEn Gh.:;IGIlAT6D AS "SAid FERtlA;7DU AVEI~UG 01-04"
' NNEdE,iS, cn Pebruary ?1, 1934 the City Ccuneil cf the C1ty ef
' Gupertinc adcpted Nescluticn Ile. G262 initiating prceeedings and setting
I the time and place fcr public hearin,^, fcr ccnsideraticn cf nnnexaticn cf
~ Lhe area designated "San I'eroandc Avenue 01-04"; and
~ ~:L'EREAS, said territcry is uninhabited and the uritten ecnsent tc
annexaticn aas obtained frcn the preperty owner; and
~ NfiEHEA5, Seeticn 3515~~.5 cf the Califernia Gevernment Ccde states that
the Leeal Agency Fcrmaticn Cemmissien shall net have any autherity tc
review an annexaticn te any City in Santa Clara Ccunty e}' uninecrpcrated
territory Which is within the urban service area of the city cf the
annexatien if initiated Gy rescluticn cf the le~islaLive bcdy ef the city
and therefcre the City (:cuncil ef the City cf Cupertinc is new ccnducting
authcrity fcr said annexaticn; and
UHtkE1S, the prcperty eNner cf said territcry uas nctified cf the
hearing and nc Nritten pretest against Lhe annexaticn uas filed uith the
City Clerk at any time pricr to the City c:cuneil's hearing en the prcpcseA
annexation; and
Llt1E:HLAS, a duly ncticed public hearinR wa~ tield befcre the City
Ccuncil of the City cf Cupertioc en t'cnday, April 2, 19~4 at 6:45 p.m., in
the Ceuncil Chamber, City Ilall, 10300 'Icrre Avenue, Cupertinc, Califcrnie;
UHIHEAS, evidence wa, presented tc the City Ccuncil;
t10~J, ]'HGHEFOHE, E~E I]' RESOLVED by the City Ccuncil cf the City cf
Cupertinc as fcllcNS:
t. That it is the ccnductinq authcrity pursuant tc Sectien 35150.5 cf the
Gcvernment eede fcr the annexaticn cf prcperty designated "San
Fernandc Avenue Q1-04~~, mcre partieularly described in Exhibit "A";
2. Stiat the fcllcNing findinga are made by the City Council cf the City
cf Cupertinc.
a. That saicf territcry is uninhabited and ecmprises 0.94 acre mere
or less.
b. Tliat the annexatien is ecnsistent with the crderly annexaticn cf
territcry with the City's urban service areu and is consistent
With the City pclicy annexing when prcviding City services.
c. The City Ccuncil has ccmpleted an lnitiated study and has found
that ttie annexaticn cf said territcry has no sisnificant impaet
en the envlrenment, and previcusly apprcved the granting of a
flegative Declaraticn.
d. The City Ccuneil cn Janu~ry 18, 1992 enacted an erdinance
prezcnin~ the subject terriGcry frcm Santa Clara Ccunty fl1-8 te
City cf Cu,ertinc Rt-7.5
~ ~
e. Annexaticn tc the City cf Cupertinc Will affect ne chanCes in
special districts.
f. Tl~at Lhe territcry is uithin the City urban service area ns
~ adopted by the Lecal Agency Fermaticn Cemmissicn.
g. That the annexaticn is made sub,jeet tc no terms and ecnditicns.
i h. That the County Surveycr has determined the bcundaries cf the
i prepesed annexatien to be definite and certain, and in ccmpliance
Nith the Commission's read annexaticn policies. The City shall
~ reimburse the Ccunty for actual cc sts incurred by the county
Surveyor in making this determinaticn.
i. That the prcpesed annexaticn does nct create islands cr areas in
Which it Heuld be difficult tc provide municlpal service.
" j. 'ihat the prcpcsed annexaticn dces nct split lines of assessment
cr oNnership.
k. That the prcpesed annexatien is ecnsistent With the City's
General Plan.
1. That the City has ccmplied ~~ith all cenditicns imposed by the
Commissicn fcr inclusicn of the territcry in the City's urban
service area.
m. That the Lerritcry te be annexed is ccntigucus tc existin,; City
limits under provisicns ef the Gcvernment Ccde.
3. That said annexaticn is hereby erdered with cut eleetian pursuant te
Sectien 35151 et. seq, cf the Gcvernment Ccde.
4, 'fhat the Clerl< cf the City Ccuneil cf Lhe City cf Cupertino is
directed tc give netice ef said annexaticn as preseribed by law.
PASSED nu[: na~t'7fiD at a regular meeting of the City Ccuneil cC the
City of Cupertino this 2nd day cf April, 1984 by the fcllcNing vcte:
Vete tiembcrs cf the City Ccuncil
AYES: Ga[to, Johnson, Rogers, Sparks, Plungy
t~UES: None
Al3SEN7': None
Ci y Clcrk 1 or, y cf Cuper