00070158 (2)OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUI LDING ADDRESS PERMIT NO. ��. O'SN E APPLICATION SUB DA'1li . 883 SEPTEMBER DR ATLAS HEATING 00070158 SANITARY NO. CON'T'ROL NO. VEN 155 SAN LAZARO AVE 07/25/2000 ARCIIITF:Cr/BNGINEEH: BUILDING PERMIT INFO O O Z� (408)739-0516 BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH L. Q6 oI = LICENSED CONI'RACTOH'S DECLARATION lob DCSCrIpl10D ' I bareby al nal that I am IimnaA under,...ckion, of Chapter 9 (annnencing C� l)fitOvieion3 nftnc ltunincvanm ,fu+i'�: and any licence fall flame in full force and isin VLicense 0 Class Lic. p n v 1 Uac aL� Commctor ARChall be oDECablic I IunJcnranJmyplunnnhallne,:.cJa.pnhlicreeorJn �. REPLACE FRN AND A/C r� pIr Licensed Professional RATION OWNER-BUILDER,oe _ unIa. fire law her the I hembY alarm Ilat am eEasin from Iw G,,osw Z Co e: Any re®on. (Sellperoutnt ID.H.S. ions CMG: city and Ice, loghwanwhich P O %aconmy l,.1on.. da which ,ryuircn a Mrmil pi cnn,wct, dmr, improve. Jemnlish, or rcpnir any strvcwrc un Tu an 3eO prinnbid, i.... r ,also cocaine, the applicant far such pehi file a,igandaa¢ment that he islicensed pntsuaana the provisions ofthe Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation Iconmmncing with Section 710111 ut Division 3 of the Business and Pndcomm Core) or Thal he i, exempt thcmfmn, and Om basis for Tho alleged emm,n...n. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant far ...email ..bill' tae applicant Io u civil .malty APN Number Occupancy Type of not more than five hundred dollar. ($500). $1 vacation, we, as their ale .otnpm' ❑ h as owner of the pruln'ny, or any mnployce, with ag Required Inspections will Jo the wank, and the smi is Bat intended fir olfurcd bar vote (Sec. 70-W. Business and Profc,sions Code: The Commi Licenm Law d«s nal apply to an of propety Who wilds or improves demon. vnd who does such work himself 3621.2021 00 thrnrgh his own a nployces. provided that such haprominews an, not intended or orr - oIR+N to rode. It. howr, the moilting improvement is udJ w'nhin n c Year of Impletion, file eranor-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or inprmeforparpieeof,,le.). FRAME 204 — UNDERFLOOR ❑I.n, owner oill, I.o...1,.:n udncivcly.rm,m9ing I" It licensed ..... 1,.,, m 301. — ROUGH PLUMBING the project (Sec 71,14. Businu,v and Prnfecsinns CMC:) 'Tile Contfalla" i¢nrvcl xl-uw does nor apply fr an limner of property wbo wild, or imp,om, Immon. 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL and will) cnntmc,s for such projects with a counteracts) licensed pursuant to the 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL_ Coaracr,A Llae,m Law, Oil Iasmill under SCC, . It& P c Por hi, re; ,a 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL o»fie. Date 507 — FINAL PLUMBING woHREHscom.ENsnrIQN DECLARATION lie ,powlng JCalamtil„s., I la,mby dfinn to ik, pvattty id Il , I or n 6 508 — FINAL MECHAN I CAL 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS 1 have and will maintain a ceNrng, of Consent to wit-inure for Worker', for by Section 37W of the Labor CMG, for the pompemation, as provided rl'ormunea of the work for whka Ili, permit is !,,.ad, ❑ I have and will mainmin Walker', C'orepcnzainn bicameral, a, mquircJ by Section 3700 of the Labra CnJc for ,he performance, of the work for which this permit is Pcnsmion Insurance curiae and 1'nllcy nmynb�er'are issued. My Wer ken's ComL49- Cxricr 1'ollcy-C11W-- Cli%EMI�1'ID FOM WOR E ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Ilii, ,,,aaaa need nm to Co:n,lood it the par nit i, lir, one hundrcJ dull; (Slip) or In,,.) T samily that in [lie Performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I %fall nal employ any person in any ne onur so as to benne ,object to the Workers' Cntnpeire lan Laws of Call ma. Done Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after snaking this Certificate if Eamption, you should 'he Worker, Cnmpenti in..... kion, of he "Nal Corte, you must bon ac object m Ofidbwlth comply w lm ,ncla pooviki cur mix permit ,hall be, deemed necked. . V) CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY ' 1 hereby aRlnn that them is a construction lending agency for the perfr anown fine work for which this pa..it is issued (Sec. A197, Civ. C.) QLeader', Name Z Lender's AJJm,s 0 1 minify that l have read this application and .ante tart the above information is err a 1. 1 algae m Comply with all City and county ordinances and score laws elating [) h, halloogn:mnrclinn, and hen-0Yspectin ynccantm vc,ul laic cilY to mnenman s t� IM1c abo(We)agree to ndfor inspectionpurposes. a 6. save. keep (We) ($,save.. he Cityofcome V1 rat liifyund agno ain,, amid which may in any way acerae ugaimt mid whih. tiny in liabilities, judgments, Cohrs and ea.'It me A In permit. City in ,ANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALLNONROINT Issued by: DDIC y' SOURCE REGULATIONS.AND SOURCE. REGULATIONS. Re-roofs Signature of AppBcart/Contmcmr , Urte HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WillthcapNienttlorram,c ballJingocca,rm hmm rehandle I.Iobax,naladul - Type of Roof as Jeraed by the Cupertino Municipal Cole. Chapter 9.12. all the Nabil and Safety . CMG, Section 25532(($)'! O Yes C1No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment fit devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hazardous air conmminam, a, defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Dinmins? wet Cl No all non-point source regulations. 1 have read me hacardous materials requirement.. under Chapter 695 (if the Culifumia llealm&Safcty CMC. Sections 255V5. 25 nJ 255JJ.1 undemmid mm if the huildin snm cummly basso temml, tbm-' ,ry respnn,ihiliD to no ify file ,...punt d a ...n'ac:.eon which asst he or ¢, k'n lir of :,�yt' e,m of O'O,ane ( Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "13” or better ,r:nnhodzed agent Date OFFICE