CC Resolution No. 5324 ~ ~ i RESOLUTION N0. 5324 A RESOLUTLON OF THE CITT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO SETTING BONDED DEBT TAX RATE FOR TFiE FISCAL YEAR 1980-1981 WNEREAS, [he City Council of the Ci[y of Cupertino has adopted a budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1981; and WHER~AS, i[ is necessary tliut a tax ra[e be es[ablished to raise the revenue required for the opera[ion of said budget; I tiOW, THERfiFORE, 8E IT RESOLVL•D: Sec[ion 1. Tha[ the rate of $0.007 per $100.00 assessed valuation be the tax ra[e of the City of Cupertino for C.~e fiscal year 1980-1981 and to be applied to the redemption and in[erest expense of the City llall Bonds. Section 2. That the [ax ra[e of $0.016 per $100.00 assessed valuation be the tax rate of the City of Capertino for the fiscal year 19H0-1981 and to be applied to the redemption and in[erest expense of the Park Bonds. ' Section 3. That the Ci[y Clerk is !ns[ructed [o file a certified copp of this resolucion with the proper County autliorities and to have it published , in the Cuper[ino Courier. PASSED AND AllOPTED at a regular meeting of tlie Ciry Council of the Ci[y of Cupertino this 17ch day of June , 198U by the following vote: Vote Members of [he City Council AYCS: Plungy. Sparks, Rogezs NOES: None ABSENT: Gat[o ABSTAIt:: None APPROVED: ° aJo ' or, City of Cupertin ATTEST: __~!;a~~ City C1erkG~~~JC~