CC Resolution No. 5539
• s O
WHEREAS, there has been a mwiicipal reorglnization hetween the City of
Cupertino and the City of San Jose; and
~ IJIlEREAS, within that area is a public park known as Jollyman Park; and
i WHtiRP.AS, the Ci[y of San Jose has quit claimeJ, as~;igned, and transfered
i to the City uf Cupertino that [erri[ory as further described in the Jeed
at[ached as Exhihi[ "A" to [his resulu[ion;
NOW, TIIt.RC•.FOI;E, BE IT RESOLVED that che City of (:upertinc~ accept said
Quit Claim Deed and
HF, IT FURTHER RESUI,VED that the City Clerk be authorized [o record
' said deed and this resolution.
, PASSGD AND AUOPTLiD at a regular meeting of the City Counctl af the City
' of CupertLno this 19th day of January , 1981 by the following vote:
, Vote Pfembers of the CiGy Council
AYCS: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers
NOf:S: None
ABS EidT: .v'one
yor, City of Cuperti_g„i
c~~_ .2 t~_
Cit Clerl
_ _ - ~3"~
• • •
The GITY OF SAN JOSE, a municipal corporation of the State
of California, Grantor, does hereby quitclaim, assign and transfer
, [o the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a general law city, Grantee, for public
~ park purposes, all of the Grantor's right, ti[le and interest,
without warranty expressed or fmplied, in and to all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Jose, County of Santa
Clara, State of California, described as follows:
, Real property described o~ attached "Exhibit A-
pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5•
' DATED: December c',~, 1980.
CITY QF SAN JOSE, a n:unicipai
corporation of the S[a[e of
~ California, Grantor,
BY -
~ ,_~~j
~i , ,
BY.:.:. ^ . ~ ~~.n,__
~ • I
; • • ~ i
' ~ i
i.a: ~ prop2:ty r2~erred to is descri.t,~J ~:s: I
~`.!1 .n~r certain parczl oE land situate iR ti:>_ C~ty oE San Jose,
t'ount~ oi Santa C1arz, S[ate of CaliF~rni.a, described as fo17.o:rs-
I ",CGIt^ii~\C, at [he Southeaste~ly corner o` C~:at c~rtaLn parccl. of lancl ;
com~e;•PC ~y P.eiko Boe'tihold, a single r,u~n, to Trace,-~r C. Xor~;, e[ ux, by
' L'eed dateci nece.n~er 18, 19~0 and recorded January 3, 19~1 in Boa'.< 2l?_i
of O~ticial Records, page 46, Santa Clara Coua_y P,,c~rds, sai.d corr:er
h?in~ tlorth 3195,87 feet and East 181.50 fee[ fro.^,. the cow:~aa cortier.
' of S~cti~ns 23, 24, 25 and 26, T. 7 5, R. 2~:., r.. D. B. & t•i.; ther.ce i:r.u~n ;
' ~~id point of b~ginning running i7or[h .^.long ~ne r.ast line of [he parc~l
~o convsyed to Yor~:, 59,60 Peet to the intersec~io~ [h•_reoE with a !
' Soutieriy line o~ that certaln parcel of l~nc tir~~ly described in the U;>ed~
:ro~ tlev~lle L'. W~od,ufE, et ux, to 4Tay~;~e F:. S~ith, et u:: dated Ju:ie F,
1901 2r.d r~corded June 23, 196I in Boo~ 52C9 oF 6Eficial P,ecords, pe~;~~ i.~~9,'
~anC~ Ciara Cow-~_y Records; [hence alo, g tne bo~zcaries o,`. tn= p~rce'. ;
su ~~;c~ibed in the Daed to S,nith, the Eollo~.:in~ courses and distances: '
c,9' .~5' S7" E. Z10 feet, S. 44° 15' ?2" E. ~0.22 feet, PI. OS' 1~'" E-
5.15 ie~t, itiorth~asterly along a[anbant curve to [he left F;'._th a r::!ic, c~`.
%0 f'_et, throu~~; aa ano1~ oE 4S° 11' 37" an ~rc di,[ance of: 16.E2 f_~~-~::; ~
:+oreneasterl~ alon~ a reverse curv~ to ine right ~~th a radius af ~:ir
:eet, tnrauoh ~in an~ie oF 21° 12' 10" an a_c dis~ance oE 22.ZQ feet ~~nd i
2~° 33" t~, 138.77 fe2t to a point in [l;~ .;ortti_rt~ of tti~~r_ f
cerrair. par.cei of land described in the Deed froc~ P.nd*ea J. Robi~aaud,
c::, ~o N~il.o Bo~lchold, dated June 21, 19~0 and rPCOrded June 20, 1950
ia Boo.L• 200~ o: OEEicial Records, page 515, Santa C1»ra Co~~rttp k~cord;;
t`e^ce :~eaving tha ? ir.~ o£ the parr_el so described in th= Uead to ~-,;it; ~
'?i1G~ =~(1i1;,rio 2).on~ [he Mortharly, Easterly and Southe.~sterly lines oc ~
ch~ par.ce? so convayed to IIoekhold East 240.95 fza~ co the r;ortheascerl.y ~
cc:;z~~: r.h~,~~i, Souch 74 Peet, and 5. 50° OS' 19" W, in c~ di.;ect lin~ to ~
:n~ t;o*.cheasterly corner of that certain p~rcel o` land dsscribe~ ir. ~
O~~d t~~m Heiko 5o~?:notd, et ux, to Sta[? of C~liEorr.;~, da~ed A~ril i
, noU ~~n~i r~corded ?tay 25, 19b0 in E3oo'.~ 4£C~ o~ OFt ic i~~ 1 F:ec~:ds, F•'•~;~~ I
:~~+nta Cl~ra CounLg ~?ecords; thence a1cnJ the genera~ i;or[herly li.n~ i
r~f th~ ~arc~t so co;~veyed [o State oF CaZi~o_ni~ [he £o3lv~ring cou~'es
di,;=::nces: 27. 89° 11' 23" td. .183.9~ f•~e~; ~lon,; ~ tan~-_nt c~irve i
t^ t`i= ri~,h~ ~Jl~h a radius v~ 170 fee[, thru~~h t~n an•;le o` 16° 28' ~
'~5" ~rc dis[-nc.~ o[ hA.90 f~et and t~, 1?° '~Z' ~R" 4:. 19.3! f~e~ j•actic~? tliereok with thA Sout~_rl~ line oC the p~rc•~1. I
~o c~n;e~~~d tu Tracel, hereinabove ref.~rred [e; th~:r,ce a2cr,n sa[ci
C n:":?G ~.L'.~~' ::~;C 70,72 f~_'~_'C~CO ttlC ~OlitC OF begi~nin;;, and betnt~ ~
,.;r; i.or o~ Jt.l.C4Oi{ 24, T. 7 S. P.. 2 W. D. B. f~ 1:.
EXFiIBIT ]1 - ~
paqe 1 of 5 ?
~ ~
~ B~~inning at a ~oint on the ~ I
F.~st lir.e cf Ro~d, dist?nt ( ~
th~reon i:ortn 3201.87 feet :ro9 th-~ co~TOa corner for ~Se~tLons 2~,
I zt*~ z5 an3 26, Toronshlo ~ 3outh, P._.n,~ 2;•!est, i•icunt ~lablo °K~s~ ^r•~i
t'~°ridiau, s31d ?OI~T 0;' 3aGI\iali:G b~1ng Soutn 5,00 £~et fron th;~ ~
So~ath~:es~srly corner of tna~ certlin pa_rcel uf l~nd convsyed b;;
~+n3rew I, r~obichau3, ~t ux to C. 'Iracy Yor}:, et ux, by G~~d ~
I ~recor3ed Saptec~2r 2b, 194g in Book 1551 at p~ge 37~*, ~=ficl~l (
R~cords c~' Ssnts C13ra County; I
' ~
T:i~iiC~ aloa~ said line of Stellln~ Ra~d South Z3.51. f~ ~
e i. ; ~
Tf:ci~CE alone. a t~.ngent curve to t'r.s 1~ft ~~lth ~ radius o° 25,pn ~
feet tnrou€h an ang.le o~ 73°29'45" an arc len~th of j2,07 :~Jt; I
~ Soutn 73°29~4~~~ ~~~t e6.87 ieat to a r.olnt in ths I~
litl° G!a ~`.f:.t r,arcel Or 18[!'~ CO!?V°'y'c3 t0 ~'_'_lC°;y Yp*'(!~ Uv t~. i
C_zd r_corded~Janu_-ery 3, 1951 in t,ooF_ 212~ at o=,g~ I,b, C_ficizl~ i;
Becor3s of Santz C1=~ra County, ssin nolr,t beino ~st 110. ~d fe~t
fro~ ths South~.:esCerly corner o: ~_,ld lsst cr,entlc^sd p~rcel; ~
~ ~
T'r:-tiC~ ~a~t ~0.72 feet alor.g th~ r~rALnb~fors ~eatie::~d 'J.7UL`~'!;:T'],~'
ltas, I
T:i~P~~E idorth an~ p~trzllel tiaith s~i3 lin~ of Stelling P_o^3 65.00
TN4~wL ';sst and par211e1 with th~ s-1d l~st ~sn;.loned Sou~'r~~-7.y i
ir~i: llne, 151.50 fe°t Lo the FOI~~T Or^ ~=.;I:t'.:IP:G, ^nd b::lab ~ ~ar; ,
cer1, o: the ~:ort'r.rrest oae-quarter of Sectlcn 2-^•, ic;:ns:~1p 7,
F;~n; e 2'.:~st, ~:ouat Llablo Ease an:' I~: idlan, ,
page 2 of 5
, f ~ ,
i~~'~ ~
Tha real p:op~rt~ referred to is described as:
rill. thosa c~rtsin parcels of lar.d si.tua=e in the CiC; oP San
3~se, Councy of Santa Clara, State oE Califor:~ia, described as
' ?~!RCcL t;0. 1:
EEG?1~lL~IG at t::a Northeasterly coiziar oE that ceri.ain Q.487 acre
tract oE land described in the Deed irom Heiko Boe?:nald et ux, tu
5[ate of California, dated April 21, 1960, recnrded t•tay ZS, 1°b0
' iz Boo'.c 4So~ oi Official Records, pa3e 45, Santa Clara County Racorda,
, and frora point of beginning [he Soutneasterl.y cornez oE
said 0.407 acre tract bears South 50' 08' 19" West 93.37 feet;
thaace froo said point of beginnin~ i7orth G4° 15' 22" SJest alonn
' th~ radial line of a 60 foot radius curva for a distance o~ 60.00
' fee[ and the true point of beginning oE the tract o[ lar.d to be
' cescribed; tnence Erom said true point oE 6=r~i.nnin~ continuinQ
*:orth 44° 15' 22" West 40.42 feet; thence t;orth 89° 56' S7" ~7est
' 11C~,00 Eeet to a point in the Souther2y prolangation of the
' E3ste:1~ line of that certaLn tract of land described in the Daed
frcm Andrew I. 'F;obichaud, et ux, to C. Tracy York, et ux, record=d
' Sept~~ber 26, 1949 in Book 1851 oF Oificial Records, page J74;
' th~nce due North along said prolongation and Easterly line for a
' clist~nca of 130.40 feet to the iloz~tlaasterly cor.ter of lan3 s~~
describ~d'in the Deed to said York in the Soutnerly line of t:~a~
c?rtain 3 acre tract of Iand described in the Deed fxom Willi~m
Jollyrsan, et al, to C. D. Oldfield, et u:c, date~' September 23,
iS4S and record~d September 24, 1948 in Book I681 of Official
R°cords, page 16; thence South 89° 56' S7" cast alono the Southerly
line oE sa±d 3 acre tract for a distance of 93.52~feet; thance
?.eaving said last aentioned line and running SouCti 2b° 44' 33"
cast 138.77 feet; thence Southerly alung an arc oE a curvz to the
laPt, froc~ a tar?gent bearino South 23° ~8' S2" West, wieh s radius
ef 40.00 fee~, through a central angle of 21° 1?' 7.~J", ior an 1rc
distance oE 22.20 feet; thence Southea;terly on a reverse curve
to the right, with a radius of 20,00 feet, ~hrou;h a central a~ ;le
c~ 4S° 11' 37", for an arc distance ot 16.52 feet; thence So;itt-~
5~° G8' 19" 41est 5.18 Eeet; thence So~ithaesterly on ~ curva to th^
1eft, tan;ent to the preceding course, with a ra~i~s of u0.00 Eeet,
throu;h a central angle oP 4° 23' 41", for an arc distance of
4.602 feet to the true point oE be~inning.
C!)'tT;i?1~~G ~ P?R0:{L`i4TELY 0.395 acres, and 'oein~ a po~tion oE th~ ,~orth-
~zst 1/4 of Saction 24, Toumship 7 South, Ran~e 2 West, M.D.B, c~ *i,
YAI;CcL :i0. 2:
r". non-exclusiva eas~c~ant for in~r~•ss and e^ress and for tre instsllati~:~
and riaintenance oE public utiliCies, appur~e~aiit to the above d~~scrtbe~;
, ~
; !
, Parcel (ht~, ov~r ~e fo1lo;~ing descrLbed a~cel of la d-
P n .
~ BEC~nJL`IG at the tlortheasterly corner of that certain O.h87 acre
rrac: oE la;~d described in the Deed Ero~ t1eL6:o Eoe'.cnold e~ ~;c, to
Stat-_ oE CaliFOrr,ia, dated April 21, 19h0 nnd recordzd l~fay 25, 1S~r'~0
in Book 4805 0£ Officisl Records, pag~ 45, SanCa C1ara County
F~~cords; tn~nce fro~ said point of beginain~ North E9° 55' 28"
~'~st alo^~ the Northerly litie of said 0.487 acr~ tract For a
c'_~tanc~ oE 60.00 feet; thence 21orC'heriy along an arc of. a curv~
cr• tze right, £ron a tangznt bearin~ ?lorth 0° 0=f' 32" W~s~, caith
' a rsZ±us of o0.~0 feet, through a central angle o; 50° 03' 47",
~ zor an are distance of 52.426 feet; th~nce tdortn 50° 0~3' 19" East
S,1S feet; thence Northeasterly alon~ an arc o£ a curve to the
Zeft, tangent to the precedin~ coursz, with a r:~di~is o£ 20.00
feet, throujh a central angl~e of 48° 11' 31", for an arc distance
04 1~,8°2 feet; thence Easterly and Southerly on a rever~e curve
; to the right, with a radius oP 40,U0 f~et, throuoh a central
an,ls of 22S° 11' 37", for an arc distance of 159.309 FeeC;
' thence South 50° OS' 19" West 49.90 L-eet to the poLr,t nf be.ginnir.;.
page 4 of 5
~ ~ .
i , .
.'~.11 tl~a~ t-: ai p_o21r~:y situ:ice in t'cz~ C~ur•Cy of Ssa=a Cl.a:a, St~tn
l::Z~.i.Oi:ll.'~.~ C~~SCL"1J'3:I AS i01~0;•73:
:~'•.':i:~:~:j.!~i:~ ~:1 ~(~T..~T 1i2 ttl2 ~Oilti~:-~~'Lj 17;~? Cl^ tCl':?~ Ci'~'~71i? 3.~ ~SC?:P. i'"f.c'ICi
CC7't'.'=~ =:1 b~~ [)~ZC."'. 3oll~az, 0t 81~ i-J ~:'_'~[l l,. Filll~l?:i CL U:; t7~•
c~=~.'~! .Y.:liy z.~i~ 1:43 1`7d XOC:'vYG'~~V .JUlJ ~u~ ~ J~.v t.~ r ~ ~ T.~.ccl
in bo•~, , l.r»? o:: G=iici.aJ
t.^,-~:ds a~ Fz~e 2~ recor~I~ of Sa;~`a Gla~~ Co~:,4y T
, C~li_o_nia, ~id 1i.r,~
hi:i.i.~ ~~.30 p~r31i2i t0 t~1~ nox~L~r1~' ?1P.
~ f'- OL tnar C~::'~F17,P. 10 '~+C~C: 1:Y~tCL"
, c^: j:ey~d b~ E,~ice 3~7,1y;n~~, et a1, ta E'an Si.e,^,.~,..^., e~ u::, by D.~J d,ted
J4~113~! 2, 1945 and r~.orda_d Jar,uary~ 6, 19rEO' in Loo'c 1550 Uriiciai. P.ecorc
, ~'~~F~ 12~, reco~d,^ of S~nta Clara CO°1:1Lp~ CzZi; oznia, d_stan~ tf~«eon 2
~ S. _~v F., 131.50 ie~t from a point in tne easte:ly 1i.~2 0,: 5[ell.i.n~ poa~s
di.~~anc thereoa 3693,87 feet from t:!e cort~ar oi S~cti.ons 23, ~t}~ ?g And 2
' in i:,;?RS,zip 7, So~_ith Ranea 2 ~•Test Pi.U,3, & 2!,
' souti~re;ter~. cora~: ~ ' , said poin4 baiao also ~t?e
y oi s~id 3.2 acre tract; tn~nce S, 0°02'S~" t.', on a
tin_ p~raZlel to the easterly lin~ o~ Stel7in~ P.oad for. a di,;;~a~,~~ oF
~ i2°t t0 a point, said poi.n~ 021i2a C'C1° IIOYit:'rF?Si.ET'~~ COiI!2r Oi f:118i.
c-_.t~i:~ 0.39j acr_ tract conveJad by ;;=vz1le E. 4!oo3-~f_f, e~ a1 ro G)ayna
ii. S~i~;z, et us by Deed dat~d J~~~ 8, 1So1 and recorded June 2;, l~?~ i i.n
ti~o:<c5209 of 0*"ficial P.ecards, a~ Page 159, records oz' Saa4a Claca Couc~~y
C=1 __or~ia;ri:e~.ce ti, 89'So' E. alon~ tze zort~erl;; Iin.~ oi said Q.395 ~cr
tra~~ a~d alon~ tha no:therly 1'
ine oi that cert~~.n 0,9~fy acra tr~~~
C^~l'i°_y~d by W~od^,o:t Capita? Co. tv P;e~ill~ E, TTcad.uff, e~ 21, by D~~ciT
d. P'avet.'n2: 3~ 1950 and record_d Be.erbar 1 0- n
~ ~ ' , t.o0 i~~ Soo< <<,y9 uf
G~~?ci_al Racords at Pao~ 131, records of Santa Clara C~u;tt~, Cali~o•r7ia
£or a distance of 237.346 feet- th~.,c~ rv. ;i~ry l;. 0°Q2'S0" F, p
c'_~~1 t;;a eas~zrly Iine of Stellin~ Road alor.JGt~:e :•,~s~erly ?iriNao~llands
~r Cs~~rtino School District for a dis~l~,~e o; 312.0 f_..~ to ~ po'• *
- p'` an
Cili~ ~C~;I~;^~2iZy Zlii° OL t~l° a~0-emzr.tia;l2d ~~2 ~cre Lract; tRr:I^.3 C~17;~2~~
S• ~%'S~' T7, alonJ tha sou~ner ~
lq lin_ of said 3.2 acre tract o~ iaRd foz•
~ distanca of 237,346 feet to th~ goi;~~ or b~oinning, and con~ainin~ 7.,7~i(
ucre~, r~ore or less, and beino a por~ion o~ th2 r.or~ha~s: 1/4 vF Secti.on
24 i.a .ioc~m.ship 7, SoutEs Ranoe 2 I,1~sC, 2I.D.~. & t•[.
pa,qe S of 5