22024 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project lecrulknion ( r-' PLTt.WT NO. Building Addre,s: `� '�C 22024 ZIIZS SCVE/J S IN S �� ujowtk� isno am: one. D N �/ZIC� 73S'�d 78 CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION q C/glnl °r APPLICATIONIPERMIT BNLDINGELECiRICAI MLTMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL,1 Arehikct/Lnglneer Lie Na Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE - BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: �.� ON� E PFRMH7ISSUANCE 1:1 El LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IhertbyaffimnthatlamlkeveduMepr wv .fChapur9(amumi AMJANCESRIDDFMIAL tng Mth Sectbn70UWot Dl m3oftheBwlr =dPmfese Code,and Ir I N Ilcense la In foil, d effect. N1S13Z PANELS '/rrnrj `led �- VJn Llce.c LInI /J lJ Dee Contractor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION MI-1000 AMT'S Q7 ]undentard my plans shall be used as public rands OVERIODDAMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. COC sty U Licensed Professional SIGNSELECTRICAL Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Z i.., / Thereby a(Ormt tlameaemptf.the C°Mraear'.License Lwfmthe SI'FCIAL CIRCUIT/hBSC' following reason.(Section 70315,Buitnes and Profeslov Code:Any city or F �� coo oy,which requien a permit to mnstmct,ahce Imp e,demolish,or repair TEMP.METQt OR POLEINST. any structure From to lb lsuarcq also requires the,ppBmnt for such permit to g66 0k a al ed statement that h as licensed POWER DEVICES K U gn puicing to the pmvbbv of the ��tn CantedthaLk ..dse Law(Chapier C( rrcndngwhh Sedbnherefm7000) f arul SlYAtMNG POOL ELECTRIC the 3ofthe BupnmeedPrdesbvCaye1daleheb eumpt 7MI.5 by any VALUATION the b..t for the alleged eaets thea My violation d SttYbn net m by any sppBcantfori permit sub)ttistheapplkanttoa ctvil penaltydne mom than OUTLETSSWTICFIESFIXTURFS E cave hundred dollars 0$500). NEW RESIDENTIAL FI TR❑ rc I,as owr of the property,or mw y employee with wages as their k SQFT. STORIES TYPE CON'STRU'CTION t compewtlon,will dothe work and the avucum b neat Wended or offered for 5 O uk O,,7064,Bwbeu,nd Pr f.b.Cade:The CoM do?.Llmree Lw P,Z: does net apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,=it OCC.CROIJIa RES ANTIS whod.ruchMm workhultthruagh hlaowne,ernplcyeprovlded that such imp wemcnle,art out intended proffered fmsate.If,however,the building or TOTAL Wpn,v mart bsdd withinovyearofcamplenbn,theowrcr-WIlderwlil love t"nien of proving the In did m bulla or improve for purpose ofsak.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE "L a owner of the property,am escWeNely contracting with licensed FLOOD ZONE APN PERMIT ISSUANCEISSUANCEcuntrac oe to certelYct the pruj ct(Sec 70K Bushes and Prdesbv Code: The Comraaor i License Lw dm not apply to an owner d property who ,��DRAIN 6 VEM-WATER(EA) builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such pelo)ects with• , c9nus,ctura)Brensed pursuant to the Contractors Lim.Lw. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LI I am exempt under Sea B 6 P C for this reason OUTS I DF EELS E'LOOR ROOF,AREA,ODND. SANITARY Y N_ �• Owner Dale DRAINS , WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEIPT R ❑[hereby aHtrm the I haus•certificate d consent to self-Inure,or a FIXTURES-PER TRAP 54100L TAI Y N mrtlf cam of Worker,'Compevaren Insurance ora certified copy thereof(Sec. REEIPf a 38(0.Lb C) GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INCA OUTLM 'Z�� PARK FEE Y_ N_ Pdky� '7NwCSD63o6-0001 RECEB74 nY� L GASEA.SYSTE?vFOVFR/(FA) Com diJ weed BUILDING DIVISION FEES reified copy b hercbytuml,hed. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CertNed ropy b(fled with the city IvpMbn dlvWon. CERTIFICATE OF E)(Od 'ION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP CMI INSURANCE RAE PAID (Thbctbnneenmbcompl&edfftepembTmorchundeddoBus SEWERSANITARYSTOM EA 700FT Date Recd tM (SIM)mles.) WATER HEATEx w/VExr/DPCTR ENERGYFEE Y N I certify that In the performanmof the work forwhich thispemot bov led, I aliallnon employ any peaces in any manner n as to become ub)ect to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Waken Con�penutbn L.v,of GlBarnla. Date PAID NEW RESIDENTIAL ELMS. A Ilcant Z O NOTICETOMPWGwt:g aper rs'Co thbCrnBhteofons,Exemption,Latour SQFT. Date ReceOTA til Ccdc,you subtestnothe Workwit ComperuatbnpuWabroofDie Lab or TOTAL: WF H deemed umuefmthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be > a«red revoked. BUILDING FEE SEISMIC CONSTRUCTION action NG AGENCY FEE CL Z Ihemey rk(orwhfirm that fl,em hth ape trucilon kMNgagency for the perforrry ELECTRIC FEE � Z anon°(the workforwhkhthb permit bbued(See 3091,CIv.CJ TOTAL U 0 Lender'.Name PLUMBING FEE �- LL I- l.crider'.Addms QTY. MECHANICAL PER FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W Icertlfythelhau<read thio appBcatbnard care nhatthe above lnformnlon \- - bcorect. reetocomply whh aBdtyerd munryordlnanc,send sate lawn PFRMITISSUANCE FEES PAID: } a id.tingtobulldin9 corms on,ab herebyauthadae rtprtsenbth+e olthb r N enter upon the ntlened property for inspect bo purpose. ALTFRORADDTO MECi. z gree t say,lode fy an d keep harmless the City of Cu pert ion Date Recel t# V against b10t1 V mew, sandeape.whldmayloanywayacvue AIRHANDLLNGUNTTPOIg030CFM) SUBTOTAL: erg uldC b usque of the genting dtNa permit. 1 AtR]iANIXLNG UNrr rovpR lD,000cFn CONSTRUCTION TAX S tore err p Bo C rtff IF Date EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZIMIDOUSMNECRIALS61SCLOSURE Will theappllcam or future Wilding occupnt eortor hindk hawdous HEATING UNIT(TO 10D,WO BTU) -Date RCC1 [)1 matnrlaludcfia bythe Cupertlro Murddpl Code,Chaper 17,and the H,Ah and Safety Code Section 2S533(a)I HATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) AL: F-1YesJo c Will the applkaMmQture building oup, equlpmeM devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RE SID) ISSUA�I whlcheMthazardous ak mntaMruntsu defined by the Bay Arta Air , �ea 7 gtaI Quality Management Dbtrkt7 BOrt FR-COMP DITTOS 100,000 BTU) �( 2 ❑ Yes No I)uve rcadthe3 mterlab req u nder Chaper G95of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,00OBM �� IM GIIlornb Health 4 Safety Coda Sectbv 75505,25533 and 7553/. I uM.ut dthatifthebuildingdoewme nttyhaveatenantthatitlsmy NEWRI9DEKDALMECH. SQ-FT. ropovmui.oce f.c, aoavpMdiherequWmcn(awhich roueW met - - i ^ prior b lsuarce d a Cartlflvtc of Omtpnry. Owner or awhoomd agent TOTAL: ISSUED 3TJ17CU1 HYW"e� OFFICE COPY