CC Resolution No. 5214 ~ ~ xesotr:io:a ~:o. s~i: ~ RE50Ll"TIO:: OF I'6c CITY COC:~CIL OF THE CITI' OF CCPERTI::O aP?OISTI:~G THF. CITY ATTOR:~E'i, :~SSIST:L\T CITY ~1TTOR\F.Y ~,:~D DEPL'TY CITY ~TTO£~\LY, DESCRIBNG TFiEIR DCTIES :a.~D PROVID- I:7G FOR THEIR CO:IPE2,SATIn;; , THE CZ'1~ COC;ICIL OF THE CITY OF CL'PERTI`:0 ~ESOLCES ?~S FOLLOWS: Section 1. Resolution )+e. .i413 is hereby reacinded, and this ResoluUon ls adopted in its olace. Szction ' Charles I. !:ilian Ls hereby apoointed C:ty :1t~orne}•, Cit~• of Cuper[ino, Count~: oi Santa Clara, Sta[e of California. Sec~ion 3. Duties of (Citv .at[ornev): Tne Cit~• .~c[orney's du[ies shali coasist oi the folloc:ing: (a) adninistracive Du[ies: (1) The Cit~• :lttorney shall attend all regular and special mee[in~s ot the Citp Councii and the Ci[~• Planning Co^.^ission. Du[ies in [h:~ connec[ion shall be [o render advice and opin,ons with re~pact to all 1ega1 ;~a[:ars c.•n'_cn r..ar arisr during an~• such r:zeting, escep[, hew•ever, ?a3a1 nattera which are to be proeided b~• special ce~nsel. (_1 Tha Cit~•:~t~urney shall also actend nee[ines or ocher boards, cor- aissions and con*~it[~es of Che Ci[a crhen reeuested to de so ~r ti~ Ci[}• C~uncil or the Cit~• `iana~er aC khich [i^~e s:;.~ilzr 1e~a1 advice and ~~pin:ons S'R31L bB rendered. (31 The Cit~• :~ttorne~ snall prepare resolutions, noti.es, contraccs, ordinances and ocher docunents and papers as nacessary, or apprupriate, in natters ozrtaining to che Ci[~~, cahen reques[ed to do su bv che City. Y.e shall also exani:ie for legal sur:icianc.• all docur~ents sub~itted to n?n b~~ [he City. (4) The City A[torney sha11 pro~~ide tne necessar}~ le~a1 se n~ices reGuire~ in connectien with the acquisi[ion of lands or easements, eohich shall censti[ute an adminis[ratit~e dutv up to the poin: dire~~tion is given to cor„mence eainen[ dor.,ain proceedings, at s:hich point tt snali bece~e a li[i~acion service. The City :.ttorney shall couoerace ~.•fth, and assisC, che Ci[y, ite ofiicers, agents aad emplovees, on all ~eneral :egal r.,at[ers pertainin;, [o ch.e C,ty. Ho~rever, [he City dttorney shal? onl~ provide legal ad~~ice tc. the stafr c.hen authorized to do so b}• the City Council or the Citp ?lana€er. f6) The Ci[y ~Ctorney shall ^~ake himself available co meet with Cit;• St3Lt part of one da}• each week. The Cit;~ :\CCorney siiall a?so perfor~ such otner le~_al ser•:ices f~r ~ :iit Ci[v as ^~ao ~e requested b~• the Cit_: Council. -1- ~ ~ ~b) Li[i~ation Du~ias: (li Tha Cit~~~ :l~torne;~ shall render the nrcassary legal servicas required in cunnection with tha ~onduc[ of eminent domain proceedin~s and other litigation to :ahich the City ck~;: be a parcp. ~ The Cir~ .attorney shall cepresent the City in a11 1aga1 proceedin¢s, :;nether civil or crirair.al, required in the enfurcement oi the City's ordinances. Section S. :~pDOinc:~ent of ~lssistan[ Cit~: yt[orney: 2obert D. I~enzel is nereby appointed „ssistant Cicp ~lttorne~:, Cic~: of Cupartino, ' Ccua of Santa CLara, Scate oL California. Sec~ion Duties o[ the 2~ssis~ant Cit~~ ~tturne~•: ~ober[ D. [:enzel shall assis[ the Ci[v attorne:~ in [he performance of his du[ies. :he :lssistant Cit~ attorne~: shall act in [he aoaer.ce o~ [he City ~lttornev for an~ ~s.:9E . ~8i.C10R b. s1DOJ1Rt^IZRC JL Deput~• Ci[~~ :~cturney: :herese Fole~ is hereb~• appointed Deput~~ City :~t[orne~>, City oi Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, SCate ei Caliiornia. Sec[ion i. ~utie5 ot tne Dep~ity Cit~• ~tturna•r: Iherese Fole~ wi11 oe [hz chief prusecutir.g officer and sha11 assist at Planning _.r.^issiun mee[ings and w~hen [he Cit~• ~ttorne!.• and assistan[ City attcrney are unavail- _~ie to ac[ as City :~tcornzy ior Couneil reetir.gs. Section E. Retainer: The Ci[c .~ttorn?v sna11 receive a montnl•; ratainer from [he City in the sun ot :t:e Theusand One Nundred Dullars (SZ,100) which siiall be considered [u11 compensation '_er [ne purposes oi contributions and wi[hholdin,s kith respect to ra[irement, social ~acurft::•, income tax witnholdings, and the like. Tha r..onthly retainer shall be paid at the end of each montn on the pa~•roll account oi the Cit~. Further^ore, the Cit}• shall contribu[e to PERS retirenen[ and health baneii[s as well as social securi[y in che same anoun[s i[ does for re~ular City e^~oloyees. Sec[ion 9. ~dditional Cor~oensation: In addition, the City ~lttorne}~ shall receive che iollowing contraccual sereices cc~pensation: (a) :ldminis[ratice: To the extent that the collective tine oi the City ~1[tarne}•, the ~ssistant ~i:~ 1.:torne~•, and o.he: me:abers oc the las: :ir^ _he Cit}- Attorne}•, =~or ~he per- :ornaace of administrative services, esceeds tn:rty (30) hours in an}• one 4,onth e::cluding the time spent a[ and preparation ior re3ular and special Cit~; Council seetin~s and Planning Coc~ission meetiags, [he Cit~~ ?:ttorne~• shall be entitled to receive additional conpensatiun from the City at the rs.e or Fifty Dollars fSi0.fl0) DcL IlOU:. ~ ~ ib) Licizacion: T_he Cit~~ :1[torney snall receive as compensation ~or the performance oi litigation sarvices, and ior the 1itiQacion services uf the Assistant City attorney, the Deput;• City ~lttorney, and other c~embers of the 1aw iirm of the City ~tturney, , cur.:pensation at the rate oc Fift~ Dollars (S~0.00) per hour. (c) `:iscellaneous: 1 The City ;ttorney shall also be entitled to be reimbursed fur costs and expenses [ur attending conferences when approved in advance by the Cit~ :lanager in accordance wi[h the same rei~bursement schedule provided for other ocficers u[ the Cic~•. (dl Cu^pensation uf Assis[ant Ci[y at[orney and Deput~• Cit~~ Attornev: She :lssistant City Attorney, the Deputy Ci[~ ~ttorne}•, and other menbzrs oY the lac.• firn of the City ~ltcorney shall look solel~• to the Ci[y Attornev ior conpensatior, for [heir services. Se~~tiea 10. Costs: Tha Cit~~ ~ttornep shall be entitled to be reir~bursed by che Citv for all costs ad~.~ar.ced b~• him such as courc costs, filing fees, service oi process fees, reporters' iees, ;urcrs' fees, c.•itness fees, investiga~ors' fees, appraisers' iees, cust ei photograpi~s and charts needed in connection with litigation, and the 1ike. The City Atterney sha11 also be reinbursed ror all long distance telaphone ca11s cr.ade to points ou[side ot Santa Clara Councy. Reir~6ursement sh311 be made cor all cravel, neaie, ar,c Iodzing expenses incurred b~ the Cit}~ Attorna~:, cha ,lssistant Cicv :1tto:na~:, tiie Deputy Ci[~• ~tto:ney, and other menbers oi the lak• firr~ of the Cicy :lttorne;., icnen on ousiness outside of the County oi San[a C1ara for the Ci~~•, in accerdance a•ith the sar~e reinbursement schedule pro~:ided for o~her oLLicers ot che Cit~•. Section 11. Overhead: Escept as herein otherwise expressly provided, tne Cit~• a[torney shall pa~• for his own overhead, and [hat of [he assistant Cit~ At[orney and other menbzrs of the lae.~ firn uf tne City Attorney, incurred at the office located in the Cortmiunity Bank Buildin~, 111 '.~est St. John Street, Suite 900, San Jose, California 95113 including but not limited to rent, telephone, secretarial, bookkeaping, recep[ion, postage, stationerv, office supplies, insurance, library, cep~•ing, taxes and licenses. Furtner- ;aore, telep:one calls in wnich there is no substantive conversatian between the Cit}• :~ttorne~• or a nenber of his firm and a City Council member or Citc s[aff shall be considered part of the overhead custs. `Ievertheless, the Cit~• shall supply the Ci:;: ~ttorne~• w:th "City of Cupertino" letterhead stationery and envelopes and shali also pa~• °or all costs incurred in connection ~~ith naintaining the soecial nunicipa: lasr librar~• boo~:s ow~ned by [he City c:hich are on loan co the Cicy Atcornev. Sec[ior. 1~. Records, ftonthlr Statenents and ~udit: T;~e Ci.•: ~ttorney shall naintain careful and accura[e :ecords in his oiiice of all :i-e saent by him, Che Assistan[ Cit~~ ~lttorney, the Depu[~~ City Attorne~~, and bp o~nar -enbers of the law Lirm oc tne City ~[torney (to the closest 1/20ch ef an hour) a;d oi all reinhursable costs ad~~ar.ced by the °:rn :n connectlon c.~itn tie Ci[~~': ~usiness. The City attorney shall render at Ieaat non[hly statencnt~ -3- ~ ~ ' to the City r.~r che periormance or all administrative and litigatior. services shoca-:ng the services performed, tna hours spen[, the coscs advanc~d, the amount uf additiunal ccmper.sation he is etiticlau to receive rrun tne ~it•r ror the period in quesciun. It appro~•ed, the additional cor~pensation siw.~n ce be due 5}• his state^ent snall oa paid to ~he City ~ttorney by the Cit;~ by ~enaral ~w~arrant :+ithin ti~irt}• (30) dacs after said approval. 3ooks of sccount and the ~ime records oi the , Cit}• attorney, the ?ssistant Cit;% Attorne~~, the Deputy Cit;~ ~ttorney and other ^e~bers oi [he law firm of the Cit~~ attorney, per[aining [o business transacted for tne City, shall be open to audit by che City Auditor, upon prior request of ~ the Citv Council. Sec~ion 13. It shail be the City ~t[orne}'s responsibility and duty to have current knowladga oi lac,~s and judicial decisions which may have an effect cn municipal governments. City ~ttorne~•'s cunferences with stai[ of [he law firm sha11 be considered the City :~ttorney'a or~n responsibility, not the City's responsibility. He may be asked to meet the Ci[y Councii and/or staff to keep them abrea~t of laws and judicial decisions impacting ~unicipai governnent. Section 1+. Eiiective Da[e: The eifec[ive date of this Resolution shall be Februar}• 1, 1950. PdSSED nVD :1DOPTED a[ a regular r:zeting uf the Cit~~ Council of the City ot Cupeztinu tnis 21st day oi Januarv , 1950 b~.• the foliuwing vote: l'ote ~?e~bers oi che City Council :1YES: Jackson, Rogers, Sparl:s, Pieyers \OES: None :~SEST: 0'Keefe A3ST:~I~: None ~PPRO~'ED: _~~G~, t~ ~ ~'1 _ Piayor, City or Cupertin ~1TTE S T : _ ~/~~z~ytilX.Gs,co . Citv Clerk