CC Resolution No. 6294 ~ ~ RCSOLUT[ON N0. 6294 A RI:SOLUTION OF THF. CITI' COUNCIL OF TIIF. CITY OF CUPF.RTINO AUTHORT7.INC F.XECUTION UF AGREFiP1F.NT WLTFl TI?E CITY OF SUNNYVALF. PROVIDINC FOR THB MODIFICATION Or TIZAFFIC CONTROL SICNAt. SYSTIi~I AND SAFIiTY LIGIITiNG AND WIDF.NIN6 OF TfiE SOUTI~BOUND APPROACII AT fIOPiF.STEID ROAD AND WOLFF. ROAU WHERf?AS, the City aC Cupertino and Lhe City o( Sunnyv~le contempllte moclifiration of tlie traffic control slqnal sytitem and safety lt~hting and wldening of the southbound approach a[ [he intersec[ion of flomestead Road and IJulfe Ro.~d; and 4111BREA5, a proposed agreemenf h~s bcen presented [o the City Counctl cauelining the [erms and condi[ic~ns of adminltitering satd pro.~ec[, and said r~f;rcement havinq bren approved hy [he M rector o( Public WorkS and the CLty Attorney; NOW, THERF.I~OR@, ISE i'f RF.SOLVI:D that• the Mnyor ~nd [he Ctty Cl~•rk nre h~~reby authortzed to execute the a~recmc:nt herein re[erred [o in hehalf of the City of Cuper[lno. PASSEll AND AUOPTtiD at a regular mceting oE [he City Council of the City of Cupertino this ~ 13th d%~Y ~f _ March , 1984, by the following vote: Vutc Nrmbcr~; ot the C[~ Councll ~S'~~5~ Gatto, Johnson, Plungy NOES: None AIiSGN'P: Rogers, Sparks AISS'I'AIN: Hone A7"CF:5 AYPRUVEU7 . ' ty c:lcr or. ity of Cup