CC Resolution No. 6247 ~ • • RESOLUTION N0. 6247 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT'Y OF CUPERTINO ' APPROVINC THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OpEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the legislature of the STate of California has enac[ed the Roberti-Z'berg Ur6an Open-space and Recreation Program, which providea funds [o certain poli[1ca1 subdivisions of the S[ate of California for acquiring lands and for developing facilitles to meet urban recreation needa, and WHEREAS, the 5[a[e Department of Parka and Recreation hua been delegated the responeibili[y for the adminiatration of the program, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures establiehed by the S[ate Depar[ment of Parks and Precreation require the applican[ [o cer[ify by reaolution the approval of , applications prior to aubmission of eaid applicatione to the ata[es; and WNEREAS, said applications con[ain a certification that the applican[ will comply with ali federal, s[ate and.local environmental, public health, relocation, affirmative ac[ion, and clearinghouae requirements and altogether appropria[e codes, lawa and regulatione prior to [he expendi[ure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the project~s) applied for under [his program must be of a high priority and satisfy the most urgent park and recreacion nceda with emphaeis .on unmet needs in the most heavily popula[ed areas; NOW, THEREFORE EE IT RESOLVED that [he Cupertino City Council herebys 1. Approves the filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-apace and recrea[ion Program; and 2. Certifies that said agency underetanda the general proviaione of the agreement; and 3. Certifies that saidy agency has or will have sufficient funde to operate and maintain the project(s) funded under this program; and 4. Certifiea that said agency has or will have available prior to commencement of any aork on [he project~s) included in this application matching money from a nonstate source; and 5. Certifiea that the project(s) included in this appiication conform to the recreation element of [he applicable city or county general plan; and 6. Appoints Rober[ W. Quinlan, City Manager as agent of the City of Cupertino to conduct all negotia[ions, execute and eubmit all documente including but not limited to applicatione, agreemente, amendmente, payment requeate. and so on which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project(e); and • ~ . ~ 7. Appoints Charles T. Kilian, Ci[y At[orney, as legal counsel for sald ' agency with authorization [o sign [he certification on page 1 of application. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thc Clty Council of [he Ci[y of Cupertino this 6th day of Februarv , 1984, by the following vote: Vo[e Membera of the Ci[y Council AYES: Ga[to, Rogers, Sparks. Plungy NOES: None ABSENT~ Johnson ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVEDs City Cler or, ty of Cup o