23883 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Preed Identification 7PERMIT NO. Building Addreu: Ev f)(-5 \j I- PL 4g 238 83 am. me C, Y'0 .) Z gIS oS--LI CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION eZ� Cmntraaer.Name: x` Idc.NO APPLICATION / PERMIT Z)faaq BUILDINGS.ECTRICALI'LIJMBINGMCCHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL. Archltea/Engrcer. Llc No: A"� I 1.._py,DN\ QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO O O Q�h oA. ' SJ i Add. Q�L"1p IPFRFRTISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATI Ihemby0thatla licensedunderpmvly ofClupter9(mmmmc APPOANCESRF_4DENfIAL JOB DESCRII'TI)ON �eoOt immffi Sedbn7000)of Divlebn3ofthe Bu.iv dPmfeas Code,andiM Iimn.e la in hB fp¢e and effmr. ,( PANELS Lave Chi Lie g �O�Q '�' J N47 1� Date CoMrador UP TO Me AhT�5 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1-1000AMP5 u�X IundeW&nd my pbmetull be used u public records OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. 'Vy r Licensed Professional SIGNB ELFLTRICAL 2{cq 5 (�rna J 113 III 6 p6�j OWNERexempt x ILDERmptfro DECLARATION SPKIALCIRCUIT/MIS t ♦ _^ t �/A f' 7 Iheneby&lflrm thetlam exemptfromthe Comngor'elfmnse law for the r!G, L `VX 7 '� f rontywhrtkhrenq.u(lSmMa1opne7MQiIt5o,mBuvme,&aMlteI,Prmope ro ,de=d Whoyrdrttyatmr TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. S any assigned pdmtoltahat he is licensed rtatheat to foreucoresof ter POWER DEVICES file a signed statement that he t r9(commencing purcn g hi the hno 70 ) of tee 30, Contuaors Weevelaw(Chepter9(mmrcnMg wbh Seatlon 70M)of� 1Rd- VALKJV�Om S alun3oftheBuslnsandProfemlonsCode)Orthl+ nd TIPN atheexempttherefromaSWPA9NGiVOLELECTRIC 2l3 S the buab ts,for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Sen 7(015 by any OUTLE15SWITCIlESS%MtES 11W 0- rm p� O applicant fora pek subkm d theapplicant too vil pmo enalty of.. re than I Me hundred dollars($SM. NEWRESIDENMALELECTR FT. �n ❑I,as owner of the property,or my emptayen with wages u their sole _� STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION romper utlm,will do the work.and the structure Is not W ended or Offered for /11 Osale(Sec.7004,Bushes and Pfefmiov Code:The Coranaors License Taw V.7 �$ does net apply to an Owner of property who build.or impeown thereon,and OCC GROUP RES.IWITS who don ms such work Melfvr his..through hisn emnplryenvdsuch,proed that su ImryrovemeMs arc not Intended orofered forsale.If,however,thehu dirges 7 - Improvement issod wlthinovycarofcomplabn,the ownrr-builderwW have t enofprongthathedid embuildorimprwefnpurposeo!sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE � das Owner of the property,am excWtwly mntricting with licensed FLOOD ZONE APN mntn tommtudthepmia(Sm7044,Buslneaand Pro Wm Code: SIT ISSUANCE The CoMnaor's License Law dm not apply to u owner d property who �T.pR DRAIN 6 VENT-WATER(EA)W Bda or Improve mmmna- w' therms, and who aa for such ptojth& ryR¢�aor(a)Ilnrnsed puesuantto the Contradd.Lava Gw. BAIX FLOW PROTFrT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under Sec B 4 P C for thin musico "u'SIDE FELS DRAINS FLOCK ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y_ N Owner Date RFCEPT 0 WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION PLY.TURF4 PER TRAP SCI{OOL TAX Y_ N_ ❑1 hereby affirm that I have a mrtlfiate Of coruent to calf-Inure,oraREcte,g certBlata of Worken'C«npevatlon Insurance Or.oertifkd copy thereof Sec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1WUOITR.E15 PARK FEE Y 38 _ N_ 00,lab CJ Polley/ GAS P.A.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) RING DI g Cery-Cert }.�\< i x RIIILDING DI VISION FEES 14❑-'rIFCeOa1�I led espy is herchy filed the ed. CRFOSE/WDUSTRI,WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE NM espy b(0ed with the dty inspection diV Wm. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MOM WORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEVER-SANITARY-STORM EA 2X:F Date Rccei I (Thio udbn need nO he completed Rthe permit b faorc hundred dollars ($100)orlea.J WATER I-IFArER W/VENT/E.EcrR ENERGY FEE Y N I certify that lo the pedorn erce.f the work f trwhich this permit is lesned, — I ahu0 not employ any person in any moor m u to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Wvrken Compensation Laws of Glifornla.Date .PAID O Z Applicant NEW RESTI DENAL PIMB. SQFT. Date Rccei ted Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT-.If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject to the Worked COmpereatlon prodsiuv of the Labor TOTAL: Q N Code,you moot forthwNh comply with such pruv6bv Or this pemat"[I be I LU > deemed r Iwsf. _ a O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hembyafflrm that then b a mvtruglon lending agency forthe peAorm ELECTRIC FEE bw Z ane of the wofkf.'r which this pe b bared(See 3(197,Cl,C) T (� O lender.Name 1, 1 n PLUMBING FEE O LL F Iendcr'a oddness 'Tf QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OW 1 oeditythat l have read thio application and date that theabove Information 1 bcorred.lsgreemc« plywhha)ldtyardmuntyord =v ands telaws PFRMITLSSUANCE FEES PAID: >- N rclatIngto Wilding ronivgian,and hertbyauthWertprQntath edible city,to enter upon the abovo-mentbned property for inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Z V Z (Wr)agree to save,Indemnify and keep hamdes the Clty of Cupegloo Date Receipt# agaivt Bab Wtln,Ndgmeras,coie and expevn which myln anyway aaxue AIR HANDLING UNIT(T010,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: age Wt said City In con.arye�of the granting Of thls perm! AIR HANIXI NC UNIT(OVER 1QWOCFTD CONSTRUCTION TAX l � .A. _�� 3�\ \o�ZhC� CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: Signature of Ap loot A RDOIaor Date FXFIAIIST HOOD(WI DUCT) NAlARDOU9 MATE IALS DISCLOSURE Will ia the a e defir red by future Perrinuild ingo niciplCe1r, orhendle h,end HEATING UNIT(TO l00,W00TU) Date Recel t# matelot as droned bye S ct1.2 eo MuMdpal Code,Chapter 9.1;end the Fleahh and Safety Cade SOilon]5537W7 HEATING UNIT(OVER IW,WO B'ITJ) TOT L: Rill No Wdlthe app0canto�turt WBdingecapantuu the Buy mordeWms VENTILATION FANSWGIB RESID) ISSUANCE DATE whichemithaement airrontamWntsas deflmd bythe Bey Area A4 p� Quailry Management Dbtdn7 BOILFR{OMP131E'DR 1W,IX9 BTU) 1� 4 Yn —I No havervdthe haw ous materials requirements under Chapter 6,95 of BOILER.COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) the CalBornla Health h Safety Code,Sections E505,75533 and 75534.1 U►t,fj aF understand that ifth.Wlldlngdoea not currently haw&tenant,that It is my NEWRESIDPN7IALMECH. SQFf /B 30 1A mponsbWty to notify the occupant of the requlrementswh"most be met ^ pnbr b n isauanufa Certiflatc of Oceup ncy. ' /J /r Ut- c-, , I,, ) � J-WsA . �( Ler � Owoerorauthcri agent Date Is ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY YG