CC Resolution No. 6102RESOLUTION NO. 6102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEPIENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES FROM GUZMAN AND STOCKLMEIR DEVELOPMENT, A J0I14T VENTURE COMPRISED OF ALAN STOCKLMEIR AND BARBARA STOCKLMEIR, HIS WIFE AND GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY .03 ACRES, LOCATED ON MCCLELI.AN ROAD EAST OF LINDA VISTA DRIVE WHEREAS, there has been executed a dedication which is in good and :;efficient form granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, the fee title to certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, more particularly described in Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT LS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk, be and she is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this _ Gth_ day of June 1983, by the following vote: 0 Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: l _- City Clcrk tayor, City of Cupert to -RA?IT 0: EA1 ='d—E:1T FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES I GUZMAN AND STOCKLMEIR DEVELOPMENT, A JOINT VENTU'F COMPRISED OF ALAN STOCKLMEIR AND BARBARA STOCVLMEIR, HIS WIFE AND GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPERTINO, for public roadway purposes, together with the right to construct, repair, operate and maintain any and all public utilities and impr- erec.s shall be or become necessary for preservati:n of t::_ public safety, :celfare or convenience, the hereinafter described :fe.•*: :L'ich is sit•.late in the City of Cuper.ino, Co•inty of .._..'a : _..ra, .a-e c? California, and as described as fc:lcws: (Description at- ached) (Lot 63) Ili 'jIT11'ESS .•1H*ZREO. , executed this (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) STREET DEDICATION DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL ONE: THE NORTHERLY 10 FEET OF LOT 63, AS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED, "PAP OF COLONY TRACT MONTE VISTA", WHICH MAP WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON APRIL 11, 1917 IN BOOK "P" OF MAPS, PAGE 21. O tiA ._ _ � _ __ i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) • ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) On this day of 13th day of Ilay in the vear of 1983 before me Sheila J. Peters , I personally appeared Alan Stocflmeir and Barbara Stocklmeir personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he (she or they) executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary PubAc in and f7Pihe County i' SA: IIA _iC_ ilt of Santa Clara, State of California _ MY G)rnrmissicn Expires Ncv. �. I MA CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. o COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) On this day of 18th day of riny in the year of 1983 before me Sheila J. Peters , personally appeared Claudia Guznkin , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. :In;l9t.C1.^.t`�1•),r,r (•,^,..-ei-.. •f t�^,p-rr.. � � �7,'/�-� Ile Notary Public in and, f the County C ': 4 'l ,,N!:I!, CI.!'A r,",r, I- _ of Santa Clara, State of California rr;ires 141•;,