CC Resolution No. 5699 ~ ' • • ~ 1~ RESOLUTION N0. 5699 A RGSOI,U1'ION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF CDPF.RTINO Ab~)1''fING AN OYERATINC ANU CONS'I'RIICTtt)N 6UDGET FOR FISCAL YP.AR 1981-82 DY RATIFYING f5T1P1AT1~.S OP RGVINUES TD IlB RF.CGIVGU II! (:ACH FUND A1JD APPROPRIAi'IN(: PIONIES THBRGFROht FOR SPGCIF'71:f) PROGRMt ACTIVITIES AND ACCOUNTS AND SETTING FORT? CONDI'fLONS OF AUMIIJISTERLNG SAIU BUDCET 4711f.RGAS, che orderly ~dministration of mun[cipal government Ls dependenl ~ ~~n thc~ establishmen[ of a sound ittical polic•y o[ maintainin6 a proper ratio of expenditures within ?nttcipated revenues and avatlahle monles; and ~ 4!IIIiRI:AS, Lhe extent oC any pruJect or pro~;r;im and the deFr~e oC its accom- I pli,hmenL, as well ~s the efficfency of per.formin~, assigncd dut(es and respon- ~ sibilities, i~ likewise dependent on the monics m:~de ~vail~ble for tha[ purpose; I!HI:REAS, the Clty M:tnager hr~s suhmitted his e5tima[es ot lntic{pa[ed revenues and fund b:~lances, has recommended the alloca[ion of monies for Spectfied proFram nctivtties; t~Ol2, TIII'.RCPORIi, ISF. TT RF.SOLVF:U cha[ the City Council does liereby adopt the CollowLnF; secttons as a part of its fiscal policy; 5ec2ion 1. The cs[imates of available fimd balances .ind anclcipaCed re~~enucs to bc rrcetved in each of the severnl funds during fi5cnl year 1981-1982 suhmtt[ed hy the Ci[y 1lanager in his propnsed Operatin~ .ind Con- striirtii~n IIudFct and as have been amended during [he Qudset s[udy ses4lons are hereby ratified; Section 2. 'Chcre is apprupriated from ea~ch nf the several funds the sum c~f money ,is has bcen delermined durin~ Chc I4udget study sessions Cor the purposes n5 expressed ~nd es[imated for each pr~igram actlvi[y, suhject [o [he condltions as se[ for[h Ln Sec[ion 3, as I~erelnafter described; Scc[inn For nrderly :ind proper adminislra[i~~n of thc Operating and Cc~nsirurtion Rudge[ and cif [he montes approprlateJ in Sec[ion 2 above, the foltowinS condi~lons,authortza[ions and res[rlctic~ns shall apply; S~~ition 5.1. No nppropriation sh:~ll hc enrumUered nor shyll any i~x~~onditure h~• m~de in excese of [ha[ appropriated excep[ as hereinafter pmvlded: Scrtic~n 7.2. The Clty t4an~ger is herchy au[horized to [ransfer :iny iuiencumberc~d nmount Crom one ma.for objer[ account within n progr~m which ts defined ~5 I~mployee Servlces, Supplles and Other Scrvic.es, Capital Outiay, a C,~pital T.mprovement Project to any othc~r ma.~or nbJect accomit within.the Game t~r~~gram when, in l~is opinion, such Uecomes neceasary for administrative ~purposes; , ' ~ ~ , . ~ . Res. No. 5699 Sectlan 3.3. 'Ihe City Council reserves the ri~;ht to transfer nny unencumbered appropri~tion from one progrnm lo anothcr progr~m after recommendntion to do so has been submitted tn It by the Ci[y Manager or to apprupriate on its own voliti~n any addi[ional sums of money to any major ob- ject ~crount, line item account, func[ion or program as it may deem necessary or Jesirable; Sectton 3.4. The Uirector of I'Inance is herehy au[horized to tr,~nsfirr any un~~mcumhered approprlation from one linc item account to another line item account witliin the same ac[Ivity or from one ltne i[em account to nnulhor linc Item account within a difEeren[ activity within the arime rrogram wlien such i5 neceSGary to prevent an over-enrumbrance or an over-expendlture in ~ny one line i[em arcoun[; provtded, huwever, eh.~t such trnnsfer shall I~e only after [hr_ concurrence of the affected department head; Section 4. 7'he City ttanager shall c~use tc he prepared a budy;et docu- mi~nt incorporatln~ there[n the amoun[s appropriateJ in Sectton 2 above, tho esttmate~: ~~f availabie f~md 6~lances and anticip~ted revenues ratified in Section i above, the detatl accoun[s :md estirnated amnunts comprising the lnt:il for ench oF the mnjor nbjec[ ~c•counts which when combined from [he amowi[ ;i~~prnpriaLcd t~~ c+ici~ f~mction and such othcr Jetail and fwids activity that ~..ill provide nn informative and useful working tool in adminis[ering fiscal policy; Sectton i. 'fhe estima[e of available ~ccount nnd Cund balances and the ,~ntic•fpated revenui•s nnd cxponditures of the City nf Cupcrtin~ IJyter Utiltty +~rc• exr,luded from [he Eoreguin~; ~:ectton5 of this res<ilutiun ~nd whlch detail is to he included in a separate budgc[ documen[ from [ha[ referred to in Section 4 above. PASSGU AND ApOPT[;D a[ a regulnr meeting of the Clty Counctl of the City of Cupertino this _ 8th day of September, , by the fol.lowing vo[e: Vote hlemhers of the City Council AYf:S: Johnson, Ylungy, Rogers, Sparke P~OG5: None ARSi,'.~'I': Catto AItS7'A1N: None A1'PROVGU: ~ ` +ayor, City ot~ rtiao ATTf:ST: CitY Clerk - - - - 2 -