CC Resolution No. 5408उउ ††縉उउ †縉਍उउउ ठ䕒体啌䥔乏†ぎ‮㔠〴സऊउउ⁁删卅䱏呕佉⁎传⁆吠䕈†䥃奔†佃乕䥃⁌传⁆吠䕈†䥃奔†䙏†啃䕐呒义൏ऊउउ啁䡔剏婉义⁃†䔉䕘啃䥔乏†䙏†ठ佃呎䅒呃†䕂歔䕅⁎†吉䕈†䥃奔†ठ䙏਍उउ䌉偕剅䥔低†ठ乁⁄†吉䕈†䅓呎⁁䌠䅌䅒†䅖䱌奅†䅫䕔⁒䐠卉剔䍉⁔䘠剏਍उउउउ⁁匠偕䱐⁙传⁆吠䕒呁䑅†楴呁剅਍उ ठ䡈剅䅅ⱓ†桴⁥䌠瑩⁹漠⁦䌠灵牥楴潮†畣牲湥汴⁹栠獡†⁡挠湯牴捡⁴琠瀠牵档獡൥ऊ ठ慷整⁲映潲琠敨†慓瑮⁡䌠慬慲†慖汬祥†㩉瑡牥†楄瑳楲瑣†桷捩⁨眠獡†硥捥瑵摥†湯਍उ†䐉捥浥敢⁲㔠‬ㄠ㘹㬷†湡൤ഊ बउ†欉䕈䕒十‬琠敨敲†慨敶†敢湥†浡湥浤湥獴†潴†桴獩†牯杩湩污†潣瑮慲瑣†癯牥†桴൥ऊ ठ慰瑳†敹牡㭳†湡൤ऊउ†䤉䠺剅䅅ⱓ†桴⁥㘠瑡牥†楄瑳楲瑣†慨⁳猠扵業瑴摥†⁡渠睥†潣瑮慲瑣†潴†桴⁥䌠瑩⁹眠楨档਍उ†按慬楲楦獥†湡⁤猠浩汰晩敩⁳琠敨†牯杩湩污†潣瑮慲瑣†湡⁤椠据牯潰慲整⁳琠敨†浡湥ⵤ਍उ†洉湥獴†湡⁤挠慨杮獥†桷捩⁨琠敨†楃祴†獨爠煥敵瑳摥※愠摮਍उ 䤉䠺剅䅅ⱓ†桴⁥渠睥†潣瑮慲瑣†獩†湩†牰灯牥†湡⁤猠晵楦楣湥⁴映牯愠摮†獩†捡散⵰਍उ†琉扡敬†潴†桴⁥䌠瑩⁹漠⁦䌠灵牥楴潮഻ऊउठぎ㬴‬吠䕈䕒但䕒‬䈠⁅䤠⁔删卅䱏䕖⁄琠慨⁴琠敨†楃祴†汃牥愠摮†桴⁥䴠祡牯†敢†湡൤ऊ ठ牡⁥栠牥扥⁹愠瑵潨楲敺⁤琠攠數畣整†慳摩†潣瑮慲瑣†湩†敢慨晬†景†桴⁥䌠瑩⁹漠൦ऊ ठ畃数瑲湩⹯਍उ 倉十䕓⁄䄠䑎†䑁偏䕔⁄愠⁴愠†敲畧慬⁲洠敥楴杮†景†桴⁥䌠瑩⁹䌠畯据汩†景†桛⁥䌠瑩൹ऊ ठ景†畃数瑲湩琠楨⁳†ठ渲⁤††搉祡†景††ठ敓瑯浥敢ॲ††Ⰹ†㤱〸†祢†桴൥ऊ ठ潦汬睯湩⁧瘠瑯㩥਍उ†嘉瑯॥†䴉浥敢獲†景†桴⁥䌠孩⁹䌠畯据汩਍उ†䄉䕙㩓 䜉瑡潴‬倠畬杮ⱹ†灓牡獫‬删杯牥൳ऊ ठ低卅ऺठ潎敮਍उ†䄉卂久㩔††ठ潎敮਍उठ䉁呓䥁㭎††三湯॥ 锉਍उउउउ 䄉偐佒䕖㩄਍उउउउ ㄉ⽝繥ൾऊउउउउठ晔祡牯‬䌠瑩⁹漠†ठ畃数൲ऊ 䄉呔卅㩔†മऊउउ††ठ┱਍उ †ठॾ 縉਍उठ楃††䌉敬歲਍਍ Rob 410MOU C(ITITRACT BETWEEN SANTA (CLARA VALLEY WATM 193TRICT AND CIS OF F A OR SU-4-IPLY OF TRUEATEI" WATER' THB CONTRACT is mudkam.! Pnt�-m,ed into mi jIry- 17, 3,981 14 the ViNTA CLARX VALIXY WATER IHSTRICT,MrOn"her MATY to us'TMKVx and Cirr OF inRTIP0 hereinafter v,(Je-;,red to alx p firand suptraadeF Ivivrter -�,m.wvts pexis een District anti Conkaetor. RE�CITAM- A. exe%mtqkul Cammacts vdth the State' of C'ejllforrli-�i Departmeri". of Water Rav)ure.�es and the 1 mted Staves f3ureali ol' Reclarmtk,,-I� ivhereby Distmcl js Amd -c wUI be entitled to rece-wo inipMed water .,and District rid,b to oclnt' constructim bl of a sypi torn within the bamadMipm Oxf, "DIM."iet to ois4ill i "Ie water so revJvc--OI,. & uded wJ th :I s.'laa ye as i ar e f 1,ies to t rc e anei d Lit crsikeh, er and water afrorn District, Contrae ter is deM mus of omitain Q; a mgply of Ixeri tn AGRUMEMS Fl,r Wnvd;iia OWSIdera-don tA the nnjttmd,pre omises mnid cavmwr�t�,, hcredn amayne& 'we pa riies hereto agree astollcm, lk- MITHODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1, Defj&Gxw - Men used iia 'this fariowing tearmis alhall hav- xiv,, meaningn herebaft, set fortht a) Viscal Year" khall mean each 12-vionth p riod dtxring V'-,'! term lwvv,,Of fivinunmjxr-jrkg July I air ime yemr-and ternOmAtirt,'z Jtnie 3D of ,-eft y-,zir, both datk,�,s inejusive b) --�,Y Onto ,,�Ontraetor", or corvksroetor`�', Mhaif n-,efln, ta, pit "AM shau Inean the &Ultm, Cj;azilVAIley WAer D,,,tnct Act arl ended. SIA11 Ineen the Ehaml of Diro�:!,Cws of" tile C"Jam VaRey WaMw MUM, ,2. Tv� cl of Ol-val'act 0) 14S Owltraet SWID, become effecti,let: on th(--� ("'nfc fin't wbo,,�e writim-, arOsImIll rennin in effect for a [mriod of M yaws or maD nn w'l'd 1,111 bonos, the of S,".tb' of WhIch Ifla-ve bce,,v� uS,,,.!d for vtav Ommumevoll of, water lrewtmev�t avrjstrfbultioll favijtjes hnve retired, whOmever pcxirxj stv,,Ji bc longer, ill mo eventshOl the 'erm oi tk'ds deelftcd To C"t"kml !)oYC:,'ae the, p%,,ivd 6.y, law, The t "'t`m of t IN.';'ntra amy be ext` -M-< for an 'i lk-.i kmhl tevm of n rcti`3t" n of 11ru parties get °eta :xecuta,Fr at tC ast (1h) contruS Shall t i MtTat .{F Ptiacified in, saxi Subsec i'c"'n '�unle"S's 4401 t0aij one Yew !*or to Said fee ,.bra"Iion date Contractor shall * t f mstrict to u{t'ithnf�' hat€'>zazxt.''€, k evf,, e to extf i ,he ' t;,r i henoofA, i?43tis of this Contract arl rovided, fortil.er, gist ifS td, RAID -t ey emsumams l p" rtion of e c- }t.'-p;az.ums of this comract, Contra -Mor shallreviain ONI gate fvi' the remainder, or in theaven, t Cant a t€ r shell , t . rans fe"t , or convev any part or parts, purvhwser thereof f portion of Cwlrpv" � t 2 s rights,privileges arn.'O Obllgations ti r 'under sada in the event of any Such ssignrne,'A ContX° t.t t° sJJuall 44e velle'ved of such portion c�: $;Al tint igat~ ops of CoRtt,t`ariewr So as-,iigped if, followtrqgf stubale; .t't. vmfcr or 's:z ia1"E?yttm 'A',r t shIJ commenoe tailurNs.11 treated w.,%t r tosuch t "rAlty,` r District und'ex ont raet. irdi:. suc t entily �xting, prior o such wale, transfer theamount f treated water tivericd tch" ntlty. t, ;ider �g,a,�kk� et ln part the ncrefa-,ia-:Ed water requiran't nt s of such est Uty res ultingr from. such ,;. i3 , tr "art er or + •ttt7 t rnent of Setw� it. cPt c tt , s -t" oil (Aller,Wt("ir serviee to Tv ter k Hvery W��Ggg I--.�y�g.Jtga�a � t$ . iy"�ya.t% at Yor q ,ryt sggyh�q�ig three- --= tyry���?ri pd in ixi;,, Cyt *�°ig+aR�i�; c with A b.req=p� qe sad her - s f in reumo Affi�,ble �L,� S'4n2����A .ion o and d•'A+.livm�srA} �'.£`kru �.TKLd�y�t'�o`�v�{.��:.� x�'°Nto s�wdtb gkt'�c by �a.�4e`$t••5.L�8et& , , y ' its or future "1ASiaOATI ''s who reveive or rain= reeeive service r,Athin a se vie f%roa whic,-i'i.i be dt,'4ined apt r rt € rn timm to, thneb, Contractor ant. Contractor t2t?t.�£�i.r. , u €'�_g�,p�'Iih,, zp. pp, and '�e�i,e �"sche y. q� le t`tas yt"� man, t,3a�.'t3g pga��`y�,�d klm �i-���.qe �;�t�ta{.�ainly,y.� wpt)p �a€�$`nt a for In Y-i�.�i�F.r�. L ��,Y'nYn c�e wall � rtj cl .` 13 hereof "�" d where, 8£tt ieu it'i � +�L} :a g6,�.. 3 � ;'Iny agency, pubheto priv&e. shall tt'iot`ce ter provide- wz'iter service to ri's`.w4 eubt nv"":'rs untJ'O@t's, .wMence ofsuch and, the t`teoe'f�-"'tty o Y" oda ,"oa* W, r .,F �: its �� J tit'" seta at t being s�'sk�n r �t awl ael,: �r ' X t'rta t t x r t t� d £�- � t �a;'t� a 7,����°c�.Y.� € F r ist�`da: o a ct.s i.xt,deb "'w "'bootnlyment to lbe in no "" a c Cont" ti3�"'s < t 4J ax;v' t t tib z s of x ' t o r §¢n a �£ 'r � s sa ggss�.,.�.{bb�°;p .yy�"tty�-t�p,ppC..€,'t::gg 'tipp at 4s t,., g7++�3„ztb.}a ts�: $t€tt�tty t' -3 �„+t�e,t ,sp, €,�iy, tgsal"ka.,y �a..xy�ra.p y't;�i;,iffi.}�2e �.�ont twt�Y4Ap�ar$, .x.:Y.fr t3?W iYlit y-: k�"v �h.e �-£[R� n„ �. Tc'3 rg'mv'� .. i tjv4�st 311,' 3r �redk�H,�Bov by m yak 3&4..A€3tr ttty dst uch reduatiotl 01 Contract.. i,°.anticipated v p".jcet + i 't"nt i' .2 $ Wutcr DO Sha"ill submit, in I"i :< € W"'Itirig a prim '? s � l v ry se -r ii% °� ' a fur n`suigym "ru i.hw r?tl.r".4i 'io v.rAnp Upon r rteip x int amen delivury schedule, District review an after cansultalion wit,"i Contraetor �xw,,F Other Cf�raetors to deliver -,,.,YatQr to however, that Subject uEa availability €.it finds,nn wrI m, polieiec on,;.,tvetibSn Schedules, and �.�isa,ri£t Willg:,�:is u b!'b°Idl"ted 1:6� ConisM€°ton aT1i other Cont-10-etors. $sus ept : s proVi de deliveryin c., of Uniz secdon. D-Striet, agrees W r . 9 n aS ng t"Ch e iil 1perif-°� j�,,to will .not he j less i' total r nii in iia: Ior each ' 8 of Tsaid sche-. ule _-od I han �k'. ule nen" d, twJ,hna dil„ the iron ;s ou n bseel,o;ii a and b of €s is section, of water for each fl,,icuil vear 3n$ th- enn uin", Ufire ;-y n i District, x'kinxs d an a n=4ha "O2n$'g of e .tn(,r""iimur C$tII:s', ci � aner"s, � �a uelivery Schedule may be approved tit Tho ., ;° dayIivery Z4,1al p' ',Or to- L)ecei7'itier :i i of th.o Yearin w<acin tine. ��e.7 £,%` �.-� i livi,ry «3{$�beduki" is su bmitt dA The ni lads € di�rinm,y � sn..t#'n�� � r i,'£xs - y4 ars,7,s ' ai U?i`ough 9FD M I:m-t forth sy..i: .s' Fia R, att' as MO bag. =x y� =zaz s:x a;"SI'F v k-my1fle IpgyI!les a—rjI e p lserve'. m W DI deliver So, annount c:,;,,wate4' regcribc- �- ems. and O$ z instr, neousImaxmum fl."qv rate euivi."Ie:t t205 -rcu t of tj-e thea current annual volumesdrmdn Onheeprwk, �d IJ iAWY ski hid n2:. . exprossed as.vn enqdvalent uniform fluiv rate over the ftdl year fo- -1M r1i'M,-t `l when Distriet does not Wave he etit�ab, Ufty to deliver Ott w id't rate, i Cori's tructior: co q-4! fo ft, for the cove, of the landl Control's ant'l reporl-'riz,-, o""%Iems' rlpzV:R"'turrAmt irm, sJUROff WilVe Portian --A ead"; of zmid stroctu—nf"' andContram',)r is pay Ulm tota,l east,aravi"'pulriftg and irt'-tumnw! the memwingAeMes. the vpult or housing ajid the bi if any"'of "ea" �h of --said wstrodtqrm-"w� stib-1Z �!e Vic-, antl facuives are snown Oa R-xhilbft �', attach -co- tic , o , d y hr an b, t retmm'nve made a ioart hp-re.0f. Upon MAY (30) dpyv whttf'-' U",' -NstnMt Cortructor alln'll flep'o-Ott "with Dh-4triet prior ,ate s, af, al-riount of tnc-aey estim"I'ted ptstrii tO be Serif ',`Olent to cov-i�p Such evost be boine by Coritra.ctor. In t1hi-a" eve"ut sa6h esterate gems to be low, Cloritixactr shajj pgy 10 jAstri et upon writtmdmmand theref-p CO, Dis�'rikztls estmwte and the acfur-q -au-St to be lour nle by Contramo-.t� a 1 , e q, v .#t q'u-0testimate prow',s to bw Q14 Existriet. shall rflfuzld to contrantcT ft '-fewerice Ixtiveen the actu.-d -eost to "te so borne --romptlyt1e, -dofl to TNA Im U., All. &Wyepy Structurss 'and, to 611 vplo dad In IuOlng' 042. o.aauxw Vah�e shall twin Murfe""t -'Nall hove ni WO, be War:" ;;4va4ion to relhath the so raft 4.. 'C'mmire em of lKmel D all wal, delivered io Clore trpciotuna h W'e tberr'�Df' For Safe"I'l pul POW$ t aD deAm. Y Spuctum such me Wril, to curtaHment of 'Deliv'�'ivv I)m'jrv' kltii-ae Mul Suake zal "ORI'muous Sowke to Contractor but Ina, tempararibi dism,,,Winue er redude thodAvery of w, ater to contrautor fol, 6 m the "-m� e " i - 1 9 investigation, mainjenvance, ior peplacerpent Of any -of Une racilit"es" necessary for thhf, f.10"i'very of ';atad at lo Contractor. 1"is"uilet sbali not.ilf" (",entractlar aq 1,41, in adv'anfas passible Q,.t any "Aw mWated Mahon of Ws discontinuance 4w MmUom Rem*NiY,'--Ig� Uvft Cnntrm,-toy" will rely on Distriet 'd-Obvewies of water partscuiarly during jfhhjt�j arater consumptia—mouth's each year, IMstrict opeas to tK!'JI-S N -'it efforls! tim Win oil' this contract to make any f"Tiscontinvance or remimian in ma' <"Ielivc,"�'- of Water Only ouring the p_rjzu of Xovem'!,ce through marcli in t 1, 11 the evog of any oe redmltimrl in dcjjvm7 od mmle,, or may elf o tn receive the arnmint o., water whicil otherwi�,a ummild We beev ulelh,r'xl 1it pf�vlod tnw,',er the approyeti wafer deuveqy Sch(Aule "For that. Meet Year ot cuther thr durifig !-,uch year, ocarktud mah dali'OrY WIRY 00111#04j: is Umn etxrenz. dkfflkmary of U Other of r"'Oryce uUml D it .- In 7.110 event -'-my f'-A'ault "ny Contrictor, j'Trul—' "-�(j tt" be pkii�,'j ti District may, tpan. je?ss Lhan three fnonthsv virtu'-m"Itice L". nd Wiverjus of ivaler- qnvjcp tfl.,s co"Ari'mt for so R-mlij,; '-'s fiefffuh. p that sueb Contractor MAP. rernatnt m.- kY4l Paymmis ruqire' �)Imdc- this contrlut oiW prvih&W, fuKhmj Mat queh Wnghm mmowa Quill acerua intepest. nt the t"ate :it unc-,,lua or one oxweent Amr inan-tii on W 4 m u i > t &Qmnf WOW Und is r': Il both 'hc Iwo leiixal Alr9m; aad the i fit t4cre-Ii.i urep.,.W In foll"asi Pe On Of Sw-i PUMUNH to this UK= 6 MAI riot o"oprim Diii,,,ilctor jiiaA ttny His ecat trfiet ix, oy 3 -. w fob" reoovoCiV1 of yony! due ar V'Ilhi'ul. inmy hwaam e due tmikair US 00MOM A the exant of any dingleamen t %tween mod MUM the aniount of �,kny L�Nl 131trict, vwat�r ,all not t diseentinvood if the dQxRO spio4l"It 1-'1%ifa-"x'1 is plae"'mi 01 dVPQjU moth MON. Sunk Ad= sbaJ not prealta3e j,e,.,j:_'w on, adjubtrnmt of any water bill as set ps -n Arti-1,e, C, &�"Ctfron Rt WUWV UI IR 10trint, aggrees wat ali ie �1"ilv or,, it to a Of thN CQ-"KT... Ulf! 6r, PUPe, ARM!, Imbollesown, pataWc and U'�Jftd rind the t all Suen'! WM er MID be of qunli"v that the Some Tu'ay lit, the PWA of d0i "'eiry Uusreotllo Cantrattor wishmit further. tram! rnfen% DIstri et undt-r..",-twids i"I'at C'nalractop is 'aputw. ' water to Hs Cu ,ria for purpozes aoni 4 1'�at wm*'er t0 to Umt ka sraetr� shall bo eonstruet(un d operated tir-ng the t erm, herenfin S. ata with t"I perfnit or Permits, hMkWkq twaparary perfult" to be vr- r luiiar:' MaHo ServieieS, of v-'rli'(Ah 5VJOH"'re rqcfVpt by Mtrict. Distriet t4gror-'n t1gkt, the t'eatr-ml o�- to ttk, delt've,,ed Y. to this c'�')ntrnet &ha 11 efo"-16""""n to thalvanty requirements met foot in the Ken eUITC111t priniary and secoud!,ry starodard.q for dvj;ueaie water end" rerMlaVoris adupAd by Califoreda Slate 1),epartsuent a-' 'i,�ealtrl' 'Slhoult" t1he n*ed ariso, Aistriatand (Tintramor md1l coOPOreta full' ipg Y10oadjus,11 their npontive ywotawas to the 'wxtftnt mn�";Onablly' pravVeabla, lund root wa ,iuc1%jrtrr -oQ not affe'et o"Ier , Cont1"actem'4, to ald the "WrOctur in CQof0VMif1!,r too SuChIRV., -wit:im Vie 0stribiolub iyiti;&. I L The payinews 14o be roan e by' Contractm an(.,, i.7,aa eh (',(xnt.d ,ete�jr tre"'ib 0 wator 51"r)'ll be n gdee par nere-4001, be mi upx)a tract p, as tb th'e fmm Un to Urne wyiended' j.3 seri forlhv'o D, aL-whm, Nwelys and brf thi..«'z.R i;G;€ fo; a pan Ismot and shnil the total U the bsoon water diarges and ranted Ivater surinhargv as the rNstriet Bou -'rel for each perix`, for "hi-vh a ra��. sehedule io, Jt'' rmrie Charge sfi'nli be IA%tu-"C"'s j"troov'hkoater eh,'3A'§:e for as other innn agriontural watez, 1:noqj qord's "gal,ricultuxal ''vater" hk'.'ngdivfined iu the AN in n, -e W-2, ivhieh dicitxmirr J mi mally by I& Tloard j�! tlo 1qxj pl'Oviikwrs of t'ne Act, jxovidf-'d, how'-ovct' JIR�t� nur;'nd-a tIelh period 'the !Jisfxict will anticipalix! miso fop proN s"Ph raw period and Vyi'l 01G'e� Var to estAdhli danng = fAt year of Ruch rate PeNod a 6 rondwater Chmg- oi'mt,"S jntem"P�-"; lo ft'fr flip full valeof;wlod' ch, raQ ri'lo' the Cklivery 0", treatr"d ivater in w- k , ", 4 " the raw seheduie, i'rir �vwov 'ts Such I N 1"Y the 7'he Bmard or rwe".. ON rewel said rittv srl-osx','e cvi�rjy to (I'terinine Vkhother Me SphsAne, i'� In n<�cordnner` With the towt, "mA 'arAi�Ao'-Ited mvem, v of jpa_ x tau jkNyrqnQ. tho Vard shatlo ihe "nt hirreh Mu, txit W Into, tl%nn Apvil 15 1981, exN'j%h a rate SONAK EDP the Pat , a jmrAW f,;41 4 3 -47 ptvs jr, {. xo`saiaaq Wt xhaall p."E.avid Or jjr.� 'tea t..�.z'Iof `x"PelvIiI 4,TS W st,, recovcrw n wstleta a s $ tIiI ar'���ft,, I a� 1,er r��S��Aia"age Qairlra6 i�'�, Ps ,- ird Said rate. ara i.'e'C'fa�,��..". and 'M €sh=gms eir Wd agwndywothat ma-,,, hs v . been eAare?c eY a?a's`r 17 "Nt�.a��it$ a ��< $s s; , � so c�, tiix'.£sa hot be ar.-a, a,.€ " i3 3'4 g::a $ t;ed upnn, rezusouablz ntus-ts fi ndl and, sbll tw thebare for p;hWF Con tj-f oga ' �gd z.£:?id all wi ats "« '4 a tea'&°aa" a vvaal.' as a..£>..x a rz>; a a . a4•ae �� €` a the PoWt of delivery ot such wider b,,,, t; !, DistricD_ t Uss ¢ a`,r3 f tt:r tin Lorin its a» €01 OMIrres..t s,. , fa`m Other Contraelvirz,, ax,! - 0_31a;` +a.€.ia _ alit,:€ r+= ., €' a sums of cuchan or offset aux `cording I -j the respective arat,,.i,'tas of treRteri w, the in. s r �`a�u£a rA�a e t, idul pori 3 n vi -ti 'ik, x ��_. .. na� .� d6i<a� :d �-A Ti.. RYA,"�Sapb-.3 S aS ��MY13 On le P: ��4<A�������£ery �,€��«„$�-t1le,,-H' n b ix S§,, 4#_��^sa, A ,maid, purus.tsu ? £i,'Anuri,s pn axtm CI'cR t fO'r w%'r 5� b aV aK ze the r1 pit to rmcefv such a mmainder ofthe then Curren't ivatc SOPW1,4e perlod tit tines; whon District the aIf in any dity, of du ing the tern)fiwa cof, fAwtvict, for an ,,",aason, snedueed d i ;araea ori, i.,iz, e..:. to the _ Articlk- D hereof, shall -,,el unab!cto deliver teented vvator to O"antr a too 3'r an nu -n unt equal to �,'%� of r14a`ec, raaaral ..; S` myedWed amount 09 MA forth W Arbele Q Section Ve) as exi_e`em{mss as ai widfcr-ng djaRYr?ultiae, the then maaomtPi`a°a charge fop thy year sha, 11, b y k, .::: i aeon an a rniou*;t Of water #=AaA, cu e?j aab, ; a In 4 f"`,a"h€::¢ ea~'` b an .,a,MOtlati ¢„jual to the :`•;`#`adaa •Han a'egu fed by D st.`.at or each day a rejueed €; eRve y is a`oTaa 'm% b v in aany ta'I', id any 1'emr Muir; «the ter In atiMr"e'?I U t rict sha,a a -fit a:. ,,Job ver {- Cont `"'fe `i'-w£i)kti. whien )a'xU fe"afl? i .£,?at re quality i t t: i lreaaEe t.r % forth in rmQ , � el w i`�of", Contractor g,z $. s ) i �4 g a1 9�� �, t4: a¢kaaa He'd � Or thea se 'a $ �!vries of water ft € Fa, M,010 untU stwh Unina;5 surds 3vae ar;§wa.a mt.,nl saki t.5 Nt�� a'�'a �,:a�'�.a. In, wte a 4,<� "i'S. �, a,�;�.fa5. �° ,�'�ra,� �° p�a �}? �p3� yy tats= F&,Eatd'M"M� 01 °Y, @S'£{AY i��BeAd.A rNg¢tiY.oio �"�onfi "'r3< :f: A'b �q��d ��£y b, kC �+P��,i�£:. �� y�'j-,p..�4 the begin rig, o iany ui,-4 peri{,,Wa bi any s .,,r.h £r���nr ��i.. then if.tbE�.x`vaua,. 4 `¢ c =ad, be Uy mi <` ansaun :p`ae miI to the e-olu ,.e f:W wa tt; xa= Ma °as by Me (.£ 3it.ran'1tor up jar' an amp Fav u�€' #t � I1"'30 `oto G�a Crai'a°e"A monthly a'oMwed a a,#M-as �� r, =d't.a n Article S€;;cS:ion r ati a § s`r i v t as a ,:':R Q is RW a a.?IC 09Y V s4 ntk, K` ?:E ntr ao a., r. It i-.,7nsa etor at IM 2 2 A or'fy tirrr"' (if from nme to tjn�.r, re �rn "'re, t� 1,14c 'In 'A vv the risht torctus',o to P'c " " . , 11, 'e o of pmvi.---ions gf thig Subsoutian Q tv�i ri" in fio event ',fit� Ftf'�!JJ' fa.furo d to WaKe or Hmit exerema of suen rigilt 'by for by the C'fthISAVion 4, ContraelGrahall not be WHgatal to py ror �!'-my water riot aceepted ',y it, Nrpttajp-,z,- ear mafn{"o in thv,�, Section 4 stuall, In any wa'v Jim it obh't�aflon to Jor o'dh miftr aeveepted by:;q f -,- In ac, vdprf- e w'—fi, One ep -p PM!, to We in applichbIv rt"Ae 0) If in any yi'-',-w during tftmo, lvreor� the' T!'Wrd of of D4-f,*r1v;, �,',ball by P evolAbriplac-e In ef test a aha' t. reduction J in OYM-S5 01' 10 pereent, of non-rnil t&,sge, tjji�, :11mounfs or porUama thereof 1 Met in le, thn) portion Of the, year u4ben such raAmOm - gn am is -ef feet shall be reduc.- 41 ily the sa"no, pp;vqerlwg- as required, tby t'hoz Water peductno'n pr be %be -tg of su, ell W 4 to p e du e t j o n, pre. grs� j-, 5 SAJy Q 0.eordaacc 'mill h Sound amccanunt 0 m's, riot sh'�. Practice, that the vggregme of tho revenues received t�y it �n any focall yen. oi, any 1,�q4� ,. iod� din! q: the terrn 13re5f a) fro r thc Sa-le of treatcd water ,i an".3 Contraetors, h) hvm Me ;a We of g%ew iqater'- andc) throt;�" 4N 0011petIfs nof Vhe g WRIP91s 2`040M to In Article E hever,-f' Was v("Ists and ex - such year, Or Me PeNod, Ira triet shall retain such, 0'ev's an -1 mise .'s the stune for of ramt mter, annstruction, or otpierstt ion of or adefit;oial facifititn' :'on, Coo trPq1mPnt cm- vdlolesale dhiribution of nater, re&eo Uao.-:duled pvkc of matek woter or, syeet Vo the p-rovi-sions of 11",-: A"A", reaWe said Imundwer charges. It Is undemlood that '-he opj�,ct, irl vnq- c ounq, rat under this concoct is to anyt g er Me cost's rc..'aed to the treatment or whoic We distribtijon pf 6, No"'14""Ontrurea S a r he ser rn llnon-eon tvav�t Tvtfter" refer- ix'T ,realed ' to Water foundy vt' e ioa: n ouvary Le tne tnt�eted w"Ko° «rrWs rr n a4ditik'n Lo the schedWed amounrs watcr vany be ammilable oniky such NIDOS AOCI mach prices as daterndried by the Ehsit iet. jHs trict nuri, , Oontramor ir; Writ"i-it" thereof, Didiverjon of rmvmmmontpm�f to Contrzi',,.-w will ify t�,jsc Cx 44 ;e at,' Contractor has ,liar percent of tht".anontlfly sclhedlu.'106 aincnal as srst forl-h- ia Arlicic B. Section 151 WMv, at the end bf osch `m k "ir ov'n adjunrneav, i;"t 't-rilimp" m"'je arxi Contractor "0 I, -tars reqvi red to Lave P&46" f or 100 fm:'-"��Pmnt of Vu. Will L',� rn approved deNvery scheilmd'ed nano,,nit, less any ofr adjumnicnts before t,' je nn-hw, non-eoiuipa,�a wqcT ir, -', 'otvedDuvirio' aily i,rerr iod in wfr""vld npn:,o�antmet Wmer W nat nvahablk:to Cawtractop cirri in exems 01 It!- Will riot bem"Clas-s'Afled, dr yl wi!! be 4"hav""F'v'�'for at the fall mrOxia't, Wc"m zakol in excess, of omp.rut"; (living- wiie,'l o vwk f ('ontraotorNi, be enWited as a p 7. 1121mWS RHHNP shol W" made moiAl" L JY as f,,.4121-v�,'�, C)r or lfv'-1 tu eal(-44 month District w -N st:rm to ConArnotorn aak%'otuO ii3 wth 11,v, ;1 0vinjam of Arltie!o r-, hmvmf all trv,� i ed w*Un' fromi the g nCamm Thao 611'al hill for each MAI yen fur the lmnlrotun c1nu'-Irge reqiAmd by AMWe Q Section 4, lmrte & Astmol Aa"'a , 3 OC312 � ;.f �B P u dt 3't e i& i d@ G di 3 '. , € £ .", 3 f' h x £fi olmado or ent, or vhich aw , b `4en or We mrati by either 10 t. Km Me, Shall be deented to rt(V$ rUIN V . In Ov InAdo or ?;en � ,den: n r� j a�'. ><a a�., tvg ? ".';, a4dre� ed gr, lolllo-ws': t..ra„it£>tet”, SantoGle'° vallley Wralem, Mtriet 5750 Alt- adon Exnn-Svvay San Jo , lx,o:' as 251,18 1.0-300Torre rmv Cupertino, California 95014 The r t 'v irli, fvKK notice or o"ricr writing may, e given or naafi . Seng, t Other , „z rty v`i`a ay be, dhang pc, i .; r l teen notice given lb y ticb pixty sal, above Provided, tvrALfl t ' - It nnone ""'r more of fm imveat Ott as :n r eem-, encs set fort' in (Als CMM tete pirl Pf' Dhsttricl or �;u�OMUFaCtOr antler 1� theorji, to be Perform d' l contrary an tovoinn Off Maw or Contrary to the % of o snet�extent as U& ';aha rowlim I In any' 'art tornpel ent=gib j; i tj � thug such Wvendn or covenants, 4Treatnert or &x�"'�t���a 2� �� ��� 3; be mqU talta Vold and .''e .€i bw o,ii separable firom and agreeme ;s and OmUld hohe of . _ j s; a w: .a t e` of tWs E`" a '. ' Maw 0-'��3�` h hath i t rat s£ h not. t b Com te>'l' d as a part of Lais contract or in an, way r.. Other e r T n a as Imstrict. wa ",-,z tihat ea6h.ntt.' "I'nt fo,: the ¢'•i z. of, e t, x i S Via.WO by as met wi Vh any m' t •t.,, ka s .`e v° 'det m. and AW w Cama e% any ayy a I : mate? , Ift , e �. > q Ea_ to Vw, Other .the 3.�{i�w°'� w _ , . ns a x _ a de o + ...r ea'w 6'. Lr, �, � e co i # t s:- A'e d ;,��o',� Hit/ / U/4" Hill 1W Q C g p� !g $gyi 'f A B ' r. 1 a. Wn * eno reault it devirdble to , tt C3xf M , a. w A -..n - au n .a to X, i c t vg ;$ }§ $ y��,y, q s 3 i� $•�•'¢��� provide %ry YF� s. �'�R,v 4 3 sd � 4 'eR WWt`3I 0 c WOW" taking and pric0q, ma"ageM0110 tools o es""Juh POWWWO raten and to Optimize the benefiU,recuived by the uOu Of the water resourcv, the area. 3 wan r minx Lr<. a €�.0 �+ .a.im"F�.. 3 ad �3,F, �• TV .'ie�i' he a-o°83�.",3 � N�.*� a�w s` t" = S'o.pw. h s`�f,�'�p. {r k •, Vi,µ Qa '4a '`" x tY%� be w*K-w 2. a-FfeS..a =.:m4yyE& 11 i ga a �i..'& �. .a q+n+ t Ti `'» pKaf MIK ban om yb aa•�• aide! de O TWA wile A�,w path IS 40 zrctf tSVGA- -'n r_<'k ,S.-,a j are ,.:.2? v 4.-L,w'ti'4✓O r+d"rout�- .a.'�,`.� -L 1". i',�...i i,': ¢„"$ � g o�w -. awW,.S, south :f k ac$iWm a, Lay i 00 .R ', +e• $„ u i . 3 i» m',mS'r1 "N `.:ro for r �5'"3.,; {.s g�. �'�"" Ca'xc �.�Y`L I'Qu¢, �+' of hx this J n being ap$ytip`er the aY�s e; ✓' n 53 »gLPC thy, Water �policy ,t � an would af mite Water dd to this 1-c Iwn the 6i C£.Ji%»5,, t•k, £w `.$, gu 4 £a # '� ji rv:S �'h E ggq�s' '22`4 New, ,.r.`-,.,-ic-�4�"-� ¢° �,l �"z �„�.... ..� �• Dy r-. i, zm ;,}" r 3 j. $�`, F- t�.a aa ply by MIX TRISMUC9 s `t:^ � tl £ k 1: �:doLouth �3 ��5. .al .., tc:-i:� 101 �akyl- q' Ab aJ.ws colo- ws Ba iL. �y n p�y.p3 -Y„ a +� x 2 o Par : §����, 8. i s S- moi #Y-^ S': MAe In`�f;n y '.. t MAMMA; t 3" ar" d§' a _k to y .may gam, ,$��.:, ho��^a X g pp,,ss p' w� i i E a 5, x ¢..sa # � Vao e� £wr & "Y-'e' � �e� Zama"! i 'av 1d,: eFr $ a, i q� M. �kaF.a�`. r$- �`�z 4��. �"4a �ad� � .� '�-�P1 t. �.e kv �z x$ .= .. .i aaxs £� -:a zm*y'i.,afi✓•„�Iwl.±%w }-.= 3'., Y M . t. a w, i i. N, i.� g : �: ties, € �r:,'r Won -,ing �:�a 'a�. :, ,:' 1#` '��$�w: ,�„ ye ^��-����q x�}, the £ `I %,+- 4.�� - $ "M 's .✓s +€.'H & PINK lag qt.;✓y �xah,, gg3, yp�,4 # l=k '"R..A Hew Sr.clay rj R, sa<ge,.- w W�'i,"$ '$ pt haVg i' .vp mi . i d# sNee 3 8 e degree o n' n-.—c -'zi en av'de "e r ni enn; t e. zact d6 not _.e r ��aa �� rt .ctyly g,,x.- y" Ing cw . _ t e s � H War y g. l� F-e�r6yt� �t,pp` A 4 � oUb t y, d'6Rr e pt P the" wervNe ea f ahe yap t r ,�j 1,ietdh "` ys3,T.,,g Laix, &iA61 h e t`r "f'.& d � �� y n> l w4s bee- rTW TWOfar while ils, d.i a -- i. �-r,� �A �E� �, ¢PW,,i off x.n"; .. n Q�.gL',. I.i3:.A"3-'« -_f�:S�'+d- si va. "' �`���lG.ii'�d�.Kc z �g �, ::-h a ��: power are i a lnst'f the'$,�a.3'�bAk �. '..I n#hAw �B k,'€R; ��' d qq� Ix { b fi � x� Saes does 3 q i:k� $ �, 6�Ze°,�,i" £ Ly o a.bt. �����-.6kn�..l.w$i asl o--., x_ _ k � aha d'.a �'%aik County.P_ xjC��z } Sl �i i= £9 gqqy�a'f.,, y � M a3 � -`-i 771 Provide flexibility for the canes t r u t in o; "i"'s Whi6h Asx.Wt .A Y CAhnOt user charges da far such P. r *oodd would be iced.� that a � - `x' ea 'z.`. - ��F�=: �•, A �•v .�.� 'qp 3 gg �q. y fbe F,zay .. x" w $bit 01P�tH . .a,, y,�.�... @ yy �g ,#� .meq, a. o �:. y &`... a E,c.i+ =€..S G `� , £ *..t'" a a" g 'rv'' :; ` ' '$ + s. i. - �•�# %�¢�^ .� �.�x4�n<. ���t'"><,'K.. �.. ...�€.: �.• '.3,.: 'b.�� � rte€ e ....i Y .`. 4,. � •.:�' ;a4.0�'�`.�� &moi s3 7le$Ya� $.3 �`...sa F, �q s#"✓Y �3 x.q a w `E � .i3 ate g <„, i.� .eG•. �'' -:�i �`� •�R” P�•-s qv Vi s _ m�. wpm M� a» ..£.3 Sxw F-s `i' �k:si?'wu �e%�y�i'S"i""�s '+o-s •'G � An It, b"jevto §.> JOPATEd Ito � r rc BOOr0. @.r , yy'.'R ffi� .� fr, _. •-, »-.'£.i dwik'}1�gA 9y-, eie,�iF ,�' e+�€x„a� i. 4x ;. •%'nak ; J Fi'yyae n wh '«? - 9 . � ; ad `P'? lay ' a„' .,.y '•: �8�? .t��z�'�a�.'� a..8a'�n' .-gb.,:' y:w..�'ae potable-.: a �. 6r- a3» dolig a .t ? dart. Wes the £=x ecese ry L: #,.� x s i .:�, n� _ „t as 1 tot a » >. +,s � a: �.�.• '"� Sz - - g" » § 9 W� �A» �__�; l i?»p $'” i fi ai y L $®k, 3` #�„ -be: a'w;� ".&"-a' l £:s'4 Y," �:b3 , �ad�,$,� w Lhat �`Y`�,.�3,n "b of Wvi� € 's "40 rat t £ p e"yd tnd'e cn 3 `C , could lowered to g" ' 3"".. u s o raiz #.a r� x �"t.Y. l��.k k i�s��4.;x t��i.nx »�,'F �%,e• �. .a Y„ �r k�.i,. �i T�«Y � � � R arc ' pints the t r £:=' £rc -f Ln 4„L Water sure hzA ge is"3 y A . BR b yri Y n .., .. ..s bz. ndlc qsinc»ntoo € xed to - s r ol'-” r Whole M = , <,'N y 9 a areataxes_ _e . i, � ,.n�» �.•:$'£ �»?.:d* aS`�.£`•, =�t 4 i �...R � P�' A..ri 5 wg� Y, £ �q � � k`H gy wryx yFvd a� ® � ywater 16 b'<�i 1 xd"" p �" 4, 4.'3£ ax�r dl tri a B:: S, ?r".E @''Rg tl� t �:�.�, and d g r o %,i` � "5 -" Qr3'3 L,5 sa �.. £ Charge., c 'S� z`u �'w»h �,a'�=&t il�A €orx @��c`z 'r�q£ the �aL�...R i�..,�: r+R.i"�d.e.8,aer��` " adH'hx "€��, �»r�ai...x /<<:i yY i y �4di.,dr` <, �S 'k-.&,g � F & idd �i€ir x'iv 4rR,»v.-'b` v$F' u?!: hFa s" ? -, pp --nn UMC-1 q yy Y d q U L, z ,$'. {3, .-r7�. Fir,: zT to" s � kr .. F ;'fr "Ri�b'�a�. 3, � # `Ar 3�w r��s # c " iz,s $' € �.�e:'." sh s ry 4 ce @a,k°'..'� y u the ppM-: yy- O� :s£. ,'s. s@.A#�u s x z� b. 4 ,. o w"�a'�. iW.aw.so3. $ c', Aa+'e ®a i, �4 e ems: + � �-.. .-r.y�+.�x .. _:<,-.ems .m y y v -l: for i nc �„r �¢ - ' tnm: 5. i °=a + ct �xY ] fr, >i.. d]3�`. rgc",, f ` v � ay d -$ £ %g-_•,� 4 �i�.+�::'. a3�-. "o-A�,R .i ', n r �,+4.«£�;'?�S g 4 x - _ a, g