98093 (2) 1655 Sar-Sunnyvale Rd Building Permit ConfirmaCLJ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date--/--` ---------------.. 19&1;y Pernni# No. ..................... The undersigned hereby makes application to the Electrical Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit to install clectrica ' tures i /o wirin as li ted,on t verse side. Exemption from require nt ni or o ' License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as o er statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests that his Sta a of Californi Contractor's License .j{' is in full force and effect and properly authorizes th' tionJJ�//� '^ San Jose City Business License # y/� I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is isued I shell not employ any person in any manner so as/to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER /JeS/�OtCJs ADDRESS �6S S— S'�7/1.CJlar-f¢ S[ iz/wyU�9�6' �1c� USE OF BUILDING FIRM �'� ��� Yin SIGNED w_ 280-10 1655 Sar Sunnyvale Rd Ad Art 9 ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING ----_� New Old Outlets Panels, Cabinets /Size Service Conduit \ Switches Switchboards SizeService Wires Receptacles Panelboards \_ Size Service Switch Fixtures Festoon Lamps_ Size Sub Feed'Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW - Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits _ Signs � Transformers __ � Motors Number of Meters-- HP eters _HP Phase Ampere Loads Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection p- B Final Inspection Remarks: ' By— 7e e6.. ,*e —