CC Resolution No. 5529 ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 5529 A RF.SOLU'CION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNG CITY OF CUPGRTINO APPROVINC WT LINE AllJUSTTIENT BC7'IJEE~ TWO PARCELS OF LANU WITfIOUT A PARCEL P1AP IN ACCORUANCE WI'CH SECTLON 66412(d) OF S~BD N ISION h1AP ACT AS MIENUCD JANUARY 1, 1950, LOTS 9 ANU 10, TRACT 6633, CllPtiRTINO I:NOLLS WHEREAS, there has been submit[ed [o the ataff a lot line adjustment between lots 9 and 10 of Trac[ No. 6633, Cuperttno Rnolls, and more par[Lcularly described in the attached Exhibits "A-1", "A-2", "A-3" and "13"; and ' WHEREAS, the City staff has reviewed the adjustment [o see if a parcel ' map is required; and 1J11F.RGAS, in accardance wl[h Section 6G412(d) of the Subdivision tlap Ac[ as amended January 1, 1980, this adjus[men[ may be made without filing a parcel ~P; ~ NOW, T11[:RF.FORE, AF. IT RESOI.VED [ha[ the Clty Council. of [he City of i Cupcr[ino hereby approves the aForementioned lot line adjustment and exempts I It from [he requirements of a parcel map. i PASSED KND ADOP'PBD at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cuper[ino [his 19[h day of Januarv , 1981 hy the Collowing vo[e: ~ - - - ~ Vote htembers of [he City Council ~ ' A1'ES: Ga[to, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers NQGS: None AI3SENT: None AASTAIN: None , APPROVED: ; ' 1 ~ or, City of Cupe [i ATTEST: ~ l=' / ~ J~a' -~~~.LLt.~i1t~CC~~ C t3 y C1 erk ; ~ ~ RUTH AND GOING, INC ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING ~ 9'S T~IE Al/M~DA Ap BOr 7F~J0 SAN JD~E CAIIlO~iNln 4515? I~OB1791 B77] Iea Y. I.,~. i. :.E IfE ~ E Ja:.s-„~ L:,.,.a L C W~ii~am r~ C~~.nar• 5 f. ~1a~ry N la~o• C C DonaiaC ta~tlnc~o CE Alve~! W Os,~1! A i q Decembcr S, 19g0 15619-229 DESCRIPTION OF REVISED LOT 9 TRACT 6633 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA i All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Lot 9, as said lot is shown on the map of Tract No. 6633, recorded October (6, 1979, in Book 951 of Maps, at pages 34 and 35, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly described as foliows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the common line between Lots 9 and 10 and the Northerly line of Standing Oak Court, as said Lots and Court are shown on said map; thence irom said point of beginning along said common line the following two courses: North O6° DO' 00" East - 22.00 feet; North 42° 00' 00" East 65.00 feet to an angle point therein; thence along a prolongation o# last said common line North 42° 00' 00" East 38.77 feet to the intersection ihereof w~ith the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9; thence along said Northeasterly line South 55° 03' 10" East 96.06 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 9; thence leaving said Northeasterly line along the Easterly line of said Lot 9 South 09° 51' 39" West 73.90 feet to the Southeasteriy corner of said Lot; thence leaving said Easterly line along the common linc of Lots R and 9, as said Lots are shown on said map, the following two co~rses: North 73° 00' 00" ~~'est 99.11 fect; South 55° 00' 00" West 15.00 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northeasterly line of Standing Oak Court; thence along said Northeasterly line Northwesterly along the arc of a 40.00 foot radius curve to the left, the radius point of which bears South 55° 00' 00" West t~om the Southwesterly terminus of last said 15.00 foot course, through a central angle of 49° 00' 00", an arc distance of 34.2! feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.272 acres of land, more or less. DONALD C. LANDBERG R.C.E. l3138 , i~~r ~ s , RUTH AND GOING, INC ARCHITECTURE ENGWEERING PLAi'JNING _ _ ~ q~yTi1C F:<~JE:1A ~0 ~Ox76~,1~ SRNJ~SE CAtIfpRNIe 45159 140fl~297.g27J ~ n.~~,. J• CE A~E ~ . Cer'uc.s~.,r f~o.n~ J~ C E ~ N'~Ii~lm H P,•ntlr~ S E Ma~~~ N taia C E ~o~a',0 C LanO~erQ G E Aibeh W Osioll. A ~ 4 December 3, 1980 15619-229 ' DESCRIPTiON OF REViSED LOT 10 ' TRACT 6633 ' CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of 5anta Clara, State oi California, described as follows: Ail of Lot 10 and a portion of Lot 9, as said lots are shown on the map of Tract No. 6633, recorded October 16, 1919, in Dook 951 of A7aps, at pages 34 and 35, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the intersection of the common line between said Lots 9 and 10 and the Northerly line of Standing Oak Co~rt, as said Lots and Court are shown on said map; thence from said point of beginning along said comrnon line the following two courses: North 06° 00' 00" East 22.00 feet; North 42° 00' 00" East 65.00 feet to an angle point therein; thence along a prolongation of last said common line North 42° 00' 00" East 38.77 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northeastecly line of said Lot 4; thence along said North- easterly line North 55° 03' IO" West 28J5 feet to the Northerly common corner of said Lots 9 and 10; thence along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 10 North 55° 03' !0" West 91.83 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence leaving said Northeasterly line along the common line of Lots (0 and t 1, as said Lots are shown on said map, the foliowing three courses: South 06° ~4' QO" V~'est 76.14 feet; South 65° 00' 00" West 43.00 feet; South OS° 00' 00" East 81.04 feet to the intcrsection thereof with the Northerly line of Standing Oak Court; thence along said Northerly line the following thrce courses; Easterly along the arc of a 240.00 foot radius curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South O1° 00' 00" East irom the Southerly terminus of last said 81.04 ioot course, through a central angle of 07° 22' 17", an arc distance of 30.88 feet to a point of reverse curvature ; thence Easterly along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 36° 49' 26", an arc distance of t2.85 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence Easterly along the arc ~1~ h i ~ , f ''I-t- Z' ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ '~I of a 40.00 foot radius curve to the right, through a central angle of 36° 27' !0", an arc distance of 25.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG. li I Containing 0.309 acres of land, more or less. ~ ~II DONALD C. LANDBERG R.C. E. ! 3138 ; _ ~ I ; I . : , ' ~ ' R TH N OIN ~ , U A D G G, INC ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING - _ _ . _ - . ~ 9~c n,( 4i.n~.EOa v G EJ+ 7F1]0 SAN JOSr GAI.~vORr,ie. 55tS9 IaDP) 297.8273 t1 `v~~i C E E E Jat. ! E ~ ~ WdqamH 8...,~c~ ;f I~a~,y N lnlo' C E ~,I Do~aia C tanppr~p C E A!Den W Osloll P 1 A I I ! December 8, 1980 15619-229 i DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF LOT 9 TO dE ; CONVEYED TO LOT 10 TRACT 6633 ; CUPERTWO, CALIFORN[A i I All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Ciara, State ' of California, described as follows: ~ A portion of Lot 9, as said lot is shown on the map of Tract No. 6633, recorded October 16, ' 1979, in Book 951 of Maps, at pages 34 and 35, Santa Clara County Records, being more ' particularly described as follows: COA1MENCWG at the intersection of the common line between Lots 9 and 10 and the ' hortheriy line o'f Standing Oak Court, as said Lots and Court are shown on said map; thencc from said point of commencement along said common line the following two courses: North 06° 00' 00" East 22.00 feet; North 42° 00' 00" East 65.00 feet to an angle point therein which is the TRUE POINT OF BEG[NNING of this description; thence along a prolongation oi last said common line North 42° 00' 00" East 38.77 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9; thence along said Northeasterly line North 55° 03' 10" \~'est 28.75 feet to the Northerly common corner of said Lots 9 and 10; thence leaving said Northeasterly line South 03° 00' 00" West 45.34 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.013 acres of land, more or less. DONALD C.LANDHERG R.C.E.13138 ~xti?6~~ ~~~'3 'i a Q TO BE CONI~EYEO ~ FROM LOT 9 TO LOT /O ~ ~ ~`~a ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ °F ~ ~`~~8 , ~ ~ ~ 1s- 'II ~ ~ L~ i , ~ s LOT /B , s ~ l?~9' s~,~~ o~ ~ ; ~o ~ i 2 po t-20 , O .~`'o ~ ~k f'oRMER COMMON .s8~ ~ o r 11 ~~NE BETWEEN ~ GOTS 9 f' /O. i ~ ,~p'~E~~3' ' ' 1} ~~s°.~_ ~ ~h°o~ ; ~;03!1 ~9 . ~I+~~ ~ 6 O -rr~r~r-r ~ ,o~ 22 J J:~.J 6 ~ ~ (~~~000~~`~S' • , ~2~00 ~ o ~or ~o LOT 9 ~ , o ~ O O O O ~ . ~ STAi1/D/NG OA,~ CT. ~'B°~o ooH Ns •PAD/US 4NGL E L sss °Op ~00,~ y 1 c'#0. 00 7°2?'/7" 30.88" ~'~5~. 2 ~.00' 36°49'26" ~2B5' Q 3 40.00' 36°27'/O 25.45" L. ~T C> ¢ 40. 00' ¢9 6t~'G~" 34. 2/' PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION OF REVISED LOTS 9~ 10 OF TRACT No. 6633 C!/PE,eT/NO, C/aL /FO~PN/A f"` RUTH AND GOING, INC. 1=~0~ m. o ~R ~ architecture • engineering • planning y NDV. 2~ L.~V/L gt9 The AiameAa San Jose Cabtomia 95t26 (40P1 297~8273 15Fj/~.~ MT. ?wu iw ~ / f .i