CC Resolution No. 5652 ~ • ~ ~ RESOI.UTION Np. 5652 A RF.SOLUTION OF THE CITY COIINCIL OT Tt{E CITY OF CUPGRTINO AUTNORIZINC CONTIP7UIiU EXPENDITURGS AT F.XISTING LEVCLS OF SERVICF. FOR T11E PERIOD JULY 1, 1981 THROUGN SF•.PTI:IiI~ER 21, 1981, PEIdD1NG FORt~L AI30PTI~N OF AN OPERATING pND CON- ( STRUCTION BUUGET FOR FISCAL 1981-1982 l7NEREAS, the orderly administration of municlpal government is dependent on the establishment of a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ra[io of expendi[ureG wi[hin anti~ipated revenues and available monies; and i h]FIERBAS, the extent of any pruject or progra:a and the degree of its accompllshment, as well as the efficiency of purforming assigned dulies ~ and responsibllities, is likewise dependent on the monies made available ~I for that purpose; and [1HEREAS, the adoption oE the 1981-1982 budget has been delayed until September; and ' IJFIEREAS, there exists a need for the orderly continuation of City bustness; , NOId, THEREFORE, UE IT RESOLVFD that the City Council does hereby , adop[ the following sections ~s p~rt of its fLscal poticy: ' Section 1. There is approprtated [rom each of the several funds [he sum of money as has been de[ermined necessnry [o continue City servtces for [he purposes as expressed and estimated for each program activity, and Capi[al Improvement Projec[s approved for the 1980-81 fiscal year subject to the conditions as set forth in Section 2, as hereinaf[er described; Sec[ion 2. For orderly and proper administra[ion of the Operating and Cons[ruc[ion 13udget and of the montes appropriated in Section t above, the followin~ condi[ions, authorizations and restrictions shall apply: Sectton 2.1. No appropriation sh~ll be encumhered nor shall any expenditurc be made tn excess of tha[ appropriated excepC ag hereinafter provlded: Sectton 2.2. 1'he City Mnnager is hcreby authorized t~ trnnsfer .~ny unencumbered amount from one program ~ct{vity to any ~~ther prot;rnm ac- civity when, in his opinion, such becomes necessary for administrative purpnses; PASSED ANb ADOPTED a[ a regul.ar mee[ing of thc City Council of the City of Cupertino this 15th day of June , 1981 by the following vote: ~ ~ Res. No. 5652 Vo[e Piembers of the City Council AYF•.S: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks NOES: None ABSENT: None ' AIISTAIN: None ' APPROVED: ,I eJ i Ptayor, City a~ uper[ino , ATTEST: III , i ~ City Clerk ~ 2 - -