CC Resolution No. 5351
~ ,
~ RESOLUTION v0. 5351 ~
2974, 1ANUARY 17, 1977, :HAY 1, 1978, and JULY 7, 1980
WfiEREAS, the office of the Secrecary for P.esources of California held
hearings to consider amendments to che State Environmental Assessment Guide-
lines; and
WHERE.IS, after said public hearings, the Secretary of the State Depart-
I. ment of Resources has officially amended State Guidelines and forwarded those
amended guidelines to local jurisdictions for their consideration; and
WFiEREAS, the City of Cupertino has considered [hese amendments as related
'I to the Environmental Assessment Procedure of the City of Cupertino;
~I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby
amend Che Environmental Assessment Procedure of che Ci[y of Cupertino, as set
forth on Exhibit attached hereto and made a part thereof.
' PASSED A1VD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Citp
of Cupertino this 7th day of July, 1980, by the following vote: '
Vo[e: Hembers of Citv Council
:1YES: Gatto, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers
:IOES : None
,aBSEYT: vone
_1BSTaI:1: None
~ f
1~R~ of Cu er[ no
. , Y P
~ ~
! G
Citv Clerk
; .
~ ~ a
3`T~~O~IIL :55253:E~L ~~OC~=1~3
~ ~2C'~~ T ?1'~^rCSB. :r8 '_Jtl..'7CSfl C~ ~
, ~ ~=.@ ~OC:W2Il: ~5 CJ ~5:'_3' ~~53 ~OC3?
I, procsdu=es c~ ~:~.e~t :se Ca?':o-;a -_•;'ronae~tz Ct:3'_=cr ~c: oi 1?'0
• (~Qd) . :'~e ~rov-~~? crs sec for=a ce_z=a~s'saL' 'ce ccrs :ed j~ accar3aaca
, •r? r~ C'zQd aad aa~ +:.:e?_etat_crs c::erao: by a c; a~e_aZ: t:~i:aal. :toc:~i~3
, here'~. saa11 ~recllce tre Ci. `rca 1- ' 1~
. 7 =~..3 suca oe~er ac~ a f~ :asgec_ to
i p~ojac~ as :s de~d necessa~ b~ -.:e C__~ :o ooca:~ _•~~1 _a~]'.~:s by
( t..a C_r ._:.Z ~~e ?ro•r_sicrs a= C;~?.
~e='='a ' ]2=' ~1 TS . ~
Sec^'c~ 2 1 :~aot+-_nt :'he t "
s~y:` =~ie-= a:'. c3=.z sha11 ~e~..: `.e ~ersaa vno
~ a ? _ ~o: a•spe~~i_ a= a ' ct ~o_ o
~ ' ' ~Je a' 're==.eaca? ac=:o~.
Sec_~ 2 2 ~_~:~•ral. ac_=ca ca sa ~a:= a_° a~ec:s:ar.=iea= co~:--1r,,
:2 C.~ ^ d :P~'~:.~J ~2 CC1L~S2 :E?~~'^~ :7~ 3 ]:0~ ZC' f~ : e.. ~ " 3
aLt. ':"se eaa : . - L_..ced je :z---ad
Ci ~ata o apo:o•ra1 sti.~ ~e dete =.:ed 'o? r=====nc_ co app'=~_,--
=7 or''=.:.~crs aad :esoluC=crs. nc.e~~er, i: sna'= e-
• a'°= '?-7 .72 :aII5.~2__„
:0 CCC::~ 37CII .:2 ea~~~?S: C~~:.~H~: ~y C: e de~s~C:^..ZK2: ~:OV'~;? ;3 :O: ..:2
EIl~_~~°.:E~~ OL 32.
Sect'_:n 2. Cal_= a:a•r± rc~ea-~' n,:a,=..r ct c? '
r . _ s io-~, ~h=ase
~ J1"~r=ea~ai 4+.:ai' ~ct o~ ~~0" sca:: ~zr. Di•ri : _3 „
~sou:`s Ccce, as i~ ae CzC s ca " ~e CaL'~o^..1a
~~~:5 d4~C~C2C ~tS~3'..e..~ G;_52.0. 'C'~G L~=E ~J ~=fl~ y:.C d:9 .E.~^y.3-
y2=1^~'T~.?_ ;'~=3.s~`.3lC~~. i:2H ~~~.a.flC'.3~:~Z~G2~~r 5.^.~i~ ~H.'..^. d^.~ da^y~.".CT~
`~t 29 OL L2 ~i.0 :S dL'L.~SO ~.'.2t: :J Ca.:3 3 yC'7H^~8II'3~
~c^:ca cn a ~ro;ec_, .~cLd.:~3 ~u_ ~oc "=1:ac :o _':e C_ -
-a=r==3 ~~ssioa. C-L=. a~d
Sec_'^ 2.- r.e_: - T're ca^ ~~2=B~ rr
occ::-_~csr~e=a:c:~ ^ '3°=~7 =ea:s a s::ccea .=.e.rec_ed
~3 i..: ~~ata ac~ca ;-ea: or r~-j
1 r -3-~- -=ss c: c~age
`a ~ea.:~, ~:~~e_~:r, or essen-`:~ .i:"L'~
2.7 7'_.SC_?^a...:a~. ~-~12~- ~^~•g L8 ~ '~Ct'_SC~2.~CLd~ . 7 ; 'ii ' • ~
a:. ac=_.r• =a ac_ saa_-
'"e~= =I ~e'~..-ed as a -'ec= :a_;= :e ' :
3e'=..^e:a~„ 1, pr~J qa,.zs :^.e e::s=~a o= jud,=e==~
e= ~e~:oa oa C:s ~a=- a: .:e ._c _
~ e ^ ~ ^yL'7 3yS'__.7 C~ 7CG~ ~~n
Y CS$ J~ d79~.:Y~~ p~ ~o~;~.'J~Crr'g d^.o°~0.~d~ dCL~~ ~7 "s5 C~S:'~~~y^'.CS: 2C
:~~3 S~r~oL~.^.^r$ :ii1CC~°_ `~.^d C~BC:$~.'~ ~ • -
zas 6ee_ = ==~a- -e_ ~as :o dec= ==`e= =`•a:_
~ •r:~ a~~L'c:~I= s:a=_~:s,Ia::=~aaces _ .
, cr e~.ia~ =s
7l~ ~
Sae_' ~a , i ,r' =~=t. '^re :a^ ".a,r'.or~en:~na'_= r.eaa 1
~ ~:.2 ~G74_-•~.
wII~~:.:5 '~~5: 'J_'~«=3 _:2 3=_3 ~JI:~~: :T~ ~ ".2 3_._C' 7v
•7~ '8C' ~ a ~ ~ =G 3 7:~CC32C
:C:1~_3 ~.r.C~ ~lt~ ~ +3Ld_ ~ ~=__2~ ~ J_3 ~ _2t: ;3 ?
d::y:O~eC~.'a ` :~iL7 ~ OL 3ES.:dL - ~ .•••-92,
' ' ~ 5' vo..
~~aa:~=..`esc" :s ^~•r_:ec :a_.. ~.a co~.:,a~3 _...c~5ar:es~ ''~e_
(a) ~e ~n?s:c.s.: o: '~.o_ia:=c aa•r'__.=e:c, c~~ =s=~3 eac:. .=c-~_s s
~„_=te a:.c so'_=.
(5 ) i:~e biolc3=c~ a=•r::~~a=+ ° . _d ? t ~
-=3 --..ts a
:d T s .
(c) ~'e so~a? ~r_ar.::.ent, c:~=a_~i :~r.3s due co i~a: ac~_::~r ~r.d
a:•r+sibla ~ ..ti_ Lto:
(1) T'.:e ~a;rsioso~al aa•~_~~ea., cc~~~i~3 bu:ld:.:3s, :oa~s, aad
a1.:. ~a:c_sc :_ad co;ects.
(2) T`.:e ~_cso~a.: a:•rironne:.=, e _si~3 d.^.aes~cacad ~laacs a:c
?T'~ 1~ 1 G .
(d) Sc.°r=c •r_eu a~d ar~ealeg=a'_ s:c=s .
I Se==en 8 =a-r:=^^ent=' ~ssess~eat. T're pn=ase "aa~:_ar=eat~ assessae :t"
saa~_ ~ea
: a:. a•~a::a:::c o~ c:e c:a= :c:ar's ~_cs of a groject co ceca -.`ne
J~e^we= t:e ~ro;act ~ay aa-~e a s=s-===c~c as.=c= cn ~We aav-:_o~esc.
Sac_l~n ? 4 _~r'__.=en-_~ i.C:-~so :"re ~n=~e "enri.on.:en_al ad•r'sor" :e.-=;
a:._:ar a:y ~u~~„e co:sulc~s z:;.';,~ed »~e C=_>, co ass:s~ r. c:a
~r~?a:at_~.. a: ea-r==_r~es:b :~ac~ ~~o:.s, or Co z C~~ sta=: ~~e:
a_~ ~ssiYed ta ~-~pars r.a =n :=e.z~~ ~-nact ` ar
3e?a: (=I3)•
cac_1n ~ '0 _~r=::~~ca1 ^oc•~..ns. :ae ?a::se "aav'_r~n=e=::i ~cc•_e==;~~
saa'~ nea: al: oi _:e ~a~e= ?e-.~_=3 co a spac=:=c ~:ojac_ :'r.::: za
2:a?a-ad ~y, o= cn ~e:^..sL` o:, or :o= c:a C=~, a;d a:_ -='_:ec upc~ as :e
'~~:s, p:ooi, o= sc.~po^~ o= ~e anv::,,._.....ta: =-~act o' ~.e
~2C1- ~ ~ t -~;^'_^^._.EIIL3T _ ~2C= i2~C:_ '
- - 1 H 7C~35fl :7~~.L^9L~3~ ^~dC~
~.270~ SC13i~ :°'r. '~.~.8 ~ECd~13.Z :7 5.3~2~E:.b dLC CC..........._5, 35 Cz~1~8C.
'_j~-~eja~r_:or=en~ ~t:a'~=r ~c_ 0:~1970, a:d areadrea: c::ar_c~, ~r.d c:e
C+L e:es :a: ?~enc_t_aa ai c:e =a~r_:or=ental C~c:a'`:7 ~cs c: i 0 is
acc~cad 'oy t~e Sec:at~-~ ci ~seu=:_s.
~ T' _~:-':or.=ei~_ C.. ( C)
Sec--- _ -s? 3e•riev i`e ~nrase "_a-r:r~^
?~•riaJrCa~::=s' ra:e:s ca a c~osaa o~ cae C~:r CoL:c_1_.-~~, ocer
~,^T~1_ s s~~Le- . ~ ' -
..3 Ca~..s ~~e C ~ `!a: ager, :.:e D~bc_or o: ?_b~._ a
__e~_ ~ f^ . ~c=cs, a=_
~ - o: ?a::._.g, o: :~eiz desig~~ed a'_:~^a:es.
=ac:_~~ ?.:.i Gcce_=eat~' ~c~cn. T:~e ~c.sse "gcve^nea:a: ac__oa" s;^.z„
=eaa _ie ~r~D032G au^:c by t:~e G-.~r o: a pro~ect or a s~e~"'_c ~a::
a: a ?:ojecc. Suca ?:~pesed au::a ==at==a :.ay ~e or^~=aacs, ~se.s ='~a, .
._..:_3GL~ ~9352~ ~H ~f ~~C_32~ 0: d~ OL:B- _J~ J_ G1L~~~d=2^.: ~52.
• ~/-.S~
~ •
Seccion 2.14 Lead aKency. Lead agency means the public agency which has the
princlpal responsibility for carryinR out or approving a project.
:ec-~: 2.15 '*{,r:st====' ''~-_c=• ~,a 2n=asa "-~::3L2 =.3~ ?_~jacc", as a
3°=e=~ =-a ,_~c__des _:osa 3GL_ T C=~s da:_~ed ~~r~ f accs , aai:
: a=~
~cs==~aa ar anorovea ~y ::ec:s_=n _~a~ a~~__c o~=---=
7t.D~_ 3fj~IIC7 ~~„3:(~5 '3DC.^a 3~~:'2~ SL3C~ JI ~3CC.'a ~3 3 7~95~~JB.: 3d:.^.8'
C024:~II^..°~ .:2 32uCdL3 0~ ~3$3.~ 3II~.0 ~~T. n112.^. CD:S-..8~~~7~ .:852 ~ '°CS~
~ ~L~~ J= 2L;°II~ ~.SSL dC~ 17CL L:fl y~'78~ ~dC~ ' ~~.CL'L :°,^~3~'~ ~..J.1~8 ~o..
'~G~.fl~_ 0: OJ~~J~G C~="~° ~=3 ~~.~.2 7=7~"'=2l"T O- :~G..... C: 3f: dC_ d~3~1•y:
'~E S C:~.: , 0 ~'..~32~C~ ~ O~ =9$'w3L_JII 3d~ '9Gt1~= S ~9° d COAS
~~c_ o> ± -s 1~r.3~:..~3e ~y ~a c_==~-- • 3 ,
Sec-~_ '.16 Ye~at'-,-e ~e~a==='_ r,e ?a.asa ":leg==_:e ~ec:a=z._ a" saL_
=ea:. a s:a_~~ea~ by t»e dec:~=c:.~sa= :or t4e C_=r sec~~g :o.-~z taec a1:.:cL3:
t's2 ~~:ac_ s nat ca.agor_';.~lq _-ce.._^~t, i: :rc~d noc hara a si~:ic=:.:
~:_c: :.n -~e zr.~ri.ory
eac a:.d '~`~.era-ors dces zoc :eau=_s aa :a~rcn=eac.~
~nac_ ~x;-a:- .(3~3)
Section ?.17 ~otice of Completion. The phrase "Nocice of Complacion" shall mean
a briei notice [iled with the Secretary of Resources by a Lead Agency as soon as
it nas compleCed a draft EIR and is prepared to send out copies for revieca.
Section 2.18 votice of Determination. The phrase "votice of Determination"
shall nean a brief notice to be filed by the City when it approves or determines
to carry out a project which is subject to the requirements of the Environmental
Quality Act of 1970.
Saction 2.19 Notice of Exemption. The phrase ":Iotice os" Esemption" means a briet
notice which may be filed by a public agency when it has approved or determined to
carry out a project, and it has de[ermined that it is ministerial, categorically
e:cenpc or an emergency project. Such a no[ice caay also be filed by an applicant
where such a determination has been made by a public agency which must approve
che pro;ect.
Section Z.ZO `Iotice of Preparation. The phrase "`otice of Preparation" means a
brief notice settt by a Lead Agency by certified mail to notify the responsible
agencies that the Lead ~gency plans to prepare an EIR for the project.
~2C=_^ ~ ?j ?_.gC: i:'Lfl C3~ ~~7EISCII~~ S:Sd1~ ~82T ~7 ]fl~SQII~
aSSC`3:=.:.^.~ O:y3::.~3L=JII~ ~,72'.=_E=5:1~~~ JL'S=:85S~ __'_9~ C_~C:2^~J.^.~ C=~'d=~,
C71L^~7~ C:~ ~L~ ~~i::?~ ~~=7~ .:4"G~ '~3 5~3C8~ 3:C '~.'J O: _:2
d.^~9~...~25 rC~~~~i aL:~C~'7~S~::S 0~ SS1G^. 2:~~.~85.
Se^_• _ 2.22 _ _
- - =ec e . _ac_ Weas :.':e :-no'_a o: a.: ac~_on,
::bS 3 .CL2.^.~~3~ ~J~ :C75~23~ r.'7oC~`Ja .:.2 2~'7"~~~C~._~~~ .~..~~°C'~J J: ..~C~:dCd~,
'.Y2L :3 b:7 0~ we ~0~..~G'.=:5:
(a) ' ~a ac~_vi~ 'c~'=ac.1~ ~de=ti~caa Sq e C:.^r, '=.cle'~.:3 S~c =ot ~=~:=d
ca ~ssbt~c Jor:ts ccns._sc__o~ a=d :a1at2$ dC__'7='~=5, ela~:_3 or g_az:~;
c= '_ar.d, =~_o•:e:.eac~ t~ zc;st_~g ~~1_c s.-_c=-='-s, eaac_ea: a~d
z-°ac:~e~_ o: ..,,.._.=3 or=~~:.c_s , a~,. ;.:a ace~c=ca a=c a=ea~ea. _~ca:
Ga~e_a.: ?:a:s or el~e~~ .:e=ao:.
- 3-
- ~ e
(b) 3a ac~_•ri:~ undertakea S? a?e=sca, ot~er t~aa t~e Ci:?, ::aic^. :s "
S~~C~'3'r.1~: :TGO~'r_ 0: ~3 7Z'- `..~~tl.'~: CCL'L~3C~i~ .y~'a:LS~ SL•GS~C~3S~
' loars, or :or~ ci assa::~.cs __ca ~'~e Ci_~.
(c) da ac~-r=~ ia•rolv''~g r.:e -sst:a: cs ca a~erscn ~v :e Ci~, o= a_aase,
. Pe_~= _ L' csrs~, cer~:=:.ate, or auez eat=c==reac cor usa. .
Seccion 2,23 Responsible Agency, The phrase "Responsible Agency" means a publlc
agency which proposes to carry out or approve a project, for which a Lead Agency
has prepared the environmental documents.
$c'C.a C I ,...i rl - ~t9 ~
- 2.'4 5_ _ __c~t - ==c• ~e ~a:ase ' '~~c~~ e=:act" sha~? =e~n
a sc:es:z:`a~ dG'7fl:$2 i...-nac= cn cye ea•r:_or.~eat.
:a ac~..r~z:.cs '~~.e legisla:
•~a fY.~s.c statad i^. .:e =~vi.oLeaca'_ Qca_
3ct o' 19i0, .:e e==scts on ^.ye :o~=..~r~.3 ±te:s arz 3e~d Co ~e .:a:e .
~ Sa 1~_C_.~ .:Z. 0~2~ E^.7=~L'=~:-3~ 8=_2CC5:
Ca) ~s-:e^~~ ea•ri.,, qu~~as.
Co) `~ar.r-al =='==o~.en~a? qt:a1=-~es.
(c) 5cs=.. ea• :,t:a'~^ss.
~'s.~ ea~~__.~_ca'_ au:r_=as, zcar.~:as c= .:.e ~a;or
=e =ocs Ca_:=_-._a a_s_~-?.
ia) .~a =a:~===°acs a:.c ; e_^,.ec_a._.._ =_sz i:.c :r=~ C__:' 37flc_as .
C_i :Tcise. ~
! .d: Sc:_3 ~ast_, a:= ~.c aata= quai:._r•
1) :r~':ic.
Section 2.25 Truatee ?~qency. The phrase "Trustee Agency" means a state agency
; havin~ iurisdiction bv laca over natural resources affected by a oroiect which are
held in trust for the people of the State of California. Trus[ee agencies include:
(a) The California Department of Fish and Game with reQard to the fish and
wildlife oE the State.
(b) The State Lands Cor~nission with re~ard to 5tate-owned "sovereign" lands.
(c) The S[ate Depart^~ent oE Parks and Recreation wi[h rerzard to units of the
State Park System.
I (d) The Universitv of CaliEornia Nith reQard [o sites within the :Iatural Land
and Idater Reserve Svstem.
~ac:J ~a 3 G2^.@:3~ ;-'s ~ ^ns ~
; ~flC'~' ~~-a.~_ _ 7~...T'S:_^5 JP. ~?S~ .~C'-- '.:2 LCCDC~JII ~7L
. _~TS::IIS SA'`'_ ~CLr7d._OCS=_ , ':252
' `.7d~~c~~ 3.^.;7 :dSL gCVB^._^,8.^.C3~ 3C~
, =.Z ~+=T ~'G=:
: 30' '~~~I^ =.._52 =S:~CS Ji _ :2 _ :T__ r'
_La_~7 si:~ C~ ~~~Q. ~~5: .~'C7e
~~~d: 3C_~.... 'l =.2 JA. ~'lZ '~»-t:~
~ ~":ES J~ . ~D~ 2CL.i 32~D? 3'.:~~°_C d:~ d~'_J: T7?C,' • _i
:3) ~'~:HCLS JR=._. 7CLL_ 10C 1d':2 3 513_____~ __'2C_ JII '~~12 flTT=_,,.,~_°
C~l ~~~~flC~S :Or :TS~~.. =.fl._ .25 Si1DSLd.".~..=i C'.^~._7~'_..^.9 'J:'`,~3 ~3.°. 7.7'7_~_.:aS
Oi ..:~5 L.a.'~3 0~ OL ~:.e ..:V~.~....~fl~L3~ Qi1Z~~ ~iC~ 0: t0i~.
~C~ ~~O~C~~ :~~C.Z ~P_~7E'~ =^.'7:=CI'=2 :L31 dD7~~Vd~ =~CII L:2 5~3CB CI
~a~er~ gcver..aeat.
I (d} -'==~e=~ =or ,ai~ ~a:. i -
j- a•~ea :.`~cugh t:e__ ~sse_o _.~r~e^ea ,~ac_ :a.s c~rsicer_d Sq _.e Ci=?
. j ~i "':2C~ ?.2?O" ?=272~9~.
Sec.jon 3~ C`n-_a's~ s Ni~i - _
T_ - sspec= c~-;o_~3 ~rai°=-a ~e ...e-
f-= ` ~ jr~r
~es se= _„-.i Sec___~ _.J"0 0~ ~u=~e~~.^es =ea^.a:_an c' ._.e
C~~~r'^..~3 _.'1'T'~~~21:E:L:i':~L•d~~=7 3C~ OL TQr~ 35 3CCDL2~,~7 ~~;fl $2C=:'==7 ~L
3.escu=css•~s~aLl preva_1 s----==c co ca-~o==3 ?=o:ac~ t.e ju :sc-
==n oi _.e C==7 0: C~~e°~..-c.
Sec~:a . ~ ?sca~ L:s^=A-= - -='r== - ~ev1 a - -v nz
r " " ~ ° ~~.Cj
Co~.`_ ~er=_~q es:~nt_.;~2S _2 _17=_.._S~:z: ~:=_ayC~~ -ee ~ ~
_ ~ ~ --~ose_ „ae
L- CJ7.,..~'~.a"l. ~ CR8 ?~Z^.^.~5~ l'..'~^..-_So~CII2~~ L~2 l.~ I!d:d~_~~ .:.fl•'.1i~~2C~~~ '
~~e~C w0:'_LR~ d:C~. L~2 ~_-LCa= OI ~~3"..:_1 :5~~ OL C.~.H1. .:BSiT'2~2G~ 2~~d^3~25.__
c=~--as saaL ~~r_aca ~r~:ects as ca ~he~.a: -,=,e ~:o,+,ect ~ay or aot
3sJe a s_^j'_ca:..t e===L= ~z e~:=_ - ~
~ ~:=2~L 3LC ~F_'{3 2 3D7:_7~::.d 3C__JtS
ss aera_~_ar ~rovidec. li~ca =acr3 a:__d'rg ~a~ a~:o;ec: W..~y :~are
5~5~~~~cr~ ~~~2CL CL ::d 3:7_~~LB.^.C~ L~12^C.~.~ ~,vtL.C~~ d~C ?Lc,~.^.~~.^~ LJ~~~55~
^O^^fl=5 '~d CO~=~~B 5:3~1 ~eC=:..E {~^.3.:~~'79,:9~d~~7fl C~ [.~:2 ?.B7Zd:~~:
c4e =~r:_c~ea:a.1 I~ac_ 3a~cr..
Sec~~ :n 3. S rees .
~a) ?_=_:..~aa..^~ env:r~r~n.~ .3ssess~enc. T'.:a.e shaL ~e ao :es :or a
~rs'~ e~~~:arse_:~ 2ssess:en=; p:ov:~ed, hr.:e~~er .^a: -:e
ccs 3 o? saic:.-.3 suc:: assessnen_ be :a'_ec=ed a:~ ~oG^_e. =ss
:eq~ed :or ?roc_ss:~~ =.e ?rojec:. ~
-:r=_=~ea:3? assessrea~. i~e :ee _°~r aa e~_~nreata~. assess~~t
c= a~_~~ec= sporse=zd ea'===-? bv a~ersc~ JLL2_ -~e Ci~
SGd~~ .fl•,"~`..~ 3aL~ 9.^.3~~ 7H 7d~: 7~~' 'J 5:::_: 2:'T"-~;^.=E=L3~ d55B5S2E_'.
Ce) =~=zea:`~ r.-pact 3z~cr= . .~e a=c:~~ sa:.'_ :ee saa~? ~e
de==-^~-ed b~ ~~e =sr=:r=e~..~' 3a~
_~a C
" ' ;::a= ~e based ~.pc_
*~e s:sE ~c' scaoe.o~ C~e ~ro;ect, s:^.a11 be 3 3a ~cL:.- aca:~aca t~
. c^^.e:saca~:.Le Ci^ _=z :=s e~s:s i~ :or.:ac-=oa =~e=ssr_=., '_~c?_d_=e
bu ~oc _ec T ~ • ,
:n, a_._ e~sts a: a= a~-r_r_ _..eaca.: ~c:su_-aa~ i= or.e
s .acz'=ed ~p :Le C_~. -
~ ~
(d} Cos: o~ ?~1_s~~..:3 Yo~:ss. ~ ==a ' . sca_ be =o~_c__d -:a
?ro~ ^ ^ae :u~.cs~~a o: ~o: ~,s ~.e ~e•.;_a-2_`c__
ec:.; s~or.3c==~ =~'='1 a =e=son cc^.e_1--~.. „~a
==-~saa:i ~oc ~e c~?=ec=== ~z:ea .:.a ~ec_cs :.s ~~•re::'., y -..~s
. rr'-:~ ae.~_rg =~q~=-- as a~a_: =::ajao Y_. ~`=-=n
- , :._a.: --~3 :r~csss .
(a) Cas: o= =~r:roa~ea~.~ ~oc•~ea_s :o G~e_a'_ ?:a:.' c 3:ae s: a_ ~a
ca T~'..ec_ad ye~ers o' ~:e __1 to: a c:cy o: aa.r__~~.eac__
doc•~.ea= ~o der==? c:e ac:::a= ..ast o_ - -
~rocuc__;.n _~?r_cuc=--...
Sac_'_cn 3.5 C~~_
_Vr - - at r 3~•r'___~ea=~~ Dcc•_:.e.^.ts. co.^_ea
c:e -~corc ^^e_a - " s
; - or ~g .:.e ?ub_c or a 3o•re' a;eae~ s~ec~:,.a _ly
j ca t~e _av;~:.=enta? c^.d~3C_2 :st_:.; e: a disc.s•~^~a~-~ pr~-~ s:a11 be
! ~a:s ~-ad =n~e 'I.a::::.3 De~a:.=~a_ ~c, aoCyrzq~.:..'=ad :n~~e a ~a:: o=
, o~ ; _reai_ 3e'a" b° ~.e _~r-=o~en=~' Cna~.^r 3c_ or 2?;p,
~ ~c_3aed e e::,:=_..=en_:~ ::oc^ea:s _.e ~:~.ac_.
Sec_{on 3.5 dc_:cr1:-s .0 5'r_ -r_,::
' suc's es .ae C~~ --=as. ~aeae~~e= a~ ag_a_^,. o.: :e Ci=T
C.:u:~l o- ~~e = z^-:._.3 C- :.'ss~ca :s ^ •.~-=d~ :.~ti ~
~rc_'ss, suc: :_=c_~g ~-y be :ade o_~~.=:7. ~T5e C_~~C1.==:s o= -:e C?=. a,~,
aad ~~e ?~a=-=~g 7i_~c_o: o: t:e ?1~-;_S C.:~ss~ ~ he~~y a:e au_.o_~z~
sc~ oa bes' aL" or ~`~at ageacT ~aic:~g -~.e :r:~:te~ :'=.t~3 taa _~^:o ta
a=5~age cn e apa: cnr! a.e do~.ea= aad s_g~1, D=6`=
~.3 suc:z aap--p =a=: e~c•.~.e~t.
' Saction 3. i Ca.^:e~c~=e^' cz ~c-° -^s ~..,;r -j
' :z~~a, se: as_ee y` • ac~en or ?:oc_sa~g ta a:_acc,
~ dC"~O'3 SJV C._ ~'`C O~- L:.. ~:.T C12C3_
`..'~.."BCOII~ C8C~5~...'~ J^ 3'~~'°- =-.....~3~
_ e '~lca tZe g_~~d o~ ~cac:~'~~ca :r.:.`~ =z_s^--=--
r.-ri_~:se:.`..`' ~u~~- .~c= ~ s.:.~ ~e cc,r eace~ as :a__... . •=~a
~a) :~..^.y ac-`an o: ~.ocas'c.._'_3 a'-=z8=~8 a: c.e C=>
p:ove~ a -s car='Y.~ oc= or :as
ap~t vi-~ ~~ca ~p ia:e a s_g`=,:a..^C e===~= 'ti2
~e ca ha•r:~3 deCa^=.zed :aa::.e= .:e ?r~_ect ~;r :a•;~ " ;
ca: t a===~= ~:.~a env~ _o . a'_3;'-___
- r=en_ s::z= ~e - ~..-encac ._i_-:z s o:
t~e C:-~'s dec:sica to c~_~ cu: er aaprone t»e =o;acc ~~z
pro~;c_ .s c:: da=_a.~cea a~~ - • ' -
290 +c3~s _ _ ou~ a_~_..~ dac_s?~a b;~ t::e C_---,
a===' c_-enc=~.ea o: ~.e ~ro~acc.
.~,..^q ac"~cn o~ g~caec.'.~.~3 a.::eg_~g -:at Ci=r n 1
uaet»er a ?ro'2c: ~a:~ - - - - ~ . -=pe__7 ~e.e =_ed
be c:~e: s-? :r=- ~ a''3--==---- z===~_ °n ` ~
c 0:.a-:s a:_a: -:e a_• = ^ s.^.a1~
t=oa ;s ` _ =3 o= :ae ~c c=-s o, 7e:~ ~a-
C~u:~ C?a c as _ec..;_a~
O~ I9l~. - _ _..II~E='3: ~L'3~-==J ~C~
(C~ r1^.'f dC~~.'.JII 0~ ?~~C2flLT..~g "?2?~~~3 :.`:3L 'c: ~:'7_:c~n.a= i 3
daes aoc ca~17 legal :eq~.'=~nts s;-.a:: be = ac: a?c==
30 daps a::a_ e~_~~.:~ o: -.Y~ c: -eaced ~__:s
C~u:t~- C' ' _e Yoc=cs o: ~aca ~..+:ac_oz -
~ ~a::c =zq~:_c bp tYe ===~a:.3? _ _ .=e
Q~ ~ ~c_ o~' "0 .
- ~
~ ~ ~
' Sec~cu 3.8 ?.oe~ of Sa~±es. ?:aci or 2_or serr.cs b? 3a=: u?ca _:e Ci:r
o: a~=.:aa cet=cn oi ':e co~eac~s= _ s..-~ ac_ien or ~r~c=e~.:_g =~sc~:eZ
' Coaeac_eat of ~c`~'cs meve i~..~''-~..:3 c:e ?re;ecc saz:= ~e ='fsd ,.oz-
~_-_~t17 •r_-~+ c.a ii-~~' ~I_a'a:~g suc-. ac~ _ o: ~r~caec:~g.
Sect_~a 3.9 af :;ec_c_s. T`~e D:_ac_~= o~ ?Zz:~~g 53d?? ===e '=y
~GLC_5 _83..~~°c1 ~v C:'~ ~3T_~~LC~L3? ~t13t.~r' ~C_ C~ ?Q i~.
Section 4 Statutorv Exemptions.
:a^- s.1 "'rs: a' 'ec.s }~_~:~~a =z.1 ~_~~e_t~ ~cc sc:b;ec_
a»r_=_~__ca? : ~ac= ~=-csc..:_ a~a^_=='c :er--= ' -=a -..•-=~-en~a=
~L'3~~=" .S.CL~~~ ~~~.ri. ~:1'e. ~~1~..w~...y ~~SL 52C5 ~.C52 7:~j=CL5.
~3j =53t13: C9 ~t1~~~~.:.$ a:.C OL:.2~ '9-a..dG :Z
tJ / ~aS1~.C9 7tS~~°_55 ~'~525 .
~ aDD:CV3~ 0~ ~~:.d~ SL'DG~ ~~C~ :3~9.
~ (~j ~55:2~C_ O~ ? :C=~2C.:=E-~ 70'~_3.
(e) =35::sce oz SL=~eC-t_= Permits and apptoval of utility service conneCtions
and disconnections.
I35L'a:.C9 O: ~_ac:~g :e
' =.a ave~. a quest_cn s:z~ed, e=~ia= z. a;^'_c,~._ ;y a ~~::as
=.a s=3:= as co ;' acc a pr ~e== ..r :s no~ a~_..:s~a====
pr~;ac_, .:e qtesr~oa sha'~ 5e'='-=-=='-d :a :ze Ci~ 3__~ _a? °_o: a=s ..._'=S
as t~ ':ce_.e: er ~oc, .r.der stata aad ..ocal la.~, ~:e p=~iac_ :s o: =s =oC
3 311'5,...=:3? ?~0~2C~.
'1%' ! a
I Section 4.? EmerQen~Projects. The following emer~~cy projects are exempt
~ from the requirements of CEQA, and no EIR is required:
! (a) Projects undertaken, carried out, or approved by a public agency
to muintain, repair, restore, demolish or replace property or
i facilities damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a
i disaster-stricken area in which a state of emergency has been
~ proclaimed by the Governor pursuant to Chapter 7(commencing
Section 85~0) of Division 1, Title 2 of the Government Code.
(b) Emergency repairs [o public service facilities necessary to
maintain service,
(c) Specific actions necessary to prevent or cnitigate an emergency.
II $2C7' - 7 Ca'.3£0 ==3= -:C'_._^`7 C:
Sac=- - :e•re?=°=°~- r' Di==c= - = i'::e ~i_=c=~r ~i ?l~~g
' s:a::yde~~e:~e a ~_j; o~ ^_~sses ~_~~=~;ec:~ sn~.= ~e 3 ~==3°
:a =:s .
:ec`_ ' 1cco-'- :-r v~-~= .:e C,=r C~u::.__ s~e.:_ acc?t y=oc'__..
~_sevc'_assas ?=o~ac~ :a::... :e 3~~_ad =a=a8o '-:c~.^-~r_~s.
~2C _7II ].3 OL 3 CdL240:1^_T _ _ 1:7 ]=7~_C: :C.1.... lS '
3 C~3SS JI :]:D'2G«a y~3:'.SL• d C.3~3~OP~C3~ ~'{M'~C~~L 2.IIC JC~C. ~CES 3CC 12.79
2::_~OL_°IIL3~ ~.d~3C~_ =3L=C5 5=g"'...=~»_..__j 1_-2=_..' '_7II L312 ~L'=Z ~r.0I3
0: 9LiC.: :_1d55 ~S ~L=fl~ LJ 7@ 2 ~Z"}?C_ :T:: 7_~ CCC 33'._ 3 513____=.'
~-'_C~ CII ~2 e.':'T'~=:II:.CIIt. :IO 2IIV'~~~:=.C:C2~ ZSS2S5:-2II. C. 2L.-"L=-...a_
~"7dCt _3~C:L `S :=QL::SBL~ ~OS SL•G: d 7r0~2CL.
JflC•'~•, ~:j'_~3 r=:3IIL'~^ 3 C~355 C: ~'^~2C_S d C2L84C^3~ 2~:'
(a) T~e f~'=rw'=g ^_:sses o: ac=_~r-:._=.s swa'r be graat=e =a==3==-;.~ =-cz^p-
tio:s i_om :3e ..:•r~.onaeata'_ :rnac~ ?-ocedu:_, -o•r:dec at _c ~z~.;_
ia use, oc~n~a:c; or zac:~g oa c:e ~:r. :s =avoi•~e_. C=== =z co=
g:aatr.^3 a~'ass ci ?rojects d C3:230::C.3i ese...^~t_~n a:s:
i~e ~ra.2cs •ri-=.~ _~e c'_ss ec=~= -=z,uen:=?•
(2) T`•e p.^o;sc_s :r~ :.~e c?ass _z Seae=3? ==1 ~cc have a s:b~_='
caa: e=='c: ca =.e e_v-:=~.=.e__ c~e c~ t~e'__ aac-==•
(3) ~e oro;ac_s :ri-~_~ t~e cl~s 3e_eral. ~ill aoc :a~e a si32~:=-
~,~t a===c: becaL:se su===r.:_.~.._ 3•:`~e'=..-es =c: :_~c_~3 3c~:e-.r~~tai
~ac~~oa al:sae7 aave bean es..~_s: ed 3 ~:e C:? cr__ad:.cs,
rasa:s-.:~~, o: ~ot~oa :n aasurs caL~JL"~~:7 :r::.~ =.e ~a'~=~:-.=a
3•ra=a~.°.aca.l Qc:al:y :lc: a?0.
~I .
(b) Categorical Exemp~ons shall not be granted, even for projects which
~ normally qualify under one of
the exempt classes, if the project cause
one or more of the following:
~I (1) INoving of more than 100 cubic yards of soil.
I~ (2) Destruction of highly desirable trees, shrubs or wiLdlife.
I~ (3) Disturbance of streams or unusual land ~orms.
',I (4) Creation of any unusual air, water or noise pollution source.
(5) Disturbance of any slope of more than 30Z.
~ (6) Destruction of historically important buildings or sites.
(7) Violation of any law, regulation or authorization of any other
Sact~ C_ass ' ~ ~=s "ac_ as C13ss 1,.
- - - oas:sts a~ :e overa-
ro7d~~~ '~:3^.C~ ~ 3~'E~3C~.... J~ ~:CS~r^.y 7L'7~w ~'3~a
9: ~.._..~'9 , 'dL__'_=4 i ~G.3: :C3.~ 2~"1'_8II~ ~ .C,L`0,~: ~~tl~..~~ '33t~_3S ,
. {«.'JC~'T'~:3 ce~~~g~~~3 Or 10 3':72~a~3L 7Lr!152 .~.fl7CIIC .:dLr~~~7~.^.L'ST~l ~'L~S:_'•.
~ _'i ~
~ :C? ~G1_ :3 :
(d~ T3.3 0~ '_.C'8~7' d~'_'3L=J:S ~:7C~
:3y S::G. «L.:«SS S
~ar:_-~~rs , ~lu~b~:.g, anC 2=2C~_at' ~osre;~=r,cas .
(b) ::=;:~_3 fae:.'====s o_' boc`~ ~~:es...~, a,: d:s:b1~`7 c•.uec ..._'=:_as
;isec co co~re~ ar ::_s~~~L_a s_act :c ?cc:e=, ..-=,.ru ;as, se•.ra5e, e==•
(c) Existing highways and streecs, sidewallcs, guc[ers, bicycle and pedesCrian
trails, and similar facilities, except where the activity will involve
removal of a scenic resource, including a stand of trees, a rock outcropping,
or an historical building. ,
(d) Restoration, or rehabilication o[ deteriorated or damaged stn:ctures,
facilities or aechanical equipment [o meet current standards oi public
heaith and safe[y, unless it is determined that [he damage was substantial
and resulted from an environu~ental hazard such as earthquake, landslide
or flood.
(e) Additions to existing structures, provided that the addition c~ill not
resul[ in an increase of nore [han:
(1) 50 percent of the floor area of the structure before the
addition or 2,500 square feet, whicliever is less; or
(2) 10,000 square feet if:
The pro ~ect is in an area where all public services
, and facilities are ava:laole to allow for ma~cimum
development permissibie in the General Plan, and
(B) Yhe area in which the proiect is located is not
environmentallv sensitive. •
~c=__ca or sa:a or ne~=.'-. ~rocac=ou de~r= ~or use dL~a3 con-
sc ~c~~~n vi`~ ~s:~~3 st_ac_.:res, :sc'_'=='_a~r :ec^.a~.=~a.'_ ee••'
Or ~;,'ro0 -P.^C=~3: ~22L:::89 ' =CB:=,
. ~-~C 1C.:3 C2.~7":53. ~IId_ :fl'7'=:.°..5~ :Cfl:.. C:=52
L~2`~ ~ 9 ~Dr10t have 0~ _E5:1~ dII acve~58 2:7'=_~II~~C3? ?~3CL.
<g) :Ie•: c~a? cn =~sr~^3 cn: anc o_':-?re~~se s'_5~s.
(h) :'a:a=en.aacs o~ ?andsca~:s3, ear.=%e g~w*.; aad ,ata: s•~ p1y
rese~o:_s (ez~'::di~g ~e ~:se o: acoac~c pciso~s, as ~e:_~ed ia
Di•rlsirn 7, Chantar 2, Ca:.i:or=:a :~3 _c•.~'_::xra1 C~da) .
~:~_a:aacs o: =?sh sc=ees, -=sc. ladder3, ai_a'.-.==2 aabi_a~ a=_as,
t • ,r
a:-=-_c.=a.. J~~ 'a vaca_aay devi;._s, s~_s~?ocs, sp =a3s aad
aa:ar3clas, aad st=saa .:.~e'_s (~a~-!~3 0: d~ c~ ~rnt=c= :=sa
aad :ri? }_s ou: .
(j) °i3n stock:~g by t~e C~i;or..:a Dega:
=en: o: 5'_sa aad Ca~.
C<) Di•r:s_aa of e~sr=~g ~a'_-~?le-=a=ilq :ea:.31 ~s .{.nco coacoc=~'•~-4.
(1) Demolition and removal of individual cnall s[ructures li~te~ in this
subsection excapt where the structures are historical, archaelogical
or architectural significance:
(1) Single-iamily residences not in conjunction with the demo-
lition of two or more units.
(2) Motels, apartments, and duplexes designed for not more than
four dwelling units if not in conjunction with the demolition
of two or more such structures.
~ (3) Stores, offices, and restaurants if designed for an occupant
~ load of 20 persons or less, if noc in conjunction with the
demolition of two or more such s[ructures.
(4) ~lccessory (appurtenant) structures including garages, car-
ports, patios, swimming pools, and iences.
(m) ddditions to single-familv residences and [he conversion of a single-
family residence to office use.
(n) The conversion of comme~~cial or otfice units to a condominium type
of ownership.
I Sacc'ar, .5 C_>ss ~ 3e~_ac~.=e^t o: =e~o^sc ~ C~ass 2.
- - - ans.sts
==~_ac~se~c o: =--~nsc__c=-~n , - ' ~
J= _[~3C~3g 3.. ~..~'S•w^.~ '3C_~~...''.2S :C2=a
.».e ~ea s.-:c=--- ~e on a s~e as =:e s:--c--=-
~d :ave si:as~_:.__a~~ .:e sa.:.e ~::^csa a:d _apac:c; as _:e a~__;.c~:~
~ _ _?:acac , i :c_:aa'~3 ~uc aec .
' (d) ~8~t3C°_=E=L :2C~II5:~1C=_.... ~3~_- SC:COiS d:... ;CSJ:'_
' _5
7:7V~~8 23~~' 3d'.:fl :83~a:caL S.~~C'~~25•:C~~'. ~0 .^.O: ~;CC~352 ~3`^ ~
~ ro:t ::aa ~u~. ~ac__,
l~) ~?:.ac_eac a c=.^e===a_ st-,;cc__a J~ a nea - _.e '
s: _c: _ snc-
sL3: e'aa~e 5=:e, purpo~c, and capacity.
j -10-
Re lacement or onstruction of existin utili~systems and/or
facilities involvin ne li ible or no ex ansion of ca acit ,
Conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facili
~ ties to underqround includinq connection to existinQ overhead
f:lectric utilitv distribution lines where the surface is restored
to the condition existinQ prior to the underQroundinQ.
Section 5.7 Class 3: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
I Class 3 consists of construction and location of•limited numbers of new,
small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and
~ facilities in small structures• and the conversion of existin small struc-
; tures from one use to another uhere onl minor modifications are made in the
i exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described in this section
are the maximum allowable within a two- ear eriod. Exam les of [his exem tion
include but are not limited to:
! (a) Single-family residences not in conjunction with the building of two or
. more such units. In urbanized areas, up to three single-family residences
' may be constructed under this exeaption.
' (b) ~NdCEY~~/a~1~r~E~~~~/~~d Apartmenta, duplexes and similar struetures
uith not more than four duelling units if not in can~unetion uith the building
of txo or more such structures. In urbanized areas the exemption applies to
single apartments, duplexes and siatlar small structures designed for not aore
~~an six dxelling units iP not constructed in coniunetion ui'`: the buildfnR of
t~o or more such structures. -
(c) Stores, motels, officesi ~dd restaurants and similar small
commercial structures not involvina the use of significant amounts of
nazardous substances, if designed for an occupant load of ZO 3~ persons or
less, 1f not constructed in con3unction Kith the building of tuo or more sueh
struetures. In urbanized areas the exeaption also applies to co~ercia~
buildinRS on sites zoned for such use if desi~ned for an occupant load of 30
ersons or less, if not constructed in coniunction with the buildinR of 4 or
more such structures and if not involvin the use oF si nificant amounts of
hazardous substances.
(d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas and other utiiity extensions ot
reasonable length to 9erve such construetion.
, (e) Accessory (appurte~ant) structures including garages, carports,
patlos, sximning pools and fences. _
Subd_sisioa ~'~ec==an si~y~s.
% ~
~ ~
Section 5.8 .^.lius a: ~tinor :~Iterations to Lancf. Cl;iss 4 ccnsist.~ cF
cu~nor pu u or pr~tiatr a terations
iu-t~~ondition of land, «~ater .u~d!
or veRetation which do not im~oive remo~ al of m~ture, scen:c tre e~
exrept for for+•s;y and ,iKncultural purposes. Exl:nples includ~a out ,~re•
not limited to:
1~1 Crading on land with a slope of less th;~n 10~~~rcent, ~xcelu
whrrr, ie is to be loc,~ted in a watenvay, in any ~~~etlan , in an ofRci:illv
desi¢nated (by Fedar:+l, St.~te ur local go~•ernryeutil actioni ,cen~c
aren, ~r in c~rcielly map rd areas of srvrre gevlu~ic hazard.
~ (bl Vew gardeninq or ~undscupin~.
~ (c) H'illing of eurth into previuus y land with m~;~ n,~i
compatible with the natural fe~tures uf the ~ite.
! (d) ~tinor ~Iter~tio~s in land, ~rater and ~•e~;etation on exi,tiii, offi-
ci:~i~y designateci wildlifr au~nagrm~nt are~s or fish pn~du~tic~i fac~~it~as
~ ~vh~ch rrsult i:~ impru~•r.ment of habir~t for fish and ~t'il~llife res~ucc^S
~~r 4rr~~ter fish production:
'r) '~tinor te~n~er,irv us~: of I:ind havi~~~ noKGgif~lr ~r :io Ev•nn.;nrnt
etfccl~ un ihe rmirournrnt, ~nchu:ir.K carnivals. .al~; nf t.h~~,;m.u
tree., r:c.
;tl ~linar tre•nchin, :in~ h~c.lfillm~ Lrhere thi• ~urf3cr i~ -.••.trrert
(v,) ~i:~intFnancr dred;ciii¢ ~~h.~re the s~u~l ix dr{~osit~~d :n .N,nl
i :irra authorized by .dl ,~pplicablr .tata .~nd (~~er:~l rr:[ulaton r~ tr.
i '
(h) The ereation of bicycle lanes on existing riRhts-oT-wa
' Section 5.9 ~LASS 5: MINOR ALTERAT70NS ZN [ aNn ttcF f TtITTdTT~1NC Class 5
sts of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas xith less than
a 20f slooe. E~tc'E~E/~~~fi~f$~ Which do not result in anv chanaes in land use or
density, including but not limited to.
(a) Minor Lot line ad,~ustments, side yard and set back variances not
resulting in the creation of any ner+ parcel ?f6r'/t~f/~d~/cYt~~lgEd/i~i/I1Nd/d!t
(b) Issuance of minor encroachment permits.
(c) Reversion to acreage in accordance uith the Subdivision Map Act
$ection 5.10 CLASS 6. HI:70R LAND DI7ISIONS. Class 6 consists of the
dlvision of oroperty in ur5an'zed areas ~oned for residen~ial, commercial or
Sndustrial use into four or .^ewer parcels ah?n the divisicn is in conforTance
with the General Plan and zonina, no variances or exceotions are required all
services and access to the prooosed parcels to local standards are available,
the aarcel was not involved in a division of a larrter par el uithi~ the
~revious 2 year9 and the parc~l does not have a slope r ater tha~ 20'
S~'CL'^ 5.11 C:335 % Z:_ ^3L'CIl CJ~'~CS'^ C~259 7 C~:S'~J' C3 0: ~d5~
doLd CO.L_SC~...~II, :°_523~~:~ e:ne~=9IIL3i ..a:.2C~~.~H:.. ?SC .°_SCL'~29 2•7 7 ~
ac. . ^ ~_at:~a
^='r'_as a'r.: do ~ot :esu'_~ a se =~rs or aajo: ~s,s::~.,cs _o a:.
ea-rira~e:ta:. r~scu==_• ?':zesa ~a;r ~e :nr s: =c_=l L^.:o..~c:=a 3a~er=:3
~u~cses, or as ~a~ c~ a s:sc7 Iaaej=3 aa acticn :-iz:~, a~u1ic agencq
:~as ~oc 7et a~proved, adcpCad or ~_neec.
I Szctian 5.12 C:.~s ~~ct'_ors b•~ 3axc:~ac~r~ ~¢en~s 'o: ?-ocec_i~n o=
~ :iac::r~ ~esoc==_s. C~ass cors~~s ci ac__ors :eicen by =a~.i'_at~:-~ a3eac:es
as au::or'zsc Sta~e _aw or loca? or^~:.^ ;o ass~re ~...e ~ca,
, rest~rac_~n, a~ r.^.aa_c~ent o~ a:ac::r~' :escu~cs ~aere c:e =zg*i1a.~rr ~.ocsss
, {....^.vol•~es :~r protect_cn c: ::e ea•ri_ec=eat. =:c:~~:.:s i: c:ude bu_
I a:e not ~'~a ~aci _o :r::~?s prase=~ac_ca act=•r:c_as oi cze Staca 1727d ~<nt
I of eisc aad GaWe. Ccrstrsc~ica act=~r:t_es a._ aoc ia~uded ~:~=s ~ee_ac=oa.
I .
I Sec_'oa 5..13 C_ss 9 act'ens bv 3e.i'a_~:-r ~.e^c'_s `o~ ~-o= o:
t`:e ~~r'=ct~nc. C_~s ~ ecrs:s.s cz ac_:ors ca:tiaa by :_gcsia~~-r zg=_n~es,
, as au:~or'zac ~y 3ca~a or local or::=~c_, assure cae aai: =a~anc_>
! ~ restorat=on, aa: esce~~a~, o: p~tact_on of .:.e ea-r:~or..:en: .ae~ ,,:.8 :23!S~ 3LJ^,'
J~OCPSS f3?0~7PS J:~C_L~~~E3 ~Or 7S7t~C~__II 0: ~d ?II7"~~OL.B.^~C. CJ:S~=1C=~OA ~
' ac__v±-._as a:a ~cc '~.c~s~ed ia :~_.s e:ce=a~_cc.
Sectioa 5.14 C'_:ss 10 ?'~~ectics. C'_~s10 carsists o: ac=_:=c_as ~ad
I en~rel7 .o ::spec~~~a, ~o ~ecti ~or ?er=or_..a..,c_ o: ~ cpen_~~a, or qt:aZicr,
' hea:~ or sa=aty er a p~ject, {r:.c?_t.::~ rzla~a~ ac__•r'==as suc-s rs '~.s~eccicn
' ~o= ?oss_~le ~is?abe'~ag, s.eprsea_aL_a c= o~ ?==dec:s.
' Sec-,ca 5.j5 Ll 3cc_sscrr S:-~c°:ras. C_~s 11 c;;:s~s:s o_ ccrs=_~c-
, t_cn, or ~Zac~a= o~ ~aor s~__c_•_es sccsso~ c~ (a~our_>=a:~ :o) a,c:sc:a3
' c ~er:;a1, ==cs_~~, o: i:st=t~`onal :=c=== =s, =~c'_udi.~3 ~~s= _oc 1:_._'ted
(a) C'a-p:eye s:ss.
Co ) Sca.~1 ~a.s.:_3 1~c.s . ,
(c) Placegent of 9easonal or ter~porary use items such as lifeguara l
tourers, mebile food units, portable restrooms or similar items in generally
t'se sar~e locations fr^~ 'i~e to tioe in oubllcly o~rned parks, stadiums, or
other facilities desizned for public use.
Section 5.16 Class 12 . Su lus Covernment Pro rtv Sales. Classl2 ~on•
suts ot sa es o surp us go.•ernment property except or purcels of land
located in an area of statewide interest or potential aree of cnhc~l
concern as identified in the Co~•ernor's Emironmental Coals and Po!-
icy Report prepared pursuant to Covernment Code Srrrion 5E4i1 et
seq. However, iF the surPlus pro~~ty to be wld is located in those xreas
identified in Covernor s Environm^ntal Coals and Policy Report, its
sale ~s eacempt if:
(a) The property does not have significant values for wildlife hab~tat
or other envuonmental purposes, and
(b) My of the Follow~ng conditions rzist
( l l The property is of such size or shape that rt is mc~pable of
independent development or use, or
(2) The property to be wld would qualiFy For an ecempuon under
any other clav of categorical exemption in Artlcle 8 of !he<e gu~de~
lines, or
(3) The use of the properry and ~djacent property has not chanqed
, ~ince the nme of purchase by the public agency.
~ ~
Section 5.17 Class 13 Trrnsfer of Ownenhi of Lund in Order Io Creatr
ar s. ass consists o t e acquis~hon or sa e o an in or er to
'~tfsh a pa~N where the land is in a natural condition or c~mtains
• hixtoric sites or archaeologicai sites ~nd either
(a) 'i'he managerr:nt plan for the park has not ~een prepared, or
(b) The management plan proposes to keep the ~rra in ~ natura!
condition or preserve the hisronc or archaeoi~uical +m• (:h:VA will
apply when a management plan is proposvd thrt ~ciU c•h.uiqr thr ~n•,~
from ib natural condition or signif~cantly~ chan¢e thP hntun~ nr .~r
chaeol~gical site.
Section 5.18 Class 14 ~4pm
S ~ace
Contracts or ~usements. Cluss 14con•
~ sis s a e esFr'bTu
~cu tura preser~~es, t e m~kih~e and
~ renewing of open space contracts under the Williamson .ict, c~r the•
acceptance of casements or fee mterests in order to maintam tho ~~pen
space character uf th~e area. The cancellation of such pres~•nr~, ron
tracts, interests or easements is nol includrd. "
Section 5.19 Class 15 AAnr~u~iu~u uf F:cistii P~cili~ic~ .uid I.~~t~ F~~~ E:~c-
rmpt aci itica. ::~t~ 15~n~~asb uf unly thr i, ~~~~in~ .~nnc~.itn,iu
r,i wn, to .i city ur ~prcial di~tnr•t ~~i .~re.i. c~nu.niunK ,••.nt -
inR publ~c or pn~•atc structures de~~~loprd w th~• dreuity e;inµ~•d th~• - -
currtnt zamnq ur prr•zoninK of cilher thr ~;sinuig ur lus~nK ti,~~~•ri~
mCOtal nK~'ncy wiuchr~rr i~ murr rratncti~r, pruv~drd, hu~~~•~rr (he~
the rxte•n~wn uf unhlv serv~,•~c :he c~c~thnK i.~c~lih~•. ~.~.uld h.~~r .i
' cup:icity tc~ srn•r rml~ thc• PCIthI1K ~~CIIII1tS
' (b) Annexations of indi~•idual smail parcels oE the minimum size for
faci{ities esempted by Srction 1510.7, \ew Construction of Small $truc•
I tures.
Section 5.20 Class 16 Enfc+reement Actions bv Re ulatorv A encies. f:?1 Class -
cons~s s o acnons y regu.atory agenc~es to enforce or re.•oke a lease.
permit, license. cerhfic~te, or other entftlement for use i~sued, adopted
or prescribed by the regulatory aqency or law, generxi rule, stand:~trd,
or objective, administered or adopted by~ the reqularon• aqency. 5uch
actlons include, but are not limited to, the following:
( l) The direct referral of a violation of Iease, permrt, license, cer
tificate, or entitlement For or of a generai rule, standard. or objec•
tive to the Atcornev Gene, District .~ttorney. nr City Attorney as
appropriate, for jud~cial enforcement
(2) The adoption of .~n administrahve decision or urder enforcinq
or revokinq the lease, permit, license, cerhficate, or enhtlement 1'or
use or enforcing the genrr~l rule, s;undard, or objective
(bl Construction acti~rties undert.~icen by the ubiic aqency tak~ng
the enforcement or revocat~on artion are not mcPuded ~n this exemp•
Section 5.21 Class 17 ,1~o~mal Operetions of Facilities for Public Gatherings.
Class 17consists o t e norma operations o ex~sfing ac~ t ies o~ pu6Ti~
gathenngz for which the fac~lities ~vere desiqned, whare there is a past
historv ot the facility 6eing used for the s~me k~nd of purpose Facilities
included ~~ithiu this esemption include, but ue not Gmrted to race-
traclcs, stadiums, comention centers. .~uditonums, amphitheaters,
planetariums, swimmmR pools and amusement parks.
~ 7
p SPA • C~ss L consists of the transfers of ownership of interests in
land in order to preserve open space. Examales inelude but are_not llmited to:
(a) Acqul~ition of areas to preserve the existing natural conditions,
(b) Acquisition of areas to a11oW continued agricultural use of the_areas.
(c) Acquiaition to allou restoration of natural conditions.
(d) Acquisition to prevent encroachment of development into flood plains.
"F AM5 Class ~ consists of actions by a redevelopaent agency, housi~g
authority: or other public agenev to implement an adopted Hoi~.sing Assistance
Plan by acquiring an interest in housinR ~nits. The housinR units may be
' either in existence or possessinct all required penaits for construction When
the agency makes its final decision to acquire the units.
j . -
Section 3.24 CLASS 2 0 LEASING NEH FACILITIES. (a) Class 20 consists of the -
easin of a nerrly constructed or previously unoccupied privately-o~.'ned
~ facility by a local or state agency Where the local governing authority
determined that the buildinR uas exempt from CEQA_ To be exempt under this
section, the proposed use of the facility_
Shall be in confa~~anee with existinq State plans and policies
i with eneral, community, and specitic plans for which an ,_,,,R or Negative
L•eclaration has been prepared,
;2) Shall be substantially the sac~e as that originally proposed__at
the time the building permit :ras issued,
(3) Shall not result in a traffic increase of reater than 101 of
front acress road capacity, and
(4) Shall include the provision of adequate eaplo/ee and visitor
parking facilities.
(b) Examples of Class 20 inelude but are not limited to:
(1) Leasina of a~ainistrative oCfices in newly constructed office
(2) Leasing oP client service offices in newly constructed retail
s ace
(j) Leasing of administrative and/or client service offices in newly
conatructed industrial oarks.
- j 6~
~ ! ~
Sec~1 25 C'ass ~1 .s,e•~.rt:~_9 :7oc Sebsca^.^~a'_r ~_-=c^'^ -~e ~•r_- -
~ Ci:~s`21 ,.orsi~~ OL`~:3Q52 ac=-~~=--=s :o: :r¢__. ~ a~~__-_-ni_.._ a~
~ - _ 3°•2==_
, ae:t ~e or oc~e= eaz_c'_~n= ase is raca _o C_-i , ~c
. de_z ~=ed (basec on *.:e 2ra~s:crs o' ::=s Ca~c==% ~~a~ scc: acc=•~ ~ees
sot st:astz.~_.~lp ~=ac. ~:e a_•r=~=r=eac.
I C_~. v
n a'e c:~e ca==3o~:`' exe~C=crs ?_.stad mc•re
centai~ classa.s or u~las o~ ~_a~ecs ~a::a
~ maay c3ses a~ be a:^..~ta =a1, c'~e ~c'_sicn
oi tae~ s L^ ao aap ~:~~d to '=.n'_7 ~-^7
fi~din3 he:z L:a: :.~ey a:a W..aa=sta :z: or ~s-
~~e•: oaa~ . T_'re catago =cs1 eae..^~ c=crs , ~ac:r
:a11y, aal~ a~~l~ vhe_e tLe proiect is qces~ion
is fouad ta be d:s:.=aticr.a~.
Sec:'oa5.26 ~'ua1'_'==:= o= Ca=-='^ _ ac -rs. 'r^ae _an o:
- - - e:c~~ c
C=asses ~ aad 10 saa_ noc a~ply .ae~ _4e ~ro~ec_:
(a) Ls lccatad so as co a::ac: a~a=-~~.LL s~s=__~e ea•r:r....~..oa: (alt~ccg:
1ts ea~_or=esta? =.~ac= vc+s:3 aoc be si,r=:=:.~.: e.-csaC :o=
2a:-~r•..?a= 1cca~~ ca) . '
(b) I~acrs on a.a ea~r!.:~r:.eac~? .zscc°:s ~t~a„ar~ o: ~=~:cal concs ~
as ~ay~ be ie~_3__2' ~PS{,~'2La3, ?==c_se?~ =appec ~.c c: =c'_a'?~
adocc_d pursua: ~ :0 1~a.
;c) ~1'~ ~~_^~`c:s '=s:ad ~eb~, saal? be ::a~p'=c`b1= ~cea -~e c•~::~a-~;~e
~ac: o~ suc~ess_-e ~:o~eca oi ~e s~e e~=,e s~e ~?aca ova,
a re :~d oz `~-s beu-es s:a~'_' ~(a•g., ~.La1 adc=`.=c:s .o aa
~r e`_g b~'_d=: 3 u:de= C?:ss 1)
(d) yay have a signiiicant afiect on [he environnent due to unusual
Sec=on 6 T_ai-_al S~::a~~.
Sect_on 5.1 Data =-~n 3eo~_caac. :ze ^~c~ ef::_a:, .~c :ace:•:2s a~:^=ec~
ro: ~:oc_ssi~g, ~a~ :equi_a c~ e aooLca.nt ~ro.r:de a~ c: an;r ~a=: r_':s
base +~..=arsat_oe on ~e pro ject ~ecnssa? sor a~rs"_ai~ar~ er.•~
assess~ea: af ;.'~e ?roject.
Section 6.2 Findings by Processine Official. khen a project is submi[[ed to
the City tor processing, the City official responsible ior the processin~ shail
make a preliminary environmental assessment of the proiec[. If he or she deter,nines
that [he project is sta[utorily or categorically e:cempt, he or she shall record the
finding in writing on a prescribed :7otice of Exemption torm and file same with the
County Clerk. If he or she determines that the project does not qualify for statutory
nr ca~egorical exemption, he or she shall record this deternination in writing and
transmit the project to the Director of Planning, for further transmittal to the
Environmen[al Review Commi[tee (ERC).
-16- , ~
' ~ ~ ~
Seccion 6.3 Evaluation of Proiects Requiring `(ore Than One Discretionary
, Action or Proiects ldhich Have Been Prevlously ,~ssessed.
(a) lihere an EIR or Negative Declaratlon ha~ been pr~epared, no additior;al' ~
i, EIR need be prepared unleaa:
'i (1) Subaequent changes are propo~ed in the pro~ect uhich will
i~ requlre ~~ddt iaportant revisions of Ehe EIR, due to the involvement of new
eignificant environmental impacta not conaidered in a prevlous EIR on the
I, pro~ect. ~
I~~ (2) Sub~tantial ehanges occur with reapect to the circum~tance~
under which the pro~ect i~ undertaken, euch as a~ubatantial deteM oration in
' the air quallty where the pro~ect will be located, which will require d~Iddr~ .
lmportanE revi~ion~ in the EZR due to the invalvement of nea eignificant
' environmental impacts not covered in a previau~ EIR, or
' (3) HeW informatioa ot ~ub~tantial +mportance to the pro~ect become~
available, and
(A) The information ua~ noC knoun and could not have;been known
at the time the EIA waa certified aa complete or the Negative Deelaration uas ~
adopted, and
(B) ?he nex informatlon ahoua any of the following:
1. The pro~ecL will haves or more significant eCfects
not dincuaaed previously in the EIR. -
2. Significant effects prevlou~ly examined uill be
~ub~tzntially more severe than ahoxn in Lhe EIR.
3. Mitigation mea~urea or alternaLives previousty found
not to be fea~ible would in fact be feasible and would auE~tantially reduce
one or more significant effects of the pro1~~~•i, or
4. Mitigation measures,or alternativea which srere not J
previou~ly conaidered in the EIR would subetantlally le~sen one or more .
~igni2'icant effeeta on tha environment.
Sec=~~ 7 ~av-i:c~,eatal ~39~33SSCat ?=oeedu:e,
Section 7.1 - 3eier-al to Environmenta.l :~vie•~ Cccs~i~cee !c~Cl.
Upon decar~inatien :4ac a projecc is aoc cacegorically e:ce~n~ °_;e~
the requir~enc of the Eavironaencal C~alicy Act of 1970, t:~e
applicant shall prepare the Ezvi:::vaenca: Assessnent ~orksheec,
vhich aay be obcained at the Planning Deoartxenc o?:ice. !'oon
complacion of said :rorl~sheet, che macter shaSl be reEerred to
the Fanironaental Reviev Ce¢mlcten. The vorksheec togetner
agencq co~encs and other su.pporting data ahall conscics~e an
, iaitial etudy and shail include the following eler~ents:
~j ~
• . i
, (I1 A deuription of the project, '
' (21 An identification of the environmental s~ttin¢, •
(9) An identification of environmental eFfects by use of,~ ~ h rr.Jdes~
, matrix, or otficr method,
~ !i) discussion of ways to mitigatr the siqnilicant rFiecrs~ ~dent~i-
Fied, d any, -
(3) ~n examinatio~ of whether thr pr~~i~•ct comp.~t~~;e w~rk
I~ existinK zoninq and pl:mx,
i f61 The na~ncof thr prr~n r,r pi~rnonc w ho prrp:ire~d nr parTic~~ek •
t~ f/ 1k~ Initial Shidy
I Section 7.2 Consultation, If no more than one public agency will be involved
i iu undcrtaking or approving a project, the Environmental Reviec~ Committee shall
consult ~zith all responsible agencies and trustee(s) before evaluation of tl~e
~ initial scudy. The consul[ation may be dnne informally.
I Sec~~on 7.3 ~val::aticn of ?:o'ect bv 'zsrircn~eaotai 3ev~av Co~i_:28 f4~C) .
(a) Ia evalua~ag t~e si~icaace os tse eaw_=umeata! ef~ac: of a p:o;ec~,
' where dis~-=ticaa_-~ geversmental ac~_ca is iavalved, cwe C~:;,__es shall boc.'~ pr'~arr aad sec~ada:7 couseque~ces .
(1) P~.~a.^y carsequeacas are :.~ed:acell related :a ~e 2ro;ect C:he _
; Caas~:sc'=oa a: a aew t:eat~eat ~laat ~a~ fac='~:aca ?onu_ac_en
grovc~ ~a a par-_iculaz a:ea).
, (2) Seccadar, ceasequeacas aze :elated aore to priaax~ corsequeacss
' t~aa Ca :~e prnject i:se~..~ (aa ~aac: upen ~e :escures ~ase,
j i.nciud::3 l~d, air, :rater and eaer~~ use af c':e area ~uest~on
may rrsul: _roa t~e populatioa).
(b) f~aafliea of Corse~ueness ~hiu' aay havs a sis..i:icant e_==c: on =.`.e
' ea'r'i=orreac: ,
(1) Is ia ca~L'e: v-i~`~ anvircar.eatal pla:, :~e c~?:eaensi^~ ~~e:al ~
' Plaa, and 3oals t~aL have beea adcocsd bv t~e Ci~.
~Z) 3as a substaatial aad d~onstrable negative e~:act.
' ~ (3) Substaati~y af:eca a raze or eadangerad sgecies o' a.~~al or
' pla~ttt, o: ha~itat of ~uc.4 a species .
(k) Causea subs:aatial iater_°e~nca :ri:~ ~ o: aa? :es_de.^.t
ar ~i,gratarr .ish ar :ri1dL' ~e snacies .
(5) tt~sults ia a subntaaria.l. detr'.reatal af=act oa ai_ or vata-
' qualit~, or oa a~bieat lavals for~ adjoi^..~ag a:eas.
' (6) Iavol~ea t'~e pos~lbiL'~ of ccata~:.aa-.:,ng a public :rate: supolp
syatem or sdversnl~ a.`.fnctiag g:ound ~r:.ter.
-13- r/
' (7) Cau•id cau~s s~LaatiaL floodl,a + f~_
I g. eres~on o • _-a:_.,n.
(8) I~ suo jecL ta major geologic ha:ar~,~ .
(9) Bzaaches ar~ pubUahed nat.~.ona1, et.xr.e, vr 1oca1 st~Za=+s
relat~g to saL'd waate or li_tar coat_ol.
C10) Causea substaat:al ei~scu as rs:acad to •reaic•.:.1ar ~ov~~L
(c) u.aadacon :±ndia~ af Si~"c~ac_. I~ ~ve~r c.3se :rhe_a aa•r o= ~ze
i .oL'cv~~.g caad:~ions are rouad ta e~sc as a:~u.l: os a~_o ac-, :::e
projec: :r~~..,1 oe .ound to aava a si; r~icant a_.ec_ oa ~e en~__n~e~.~ ~
(1) Iaeac*s vnica 3ave ~e pocsat:.a], to deg-ade c~e ?ua1:;-~ c.: r~e
eavircr.m~at. •
, (Z) Iapacts vhi~ ac:t_eve shor-ta:~, ta :Se +~:;ad•~a::a8_ of '_ca3_ca~,
eavirca~eacal 3oals. a shor,-te~ ~act on Lye eav.r~~zt is ca~
' at~'e'~ occurs ia a:elatively briaf, deii:i~•re per_ed of ==:e, •rh~2e
' long-tera i~ac=s •rs,u eadure vell iace t,'~e futur~.
' (3) L~pacts for a projaet vi~r~ ara ind:.•,~dua;?7 1+~; ted, b~~ c•:=1-
lati'velp coa9lderabl.a. For eaa~ple, a projec: ~ay i~ac~ on :ao
or xo:e eaparata. :esou:ce9 ;ri:ere tae i~ac_ cn eac'~ reseurca i;
:elaL•~elq ~ma?1, but avesall ~act c^nsiderable. ~c,-vever, ~is
aaadacer~ f:,adiag af si~i~canca does not apply ~o c.~o ar aore
separate pzojects v~e:s tae i~aact of eaca ±s ~is:3~_-a~a~,
+'~n ean=:ea~eatal ei~ecs oi a prajec~ :ri11, cause substaa.~al
adverse ef:ects oa nw~a.aa beiag9, ei'We: ~i::ect...'~ or Z^'c~'rectl•r,
(d) 2"se Caci:tee sha:l be ~s:.ded by ehe io~.,,,Na3 questicrs as a~•ar:.zer _
aid ta dece*-++,+,g ~e y~~,~~;,3~~ af a pro~ec:.
(1) Does the comarEhP~live Geae:al plaa aporoa _ate'_~ ccrsf~er ~;e • '
propased p;oject as related ,o ~~or :cacsr,s ;uca as 'a:c ~se
aad C:ar:ic ana iCS overa:.l •r±:;~_z t::e co~La..~ -
(2) '~ill tse pro,ject be '_accasisteat wits :.'~e C:~'s Gaaeral ?1aa
aad i~ plaan:ag poL' ~es concsniag r~e :atual en•r:r~axea:
aad renou:ces of :he C:.tq?
(3) Gi11 G4e project be i~ccrs~stzat vi:~ ~e Gaae_a,l, ?:aa 2;,d
p2aaa:~3 poL'cizs oi tse su::oua+~...,+a3 gcver..:eata.: a3e~c:as'
(4) Daes ese project si;a::icaatlq c:zaaga ~r_'eac uses of laad
oucside ue project area? •
CS) Doen the ptoject af:ect t~e use of a recreational a:ea or
area of i~portaat aeetsetic va,lun?
(6) Dces cse projeet result ;,a the displacereat of a~ cof--~=^f :q
:s~idenca? ~
-19- L~/ Z2
~ •
(7) Are aay of tse natural oz man-:ade :eatu:es ia t~e project .
area uaique, tsat is, aot ~ot:ad ~ ocser ?ar_3 oi :~e caun~7,
atate ar aatiaa?
(8) Does the project si~ {fic~tly af=act a•~c*.~n historical or .
ar:seolo3~ea1 site ar its set`.i~3s'.
(9) Does t`~e pr~jac- aieai==caa==p af=ac~ :.'~e ~ocenc=a~ ~ise
ea:rac^~oa or c~nsena~ cn oi a scar:s :aL::rs! :esau: ~a?
' (?0) Does tae ora;ec: area sene as a iabi=at, _ocd sc~rce, ~es~:~3
pl.ace, scurcn oz :?atzr, atc., :or ._ra~ eadaa3ered •:::~'=:a
or : saa=' es'
Does :~e pro;ec= sigr_{`icaa'1~ a. c=sh, %~~=dL':s, ~r ^!aa~
' (12) dse thers aa}r rare or eadangered plaat spe~es in •.:e p:o~ec:
' area?
' (13) Daes Che projecL :esult ia e:osicn of ou:side oropert~?
(I4) Daes cha projec_ requ:=n a va :roa rstablisaed eav_:or.-
aeatal staadar~ ~or air~ vatar, aoise, etc., or adopced ~1ars'
(~5) wi1.1 the pro jec~ requira cez,:.ficaC~, aut'~orizat'_on .~r :ssuaacs
of a pe:3it bp aay loci, state or ~ederal auviror..:.eacal conc_~1
ageaey? .
~ (16) Will the pro~ect :eautst issuaaca ai a 7ariaaca or con~:._onal
use pe:~.:?
j (I7) Will t~se prn ject i:•~olve the appL' ca~~n, cse or d~spcsa_ oi
. ha.:azdo~ ~ata =a1.s'.
(13) Nil]. t.~.e project i:vo1•re constru~: oa oz =ac='..ic~as i~ ~'_ocd
(I9) Will t'se ?rojec='.:~o'~•re cens~r.:c^~ca of :aci'.rt_~s ia '.:e area
of a kac4rn active : au?
(ZO) Could t.'~e co~mletad ?ro ject zesult ia a 3enerat'_on of si.~::_caa:
ancunts of noisa?
Cou1d tha constric:icn oi tke pro~ect :ssu1= i~ a 3ene:a::an o~
~:;gai:icaac a~ouat3 a= dusc2
(1) Cau].d tan eo~pl.etad prajeet r~ult a 3eaerac:on of si~::~caa:
amouats of. dust?
(23) Wi11 tlsn pro;~ 13volva tse burs~g of br.~ treas or corsc_ic- materials.
(24) Could the projec_ :n3n1: ia a sigy':caat c~:angs ±a the qua'=~
af aay por~.ioa of t'se City'a or re3ion's atr or vate: :~sourees ~
~thet~er ~~eo 3e stis_act, grouad aater ar of_-ehore?
(?5) Wil], c:~e projec. do ±rrevocahle har3 ca c:e ar~~':~:tic zre:it=as
ia an area?
(26) ~71I1 t~a o:~;act ove~urdea r~st•:n3 ?ui~L' :;s~_•'=::=s aad
saai:ation :ac:~~=es, aace~ 313D0~7~ :asta d:snosal ~d s~: ~
(2i) r~ti'~ t5e pro;ect c=za-e si:bs.aatial ~:_:ac_~n az e:n•-s:_~.+,
che~ical aad biological proaer_=es oi ~e ~ace_, ::L.d
ia c'se coffiuni~ ~a a m~aer aacar~ co :se prcroc_cn ~s ::e
heal:s, safec7 or aeL^'ara oi a substaarral st:r.ce: oi :e_scrs
or ta tse balaacs of ecalog'_:.a~ :esour-s?
(28; '~ill tse p~ject breac's aa~ pub~wshed ~ac'_aaal, sta.e .,r _cca'_
, 'caadar3s :elatiag to soL'd aasta or ~_c:ar concrci?
(29) W111 c'se prn~acc ~140S~fl~ caastrsc~aa af 9aciL:ies :rit's'_n an -
area of fira huud?
i Section 7.4 Detemination oi F.rtvironmental Review Committee.
(a) IL a deter:~ination is made that the project will not have a significant
impact on the environment:
~ (1) :he Co~ittee shall pre~are ~rrit~en findings aot z:t-
~ ceeding one page !n length, zhaE a:~egative Deelaraci~n
ba recoc3aended :or approval b~ :he pro;ecc decisi~n-
(2) The cssviroamencal ~eviav Cor.~i~tee sha:l cause a Zcc:_~
co be published in a nevsoaper of 3enaral circ::?a:ie^
att!~si^ t!:~ C:c~ or Cu;_r7'_::0 ~esc__bia3 =.`.e pr~}a.c
Lavol•~ed and stacing thac a Piegaci•:e Jecla:a:ion ,nss C291
tecomaenderi and c4at c5e i:aal decision oi da:e ria=~3
vhather a ~egacive Declaracion a'.11 be required shall ba
detar.ained by the dacisioc~aker in conjunction ~ith
ehe reviev of tha project. :.l~era an advisory bady suca
, aa tne Plaaaing Cc~aission ie required co aa~cz a reco~ezd- -
- atioa on a pro~eci to t:~e decisioci3akinq bady, c:~e advisory
bodn ehall also revina and consider the ::e;aciva Declaracion. .
Thn advisor~ body ehall make a recommendation regardiag
Che :Jegative Declaration and ~he pro~ecc. ~
L ~
~ The notice de~ibing ehe re~ommendation for ~ncing a "
~ vegative Declaratian shall ba published at least cen (10)
f days prior to Einal action on [he project or ten (10) da~9
~ prioc to reviev by an advisory body, co provide an
opQortunity for aembers of the public co resvond. 1he
aotice shall advise that the granc oE a vegacive
Oeclaration means that no Environmental Impac~ Repor: -
will be cequired Eor ehe pro~eec.
~4) The notfcitig ~eriod may be extended if th'e negative declara~ion:
i !
i (A) must be reviewed by a sta~e agency which has been designated as a
responsible agency, or
(B) involves a project of statewide regional, or areawide significance,
i (5) lhe decisio~sker ehall reviev ehe reeoc~endation ~cr
Negative DQClarscion and the oroject concurrently. I:
aEcer due.consi~ti:ratlon of the ERC recommendation and
public input~ the deciaionmaker 3ranca a;tegative
' Declaracion, esid Negacive Declaration shall contain
the Folloviag infr+taatlort:
(a) A brief description oF the pruject: includinq communl~• u.~•d
' n~me for the project d any;
,(B) ~1~he locut~on ul thc projrct ~nd the name uf the projeci propo•
(C) RndinR that the pmject a•ill not h:~ce r siqnificant rffrct on
the en~ironment;
(D), An attrched copy of the In~tial Study documentinq rrrsnn. to
suppert the Cnd~ng. '
(E)-~ ~titiR~tion me:~sures, iE any, includcd in 1hr pro~ect tn a~~~id
potentially siKnificant eFfects.
Prior to approving the -
pro~ect, the deeiaionmaking body of the Lead Agency ahall consider the
N~aLive Declaration Eogether with any commenta received during the public
review procesa and approve or diaapprove the Negative Declaration.
Ihe Vegative Declaration shall be filed jith the C1ty ClerX'
(6) AE~¢r making a deel~ion to carr7 out or aoprove a pro;ect
for crhich a;Iegative Deelaration has been orepated, ;he
Ci[y shall Eile a:totice of Deter~ination. ;?~e notice of
Deterainacion shall include:
(A) An identification o[ the project, includin¢ its common name
where F~ssible and its location.
(B) A brief description of the project.
(C) The date on which the agency a~proved the project.
(D) The determination of the agency that the proiect will not
~ have a significant effect on the environment.
(E) A statement that a Ne ative Declaration has been prepared
pursuant to the prov s ons ot EDA.
(F) The address where a copy of the vegative Declaration may be
_~z ~S/
~ s
~7) If the Lead Agency i~ a local a¢eac;~, [:~e Nocice of
Decer.aination shall be filed v;c:~ che county clerk of che
countq cr counciee in vhich che project vill be located•
If the project requires a discretionarr aporoval froa anq
State agency, ehe Votiee of Deter.aination also shall tie _
filed vi:h c:~a Secretary for Resourcas•
(g) If che decinion-maker decermines that the pro~ect may hava `
a a1galEicant Lapact on the environaenc, .he pro~ece'shall
~ be returaed to the Environmental Reviev Cormittee £or
preparation of aa fnvirocmencal Revie~ Report. i
The City Council and Planning Commission members o£ the
Committee shall become inactiv~: :~:ative co the preparatioc
of tha Environmencal Lmpacc Re~~ort.
(g) The Citq shall ecmplete and adapt a"Iegacive Declaration
in not more thaa 105 days. The r.ime 1S.~it shall be I
measured from the daca on which an application requestiag
approval for the project is received and accepted as (
( complece. The time limit may be waived if the project
apQlicaat has requested or consented to the aaiver. The
time limic maq also ba waived if the projec: requires a
~ combiaed Stace of California and Federal Environmental
RevieW ProG_ss. -
Section 8 Prenaration and Review of Environmental Impact Renort•
Section 8.1 Res onsibili[v ot Environmental Revieca Committee (ERC).
(a) Immediately after deciding that an Environmental Impact Report is
required for a project, the City shall send to each Responsible Agency
and Trustee ~lgency by certified mail a ~otice of Preparatlon stating
that an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared. Tliis notice shall
also be sent to every Federal agency involved in approving or funding
ehe project. Prior to comple[ing tlie draft EIR, the Environmental ~dvisor
should also consul[ directly with any person or ornanization it believes
will be concerned coith the environmental effects of the project.
(1) The Votice of Preparation shall provide the responsible agencies
wich sufficient information describing the project and the
environmental effects to enable the responsible agencies to
make a meaningful response. ~1t a minimum, the information
should include:
(~1) Description of the project,
(B) Location ot the project, including a suitable
location map, and
(C) Probable environmental e[fects of the project.
C2) 'ihe Lead Agency may begin vork on the drafc EIR i~sediaceiy
, wlthout avaicing responses to the Notice of Preparation.
fie draft EIR in preparation may need to be revised or
expanded to confora ca responses to the :~otice oi Preparati -
3 L. ~o
~ ~
~3~ In order to axpedit che consultation, che City, a responsibl~
ageacy~ or a project applicanc may requ~nsc one or more
meetings between repre9entacives of che agencies involved
to asaist the Citq ia detemiaing the scope and concent of
tha environmental iafoaaation vhich the responsible agpncy
may :equire. Such meetings ehall be cocrv ened by the City
as soon as possible. buc no latar Chan thirty (30) days, -
after. the meatings vera requested.
Sbl The preparatinn of the Eaviortmeatal Impacc R~port shall be
coordiaateJ :y the Fsvironmental Reviesr Cosaictee,noc =ncluding
, the City Couacil and Planaing Co~aission members. ~
I (c~ The report ehall be prepared by an environmencal advisor. vho
may be a City staff inember assigned to prepare the report or
consultant enployed by the City. She Committee shall escablish
a list of consultants with experianca in the preparation of
Faviro~ental Impaet Reporta. Prior to the seI_cc'_on of ~
eonsultant, the Environmental Re~~iev Coeaiccee shall as:c
ehe Consultant to submit a ve=ified stace~nenc listiag any
prior, eaisting ot eontemplated proEessional relacianshipe be-
r.reen consultant and Che apolicant of the project, or cho=e in
eontractural relationship vith anplicanc, such as Iandovr.ers ~
ee architect~.
tda 1he Co~ittee shall. after coasuleation vith che apol:cant,
eelect an enviroctmeatal advisor and collect tha aop:opriate fee
for the prenaratlon of thn Environmental Ianact ~eport.
(e1 '12ie Cemmlttee shall reviev aa~or areas of concern as idei:cified
ia tha initial study vith c:se envirorm~~ntal advisor prior to
the preparation oE the draft Envirocmental Impact Repor;.
fie Cammittee maq dlrect ehe envi rc~entai advi9or cc e~phasize
the major areas of concern in the nraft EIR. 1'ie environnental
advisot may utilize ~egment~ oE sairlier Environ~encal Lavact
Reports to minimlze redu+cddncy if in the opinion of tne EnvitOtl^.t14ti
Reviev Committee the cirenaStances af che proiects are esstr,tially
the same.
Sec~on 9.2 Contean o~ :aviron:~atal I~aac~ ~eoor_ (=_3) .
~(a) De~e~~rion of P_oiect
1^se dese._pcicn of c'se projec: shall concain :.':e _'a'_~:_a3 ia..°o:aat:aa.
(1) ~e preeisa laeaCen aad ~cunda ~es o: :»e ~r*csed ~=o~ec_ shall
be shcvu oa a detailed ~ap, ~re_°arab_p tooog:apaic. :::e loeatioa
of ese project shall also appear on a:eg'_ ~a? :ap .
(2) A state~eat of t~e objecry~es ecugh: Sy c`~e ~r~~ased ?roj_ct.
(3) A geaeral desc~~ticn af c~e ~rojecL's .ec^.aical, eccnc~c,
aad eav±ron.^ental c':arac:ar.sei;~, cer.s:,de =~g ~e p:~~~al :~g prcpvaals.
(b) Dear.ription.oi_.E~onmental Settina, ThG E~must inelude a
description of the environment in the vicinity of the pro~ect, as it existe
before the co~encement of the pro~ect, from both a local and regional
(1) ~nowledge of the regional aetbir3-is eritical to the asaessment o~
environmental impacta. Special emphasin should be placed on environmental
re~ource~ that are rare or unique to th.~f. region. Spec:fic reference to
related pro~ects, both public and private, both existent and planned, in the -
region should also be included, for purposea of examining the possible
cumulative impacti of et!ch pro~ects:
i ~2) The EZR shall diacuaa any inconaiatenciea between the propoaed °
, pro~eet and applicable qeneral plan~ a~id reRional plan~. Sueh reRional D1anD
, i_nclude. but are not liaited to, the applicable Air Quality Hanaaement Plan •
I (or State Implementation Plan once adopt~ed) area wide xaate treatment and
, water quality plan~. regional traaaportation plan~. and regic^al land use '
I .~~a . •
(3) Describe applicable, water quality aspects of the proposed project ~
which have been previousl~• certiLied by che appropriate state or intersta[e
organization as being in substantial compliance wi[h applicable wa[er qiiality
(c) ?av::onmeatal I~naet
The .ollaviag subjec:s shall be di,c:saaec'., prezerao:~ ±a separacs
eettiona or parag-aphs, unl~ss tae Ear_c~ental :te•~a~ Co~__ee
detaZnes c.~at tse aubject is a~propriately ccaside:ed i~ _we eon-
prahensive Canera~, plaa ia v}uc~ ~veat approor:ace :efe_eaces :::erec~
eha11 ba aade. Subaect~ons (5~ aad (6) aeed be iacluded o~~ :a ~I:~s
prnpared :a c~aaec~ion iS~h ;he ado~cioa. ame~c~enc. or eaac ~.eac c:
a p aa. pos,lc7, ar orc_aanca.
(1) The 5i~ni~icant Environmental Ef£ects oi the Pronosed Proiect.
DeacMbe the direct ana incirect ~igni:icana effecta of the pro~ect on the ~
environment, giving due con~ideration to both the ahort-tera and long.•term
effect~. It ahould include relevant speciP!a~ of the area~ the re~ource~
involved, phyaical changea, alteration~ to ecological ~y~tem~ and ehanges
induced in population, diatributlon, population concentration, tt.e human uae
of the land (lncluding co~ercial and ro~idential development) and other
aape~t~ of the reaource base auch a~ rrster, ~cenic quality and punlic
servicee. C~ulative effecta ahall alao be discussed r+hen found to be
Aav Adverse Ea~r±_ca~atal E~°2Gt3 vhic'~ CannoC be a•saided i°
ehe P:coosal is L~lemeaced:
De~er-'~' e aay ad7erse ~acts, iac:.:u'a::g ~cse ~h'_.:s caa Se
reduead te m ia~i° jeicaac Ieve?,but net el:~i~aced. '.Tiere
• t:s~sze are ~-~ae:s _~ac ccnaet be a._ler:ated •r_~cu~ i~asiag
an aI.ter..ative desi3*s, tyeir Lzo~:,caticns aad :eascns -rty _':e
projee~ :.s beiag praposed, ~^tsr:,t'~=:a~di~g ,~ei: e~:ect, shaL'
be deser~bed. Desc..~be L-~ae:s cn any aes~.wet_ca:ly •ra:uab:e
su.:ound~.:ge, o: cn hua=a he a:c,'~.
Describe significant, avoidable, adverse impact including inefficient and
unnecessary co ption of energy, and measures~ minimize these impacts.
The discussion~mitigation mzasures shall distinguish between the
measures which are proposed by project proponents co be included in the
project and other measures cha[ are no[ included bu~ could reasonablv be
expected to reduce adverse impacts. This discussion shall iden[ifv the
mitiqa[ion measures which will eliminate such im~oacts or reduce them to a
level of insignificance. Where several measures are avilabie to mitigate
an impact, each should be discussed and the basis for selecting a particular
measure should be identified. Energy conservation measures, as well as other
appropriate mitigation measures, shall be discussed when relevant.
(4) Alternatives to the Proaosed Accion:
Describe all reasonable alternacives to the projec[, or to the location of
the projec[, which could feasibly attain the bas±c objectives of the project,
and why they were rejected in favor of the ultimate choice. The specific
alternative of "no project" must also always be evaluated, along with [he
' impac[. The discussion of alternatives shall focus on alternatives capable of
I eliminatinQ anv siqnificant adverse environmental effects or ceducinQ them to
a level of insiqnificance, even ii chese alternatives substantially impede the
I attainment of the project objectives, and are more costly. If the environmentall:
~I~ superior alternative is the "no proiect" alternative then the EIR shall also
'i identify an environmentally superior alternative amonQ the ocher alternatives.
i (5) The Relationship Between Local Short-Ter.n Uses of ~tan's EnVironmen[ and the
j Maintenance and Enhancement of LonR-Term Productivitv:
Describe the cumulacive dnd long-ter.n effects of the proposed project which
adversely affect the s[ace of [he environment Special attention should be
given to impacts which narrow the range of beneEicial uses oi [he environment
~ or pose long-term risks to health or saiety. In addition, the reasons why
I the proposed projec[ is believed by the sponsor to be justiiied now, rather
i than reserving an option for iurther alternatives, should be explained.
(6) Significant Irreversible Environmental Chanues Sdhich Idould Be Involved
In the Proposed action Should I[ Be Implemented:
~ Uses of nonrenewable resources during the initial and concinued phases ui the
; project may be irreversible since a large commicment of such resources makes
, removal or nonuse thereafter unlikely. Primary impacts and, particularly,
secondary impacts (such as a highway improvement which provides access to a
nonaccessible area) generally commit future genera[ions to similar uses. ~lso
irreversible damage can result from environmental accidents associated with the
projec[. Irre[rievable commitments of resources should be evaluated to
assure that such current consumption is justified.
yi' z5
. . . . .i . . . . . . .J . .
'L*se GrcvL'~-Lsdueis I~act oL the ?-n~osed 3ct•_on:
Disc•:ss r~e aays ia wf~' ch e prooosed ?ro;ect ccu13 :cs~r econcctc
or aopulat=oa greslth, ai:aer d-+.sct1~ or isdirac_~l, is =::e sur- _
_ot;ad±.sg envi,zna~eat. Iacluded ia this a:e proiec_s ~nicz aould
te:.eve ObSL3C~.~29 ta poou:.arion 3rcvt~ (a aajor ez~arsion of a
~a9te aaca: :reat~eat plaat ~.3ac, :ar eaaanle, al1aW £or :are coa-
s~rictian ia se~~ic- a:eas). Increases in ~ooulat=on :a?
fur^~er cas ezist~g cam~uai~ serr:ca .ac'~;_irs so cors~dera::on
'+~~ac be ~''•~ea to tsis i..."'pact. .~a ~~.9C'13S che ~haracte~s~_c o: •
soa~e projects ~ich aay eac~urage aad facit_'_cate o'e:er ac`•r:t_es ~
that cauld si3n:.°icaatly af=ect t'~e eav:roc~eat, e~,:~er ±~d:.•~ dua:.l, •
ar ce~ulaL'vely. Lt 3usc aoc ce aasw-~ed c4ac grcvr~ as~ a:ea '_s
necasar'_17 ber.esi~al, dec.'Y.ental, ar of L'tLle sisa'_=icaace ca
tse eaviran~aac. _ _
. i -
• ! I
~ d) ERects Found Not to be Si~cnifcant. An M;IR .hnll cur~
tai~ a statement briefly indicating thc rrasons that vanoaa p~~s<~hi~
, significant efiects of a project were determined not to be xiRnific;mt an~1
were lherefore not discussed in detaii in the E1A.5uch u statemrnt ~n:iv
be contained in an attached copy of an initial Study.
(e) I Orzaai.a~oas aad Persons C~nsu:cad
The ideaCt~ ot'all federal, atace ar I.ocu3 agencjes, ot»er orgaa:zac:.c-~
aad private izdr.~iduals cansulted ~ p~:a.i~ariag tae. Eavrronsssatal :~pacc
' tteeport, aa~ r~e identity af t'ae person:~, f~~ or agea~~ pra~a:_ag ~':e
' »aviro~eatal L~act 3eport, ~y cantrae: az other aut~oriaa~on aust be
' given.
' (f) ~apead.'~3 upaa ~e i=ttasit.7 a:.d ~ccne o~ ~e ~:~;ecc, ~.e ~z•r~:_.-
~atal ~eviev Cor~it_ae ~ap d:_ect =.e :a•ri_a~utsl .,d•r_scr
p:e~are aa ecane~ic se5 ea~ ".'~a _ar:_oZen~a: :...-~ac: ?a?or_ :nia
aap cons:cez or.e or acra of •~e :o:~~:ri: ~ as deeaea ae^==? :aca:
' <1) we aaorn~rata av~aer ar.d ^,.^es oi ;cbs ~e _.eaced s.: -.-==1
aad i.:d==et_l~ bp ~e pro~sc= __-ls~~g ~.ze au~er a^c ~~es
' ' as penanenL ,',cos to '~e creatad and C~e :~ac= ~t '`.e ?r:?osed
projec: an uae...^~lo~'cen: aad uac:er~^~lovre~t.
(2) 'Lhe :3pact oz ~:oject on :.'~e laca.l. tas ~ase and t:~e ;enera-
Cca ei sta~e a^.d loca: sa:es t~.-~ and o^.
:e: t~c :z•~eaces .
(3) '1"se i~act of G~e project on reta:l aad :raole~a?e sa:es, be:si~ess
aad pe:saaaL sarrices , e~pli_rs , aa: u~actu:~:s , a: d:e! acad
' busiaess.
(4) The econcmic 'r.oac~ oi ~e pro;ect oa s'.~oriry 3r~n•~~, i: as~,
aad vhethe: t~e prajec_ ~.a9 aWeL'o:ace pova°? rove :~e
li~+~g candiC:cns af :esideats af c~e geograpa_c a:aa a::ac:ed.
. (5) ihe eceacaic coasaqueaces of acnadcpcion of *~a ~roocsed ~ro;act. _
(6) Alta:aati~es, i: a:7, ta tse p:opesed projecc.
(7) ~sj adverse ec~c~c e:_2ct9 Jnw~z cy.r.ot 5e avoi'_ec c~e
pro;ec: is '~le.:~ea:ad.
} L~
~ ~ (8) '~e isnac~ z t`~e nroject oa purczasiag er, per ca~::a ±~ccae,
aad athar caic iad:.cators az the sta~ rsgioa, local azea,
aad ca~uai a vell-b eing . _
(9) The short-Ca:~ aad lcng-te~ costs of t~e gove~.:.eaca= ;ar
w~ics •ri?.i, be requ:red as a result of t~e profec~.
(g) W'8az des~ed aoprap ~ata by t:e ~av-.roa=eatal :3ev-iea Ccs~it~ea, c,`~e
'eaviroa~eataL I~pacz ~epart sha11 ~~~:t.luate t~e re2at'_o:sni~ o: :~e
pro jact to e.~s `ag aad proposad pub L` c aad privace traas~c::a,icn
, Ea a ~e~ aad p.Laa9.
i ---rr- - - . _ _ _
; Sec~oa 8.3 Ccnuats of Fi~aS Favi:cr.~nt~1 I~aact 3e~or=.
'I ~a) Ea~ '~..~al Eav~-r~ea~sl. Lmpact 3epart sha13. consiat of ~4e dra~t -
Ea4lronseatal Iapac: eZepor c~ataia~ag al1 af the various e1~=eacs
, des~ed ia Sec:;oa 8.2 abave.
(t) aa add:tioaa~l. aection shaL' ba provided c~ta:.-~g ~.e c~cents
recaeived du~~g c,`sa :ev:av aad ccnsultaticn process f:c~ Gk2 3~zeral
' pubL'.c aad atsar pubLc ageacias ~a~v~:~g jurisdicCaa bq laa -:i~ _
rrapect ta tse project. Said c~r.ats xay be set ~or~'~ e+_:.`~er
ver'~a~ or i.a s~az~ fo~. _
(e) a list of oersons, oraaatsatioas aad publ~c agna~es ccr~;eac~:.g on
G~e drai: EL~.
. . . T - - .
(d) The Ci:~ sha?
;:esoond to cse c~~enc3 raca{ved ei;~er by :s~ris_on -
of cse drar: =aw_ro~encal L~ac: :e~or or Sy aa ac^ac^.~en: :o the
d:a:: ~nvtroa:eatal Iaaact :3eoo::. ::ze :=sporae snalJ. desc~be r.he .
dls~osit:.on of ~e e.{.a~,.i._-'icant eaar:~n^.at~ ,asues :a:sed ciu:~3 ~;e
:evie~a and coasuleatian procas~ .
Sac-_on 9.G Qa•ria•.~ _ -onsntal -
of ar_ :rnac~ 3eno: (?_3)
(a) Upon coaaletioa az :'se drart :av±:o~ental L.^nac: 3epor_, aad ~r=or
to sea3:ng cooies af the .-apor: aut `cr :e~z.,t, ~~e _a,,__~~z-a:
8~evieu Cc~~;ee snal,l cause a~otica .o oe publisned ia a ~eas~aae:
a= geae:a,1 c:=cu:,a~en ia tse Ci~ a= Cuper•iao, scaciag cwat ~.e
draft E~v:;~~at~ I~aet Report hai aesa coaalete3 e~ro;ec:
~'~°sn nar~a, cari,:e aad Iecation sha1.], be brieflp desc~bed) , ~zat
a capy :s avai,2ab Le at the Pl~ag Depa: ~aent ia Ci:p ga?;, a~d
~'~Lc Lbra:3 ~cr r~ev aad ~'~at :ari.tea p~blic co~eat is '_a~:ed
to 6e sub~„+.ted :ri:hia tsirt7' (3~) da~s of ehe publica~.or. o~ _~e
aotic.e. Sa~d notice ahall be zeFe::ed to as a"`to-ice of Ccra'e•:,cn",
Ia addiL:on, sa~d Yot_ca of Ceapletion s:~all be fiSed •rr~~ -~e
Sec,-rta:y af the ~ouzcss ~encq. I"~e Eaw_rar..~ental 3e•~-su Cc~:.ea
shall colleet a fee .:em G'ie app!.icaat co det:aq tse cas,s i~c:sr:ed
bq c5e ~ubL+sh.+,ag eg sac:.en.
-~s- ,f~_ 3 ~
'(b) The Environmen[al Kevie~J Commi[tee sha11 cause the dratC tnviYO[ ,~~~~al
~ ' I~nacc Report to be distributed [o responsible agencies, other public
aeencies which hav urisdiction b•~ !,aw with resae to ~he project,
and private indivi~ls and groups who have or may~e an ~nterest in
the environmentsl review oc the project. Said agencies shall have thirty
(30) daps in which to resoond in writing relative to their reivew of the
report. The draft Environmental Impact Report review period for pro~ects
requiring State review shall equal the review oeriod provided in che
a~pllcable State agency reviEw period. ~n EIR prepar~d cor any projecc of
Statewide, regional or areawide significance which meets the criteria
described in Section 15161.6 of che State "Guidelines for Environmental
Impact Heports" shall be submicted to the State Clearinghouse and should be
submitted to the association of Ba;~ ~rea Guvernments for review and comment.
(c) Ia ~sa avent aaq public agec~ or person £ai7.s to co~aeat :ri:~ia t~e
above ~pec:.fied e+r.a, wit::out request :o: eztensica af :'Y.e, it sha11
be assumed t'~at t~e agenc~ or persan has co coc.~eat.
' . (d) IIpoa rece+_~t af ~:~:taa coceats, c:~e =av-i:~n.;,e~ta1, gt~ew Cocictze
' ' ~hall prepare a :rr~ttaa respanse as ~nJ.;c~as: .
CI) a va~at~ ar su~ar~ ac_ouat ar ;he coz~ea~s.
(Z) De.~cr'~' e tha dispoai~on ai si~• °i~aat isauea rs:sed by t.~.e
c•.^^,•^ ts .
(3) The response of the Lead ~gency to comments received may take the
form of a revision of the Draft EIR or may be an attachment [o the
Draft EIR. The response shall describe the disposition of significant
environmental issues raised (e.g., revisions to ~he proposed project
to mitiga~e anticipatedimpacts or objections). In particular, the
major issues raised when [he Lead ~gency's position is at variance wich
recommendations and objections raised in the comments r~ust be addessed
in detail giving zeasons whp specitic comments and suggestions were not
Sac~~a 3.3 ?r.+s'=• 3ss~~ .
(s) 3a:cn ~ ;ave_ ac~a :a~ ba :slcaa aa a ~:atec: ~C
aave a a~.act :a ~a z.-~~:._~t, s ~ ~3i.."'r~:3 JZ~- ~
~e ~a:d _a =s "~~:-~.a~ :~ac: 3r_a:: :o~ ~s ~r~~ec_. 1
'~~r~3ed, ~ac :ae=a-rer ~as~:S~a, _.s ~u's'_c ~aa.-'_:g o~ c:a
~:.i :~ac: 3a~or. s~=' ~e :e1.~'. ` ;:-c a:d ss a :r:
af ~~y oc=er ~a~~ :~r`-ad ~q auu c: Iaes= :.rJ. ~
C~) ?"-~L'e aa~-_-. e~aL' Ss 3:~s ~~ci~~=s~:3 s ~aCcs c:: -_a ~ a.:d
~laea o: -_a ':na~:g ac 1ea~t caes :.3 : ~au~paaar ;n:~ ~~aad s :a
~.~~.sLatsd ~e C:~ cf C:.-~n-~.',~e„ ~.ra .~~_s= pu~'=~`oa a: :'a=.~
~hiL:. Sa st :aas= ~ (IO) '~s ~ =ar t~ ':~a c,=a ~at .o: `e hn~r'=3•
~sa :s:, (_0) d.ap pa =ad r:-. ^~c_-t:~'y •ri-: =.a
~7 ?e--~d ef ~ua'=e sad ag~c~ :a-r:eJ af :~e dra:~ :..--r~=~as .=ae~
3apast. ~ • '
-zQ- ~l_ 3 z
:ie''::a 8.5 .~nact^.= cf '~~e=- '
(a) is -~a a~reat ~a ~e..-~aad '_:.~s~~ os -:a ~:.~n~:s a.: =_sd a:_a=
c~~C.ra o~ ~a 'cr~a=" =a s:s~~ ~be~ o= ~.0 3C ~7 caue •
:~e a~s~
=.~a:.~: s~~r'~az ca ; '~a ~ro;ec: a da~-^-- c=e
~ ~s •`e ^ri: r3.
~o'=~= ~sc-~.~er s~~ Sa :~~cr~~S?.s a=7 ac'~-=_..a: ns:.s
~ecaa a_? u a:
ssu=: o: azci-_' -~:..i: : s~ s~ o: .ae ~a: eec e c=
or u"cr' =ata: s`~ : a=2d a-~a c= a~ ;=3.
'ac[ion 8 7 action of Decisionmaker and Findin_~s/Over-ridinq Considerations:
ia) «T'.8 L7.SC:3~~~3'CE~ ~ i. ~.@ ~tSa~~G G!Y'r~ :.~i SLL~ :CT~3'.t iD.C ~=.3~~G~ '~~.8
~:...':.~s e? e 3'-~' 'r.-~'= ~ats= .:..ae_ 3e~o~ ~cr~ zaicJ=3 _:s c:ac.~::a
ca :se ~roiec: .:..a. sh•~: ~cs-'__.: e ~e^=e_ :.'~e ?r~ ject J'~' ~ec
, ~ave a s:~::c~: ' c~ a~~r:~.rc.=. 7~ea =':se o: •~a :c:::'=:
iaa~^g, -:e ~~sia-^-~°= shi cn ~`7 -:a~ -~e :i:a= =a-r::r..s=:a: ~-~ac=
3apor_ ha= basa c~ls==c' c:aL'~cs •~e CC'^3 a:d e Sa-..= G~::da'~-~ ,
~d -~a: Le has :s~sved ~d c~..s_da~a -.=e ljo:~-.: ~ c_-~-
.~e~' -~a :~'~r ^:i Iaaet 3e.or.
':ya dee=sia.=akEr saa'= noc a~~tyse e3=-? cu~ a o-a: ec: =c==.i
aa ~r_-~e^.:s_ - .o^ aas .ees c~_a=== ~r.:c~ :en-~_es .
oae o: ar s_~._ ~=-sc~ o~ .=.e ~:o-ac: __._aas :e aec_~_.._-
~ 3aX2~ CLB ~ 3C~ _ O~ C ~~C' ~ _ ~ :y5 ' LaC3
O= C:09fl S~.y..~~~~1C d==dG~3. dC~~~a:.==~•~ d 9:3CE~e~~ C~ .=e :3C:3
nuaear_3 eac.: :=.c~.
(I? C`~..aagea cr a::arar=..~ '~ava Secr c: '.=.c=:-cratac .~_o,
::e ~:n~~_- :-r.r ~ ~3ats a_ a•~o .:e s:s~-_a~ _ °~.t~
2~~2C~J ~.:G__~~ 33 ~L^.~~~~SG '~-dl ~~5.
$t3G~' Cr3~~!3 C~ 3:~G^dr~CJ d~D 7~•4~..~." .^.6 =C17CT.S~~`~~~ 3-~
jt.~~9G~~ ' ~ :B~ :L'D~.. d$_~t~7 3LC =CL ^.fl di!^•CT ~~.2
.:G ' ~ _.:.51. ~t1C.^. :3^.3c~ :37~. =C~ 3GC ~v SiSC: ....e_ ax ~C?
C~ C3II 3:.G 9:C~:13 ~H 3GOC:_G :'t 58L^. °$=-C?'
(3} SOlt~~~C lC~LC' ^ SOC=d? • C: CC»G_ ~~L'1~~G=3L~~ :3 ~3YGL ~="-3=~~~Z
~ :.ZG '~~~:.S3~~E ~G15tt~ C~ ~:7'GG~ d~12~..2~ !3 3G: '8
: ~.31
-~,C i~~C~~23 l~11~ t SE ~t2~DQ:'~3L~ 7~a iL•C~ ~g ~9_ -
L3BL' d.~ t•T+ :2T• ~ G 0~
'~S s'^C~"~ f3 3L'~9Gt'~JII S:'.3~~ ~O~ JG' ~C2 ~s 3Q!~C7 :31C::
'~.C ''..C".~ 139 CC?CC.'.~ t..13C+..'~JII T d^.CC~eSr3~o.....r ~'J .'.23~
' • ~ 3 `!~^.L~ 2~ ' Q39~ ~ ~Y..~ ~1: Oa ~easu~ ~3 J ~ ~ ~ "'.3 ~~7!3 .
-3a- -33
~ ~
(c) ~ public aeencv shall not aonrove or carrv out a oroiect as oroposed
unless the si nificant environmental effects have been reduced to an
accepta6le level. As used in this Section the term "acce table level"
means all siQnifican[ environmental effects that can feasiblv be av~ided
have been eliminated or substantiallv lessened as determined throu h
findinRS as described in Subsectiuns (1) throuqh (3) and any remaining
unavoidable si¢nificant effects have Ueen found acceptable under
Section 8.7.
(d) Where the decision of the decisionmaker allows the occurrence of
significant effects which are identified in the final EIR but are not
mitigated, the decionmaker must state in writing the reasons to support
its action based on the final EIR and/or other information in the record.
, This statement may be necessary if the ageacy also makes a finding under
Sections (b) (1) through (3).
~ ~e) y~9~ 7.`.8 ~L'..::.L' 3^r,9~.:V3: 0~ ::=sang~:v~ 0: ~.G SD~ :~2 Cd=~3..C~~
' 3C~ L d ~OC..~3 02t ~BCS~^..Y"3 :d ~:ti:~~ ~~B~Y ~j
:sa ~.a~ Cauz:7. Si: :nc=== jca:1 caa-=• _~r :e _ ~ ~
=°==3 -=-a~_...
(1) Atter approving a pro~cct for wbich an EIR has been prepared, the ~
Lead Agency ~hall file a Notice of ~Jetermir,ation. Such notice shall includ '
(A) an ideatitication of the pro~ect 1Sy inc~_
_u_ di~A its co~aon name
where poa~ible and it~ loca~ion.
(B) A brief desc^iptian of the oro~ect
, CC) The date when t;~e aaenev aooroved t'se oro+ect
~D> The detersination of the Kl1d/~t~c~dc~y aa_encl uhether the ~
pro~ect in its approved for,c kill have a si~niticant effect on tre environa~
(E) A atatement that an EIR :ra~ oreaared and certified our~uant to~
' the prov:~ione oT CEGA
~F~ ilhether miti ation meaaurea uere ~ade a condition of the
approval of the er„+eet
Whether a Statement of Overridlnrt Conniderationa ~ras adopted fe~ I
the arolect.
~ ~
~H) ?he addreaa uhere a coo of. the EI9 and Lhe record of ro ect i I
approval msy be exam_tn_
ed, , !
S~ctioa 8.9: ~ , !
T~e L~ie •
: 'th~ City ahal~, ecmplaes aad c~rti.q ' i
all ba s
• =equ ~~1Litc ah an~u=ad ~:h daceaan ~hrc, ~4aa one pear. ~
Q~~Pr~~al for C:~e ~r~lect :s raceived aad acee,viced~ay coap2eca, ~
eoaseated Co ` aap be nived`L ~;;a projec: apollcaat ::as :eqveaced or
G4e c,ra:ner or L a cederal,~ ;_,~ac_ sca;eanac
(EZS) ie procee~ed concur:eaclp,
3 ~