00040132 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINOPERMIT NO, BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR"INFORMATION: no BUILDIN.SGADDDER:ESS /' - �• 253/ GJro��/Q ❑ U V17A�—CHIITCDENGINEER - SANITARY NOAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE NCONTROLg/^ o 'I /'`_/vr� isA/j /!//�/� IULUING PERMIT INFO t o z oo u�U >m LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION X0 0 v 1 hereby affiant Nu 1 am licensed modm e,provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description � t-w wlNSecnbn1000),fDlv'IVo 30f Ne Buslmssand Professions Cog mylimnuis 0^.a Q in full rocs and effect - 2 oar um aa. utg W.=LL N Dmlc GOn a O g ARCHITECTS DDELLECLARATION cc 1 undeeund my plans shall be used u public recmdn s ea Unchared professional LS^_„ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION t¢ 1 h,reby all,.dun 1 am exempt from Ne Contractors License law fm the E p following reason(Section 703 1.5,Business and Pmfetsiom Code:My city or county 3= whish respircs.pCmlin to e,amm,ilar,improve,dem,fim.,repair am spoors Sq. Ft. Floor Area valuatiUn prim no its issuance.also requires the su applicant forch permit to file a signed sidemen �'�( O Net he is licensed Pursuant to the Provisions M ime the Contractors Llaw(CMprer 9 ✓(lD- (comnrming with Section 1000)of Division 3 ofthe Busimas and Professions Code)in APN Number Occupancy Min he is exempt therefrom snd ane the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of P Y Type Section 1031.5 by my applicant for a permit subjects the spplicanuo a civil pemlry of t mom Nm rive hundred dollar($500). Lanowmrof the properly.or mY.mployses with wag-utheir-11 compcwtion, Required Inspections will clothe work.andthesmcture is am intended oroHered feel.(Sec.7W,Business and Profession,Code:The Commcmrs License law it.non apply to m sonar of property who builds or improves Merton.and wW dont soh work himself or tionAgh his own emp)oyes,provided that such improvements are nod intended or oNmd for sale.If,how" cr,the building or improvement is said within one yemofconmletion,dte oWm-builder will have the burden ofpmving Net he did not build or improve No pe- poseof seat). s I, i,tuna of the Pm.7uvl.I exclusively contracting with licensed ntraoums i- /Q onsuucd d project M[y to 0.Bmr of end Profs Wi Code:)The Contractors Li- Q mon law does nm apply je ts ower of property waw Wilax a improve Caton,and O who contrecu fm soch pr,Ieca With a ronmene(s)licenced punuann to the Contractors Licme law. 'D 1 em exempt under Sec. .B @ P C fm Nit aeon sorsa Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under pemlly of perjury tote of the N11—ing dech mumu: rl 1 hive"will maintain acenifiwe ofcoment to self.mture for Workers Compen- sation,ser provided for by Section 3100 of Ne Labor Cad,.fm the perfomu«t of the FOok f, ed. which Nis Permit is issu I love and will maintain Worktr's Compensation Inameme,as respond by Section of the labor Cork,f,the fcrNmance of de work fm which this ptrnll is ieued. MY Wmker�Coopers—v_iion I tau;{yrin and PoRer mI'V T ?y L.. Cama: �J.K3_ f/ Policy No.: dS '/ JO d/ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This swoon need nm be completed if the parent is forom hundred"".(5100) or las.) 1 certify dal in the perfornmce of Ne work for which this p nal is issued I shill am employ Any person in my manna so as no become.eubj«t in the Workers'Compen- sation Laws of California.Due Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,afar making this CeniEcne of Exemption.You should her.subject to Ne Workers Compm uti m provision,of Ne Lab,Code.You must forthwith comply with such provision,or this permit shall be deemed mvoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Q 0 Ibeacby affirm dun Nen isaceomcti,n lending agency for the performance of Z. the work f,which this permit is issued(Sec.3091,C,C.) C4 Leaders Name \ (K > loaders Address . �•�'�•'T ry 1 certify than 1 have read Nis application and eats dot the above infomudon is 1 comet.l egose to comply with all city and county nediromes and state laws reading no 7 L building construction,and hereby amltoTice representatives f this city to enter upon Ne U O mov.mentioned property for impaction purposes. 4a Fou (We)agree m eve,indemnify and kap haamlee the City of Cupcnino against O U liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which Troy in any way acme against said City fs7 in cm."...of the goosing of We pemth. _ Ca APPLICAN3'UNDERN(ANDS AND WILLCOMPI,Y WITH At.[.NON-PIIN'I' V Z SOURCEREGULATU)N 5igron,e of PlicanUContract Date FiATARDO SMATBRIALB DISCLOSURE WiII Ne apps son bulking«capon ate.or handle hauNous mancriil Re-roofs e definedby the Cupertino Municipal Cndt ChapneT 9.12,and the Health arta Safety Type Of ROOt Code.Section 25532(.)4 YP ❑Yes AN. Will Me applicant or future building«cupenl use esuipmem or devices which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing, material being I haardous air conmmiroma as defined by Ne Bay Arca Air Quality Management installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection i^Nai4 �/ I a ree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant oyer ENo Ihie read the hawdroua mateoiremund rials resmorder Chapter 6,95 M the cei- understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. forms Health @ Safety Code.Sade,25505,25533 and 255 W.I undersand that if the, building d«e mncumn0y haveemrom,Nat is ix mY reepomibilirytonaify da«cu t rx of the reyuvemmu soh' use b,Ion Flim to iasuence of a Cmitiak''fI is Y Signature&AMILIs6t Date Owner or mthor.ed agent an All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE