907 (2) NO. STREET LOT NO. O ELECTRICAL PERMIT'-.i ' NOV 3 0 '�p0jCOF CUPERTINO Date //— J(� �l 191(5� Permit No. �O WTYW CUPERTINO Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on,the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premi / '• ', a Owner Address �� �J v in By Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT \kl. Phone: A L: %/��, APProved i ELELTRIUL INSPHCIO{ NEN:* RPL FEES I Size Service Conduit..------------......Number of Outlets.................. . ........ .......... ----------- Sine ---- ------ Si!,-e Servi,.v Wires------------- --------Number of Switches-------------- ---------- ----------- ......... Size Service Switch.......(tz(2-.RN-�Number of Receptacles------------ ---------- -------- - .............. Size Sub Feed Conduit.._-, ------Number of Fixtures_.............-- ---------- ---------- -------------. Size Sub Feed Wires.#.(l�........Ranges................ KW......------ ---------- ---------- ----------. of Circuits------------------- Oven .............. KW------------ --------- ---------- -------------- Number of Meters........................Signs_........ Transformers........ ....------ ---------- -------------- misc................................................Dryers ---------------- ----------I..-....... ----- ------- Motors--------j......... HP------..5------ Phase....�3]�: Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase-----.....------- Motors ----------------- Motors-------------------- HP------------------- Phase-........... . H P Charge..._....... TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring----------------I--------- ------------------ Fixtures ..............---.....I.7------------------------ DATE INSPECTORSAT INSPECT" ....ItotorS ............. ......... �'t:.t:.. ....... Finish Wiring --I--------------------- ............ DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Final ------------------------- ------------------------ DATE INSPECTOR I, the undersigned do hereby= certify that I am rt t the owner and ^ 'occuu5ant of the single family dwelling at / d (��/V • d f{i1t1 - Jc(/ ?d£or which I am ma'king application to do T C Zi(I work as a home owner. I also certify that I will not hire any non-licensed Idri\cbntractor, but will do this work myself TELEPHONE NUMER SIGNATURE f ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE =� - `--CITY OF CUPERTINO .......................... - ------------ ------------ .., 1961, To You are hereby authorized to connect the ELECTRIC service for Owner or Tenant ..... No. of Wires .. �/�... - ' �Z'"��.... 0...7 ..._...... Size of Wiras'........�........ Size of Switch . .. . Motor Load ----------.................. Voltage -----------------'----..... Phase........................ ........... .Heating Load ------ ---------------- K. W. ........ ....................... .. Voltage- -- No..of,Meters...J Light ..........._.1 ................New Seivim...:4': t._._Retonnect 0 ' . ' - Heat ......::......220 ......Three Wire ......_..........Move Service 7......... tiNo of;Add.,Meteis�..:..... ' "--�- - -`^--'� --,.•., r,Power 'Ih2c.P"as ..............More Meter ........... ............._.. !r ........ 104 1/60-500 ` '�� GELECTRICAL.JNSPECTOR NO. STREET 117 LOT NO. ® P�G�4 I OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 66•�6� C R F CUPERTINO (SEP 111962 Date �T�/ (� (� a N(62 ' 195— Permit No. Ap tan re rty of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and al ,other laws applicable thereto. A N - UW of Premi -Ci Owner Address By L — u- f h Address CONTRACTOR,..AOHNT.., y Approved ' -2hone:: �1J,1 E GL INSPRCTOI NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit......................Number of Outlets................_. .......... Size Service Wires..........................Number of Switches................ ..... Size Service Switch........................Number of Receptacles--------'... ---------- ---------- -------------- Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures.................. .......... .......... .............. Size Sub Feed Wires. ................-.---Ranges................ KW.............. .......... .......... .............. Number of Circuits_............. Oven ------------- KW.--------- - ---- --- ---------- ------------- Number of Meters........................Signs---------- Transformers-----... .......-- --........ .............. Misc------------------------------------------- ----Dryers---------------------------------------- ------- ---...... .............. Motors------------.---- HP-------------------- Phase------------------- Motors.................... HP-_---------------- Phase...........------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.................... HP------ --........ Phase.......-------_ HP Charge.---...-------I----------- TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring.,,........... ............................ Fixtures ---------------------- --------... ............. 9' DATE . INSPECTOR... DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring-:.S..:..:.:._. .. Motors DATE INSPECTOR �j S r Final ..1 ... DATE INSPECTOR Q ` ELECTRIC SERIiPERAINO I E NOTICE OFFICE m1>>� BUILDING INSPETOR'S OFFICE CITY OF C .... ..-.. ......4. J...................... 196 . O You are hereby aut d,o Wel RIC service for Owneror Tenant .... ... ...._. _._.. ..._.............._. ......__......_..............----........_. No. of Wires .v.............. Size of Wire ....._.0.....�•... Size of Switch f.. Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase. ---------------------__---- Heating Load --------- -........... K. W. .._.._.......... ---------- ---- Voltage -----.................--.... Light ..........._.110 ✓ .. .New Service .�.......Reconnect ................ No. of Meters .._1............ Heat ...._........220 �'....Three Wire._.........._....Move Service ---------- No. of Add Meters ....._..- Power -------------- r .................Move Meter ........._. s ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 104 7/61500