CC Resolution No. 5902 ~ ~ RESOLUTIOt7 M0.5902 A RI:SOLUTION OF Tf1E CITY COUNCIt. OF THG CIT'Y OF CUPERTINO , ADOPTIi~G A MEFIORANAUP( OF UttDF.RSTANDING BETIJEEN T}iE CITY ' OF CUPERTINO AND T}lE CUPERTINO EMPLOYEES AS50CIATION • ! ' ~dHF,RIiAS, severa] discussions have been held over proposals concerning o~as;es, hours and other condi[ions and terms of employment between repre- ~ sentatives of the City and of the Cupertino Employees Association recog- j nized ma~jority representative of [he ltiscellaneous Unit; and WHERGIS, tiie agreer~ient mutually obtained through [hese discussions has heen recorded in the Plemorandum of Understanding signed by both parties, which memoranJun has been submit[ed to the City Council for ap~roval; ~ , NOIJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City oE ~ Cuper[ino does hereby adopt the attached Ptemorandum of Understanding be[ween the City of Cuper[ino and [he Cupertino Employees Associa[ion. ~f I PASSED AtJD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Clty Council of the City ~ of Cuper[ino this 6th day of Julv , 1982 by the following: • Vo[e Ptembers of Che City Council AYES: Johnson, Plungy,Rogers, •Sparks, Gatto • ' NOES: None ABSENT: None , ABSTAIii: None ' ~ APPROVED: ' / ' L ~ yo[, City oE Cuper no ATTES'f : it~! 1 <e.~ lh..+~-~s.~.a City Clerk ' , • tIF.110RA^IUU1( OF UNi)ERSTA~IDINC'• DETWE~N i • CITY OF CUPERTINO AND CUPER'fINU EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATLON This agreement, entered Lnto the ~,rh day of t„t., ,1982 between the Clty of Cupertino, hereinaf[er referred Co as "City", and repre- sen[a[ives of [fie Cupertino Employees Association, hereinafter referred to as "P.ssocta'~ion°, sets fort:i tlie agrecmen[ resul[ing from several discussions held between tlie5e twn par[tes concerning the eoages, hours, terms, and condi- ~ [inns of emplovmen[ for [he employees of the Hiscellancous Employees Unit of the Cltv, for which the Assocta[ion is the recognized sole and exclusive , representnr.ive. This agreemen[ represents the Eull and integrated agreement ~nac-hed between tlie parties. I SF.C7'IOi~ 1: iJ0 ULSCRItILNATLUN City and Association ay,ree they shall not discrimina[e in any way on ~ arcuunt of r~ce, creed, reli~lon, sex, age, national origin or political afFiliation, or for Association ac[ivity. • SECTION 2: SALA6Y SC11EDlJ[.E The Ci[y aFrees to incrcase rates of pay for each classification covered by this agreement by 6.5~ in thc ranges and steps of the appropriate Schedule of I':iy Gr;ide~; ef fcct ivi~ .1une 70, 1982. The City (urther agrees to place $6.50 per m~»th in a d~~ferred COi11~1M1F;tCLOf1 account covered by thLs aRreement for each employee. I sr,r,•rtov i~.i:.r,.s. c~~rrcatnuT[oN ~ , Ph~ City n~reec to pay the employee's con[rLbution ra[e to the Pablic ~ F.mployees Retirement Sys[em r.o[ [o exceed 7.0~ of applicable salary. ~ SECTION 4: INSURANCE GOVE•RAGE • Ileal[li - hledlcal Insurance - City agrees to pay a maximum of 5160 for I ~ ui Llit. ~ Cu~ Il~~ s ~[e. Employees i(edical and flosp~al Care Act. , ~ Instances in which the premium for medical and hospital insurance plan selected by an employee is less than the Ci[y's maximum premium contribution, ~ the City agrees to contribute a sum, equal to the difference between the actual , premium and the City's maximum contribution effective at that time, Co a deferred compensatio? plan in the employee's name. The Ci[y retains the right i oE selection and adminis[ration over [he plan or plans utilized to defer comp- I ensation. Dental Insurance City agrees to pay that premium now in effect for i ~ employee and dependent. Life Insurance - City si~all provide life insurance and accidental death ~ ~ and dismenberment coverage for each employee in the amount of five times annual salary. Yhe City witl make available to employees.. at the employee's expense a supplemental LiEe insurance program. i Long Term Disability Insurance - Ci[y agrees to pay that premium now in I efEec[ Eor each employee. ~ SECTION 5: IIOLIDAYS I Fixed Holidays • ~ The Ci[y shall provide che following fixed paid holidays for eligible employees covered by this agreement: 1. Plew Years Day 8, Day Eoliowi~g Thanksgiving 2 W:~shinGGOn's Birthday 9. Christnas Eve - halE shift (only 3. Flemorial Day on regular work day) ' 4. [ndependence Day 10, Christmas D~v S i.nbor Day 11. New Years Eve - halE shift (only G. l'eter.~n's D~y on regular work day) , 7. Th~nks~iving Day ' ~dhen a holiday or non-work day falls on a Saturday, the preceding ~riday shall be observed as che non-work day; and when a holiday falls oe a Sunday, [he followinq ~(onday siiall be observed as the non-work day. • ' - 2 - in,; nt,~~ herei~i shnll preci~.:de tne ri~of the depar[ment he.id ~oi[h the appruval of the ~lppninting A~ithority [o reschedule work assign- monts or hours of w~r!c tu neet emergency siCua[ions and other administra[ive necessities caused i~v the observance of a holiday or non-work day or period; ~ provided, liowever, thac all such affected employees are duly compensated for said rescheduled caork assiqnments. • F'_oaCinq flulida~~s In additi.on to the foregoing paid holidays, eligible employees shall be all~wed to sclieduie two workdays as addittonal holidays. These [wo floating holidays sha11 be tal:en at dates of the employee's selection, provided, however, ~hat pcior supervisory approval be obtained in each instance as to the accept- abili[y of [he dates selected by the employee. Foc neco employees, floating holidays will be pro-ra~ed in the following manner: 1. Employees liired aEter January 1 hut before Elarch 31 sliall be en[itled to [wo floating holidays in that calendar year. Emptoyees hired af[er April 1 but before September 30 will be entitled [o one Eloating holiday that calendar year. , 3. Employees hired af[er OctoL~r 1 but before Decemher 31 will ltot be entitled to floating I~olidays in [liat calendar year. Good Fridav Non-Iloric Period Tiie period of 1:00 P.if. to 3:00 P.!(. on Good Friday shall be observed ns non-caorlc period. II„Lidnc !':t~• In order for an employee to receive his/her regular pay for a holiday or designaced non-iaork dac, work mus[ be performed on the regular scheduled day before and tl~e regular sch~duled day aftcr the holiday or desig~ated non-work day. Cmployees on vacation, injury leave, approved short tern leave of -J- . s;~~~ ic satis[actory ~ence of personai' ill:iess .shall hc cor.Gidered as •~+ork[ng rii~~ir reg~~lar schedule for pay purposes. ~ECTiON 5: T,:iQ'0[L1R'i DISABIL[T'i BGilEFI15 Any employee sus[ainin~ an injury arising out of, or in [he course of, che performance oE his job ar.c' who cannot caoric at the duties and responsibi- . lities norMally~ assiFned to t'~~t job is en[itled to receive temporary disability oayments as prescribed by State laca. SECTIOtJ 6.1: USC OP SICI: LF.1VE TO SUPPL~itL•NI' Tt?IPORARY DISABILITY PAYh1ENTS Any employee entitled to receive temporary disability payments may elect [o supplement such paymencs ~+t[h an amount not to exceed that which is the employee's weekly earnings or weekly earnir.g capaci[y by use of sick leave pa;men[s to ttie e:ctent that such sic:; leave has been accrued to the employee's account. SECTION 7: VACAILON All emptoyees, ether [han those holding [enporary status, whose ~aark assigr.menr is ~i a recurring na[ure oE not less ti~an a normal wock week shall accrce vacation credit. ,lfter tvelve months of continuous enployment, accrued vaca:ion may be taken. During che first three years of employment, an employee shall earn vacation credit on [he basis oF i/6 wor1: day or Cne hourly equivalent, for each comple[e montii of continuing service. During the fourth year of employment an employee shall earn vac~[ion cred[t ~n c;ie basis of one and one-four[h (1 L/4) work days or [he hourlv Pqu;vafen:, (~r e~cli cenpLe[e month of continuing service. ' [)uring chr fifte~nch yvnr of employmenC and [hereafter, an employee sl~~ll earn vacation credits at che rate oE oae and two-thirds (1 2/3) wOrk day o: the hourlv equivaler,t Eor each month of conpleted continuous service. , rin enployee may accrue no nore vacation credit than twice the annual rate being earned. - 4 - _ ~:.,I V1ClL1U~nay not ne used to ee_ final employment d:tte bevond the annuai rate being earned. ' SF.CTIOt! 8: SCCK LC.\VE All employees, ntlier than those holding temporary status, shall earn eight (8) hours per non[h sick leave time withou[ lir,iit on accumulation. Employees absenc aithout pay for any reason for more than forty (40) hours during a calendar month shall not earn sick leave benefi[s for that month. Sick leave may be utilized due to the employee's personal illness, inj«ry, materntty, or sickness or injury in the imnediate family. Lmmediate family is defined as spouse and children. Employees shall, whenever possible, make appoin[ments for medical, dental, and similar purposes on non-work hours. If this is no[ possible, sick leave may be used for these purposes. Wi[h proper notice and approval of the supervisor, sick leave shall be [aken in periods of no less than one-half hour increments. "Ihe City shall pay an employee for unused balance of sick leave upon re- tirenent, or termin~[ion for otlier than just cause, according to the following schedule: 1. Upon retirement, which shall require che formal filing of the appro- priate Eorms with the Public Employee's Retirement System, a cash payment equivalent to seventy-five percent (75'/.) of the dollar value of the unused sick leave in excess of 320 hours. Such paymen[ to be calculated at a~rage rate which is the average of the preceding five (5) years for the employee. Upon terr~ination for other than dischar~e with a just cause, a cash paynent equivalent to fifty percent (50X) of tiie dollar value af [he ' unused sick leave balance exceeding 320 hours. The dollar value for such payment shali be calculated at a wage race which is the average , of the preceding five (S) years for tlie employee. -S- [he Cir~ sha11 allo~wenty-fouc (24) hours of accum~[ed sick leave.per c~llendar year to be used for conducting personal business which cannot be con- duc[ed outside regular working hours. Ihe employee must reques[ leave, if non-emergency, aG least fot[y-eight (48) hours ([wo working days) prior to the time oE utilization on the form presently provided. In cases of emergency, the Eorty-eight (48) hour notifica- tion procedure may be waived by the immediate supervisor provided the form is completed and the reason Eor tlie request is stated upon ceturn. SECTIOPI 10: BEREAVC:IEiJT LEAVE Employees shall be granted paid bereavement leave not to exceeJ three (3) work days upon [he occasion of death of a close relative. Close relatives are defined as mo[her, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, child, grandparent, grandchildren, mother-in-law and father-in-law. SECTIOt~ 11: :fILIT.IRY LEAVE Ptilitary leave shall be qranted in accordance with the provision of State law. All employees entitled to military leave shall give their supervisor an opportuni[y, within the limits oE military requirements, to determin~ when such leave shall be taken. • SECTIOt3 12: ;IA1'ERHI'fY LG~VE Employees sha.Ll be granted maternity leave without pay iE they have been empioyed by [lie Cicy for at least Cwelve (12) continuous months. Like o[her non-inJustrial disabilities, employees may use sick leave and vacation leave to supplenent lost wages. The City uill pay t~ealth and welfare benefits until the employee is released by her physician to return to work or for 60 days,~whichever comes first. ' - 6 - ' An empl~~yee i~xpected no[ to absent himself ~m work for any reason u[her than personal 111ness withou[ makin~ prior arrangements with his super- visor. Unless prior arrangements are made, an employee who, for any reason, fails Co repor[ for work must make a sincere eEFort to immediately notify his/her supervisor of tiis/her reason for being absent. If the absence, whether for per- sonal illness or otherwise, is to continue beyond the ficst day, the employee nust notify the supervisor on a daily basis unless otherwise arranged with his/ her supervisor. In proper cases, e:cceptions will be made. .;uy unauthorized absence of an employee from duty shall be deemed to be an absence i~ithou[ pay and will be grounds Eor disciplinary action by the de- partment head. In the absence of such disciplinary action, any employee who absents himself/herseLf for three days or more without authorized leave shall be deemed to have resigned. Such absence may be covered, liowever, by the depart- ment fiead Uy a follocring grant of leave with or without pay when ex[enuating circumstances are founJ to have existed. SECTIOtI 14: DUE PROCESS In each and every instance involving the issuance of warning no~ices, suspensions or the dismissal or discharge of an employee, such will iibt be effectuated vithout the employee first having been given 1n cariting the basis Eor such action being taken and the opporCncit~~ [o .;t•estion the reasons there.ore af l+is supervisor or departMent head. Said oppoctunity shall be as soon as is prac[icable aEter havinG been served the ~ori[ten no[ice and shall not constitu[e any limiti[ion ~~therwise available through the ~rievance or appeal procedures. Any wri[[en warning tn an employee's file will be removed from the Eile,aftec three vears. ' - 7 - ~ ~ ~.A'i~~f(~5 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ LayoFfs nf emplnvees may be r~ade by~ the Appointin~ Au[hority for lack of 'I fnnds, lack of work er for other similar and just cause. The order of layoff shall be that which, in the opinion of the Appointing Authority, will cause the . least disruption of service to the City. Unless o[lierwise prevented from doing so as a result of conditions or si[ua[ions beyond ttie City's con[rol, the City will provide a minimum of thirty (30) days ~otice to any employee subject to being laid off pursuant to the Rule on layofFs. SECTION 16: RCINSTAI'EPIEP7T: 'Che names of employees affec[ed by layoff shall be placed on a recall list for a period of two years in the reverse order of Layoff and shall have the first oppor[unity for reinsta[enent. Failure to respond within ten days to a written notice of such opportunity shall cause [hat name to be removed from the recall list. lJith the approval of the Appoin[ing Authority, a permanent or probationary employee who has resigned wi[h a good recocd may be reinstated within twenty- four months of [lie effec[ive da[e of resignation co a vacant position.in the same or comparable class he/she previously occupied. Upon reinstatment. Che employee for all purposes, shall be conside~ed as though [hey had received an original appoin[ment. SECTION 17: COiiTI:7UATION OF BEiJEFITS All [erns anJ cnnditions of employmen[ not otherwise con[ained herein shall be mainc,iined a[ the standards in efEect a[ the time oE execution. SECI'IO`1 18: S(:PA£~iDiLi'CY In the event any provision of this agreement is finally held [o be ` illegal by a court oE competent ,jurisdiction or void as being in contravention ~ of any Law, rule or regulation of any governnent agency having jurisdictlon - 8 - i ~ tcrt.i~, inder ut lhe agreenent shall conc_,.::. in full force and eTfect unless the parts so found t•be void are held inseparable • from the remaining portion of the agreenent. SEGTIUN 19: RAILFIGI"TION ' Nothing contained in this memorandum shall be binding upon either the City or the Associa[ion following signing of this memorandum by the parties until it has been ratified by the Association's membership and presented and approved by the City Council of the City. SECl'ION Z0: TERI~1 ihis agreement sha11 have effectivity commencing at 12:01 A.M., July 1, 1982 and ending at 11:59, P.P1., June 30, 1983 ~ ~ v G gn6~rt W Ouinlan ~ ~l `,)7 ~ ~ ~ i - 9 - ' ~ ~ ~ r ~~1• . I.RCINU . . CL~ES OP POSITI07:S BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EPIPLOYEES UNLT • Effective July, 1982 Classes of Posi[ions Listed Alphabetlcally Classifica[ion Pay Grade ' , Accoun[an[ I 150 Accountant LI 170 Account Cleck 90 Assistant Civil EaRineer 199 I Associate Planner 184 , Buildin~ Inspector II 184 Cashier 70 Cashier-Clerk 70 Clerk 56 Clerk-Stenographer 95 Clerk-Typist 76 Code Enforcement Assistant 115 Electrical Inspector 184 Engineering Aide 132 Engineering Technician 167 Graphic Illustrator 140 Housing Rehabilitation Counselor 140 Planner I 155 Flanner II 170 Plinnin~ Aide ' 120 Planning Technician 144. Yublic Works Inspector 184 Recreation Coordinator 72 Senior Clerk-Typiat 86 CI f I I+ 5 pY' PAl' GEZADE ' ~CEIJ,ANEOUS EMPLOYEES ONIT . 6ffective July, 1982 Classes of Posi[lons bv Pay Grade Pay Grade 56 Pay Grade 144 Switchboard Operator-Receptionist Planning Technician • Clerk Pay Grade 150 Pay Grade 10 Accoun[ant 1 Cashier Cashier-Clerk Pay Grade 155 Pay Grade 16 Planner I Clerk-Typist Pay Grade 86 Senior Clerk-Typist Pay Grade 167 Pay Grade 90 Engineering Techniciaa Traffic Technician Accoun[ Clerk Pay Crade 110 Pay Grade 95 Accountant II Cterk-Stenogr~phcr Planner II Pay Grade 99 Pay Crade 182 Special Program Coordinator Senior Engineering-Technician Pay Grade 115 Pay Grade 184 ~ Code Enforcement Assistant Associate Planner • Building Inspector II Pay Crade 120 Electrical Inspector Public Works Inspector Planoinq Aide Pay Grade 199 I'ay Grncle 132 Assis[ant Civil Engineer ~ I:n~tnccrinfi Aidc Pay Crade 219 1'ay CraJe 137 Traffic Engineer Tr~ffic Surveyor ' Pny Grade 14d • (:raphic (Ilus[ra[or HvusinR Rehabilitation Counselor . ~ itl (ti~) ' ~ CLASSh:ti qG k'OSI'1'tU.:S BY PAY G ~ NISCEI.I.ANF.OOS EhIPLOYEES UNI~ F.ffective ,1uly, 1982 Classes of Posl[ions Ltsted Alphabetically (con[.) C1asslficatLon Pay Gcade ' Senior Engineering Technician L82 Sper.ial Program Coordina[or 99 Switchboard Operator-Receptionist 56 Traffic Engineer 219 Traffic Surveyor 131 Traffic Technician 167 r ~ ~ ' SCiIEDULE OF PAY CRADES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum 1. flaur 4,843 5.091 S.153 5.914 rfon[ti fl39.45 882.44 927.85 1025.09 2. Ilour G.867 5.111 5.780 5.944 ' tlontli 843.61 886.95 932.53 1030.29 I 3. Viour 4.a91 5.14J 5.407 5.974 Ptontli 847.77 891.45 937.21 1035.49 V 4. Hour 4.916 5.169 5.434 6.004 Month 852.11 895.96 941.89 1040.69 I~ 5. Hour 4.941 5.195 5.461 6.034 llonth 856.G4 900.47 946.57 1045.89 6. Hour 4.966 5.221 5.488 6.064 ' Month 860.77 904.97 951.25 1051.09 7. Hour G.991 5.247 5.515 6.094 Month 865.11 909.48 955.93 1056.29 8. Ilour 5.016 5.273 5.543 6.125 Montli 869.44 913.99 960.79 1061.67 9. Nour 5.041 5.299 5.571 6.156 Mon[li 873.77 918.49 965.64 ' 1067.04 10, ttour S.Ofi6 5.J26 5.599 6.187 Montl~ 818.11 923.17 970.49 1072.41 11. }lour 5.091 5.353 5.627 6.218 Month 882.44 927.85 915.35 1077.19 - 1 - ~ • . SCNEDULC OF PAY GRAUF.S EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A Step B Step C Maximum lZ• Ilour S 5.117 S 5.380 S 5.655 ' $ 6.249 Ptonch 886.95 932.53 980.20 1083.16 13. Nour S.143 5.407 5.683 6.280 tlonth 891.45 937.21 985.05 1088.53 14. Nnur 5.169 5.434 5.111 6.311 Month 895.9G 941.89 989.91 , 1093.91 15. llour 5.195 5.G61 5.7G0 6.343 Month 900.47 946.57 994.93 l099.45 16. Hour 5.221 5.488 5.159 6.315 Month 904.9) 951.25 999.96 1105.00 17. tiour 5.247 5.515 5.798 6.407 ltonth 909.48 955.93 1004.99 1110.55 18. llour 5.273 5.5G1 5.827 6.439 ' Nonch 913.99 960.79 LO10.01 1116.09 19. Nour 5.299 5.571 5.~56 6.4J1 Montl~ 918.49 965.64 1015.04 1121.64 20. Hour S.J26 5.599 5.885 6.503 Flonth 923.17 970.49 1020.07 1127.19 21. Ilour 5.J5J 5.627 5.914 • F.5J6 ltonth 927.85 975.35 1025.09 • 1132.91 22. Nour 5.J80 5.655 5.944 6.5~+9 ltonth 932.53 980.20 1030.29 I138.63 23. Itour 5.407 5.583 5.974 5.h02 Month 937.21 985.05 1035.49 1144.35 24. tlonr 5.424 5.111 6.004 6.675 Pionth 941.89 989.91 1040.69 1150.07 25. N~„ir 5.461 5.74p 6.014 6.6F,8 lfon[h 946.57 994.93 1045.89 1155.79 26. Iiour 5.488 5.769 6.064 • 6.i01 , Flonth 951.25 999.96 1051.09 . 1161.51 27. Hour 5.515 5.798 6.094 6.7J5 . ltoneh 955.93 1004.9g 1056.29 1167.40 ~ 28. Ilour 5.543 5.827 6.125 6.769 Honth 960.19 1010.01 1061.67 1113.29 _ 2 _ ' . ~ ~ ~ SClIEDULE OF PAF GRADES BFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A S[ep g Step C Maximum 29• ltaur 5 5.511 5 5.856 S 6.156 S 6.803 ' Ptantli 9h5.64 1015.04 1067.04 1179.19 30. Ilour 5.599 5.885 6.187 6.Sll Pfonth 910.49 1020.07 1072.41 1185.08 31• flour 5.627 5.914 6.218 6.871 Ptonth 975.35 1025.09 1077.79 1190.97 32. Ilour 5.655 5.944 6.249 6.905 tlonch 980.20 1030.29 1083.16 1196.87 33. llour 5.683 5.974 fi.280 6.940 Montli 985.05 1035.49 1088.53 1202.93 34. Hour 5.711 b.004 6.311 6.975 Month 989.91 1040.69 1093.91 1209.00 35. itour 5.740 6.074 5.343 7.010 Month 994.93 1045.89 1099.45 1215.07 36. I[our 5.769 fi.064 5.375 7.045 Ftonth 999.96 1051.09 1105.00 1221.13 37. liour 5.798 5.094 6.407 7.080 ttonth 1004.99 1056.29 1110.55 1227.20 38. itour i.927 h.125 6.4~9 7.115 Pionth 1010.01 1061.67 1116.09 ~ 1233.27 39. Ilo~~r S.A56 h.156 6.471 ' 7.151 Pfonth 1015.04 1067.04 1121.64 1239.51 40. tlour 5.885 6.187 6.SU3 7.]A7 Montl~ 1020.07 1072.41 1121.19 12G5.75 41. Ilour 5.9t4 6.2I8 F+.536 7.~23 ttontl~ 1025.09 1077.79 1112.91 1251:99 42. Ituur 5.9u4 h.259 6.569 7.259 Piontl~ 1030.29 1083.16 1138.63 1258.23 43. ilc+~~r 5.974 G.28Q 6.602 ~ 1.295 Hon[h 10J5.49 1088.53 1144.~5 ' 1264.G7 44. 1{our 6.004 6.311 6.635 7.332 ' Plonth 1040.69 1093.91 1150.01 1270.88 45. Itnur 6.034 6,343 6.668 1.369 tionth 1045.89 1099.45 1155.79 1277.29 -3 - ~ . ~ SCtiCDULE OF PAY GRADES CFFE(.TIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Crade Step A Step B S[ep C ttaximum 46. Hour 5 6.064 $ 6.375 S 6.701 $ 7.4J6 ltontli 1051.09 1105.00 1161.51 1283.71 47. ftaur 6.094 5.407 5.775 7.443 Plonth 1056.29 1110.55 1167.40 1290.12 48. Hour 6.125 6.439 6.769 7.480 ' Month 1061.67 1116.09 1113.29 1296.53 49. Fiour 6.156 6.471 6.803 7.517 Monch 1067.04 1121.64 1179.19 1302.95 S0. Ilour 6,187 6.503 6.SJ1 T.555 1lonth 1072.41 1127.19 1185.08 1309.53 51. Flour 6.218 6.536 6.871 7.593 Month 101~.79 1132.91 1190.97 1316.12 52. Hour 6.Z49 6.569 6.905 7.631 Month 1083.16 1138.63 1196.87 1322.71 53. 1lour 6.280 6.602 6.940 7.669 Month 1088.53 1144.J5 1202.93 1329.29 54. (iour 6.311 6.635 6.975 7.707 P(onth 1093.91 1150.07 1209.00 1375.88 55. Hour 6.34~ 6.668 7.010 • 7.746 Month 1099.45 1155.79 1215.07 1342.64 56. Hour 6.375 6.701 7.045 7.785 ' tionth 1105.00 l1b1.51 1221.13 1J49.40 57, ilonr 6.407 6.735 7.080 7.924 I•tonth 1110.55 1167.40 122~.20 1356.16 58. Ronr 6.439 6.769 1.115 7.863 tlontl~ 1116.09 1173.29 1233.27 1362.92 59. U~~nr G.471 6.A03 7.151 7.902 , Flonth 1121.64 1179.19 1239.51 1369.68 60. Iloirc 6.503 6.837 7.187 , 1.942 Monch 1127.19 1185.08 1245.75 • 1376.61 61. tlour 6.536 6.871 7.223 7.982 t•tontl~ 1132.91 1190.97 1251.99 1383.55 ~62. Ilour 5.569 6.905 7.259 8.022 t•tontli 11J8.63 1196.87 1258.1~ 1390.48 _ 4 - • ~ ~ S(:IIEDULE OF PAY CRADGS EFFfC,TIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A Step 0 S[ep C Maximum , 63. Ilour S 6.602 $ 6.940 S 7.295 $ 8.062 ' ttonth L144.J5 1202.93 1264.47 1397.41 i 64. Ilour 6.6)5 6.975 7.332 8.102 ~ Month 1150.07 1209.00 1270.88 1404.35 I 65. Hour 6.6h8 7.010 7.369 8.143 Month 1155.79 1215.07 1277.29 1411.45 E 66. Ilour 6.701 1.045 7.406 8.184 Plonth 1161.51 1221.13 1283.71 1418.56 67. liour 6.715 1.080 7.443 8.225 Planth 1167.40 1221.20 1290.12 1425.67 68. Ilour 6.Ifi9 7.115 7.480 8.266 Month 1173.29 1237.27 1296.53 14~2.77 69. Ilour 6.803 7.151 7.517 8.J01 Montii 1119.19 1239.51 1702.95 1439.88 70. Hour 6.837 7.t87 7.555 8.349 Month 1185.08 1245.75 1309.53 1447.16 71. Ilour 6.871 7.223 7.593 8.391 t(onth 1190.97 1251.99 1J16.12 1454.44 12. Ilour 6.905 7.259 7.631 , 8.4J3 Hon[h 1196.87 1258.23 1322.71 1461.72 73. Ilour 6.940 7.295 1.669 8.G75 tfontt~ 1202.93 1264.47 1329.29 1469.00 74. Ilour 6.975 7.372 7.707 8.517 ~lonth 1209.00 1270.88 1J35.88 1476.28 75. Il~ur 7.010 ).369 7.746 8.560 Plonth 1215.07 1277.29 1342.64 1483.7J 76. I~our 7.Q45 7.406 7,735 8.603 rloocl~ 1221.13 128J.71 1749.40 1491.19 77, fluur 7.080 7.443 7.824 • 8.646 1lonth L227.20 1290.12 1356.16 • 1498.64 78. Hour 7.115 7.480 7.863 8.b89 ; Ptontli 1233.27 1296.57 1362.92 1506.09 79. Itour 7.151 7.517 7.902 8.132 t(ontli 1239.51 1302.95 1369.68 1513.55 _ 5 _ ~ ~ SCfiEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Crade S[ep A S[eP B. Step C Maximum 80. Nour S 7.187 S 7.555 S 1.942 $ 8.776 Month 1245.75 1J09.5] 1J76.61 1521.17 81. Nuur 7.22] 7.593 7.982 8.820 htonth 1251.99 1J16.12 1383.55 1528.80 82. Ilour 7.259 1.631 8.022 8.864 ltontli 1258.23 1 22.71 1390.48 1536.43 83. Hour 7.295 1.669 8.062 8.908 Mon[h 126~.47 1329.29 1397.41 1544.05 84. Ilour 7.J32 7.707 4.142 8.953 Pfonth 1270.88 1]35.88 1404.35 1551.85 85. fiour 7.369 7.746 8.143 8.998 Month 1277.29 1342.64 1411.45 1559.65 86. liour 7.G06 7.785 8.184 9.043 Month 1283.71 1J49.40 1418.56 1567.45 87. Noiir 7.44} 7.824 8.225 9.088 Plonth 1290.12 1J56.16 1425.67 1575.25 88. Flour 7.G80 7.863 8.266 9.1~3 Month 1296.53 1362.92 1432.77 159).OS 89. Nour 7.S17 7.902 8.307 9.179 Month 1301.95 1J69.68 1439.88 • 1591.03 90. Il~iur 7.555 7.942 8.349 ~ 9.225 Honth 1~09.53 1J76.61 1447.16 1599.00 91. Ilour 7.59) ].982 A.791 9.271 Ptontli 1316.12 1383.55 1454.44 1606.97 92• Ii~~~~r 7.6J1 8.022 8.433 9.717 Ptontli 1322.71 1190.48 1461.72 1614.95 93. Iiunr 7.569 8.052 R.475 9.354 P(unth 1329.29 1397.41 1469.00 1623.09 94. iinur 7.707 8.102 8.S17 . 9.411 tlnnth 1J35.88 1G04.35 1476.28 ' 16~1.2G 95. Ilour 7.)46 8.143 8.560 • 9.458 , Month 1342.64 1411.45 1483.73 1639.39 96. Ilour 7.785 8.184 9.603 9.505 Month 1349.40 1418.56 1491.19 1641.53 _ 6 _ ~ ~ ~ ' SClILDULE ~F PAY CRADES EFFECTIVF. JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A Step B~ S[e~~ C Maximum 97. Ilour S 7.R24 $ 8.225 S 8.646 S 9.553 Montli 1356.16 1425.67 1498.64 1655.85 98, flour 7.853 8.266 8.b89 9.601 t(ontli 1362.92 14]2,77 1506.09 1664.17 99. Hour 7.9Q2 8,J07 8.7)2 9.649 tlonth 1J69.68 14~9.88 1513.55 1672.49 100. Nour 7.952 8.349 8.776 9.697 Month 1376.61 1447.16 1521.17 1680.81 101. !{uur 7.982 9.391 8.820 9.746 Monch 1383.55 1454.44 1528.80 1689.31 102. Hour 8.022 8.4~3 8.864 9,7g5 Ftonth 1390.48 1461.72 1536.43 1697.80 103. ltour 8.062 8.475 8.908 9.844 Montli 1397.41 1469.00 1544,05 1706.29 104. llour 8.102 8.511 8.95~ 9.893 ttonth 14~4.J5 1476.28 1551.85 1714.79 105. llour 8.143 8.560 8.998 9.9k3 Month 1411.45 1483.73 1559.65 1723.45 106, flour 8.184 8.60] 9.043 ~ 9.993 Month 1418.56 1491.19 1567.45 • 17]2.12 107. ~~o~~r 8.225 8.646 9.088 10.043 Ptontli 1425.67 1498.64 1575.25 1740.79 108. Hour ' 8.266 8.689 9.133 IQ.093 ifontli 14J2.77 1506.09 158J.05 1749.45 109. H~~ur A. ]Ol 8.772 9. U9 l0.144 Month 14]9.88 1513.55 1591.03 1758.29 110. li~~ur S.J49 R.776 9.225 10.195 Pfonth ]447.16 1521.17 1599.00 1767.13 111. llour 8.391 8.A20 9.271 ~ 10.246 Month 145G.44 1528.80 1606.97 ~ 1775.97 1Y2. Hour 8.433 8.864 9.JU 10.297 • t~onth 1461.72 1536.43 1614.95 1784.81 113. Hour 8.475 8.908 9.J64 l0.349 Mortth 1469.00 1544.05 162~.09 1793.83 _ 1 _ ~ ~ S(:IILDULE oF PAY GRnDES HFF~CTIVG JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Step A Step B. Step C llaximum 114. Ilour $ 8.S17 S 8•953 S 9.411 S 10.401 ~ton[h 1476.28 1551.85 1631.24 1802.84 115. Ilour 8.i60 8.998 9.458 l0.453 Honth 148).7J 1559.65 1639.)9 1811.85 116. Ftour 8.603 9.043 9.505 10.505 Itonch 1491.19 1567.45 1647.53 1820.87 117. Nour 8.646 4.088 9.553 10.558 Plonth 1498.64 1575.25 1655.85 1830.05 118. Ho~~r 8.6A9 9.133 9.601 10.611 tfonth 1506.09 1583.05 1664.17 1839.24 119. flour 8.132 9.179 9.649 10.664 Month 1513.55 1591.03 1672.49 1848.43 120. }Iour 8.776 9.225 9.697 10.717 ltoath 1521.17 1599.00 1680.81 1857.61 121. Iiour 8.820 9.271 9.746 10.771 ttonth 1528.80 1506.97 1589.31 1866.97 122. No~ir 8.864 9.317 9.795 10.825 llonth 1536.43 1614.95 1697.80 1876.37 123. Hour 8.908 9.164 9.844 ' 10.879 llonth 1544.05 1623.09 170b.29 • 1885.69 124. Ilour 8.953 9.411 9.893 10.933 ltonth 1551.85 1691.24 1714.19 1895.05 125. Ito~ir 8.998 9.458 9.943 10.988 Tdonth 1559.65 1639.39 1723.45 1904.59 126. llnur 9.043 9.505 ?.993 11.043 llontii 1567.45 1647.53 1132.12 1914.12 127. Ilonr 9.t)88 9.553 L0.04~ 11.098 Nontli 1575.25 1655.85 1740.79 1923.65 128. N~i~r 9.133 9.601 10.093 • 11.154 Nonth 158).OS 1664.17 1749.45 . 193~.36 129. Hour 9.179 9.649 10.144 11.210 . lfonth L591.07 1672.49 1758.29 1943.07 170. Hoi~r 9.225 9.697 10.195 11.266 Month 1599.00 1680.81 1767.13 1952.77 - 8 _ ' ~ ~ ~ ' SCHEDULE OF PAY C~\DES EFFF.CT[VE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade Stea A Stev (i Step C Maximum 131. tlour S 9.271 S 9.746 S 10.246 S 11.322 Ftontli 1606.97 1689.31 1775.97 '1962.48 ' 132. 1{aur 9.317 9.795 10.297 11.379 ! Plonth t614.95 1697.90 1784.81 1972.]6 , 133. flnur 9.J64 9.844 10.J49 11.436 Month 1627.09 1J06.29 1193.8J 1982.24 i 134, }lour 9.411 9.893 10.4p1 11.493 Pfonth 1631.24 1714.19 1802.84 1992.12 ~ ~ 135. Nour 9.G58 9.943 10.453 11.551 Ftonth 1b39.]9 1)23.45 1811.85 2002.17 ( 136. Ilour 9.SQ5 9.993 10.505 11.609 i Mon[h 1647.53 1732.12 1820.87 2012.23 i ~ 137• Iiour 9.553 1~.04] 10.558 11.667 ~ Plonth 1655.85 1740.)9 1830.05 2022,28 ~ 138. Hour 9.601 10.097 10.b11 11.725 lfonth 1664.17 1749.45 1839.24 2032.33 134. Hour 9.649 10.144 10.664 I1.iA4 Month 1672.49 1758.29 1848.43 4 20 2.56 140. Hour 9.697 10.195 10.717 11.843 , Mon[h 1680.81 1767.LJ 1857.61 , 2052.19 141. Hour 9.746 10.246 10.771 " 11.902 Hon[h 1689.31 1775.91 1866.97 2063.01 142, Honr 9.795 10.297 10.825 11.962 , ltonth 1697.80 1784.81 1876.~J 2073.41 ' 143. Iiour 9.844 10.J49 10.A79 12.022 Month 1106.29 1793.8J 1885.69 2083.81 144. Iinnr 9.R9~ 10.401 L0.933 12.082 Manth 1714.79 1802.84 1A95.05 2094.21 145. Iio~~r 9.943 lO.G53 10.988 1.2,I42 Pfonth 1723.45 1811.85 1904.59 ~ 2104.61 146. No~~r 9.99] t0.505 11.043 . 12.203 Plonth 1732.12 1820.87 1914.12 2115.19 149, pnur 10.04~ 10.558 11.098 12.26G ' Nonth 1740.79 1830.05 1923.65 2125.76 9 • SCIIEI~ULE OF ~'AY CRAf1ES ~ EFFF.CTIVE JULY 1, 1982 ' Par Crade Step A Step B Step C Haximum 148. Flour S 10.093 S 10.611 $ 11.154 $ 12.J25 Month 1749.45 1839.24 1933.36 21)6.33 149. linur 10.144 10.664 11.210 12.J87 Month 1158.29 1848.4] 1943.07 2147.08 150. Ilnur 10.195 L0.7 U 11.266 12.449 Plonth 1167.13 1857.61 1952.77 2157.8J 151. Hour 10.246 i0.771 11.322 12.511 llontli 1715.97 1866.97 1962.48 2168.57 152. Ilour 10.297 l0.825 11.379 12.574 Month 1784.81 1876.JJ 1972.36 2179.49 153. Hour 10.749 10.A79 11.436 12.637 tdonth 1793.83 1885.69 1982.24 2190.41 154. Hour 10.b01 10.933 11.493 12.700 Mon[h 1602.84 1895.05 1992.11 2201.33 155. Ilour 10.453 10.988 11.551 12.764 Pfonth 1811.85 1904.59 2002.17 2212.G3 156. flnur 10.505 11.043 11.609 12.828 Plontl~ 1820.81 1914.12 2012.27 222J.52 157. I{our 10.558 11.098 11.667 1.2.A92 Month 1830.05 1923.65 2022.28 2234.61 158. Heur 10.611 11.154 11.7Z5 ~ 12.957 Manth 1839.24 1933.3h 2072.33 ' 2245.88 159. Ilrnir 10.6b4 11.210 11.784 13.022 ttonth 1848.43 1943.07 2042.56 2257.15 160. Itour 1p,717 11.266 11.843 13.OA7 Dtonth 1857.61 1952.T1 2052.79 2268.41 161. Ilonr 1Q.771 liJ?2 II.902 1~.152 Ptun[li 18G6.97 1962.48 2063.01 2279.68 162. If~~~~r 10.825 L1.7T9 11.452' 13.218 Month 1876.33 1972.J6 2073.41 , 2291.12 163. F~~,ir 10.874 ] 1.436 12.022 17. 284 Month 1885.69 1982.24 2083.81 2302.56 164. F{~~~~ 10.933 11.493 12.082 t3.350 ' , Month 1895.05 1992.12 2094.21 2314.00 _ 10 _ • ~ ~ • SCHf.DULF, OF PAY C,RADES F.FFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pay Grade S[eP A 5[ep B Step C Maximum 165. ~lour S(0.988 S 11.551 $ L2.142 S 1J.411 • Month 1904.59 2002.11 2104.61 2325.61 166. Hnur 11.043 11.609 12.?0] 1~.484 Plonth !714.12 2012.23 2115.19 2]37.23 167. Ho~ir 11.09A 11.b67 L2.264 17.551 Month L92J.65 2022.28 2125.76 2348.84 168. Ilour 11.154 11.725 12.J25 1).619 Month 1937.J6 20J2.33 21J6.J7 2360.63 169. Ilnur 11.210 l1.i84 12.)87 13.687 Month 1943.07 2042.56 2147.08 2372.41 170. Hnnr 11.266 11.84J 12.449 17.155 tlonth 1952.77 2052.79 2157.83 2384.20 171. Iiour 11.322 11.902 12.511 13.824 Ptonth 1962.48 2063.01 2168.57 2396.16 172. Ilour 11.]79 L1.962 12.574 13.893 Flonth 1972.36 2073.41 2179.49 2408.12 173. fiour I1.L36 12.022 12.6J7 13.962 Ftonth 1982.2G 2083.81 2190.41 1420.08 174. llour 11.493 12.082 12.700 14.032 Month 1992.12 2094.21 2201.33 2432.21 175. Ilnur 11.551 12.142 12.764 ~ 14.10? Month 2002.17 2104.61 2212.43 ~ 2444.~5 176. Nnrr 11.509 12.203 12.828 14.173. llo~[h 2012.2J 2115.19 2223.52 2456.65 177. lirnir 11.667 12.254 12.892 14.254 Montli Z022.28 2125.76 2234.61 2468,96 178. Ilnur 11.725 12.325 12.957 14.315 Honth 2072 J~ 2136.J3 2245.88 2481.27 179. Ilr~ur I1.784 12.787 13.022 14.J87 rlonch 20a2.56 2147.08 2257.15 2493.75 180. Iloi~r 11.~43 12.L49 1J.087 ' 14,459 Month 2052.79 2157.83 2268.41 2506.23 18Z. tlrn~r 11.902 12.511 1),152 14.531 . Alonth 2Q63.01 2168.57 2219.68 2518.~1 - 11 - ~ • . SCIIF.DULE OF PAy CRAD~S • EFFE(;TIVE JULY 1, 1982 Pav Grade S[en ,1 Step B S[eP C Flaximum 182. lio~ir S 11.9h2 S 12.574 S l3.218 S 14.604 tton[h 2073.41 2179.49 2291.12 2531.36 183. Ilour I2.022 L2.631 17.284 14.677 , , Montl~ 2083.81 2190.41 2302:55 ' 2544.01 ~ 184. Hour 12.Q82 12.700 IJ.JSO 14.750 tla~th 2094,21 2201.33 2314.00 2556.b7 185. liour t2.142 12.764 13.417 14,824 j Month 2104,61 2212.43 2325.61 2569.49 186. Ilnur 12.203 12.828 13.484 14.898 Ptonth 2115.19 2223.52 2337.23 2582.32 187. llour 12.264 12.892 13.551 14.972 Mon[h 2125.16 2234.61 2J/i8.84 2595,15 188. Ilnur 12.325 12.957 13.6I9 15.047 ~ Nonth 2136.33 2245.88 2360.63 2608.15 189. Flour 12.387 17.022 13.687 15.122 Ftonth 2147.08 2257.15 2372.41 2621.15 190. Hour 12.G49 17.087 13.755 15.19A PI'onth 2157.83 2268.41 2384.2p 2634.32 191. Flour 1:.511 13.152 13.824 i5.274 Month 2168.57 2279.68 2396.16 2647,49 192. Itour 12.574 13.218 13.89J ' 15.350 Month 2179.49 2291.12 2408.12 ~ 2660.6j 193. ll~nr ]2.51) I).284 1J.962 15.421 Month 219Q.41 T302.56 2420.QA 2674.Q1 194, ftour 12. 700 I'3. 350 14, 032 l5. SQ4 Month 2201.33 2314.00 2432.21 2687.36 195. Il~~ur 12.764 i7.417 14.1~2 15.582 Plonth 2212.43 2J25.61 2444, 35 2700, 88 196. flnnr L2.828 1J.484 14. 171 15. G~p Plontli 2227,52 23)7.2) 2456.65 • 2714.40 197. Hnur 12.892 13.551 14.244 15.77N . Month 2234.61 2348.84 Z46g,9g 272~,gZ ' 198. Hour 12~957 1~.619 14.J15 Lg,Bll ~ Montli 2245.88 2Jb0.63 2481.27 2741,61 199. liour 1J.022 1 6 l4 q 1g g Cton[t~ 2257.15 2372.4B7 2493:75~ 2755:316 _ 12 _ ~ ~ , ' • EFFisGI[VE JULY i, 1982 • :'~y ,rade S[ep A Step U Step C Maximum '200. Hour 5 1J.087 . $ 13.155 S 14.459 $ 15.915 ' ltonth 2268.41 2384.2U 2506.23 2769.00 ~201. llour 13.152 13.824 14.531 16.055 ltan[h 2279.68 2396.16 2518.71 2782.87 202. Hour 13.218 13.893 14.604 16.135 ' Plonth 2291.12 2408.12 2531.36 2796.73 ~ 203. Hour 13.28G 13.962 14.677 16.216 i Month 2302.56 2420.08 2544.01 2810.77 204. Flour 13.350 14.032 14.750 16.297 i Month 2314.00 2432.21 2556.67 2824.81 205. flour 13.417 14,102 14.824 16.378 ~ Month 2325.61 2444.35 2569.49 2838.85 ~ 206. Nour 13.484 14.17] 14.898 16.460 Month 2337.23 2456.65 2582.32 2853.01 ' 207. llour 17.551 14.244 14.972 16.542 Month 2348.84 2468.96 2595.15 2861.28 208. Hour 13.619 14.J15 15.047 16.625 lton[h 2360.63 2481.27 2608.15 2881.67 209. Hour 1J.687 14.387 15.122 16.708 Ptonth 2372.41 2493.15 2621.15 2896.05 210. Hour 13.755 14.459 15.198 , 16.792 Montli 2384.20 2506.23 2634.32 , 2910.61 211. Hour 1).824 14.531 15.274 • 16.876 Month 2396.16 2518.71 2647.49 2925.17 Z12• liour 13.893 14.60~ 15.350 16.960 Month 2408.12 2531.36 2660.67 2939.73 213. Ilour 13.962 14.677 15.427 17.045 t(onth 2420.08 2544.01 2674.01 2954.47 214. ~{Q,~r 14.032 14.~50 15.504 17.130 Plonth 24J2.21 2556.67 2687.76 2969.20 215. Hour 14.102 14.824 15.582 , 17.216 Month 2444.35 2569.49 2100.88 , 2484.11 - 13 - i • • Sf.Hf•.DULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUI,Y 1, 1982 i Pav Grade S[ep A Step B S[ep C hlaximum ~ 216. fionr S 1'v.173 $ 14.898 $ 15.660 j S 17.302 Month 2456.65 2582.37 2714.40 299g,p; ~ 217. Itour 14.244 14.972 15.738 17.389 ~ Ftontti 2468.96 2595.15 2727.92 3014.09 218. Hour 14.315 15.047 15.817 17.476 ttonth 2481.27 2608.15 2741.61 3029.17 219. flour 14.387 15.122 15.896 17.563 i hlonth 2493.75 2621.15 2755.31 3044.25 ~ 22~• Rour 14.459 15.198 15.975 17.651 ~ Month 2506.23 2634.32 2769.00 3059.51 ~ 221. llour 14.531 15.274 16.055 17.739 ~ Mon[h 2518.71 2647.49 2782.87 3074.76 222. Hour 1b.604 15.350 1b.135 17.828 ltonth 2531.36 2660.67 2796.73 3090.19 ! 223. flour 14.677 15.427 16.216 17.917 Plonth 2544.01 2674.01 2810.77 3105.61 ' 224. Hour 14.750 15.504 15.297 18.007 lton[h 2556.67 2687.36 2824.81 3121.21 225. I(our 14.824 15.582 16.378 18.097 Month 2569.49 2700.88 2838.85 3136.81 226. Nour 14.898 15.h60 16.460 18.187 Mon[h 2582.32 2714.G0 2853.07 ' 3152.41 227• Iiour 14.972 15.7J8 16.542 18.278 Month 2545.15 2727.92 2867.28 '~168.19 228• Ilour t5.OL7 15.817 16.625 18.J69 Month 2608.15 2741.61 2881.67 3183.96 Z29• Ilnur 15.122 15.896 16.708 19.461 Noath 2621.15 2155.31 2896.05 3199.91 Z~~• ~~<~i~r 15.198 15.975 1F.792 18.553 Pto~th 2634.32 2769.00 2910.61 . 3215.85 , 131. flnur L5.274 16.055 16.876 18.646 llonth 2647.49 2182.87 2925.17 32]1.97 - 14 - ~ ~ SCIIEDULE oF PAY GRADES ' EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 P:~y (:rade Step e1 5tep B Step C Maximum r 232. tiour 5 L5.350 S 16.135 S 1h.960 $ 18.739 . Mon[h 2660.67 2796.73 2939.7J 3248.09 233. Hour 15.427 16.216 17.045 I8.833 Month 2674.01 2810.7~ 2954.47 3264.39 234. Hour 15.504 16.297 17.130 18.927 Flonth 2687.36 2824.81 2969.20 3280.68 235. Hour 15.582 16.378 17.216 19.022 Month 2700.88 2838.85 2984.11 3297.15 236. Hour 15.660 16.460 17.302 19.117 lton[h 2714.40 2853.07 2999.01 3313.61 237. Itour 15.738 16.542 17.389 19.213 Month 2727.92 28b7.28 3014.09 3330.25 238. Hour 15.817 16.625 17.416 19.309 Month 2741.61 2881.67 3029.17 3346.89 239. Hour 15.896 16.708 17.563 19.406 Ptonth 2755.31 2896.05 3044,25 3363.71 2G0. Hour 15.975 1F.792 L1.651 19.503 Plonth 2769.00 2910.61 3059.51 3380.52 241. ?our 15.055 1b.876 17.739 19.601 Flonth 2782,87 2925.17 307~.76 3397.51 242. linur I6.1J5 16.960 17.828 ~ 19.699 Montli 2795.13 2939.73 3090.19 ~ 3414.49 243. Itoiir 15.21h 17.045 17.917 1?.797 Plon[h 2810.77 2954.4T J105.61 3431.48 244. Il~i~r Lfi.297 17.170 1R.007 19.A96 llonth 2g2h.g1 2969.20 3121.21 3448.64 245. H~~nr Ih.~78 11.216 18.097 19.995 ltnn[I~ 2378.85 2984.11 J136.81 3b65.80 246. Iin~ir 1~+,4qp 17.302 IA.lA7 20.095 Flonth 2A5J.07 2999.Q1 3152.41 , )483.1J 247. Nmir 16.542 17.389 18.278 ?0.195 tlonth 2867.2H 3014.09 3168.19 3500.47 - 15 - • tic;11t:GGLE Of F AY CRADES . ' EFFECTLVE ,IIJI,Y 1, 1982 P,~~: Grade S~e A Scep B S[ep C Maximum 248. ~~nnr $ 16.625 S 17.476 S 18.3fi9 $ 20.296 Ptoncli 2881.67 J029.LZ 3183.96 3517.97 24g, Hnur 15.708 11.563 1A.461 20.397 Mon[h 2A96.05 J044.25 3149.91 ]535.48 250. 11our 16.792 17.651 1A.553 20.499 Plonth 2910.b1 ]059.51 3215.85 ]553.16 251. Itour 15.876 11.739 18.646 20.601 ' Month 2925.17 )074.76 3231.97 3570.84 Zg2, Hnnr lFi.960 17.828 18.739 20.704 Month 2939.73 3090.19 3248.09 3588.69 253. ~~~ur 17.045 17.917 18.6]J 20.808 Pton[h 2954.47 3105.61 3264.39 3606.72 254. ~~c+ur L7.130 18.007 18.927 20.912 Month 2969.20 3121.21 3280.68 3624.75 255. finur 17.216 18.097 19.022 21.017 Mnnth 2994.11 31J6.81 3297.15 3642.95 256. Neur 17.302 18.187 19.117 21.122 hlonth 2999.01 ~152.41 3313.61 3b61.15 Zg7, Hour 17.3A9 L8.278 19.21J 21.228 Month 30L4.09 3168.19 3330.25 7679.52 2gg, Hour 17.416 18.369 I9.]09 ~ 21.334 Mo~th 3029.17 3183.96 3346.89 . J697.89 259, Hnur IJ.Sh7 1R.461 19.406 '21.441 lto~th 3044.25 3199.91 3363.71 3716.44 Zbp, N~ar 17.bi1 18.553 19.50] 21.548 Ptonth 3059.51 3215.85 3380.52 3734.99 261. Ilnur 17.7)9 19.fi46 19.60J. :1.G56 Month JQ74.7b 323.t.97 339J.51 3753.J1 262. Il~~nr I7.A28 lii.779 19.699 21.76L rioncn 3D90.19 324A.09 3414.49 ]772.43 263. li~±~~r 1J.91I 18.A33 19.J97 21.813 Month ]105.61 ]264.39 1431.48 3791.32 - 16 - ~ i SCHF,UULE OF f'-1Y CRAUGS • , ' EPFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982 P:~v Grade S[ep A Scep B S[ep C Etaximum ; ~ 264. Nuur S I8.001. $ 18.927 S 19.896 $ 21.982 Ptonth 3121.21 3280.68 3448.64 3810.21 { ~ 265. H~ur 18.097 19.022 t9.995 22.092 Plonth ]1l6.81 3291.15 )4h5.B0 3829.28 266. llour 18.187 19.117 20.095 22.202 ~ "lonth 7L52.41 3313.61 348J.13 3848.35 267. Iinur )8.278 19.213 20.195 22.313 j ltonth ]168.19 3~30.25 3500.47 3867.59 ~ ! Z68• H~ur IA J 69 19.309 20.296 22.425 ~ Month 3L8J.96 3346.89 3517.97 J887.00 269. Itrn~r 18.4G1 19.406 ?0.397 22.SJ7 ~ llonth 3199.91 3363.71 35J5.48 3906.41 i ! 270• Hnur 18.553 19.503 20.499 22.650 Huneh 3215.85 3380.52 )553.16 3926.00 211• Ilr~ur LA.b46 19.601 20.601 22.763 1lonth 3231.97 3397.51 3570.84 3945.59 272. Ilour lA.7J9 19.h99 20.704 22.871 llon[h 3248.09 3414.49 3588.69 3965.35 ~ 213. Hour 18.8JJ 19 J 9~ 20.808 22.991 Flonth 3264.39 3431.48 3606.72 3985.11 274. Nour 1A.927 19.896 20.9t2 • 2).106 Ilanth 3280.68 3448.64 3624.75 4005.04 275. N~ur 19.022 19.995 21.017 • 2J.222 Nonth 3297.15 3665.80 3642.95 4025.15 Z~6• Ilnur 14.1 U 2Q.095 21.122 23.378 r~~~,~~~ 7313.61 348~.13 3661.15 4045.25 Z~7• Il~~nr I9.2L3 20.195 21.228 23.455 Fl~nth ))30.25 3500.4~ 3679.52 4065.5J 278. q~,~~r 19.309 ?0.296 Z1.J34 2J.512 Montli 3l46.89 3517.97 3697.89 4085.81 279. Il~,nr 19.4~)6 20.J97 21.L41 . 2J.690 Plontl~ 3)63.11 3535.48 7116.44 • 4106.27 - 17 -