1735 (2) NO. STREET LOT NO. O ELECTRICAL PERMIT CI F CUPERTINO !S;�NOV 1 1962 Date , 195— Permit No. CITY OF. CUPERTINO l=ee � Z IZ Application`s hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures.in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical.Code of the City of Cupertino, and ll Ler s applicabl hereto. Use of Premi Q0 , a Owner Address ro By �`� AddressX Cy9 N!TRA/��ICTOeR, AGENT Approved Phone: IL` I p��� pp ELECTRICAL VINSPCTOX NP.w RPL Pb R5 Size Service-Ganduit......................Number of Outlets.................. .......... ....:..:'- ............ Size Service Wires..........................Number of Switches--.............. .......... .......... .............. Size Service Switch........................Number of Receptacles............ .......... .......... .............. Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures.................. .......... .......... -.......----.- Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges................ KW.............. •--•.....- ........ -. .............. Number of Circuits................... Oven .............. KW-............. ........-- .......... .............. Number of Meters........................Signs.........- Transformers-.....-- ...------. ........-- .............. Misc................................................Dryers........................................ .......... .......... .............. Motors.................... HP---..-....-.....--.. Phase............--...... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.................... HP.................... Phase.................... Motors.................... HP-.-................. Phase......-.....-....... H P Charge....-....-.....- .......------ TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring......... ............................ Fixtures .-........--.-........ ...-.................. DATE INEP KCTDn DATE IMEFLCTO*N Finish Wiring .- �..................... Motors -...--.. ...-. .- .-. DATE---- INEPEC1Un / On Final .F1. - ---- ----------------- - DATE INSPECTOR /�OQ�EECTRIC SERV �JOTICE COPY off t1 _ COPY BUILDING INSPECT S OFFICE CITY OF GUPER lA / :............ .. .........................., 196..f., n You are hereby auth tz d to c nett t E IC servi or ' Owner or Tenant .... ...._� . .. .. .. At..� . ...,1...� .............. _ No. of Wires .1..1............... Size of Wires I.....-..... Size of Switch --- la.0.09�. !,*.,Motor.Load ..._..................... Voltage .....:.......................... Phase.................................... 4.iieating Load........................ K. W: .................................. Voltage .......... .. .............. Light ....... ....110 ..' ......New Service.................Reconnect ................ No:of-Meter's'..../........,.. Heat ... 220 'Three Wire ...................Move Service .......... No. of Add. Meters .......... ' -.,.,,,,,,,Move Meter ............ Power ...._.......... Thr ......... ..... .-- -----. RICAL ....................... ECTINSPECTOR too 7/61-500 .. . ...j••...�,