CC Resolution No. 5574 ~ • RF.SOLUTIOId N0. 5574 A RGSOLUTION OF TI1L CITY COUNCII. OP T11G CITY OF CUPERTIt70 AI,L0~7ING CF.RTAI17 CLAIHS ANU DGpiAP7DS PAYABLE IN TfiE AMOUtiTS AND Fft0t1 TH[: F[1P7DS AS NEREIAIAFTF.R ~CSCRIBED FOR SALARIES ANU WAGGS FOR T}IE PAYROLL PERIOD ENUIPIG FEBRUARY 24, 1981 WIIERGAS, the Director of Finance or his designated representative ' has certified [o the accuracy of the following clairts and demands and to the availability of funds for payment [hereof; and 67IIERF.AS, the said claims and demands have been audi[ed as required 'i by lnw; t70iJ, THEREFORI:, OE IT RGSOLV[:D that thp City Council heiehy allows the following claims and der~ands in the amounts and Erom the funds as set ' forth. i ' Gross Payroll - $ 71,518.89 ~!I Total Deductions - $ 23,593.22 I Net Payroll - $47,925.57 ' Warrant Numbers 15203 [hrough 15331 Void Warrante - 15203 6 15267 ' CBRTIFIED: ' i ~ , . Uirector of Fi nce ' PASSGD Atlll ADOPTGD at a re~ular neeting of the City Council of the City of Cuper[ino this 16th day of March , 1981, hv [he ' following vo[e: , Vote Mer~bers of the City Council AYC.S: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers 1•IOF.S: None ABSEtTf : None ABSTAIN: None ' ATTEST: APPROVF.D: d'r'+.-e~ / ~ ~J'-1~~2 C cr• .yor, City of Cupert