00080080 (2)CITY OF CUPEWFINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT MAREM LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION affirm that I an licensed under provision of Chap ARCHTTECPS DECCARATION I undmtad my plans Nall W used n public recmda Liccmd professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby a1fim1 that 1 ase exempt from Ne Comnemh License Law for the following lesson. (Suction 7031.5. Business and Proesuom Code: Any city or counq wMob repui rs a permit 0 ecnmics alta, improve, demolish. in mpac MY asmcturt prim to its issuann, also rex uirus the applicsns for such permit an file asignd aluminum Nat he is licensed ponwm to the provision of the Contfector's License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section ](WI of Division 3 oftW Businea ad Holessiau Cde) At WI he is cwmpr Nnef ton ad the basis for Ort allcgd ewmptiom. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora Pemba subjects the applicant to • civil penalty of no more then rive handled dollera ($503) I, u Dane,' of the proPanY. m my employs. with wages n thcirwl<campewdon, will do the work, and the structure is not inandd moRemd fm aale(Sec. 7064, Bniners and Profession Code: The Contractori License law does nal apply on an me' a propcny who build, or improves thcremt, and who docs such work himself m through his own employ., pmvrd than such improvement. are nal ideaded m (Reled for Wo. If, however Ne building or improvement is sold within one year mcompletion, den owrcr-W rider will new thin hdden of proving down W did nal Wild or inpwva for pur- pose of Baia.). 1, in ower of ds property, am exclusively contracting with licensed conaacron Io construct the projcet (S.. IDH, Rusin. and Poland.. Code:) TW Contncrds Li- corne law doe, da apply to an owner of property who builds or impmvea lheretn, and who ...is fm sueh pmjecu with aconta mux) lianacd pursuant An the Coaoecmla License law. l em exemptunder s". . B & P C fm class .ern Owner Da¢ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 and waRrm mala penalty of perjoty one of the followingwomme. eclipsed. I have end will for b in a tion icate37M of be sexam Labor Code. the Workela Compw- ution, as provided for by Section 3]W of be Labor Codc. fm the pelfomurce of the which Nis permit is issued. eve and will um.for in do C.film w Insurance, n his per by Section l7W of IW Ia�AWr Code, lorgNc pertormemc of Ne walk fm whicM1 this Rn^u u in MYWCam ,l pro s T.' A 1Y npol policy No, a d CERTIFlCATE F EXEMPTIO-itN FROF"ImlM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This wclion need not bat compled ifdte permit is (Drone hundred dollen ($]W) or Icxs.) toy a., that re in performanceof the work for which Nis temutisaWColshill nal employ any person in any runner w n m become xubject in IW Worsen' Compen- ution Iowa of California. Dad Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, after making this Cenificate of Exemption, you should hewn , subject m IW Werke/s Compenation provisions of Ne lino' Cde, you most forthwith comply with such provision or this pe rat shell W deemed revokW. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I Wraby effort den Nen is a conawcimd leer ing agency for In, performance of Out work for which this permit is inued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.) Lcndmex Name Lender's Addle. I ct dfy NL I have Lead 1111, tlppinatiml and,nte that dim aMVe InfmnnOnn Is conal. I agree to rnmply with ell city and county mdirunc l ad Fuse laws relating.. building coomboc on, and hereby adhorioe repnscmutives of this city to Omer upon the above-mcmiml propel for inspection purpose. (We) agree to save, indemnify and kcal, harmless the City of Cupertino agalmt uabilidw.judgntenu, cru and ..,mer, which may in any way aeema.gam,, said City in con.vol.cnce of the granting Of this permiv I___I_ US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE T Will Ilcantmfu Wilding omupanl atom or handle hamdoux material u def and by be Cupertino Municipal Cde. Chapter' 9.12, dd IW H alN and Safety Cde, Suction "532(.)7 ❑Yes ❑No Will Ne applicant or future Wilding meeupant man, equipment or devices which ,mil havtdom it conuminants es defined by the Be, Ana Ail Quality Marragemrm District? ❑Yas ON. I ve mad thehavtit ^^pBto As lcquimd tenu oder Chapter 695 of the Cali- fs�u t�lth & SafeW Code. SecIMu "505, "533 Ord 25534.1 mduJland eget if the RF_SIDENTIAL HEATING AND A/q IN000800 NIC C(INTROL# 65 CRISTICH I_N ID 08/11/2000 BOLDING PERMIT INFO 4083774073 Job Description REPLACE FURNACE AND R/C 4 �/? a...../' Area 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME 301. — ROUGH PLUMBING 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL_ 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 — FINAL PLUMBING 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL 514 — FINAL_ PUBLIC WORKS Re -roofs Type of Roof $1 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing, material being installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection I aggree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE