CC Resolution No. 6293 , ~ • RGSOLUTLON N0. 6293 A RESOLUTION OF TIIG CI'CY COUNCIL OF THE CL'PY OF CUPERTINO INITIATING PROCEEDINGS AND SETTINC TFIE TIPfE AND PLACE FOR PUBI.IC IiEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION OF THE AREA DESIGNATED ALMADEN 84-3 WHEREAS, the Ci[y Council of the City of Cupcrtino wishes to i consider the annexa[ion of a certain area desLgnated "Amaden 84-3" and the property ownera James W. and Pn[ricia A. Sirois pe[i[ion for annexa- I tion; and i WHEREAS, said area is that described in Exhibit "A", at[ached; and WtiEREAS, the territory is uninhabi[ed, and the annexation is propoaed because tlie area wiehea to receive city services; and WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino shall, in accordance wi[h Section 35150.5 of the Caiifornta Government Code, serve as [he conducting authnrity oE this annexation and any resolution ordering such annexation shall provide tha[ the annexa[ion shall be made subject to no terms and condi[iona; and W}IEREAS, any oamer wi[hin the territory proposed [o be annexed may file a wri[ten pro[est agains[ [he annexation with [he City Clerk at any [ime prior to the conclusion of [he City Council's hearing on the proposed annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ttonday, April 16, 1984, 6~45 p.m., Council Chamber, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Cnlifornia shall be [he time, date and place of public hearing on the propoaed annexation. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of [he City Council [his 13[h day of M~r~~~ , 1984 by [hc following vote~ VOTE PIEDIBERS OF THE CITY COUNCL AYES: Ga[to, Johnson, Plungy NOES: None ABSENT: Rogers, 5parke A85TAIN: None ATTESTi APPROVED: c ty Cler yor ity of Cupe ~,i.r~nui.N nvi:NUi: a<<-~ ~ AIl uf th:~l cerCatn rcal prupcrly situntc in thc Cuunty of Santa Clara, 5[a[c o[ Cal ifornia, more ~~:,rct~:~,i~rty ~~5~r+~~a a~; follows: All oC Lot 90 and portions of Almaden Avenue as shorm on the map entiCled, "Map of tiubdivtsion "A" Monta V1sCa", which m,~p was filed for record in t6e Office of the Itecorder ot the County oC Santa Clura, St:~te oE Calitornia, on Aprll 11, 1911 in liook P uf Flaps, at Page 2U; Ileginning at the southwest curner oC Lot 88 as ahown on the a[orementioned map; 'fhence i:AST 200.30 feet along lhc nurtherly sidelLne of Almaden Avenue to tl~e south- west corner of Lot 90 a5 shown on saiJ map; Thence NORT}1 198.42 teet [o the northwest cortter of saiJ Lot 90; Thence BAST 100.15 Ceet to the northeast corner of said Lot 90; 'Cl~ence ti0UT11 198.42 Ceet Co the southeast corner of said I.ot 9U; 1'hence P.AST 50.015 Cec~t along said northerly sidellne of Almaden Avenue; Thence NOHTII 10.U0 feet; Thence Y:AST 50.075 fect; 'Phence SOUTiI L0.00 feet; 1'licncc (4Ati'I' 100.15 foet atnng sutd northorty siJeline to a pofnt bein~ along thnl cer[al~i amiexation Co the C[ty aC Cupertino entitled "Almaden 80-1]"; 'Clicnce SOU'1'll 4U.OU fect al~ng said annexation boundary to a point ou the southerly sideline of Almaden Avenue; 7'I~i~nce WI;ST SOQ.75 (c~ol nlong sritd ~:outhcrly s(delinc of Alm:iden Avenue Avenue tei n point along tha[ proposed annexalion lo the City of Cupertin~ entitleJ "San Pernando 84-1"; 'I'honce NOK'P11 4U.00 teel 11c~ng s~id proposed annex~tton "San Fernando $4-01" Co the True Painl of [3eginning. Con[atning: .93 acres more• or less A.l'.N.: 357-15-81 Rcvitird: March i3, ]984 ~ ~ ~T r.15 ~K~k~IC BWD. I~~ F1JI rZ I.I E GRHNALIe. ~N~. ~ NERHOyq ~ ~ W ~ 8L-o4" . ~ ` ~ , Q ~ `'Y ~yn I hGA1-E : I'' = 1 u~' S i?~ At-t-lAO W - - - - - I P¢RAWJPo "1 ( LDaAT lo?.J MA'P i ~i , ~ . ~ ~ ~~P I~~~~ A I dl Q,0' GAF~t , ~~BI 4 0 ~vo.i5 \ I Z ~ ~I N ~ ~ 1~ ~oT\. fi ~1~ ~ \~qb~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~M.Ai~+J 11~ ~ ~ u ~\'~o q±\ ~ 9 o eo_ i3« l I CL ~ I t1~ t ~ ` ~ ~ r- ~ ~ . ~V ~ o. ~ sa . z ~ ~ _ r ~ I .Po F~, ~11 ~,yr ~ ` ~ 11 ~ F~~~T 200. 30 _ EsYa1 \ ~'0.71a 1 _'i, ' . . I ~ . ~ ~ `cti~ ~ AI..M~~'D~Ih1~ `~.va5~•~!~. ~ ao ~ t W ~`S'f ~0.15 ~ ~~4~ E~ ~~~I Z~' ~ I I ( n~~, : 35~- i5-a~ ~RV'POf3f~ Ai.ll..1~-'X~"f10~1 ''fo 1N~ ~ ~~~:,:y GI't~( ~Y GIlPFcSL'CII-~0 ' 6wiTIT?.bp ~r A.~M~•n ~~l 84- 3 " ' . FE8 . 1`1 ~4 ~s~cA~~ : I =?Qa' R~VI~-{?: MAftUa ('~~I'?B¢ '