CC Resolution No. 5322 ' • ~ _ AESOLL'TION N0. 5322 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEiE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING AN OPERATING AND CONSTRUCTION BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-1981 HY RATIFYING ESTIMATES OF REVLNUES TO BE RECEIVED IN EACH FUbID AND ~PPROPRIATING MONIES THEREFROM FOR SPECIFIED PROGRAM ACTIVITIE5 AND ACCOUNTS AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS OF ADMIIJISTERING SAZD BUDGET WHEREAS, the orderly administration of municipal government is dependent on the establishment of a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ratio of expenditures within anticipated revenues and available monies; and WIIEREAS, the extent of any project or program and the degree of its accom- plishment, as well as the efficiency of performing assigned duties and respon- sibilities, is likewise dependent on ttie moni~s made available for that purpose; t+THEREAS, the City Manager has submitted his estimates of anticipated revenues and fund balances, has recommended the allocation of monies for specified program activities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Counci'_ does hereby adopt the following sections as a part of its fiscal policy; Section 1. The estimates of available fund balances and an~icipated revenues to be received in each of the several funds during fiscal year 1980-1981 as submitted by the City i-Ianager in his proposed Operating and Con- struction Budget and as have been amended during the Budget study sessions are hereby ratified; Section 2. There is appropria[ed from each oE the several funds the sum of money as has been determined during the Budget study sessions for the purposes as expressed and es[imated for each program activi[y, subject to the condi[ions as set forth in Section 3, as iiereinafter described; Section 3. For orderly and proper administration of the Operating and Construction Budget and of the monies appropriated in Section 2 above, the following conditions,authoriza[ions and restrictions shall apply; Section 3.1. No appropriation shall be encumbered nor shall any expenditure be made in excess of tha[ appropriated except as hereinafter provided: Section 3.2. The City tianager is hereby authorized to tranafer any unencumbered amount from one major object account wlthin a program which is defined as Employee Services. Supplies and Other Services, Capital Outlay, a Capital Improvement Pro,ject to any otlier ma~or object account within [he same program vhen, in his opinion, such becomes neceasary for administ:ative purposes; ~ • Res. No. 5322 Section 3.3. The City Council reserves the right to transfer any unencumbered appropriation from one program to another program after recommendation to do so has been submitted to it by the City Manager or to appropriate on its own volition any additional sums of money to any major ob- , ject accoun[, line item account, function or program as it may deem necessary or desirable; Section 3.4. The Director of Flnance is hereby authorized to transfer any unemcumbered appropriation irom one line i[em account Co another line item account within the same activity or from one line item account to another line item account within a different activity within the same program when such is necessary to prevent an over-encumbrance or an over-expenditure in any one line item account; provided, however, that such cransLer shall be only after the concurrence oE the affected department head; Section 4. The City t4anager shall cause to be prepared a budgec docu- ment incorporating therein the amounts appropriated in Section 2 above, the estimates of available iund balances and anticipated revenues ratified in Section L above, the detail accounts and estimated amoun[s comprising the total [or each of the major object accounts which vhen combined from the amount appropriated to each function and such ott~er detail and funds ac[ivity that will provide an informative and useful working tool in administering fiscal policy; Section 5. The estimate of available account and fund balances and the anticipated revenues and espendi[ures of the City of Cupertino Water Utility are excluded from tt~e foregoing sections of this resolution and which detail is to be included in a separate budget document from that referred to in Seccion 4 above. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this _ 16th day of June , 1980, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Gatto, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers v0E5: None ABSE:7T: None ABSTAIN: None AFPROVED: or Cit of C pe~/.'i~io'~- ~TTEST: Y ~ y / City lerk -