2577 (2) .00 - #— •. — I I , 2¢6.7?9 .1Sh6--T1' Ari V NO. 84 s a: c nil APPLICATIObR BUILDING PERMIT M°-4 ( JUL 24 1963 -4 CITY CUPERTINO o a - Sanitaiv No.� 3 U J_u1y. 17 toZyDaor Lure 1 t,•,r 196_ Permit No. o Application is hereby made for a permit to erect a a m a 1 story,Type Framer Building a I to be occupied only as s ingle family residence 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications andTlot-Plan filed herewith. > 0 co 60.00 t- 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ Fee$ O < ir^ �y.?-: z J It is hereby agreed-that itherrequirements,of+�the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable'tot the const'n'ction;r�location, and use of buildings within the City of o Cupertino will be complied with. 't:�{• r; 3Q OwnJNLAND EMPIRE DE S�. IN�ddress 960 Camden Av.Campbe] w Z s ." • --a . By - Addre•5v'96 e 6 ittderi A..v.Cam Q y 379-2280 a Phone UAppr ..fey 1] .t� State License 184784 ' _ BUILDING tNsvaaoa i RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION 7� --3 DATE IN PEC'EOR UNDERFLOOR g - DAR'Ii F INSPECTOR FRAME, /d :3 -3 j DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. ' ' DATE INSPECTOR ' FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR y I `•FINAL GAS; ,h..• icy. f- \\ PAT'i: .,v'INSPRCTON ' o I S. . N STREET LOT NO. . APPLICATIONtF�OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY�l' I``IOIF CUPERTINO I IUI 61963 �� 33 n c�, Date t9(/�3 L Permit No. rITV tie ('11URTWO '=ee � AV 6� In Application is herebymade to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical �C wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said O wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the Q City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. L Use of Premi c v { Owner snc.4a.�y 42 Address mBy ��t 1.�.. a r _v" Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT 'L .Approve Phone: O O •.M IGt rN5►8crm NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit"."...".""_""""""...Number of Outlets".."" "...". _ " .--......-�.2..."./�. Size Service Wires..-...""""""."".......""""Number of Switches---------------- "....y y O �0 Size Service Switch..._......"""""_""....Number of Receptacles...._.."""" . - """ "".""."""" ..��_".""".. Size Sub Feed Conduit""""""------------Number of Fixtures..""...".."...""." f�9.-�" """"".-""" "2./ Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges------/JJ ---- KW------------ -'- ' ""........ ......�s ! Number of Circuits...............---- Oven ..../..... KW----------- ---1-- ---------- -------- s Number of Meters........................Signs_-""""""" Transformers"..."".. ..--...-.. Misr;----------------..........--"-..."..- ---Dryers.-----1------- "" /-�-------- -------�> Motors."""/J."" HP...... ...jLZ".." Phase""...-..- '". """"""""' Permit Fee $1.00 Motors -- HP Phase------------------- 00 Motors.........r,-- ----=-AHP.................... Phase------------------- H P Cha ige-- --------I------" ! TOTAL FEES � s O SPECT IO APPROVALS Rough Wiring�0-JI-.InF :.' ......... Fixture ------------ ----- ----------:.................. DATE, jNSPECTOR DAT INSPECTOR FihisfiWirin ................. Motors `'- '! ""- --- ---'-----... ................ DATE A'*'•INSPECTOR , 1` T�(, s ECTOR `- :- Final ........... _--`'--' �-------- .."...------- DATE INSPECTOR GC V'y �'C T OC vs L w Cq z W H a. z n F u x d a• Vv � " G G < 0 u D O V v ° ° rn vs C L c C ' J o41Z rVs _ Q N p 7 N y V vVi v C • T 6 M V 5 c 'VIN80311VZ) 30 331VIS 3H1 30 SM" NOIIVSN3d W0o'd S.N3WMUOM 3H1 30 ANV 31VIOIA-ION IIIM 133HOV I / — IEm.I mriCl 111UR — a]aldwoO 'g9no�. F= l...g�lno-I punoj',bapurj NOT -4dSNI JO dfODJd G19 33d "IV.LO.L 'I VI -.L 't+ OD' aad I'wJad aa-4 'slS JDIEA\ saner..^ 1a11uud� aad wrJp uuoas vapra-I JaIE�\\ aa.l wrJQ wry swrjQ Ea1N :.:33, aJn�xi-1 slrwJn S33d 'IvIOI sdrJl purS / Irualrpj I s>fwS iurinrispd (2 DZTS sJaddOH �i WHISAS 'MIVAN 10011 suiraunoJ 4w�luu4 gsnD oI s,(wI v yws -quio-) uiEJQ UlEIN oI syuis Ir l Iruaarw slaual)os Iajr x anS sawgaEyV ifwgsrA\ I VNIVHQ W'dOIS s.IEJI gsrp\ / slrsodsi0 DmA\ Saxog JaAIBS slagsEA\ gsiQ uuoD ION ssluls uagaaiy 8ulaslxg oI sauoarnrZ awl -doJd oI vamoys qJnD oI sgnl qi q nn siasol- 'DIV l\ ,[7 J' �• a21S LINIf 33 ELiN❑ 983 NIVEG NIYJS— Kd 3\ - N al_I �?007 9JLQ.0--xD ' 1 V LOT NO. � NO. STRFF.T APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT w z �Z CITY OF CUPERTINO s 0 ERR F1 O31A _ 196 - Permit No.S��� = o Pee$ Z'S� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o and•/qr gas nlipliahtiE3igfedlo'n the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes im and/or a�pliancSeih !trtbrdance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City a w of Cupertino, and all ier laws applicable thereto. w x a Use of.Premises SL.�-ICSLo.nt 00 z Owner• a/j{�,� Address 1� n, . ZJ A '13y 0 ' ' Q Address' rpi N,t' '?Lr C N _TAAC OR, AGENT 3 <.t Phone ot' iorStre License 9'j2f ..Appved Ui PLUMBIN ' a. ❑ o T ti n c a F � H � � °' coo N w w 1 o n O n 5 -- n F' � � j z - m.:1 f N n fJ ^ O . .z _ =w 4 J •• LOT NO. / O. SMBET ®NAP CAT ON`�FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CJ J AU G 27 1963 r LCITY'OP CUPERTINO Date_ � 196.3. Permit No.--&—// CITY OF CUPER 1'''" Pre , . Sv Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install V gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said V appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing r7ode of the City g of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u Use of Premises Address •t %B `r Address T — N ALTO , AGENT �- ,/Phone 39% Approved I PL61 B'NG INSPECTOR' ol F O � ^ n 0 <' +r Q a ----- ---------------—-- ON. R z E � 3 v (� M '• ' w 'J n P � CERTIFICATE 00fic,6MPLETION BUILDING INSPE��+R•S OFFICE CITY 'OF CQPERTINO t ( 7 Date ......._ ....., 19-`4t�.._+� Building Permit No. ..R...7-.y--- .. . . .................. The Buildin Located t`i-"�!�? - f , Owned b '^ (Completed)—^'� �f� .(lt Has Been• For Use As: ..........`�— A (Altered) ..,.:_.......�,,.�.....................................---.... ........-................:.........................................----._.---- - ..................................... ........... / rte,.. � a , E -t 102 1/63500 BUILDINGIN CTC i--. bldg. Dept Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No --------------- �Piumbing Final Plumbi g Permit No.(;���d .......... Lot No. ...--.- Owner or Tenant ................. IE4"ILk ..........< --------- ... ..... --------- At ....... . ... ... ......................................... Tract ....................................� , .2 k ----- - ...... ...... .......... r. Date Connected ----------------------------- --- -------—* ............ 163P...... .. .. ...... . . ,Date Final ...............I................................... ... *Ink----4L. ...... -------- ---------- '-�k--------------------------- III 7/63-IM PLUMBING i�NSPE OR 1–ft-1– GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ......... ............... 19 C ........................ To You are hereby authorized col Uec� the AS e ice for Owner or Tenant ............. .. ......... . ...... - ---- At ............K-9-0 c,-Tq ...... ! New Service ...... ......... of Meters .... ...... Reconnect ................. ............. Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. Ivfbve Meter ........................... PLUMBING INSPE 0 110 6/63-500 OFFICE COP ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ..................... ......... 2) To You are hereby'%' oriz to oolec�t ele r I service for Owner or Tenant ... ............................. &,.'n j A�. ................................... At ...... 4:;�.......(,-7 T........ No. of Wires .... ....... Size of Wires ................... ... Size of Swit .%U k Motor Load .......................... Voltage -------------------------------- Phase ---------------------------- HeatingLoad ------------------------ K. W. .................................. Volt c -------- ..-- Light..._' --- 1 No. of Meters----....) t...... 110.__ - New S( �Rccmnec' t------------------ Ligh H.t 220....-y..: Thr Wi . ... ..... Moe Se ............ No. of Add. Meters .... c i Service--:......... Meters..---------. `, - Power--------------- ee Pha i Move Ivfete __I I- - - ------- --------- ---- ELECTRICALIN S P E C 104 7/63-500 Q�R