22825 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES— USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building AddmH uildln IT Project Identification - PERMNO. Q5o .+ i2o0.d 22825 : arr weer r �•5 —O ono CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION r _` _q> / Contractors me: ueNo: APPLICATION If PERMITAm - —L-.D (' l BUILDINGELECTRICALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL It Archlted/Engineer. _ Lic.N. QTYt t ' ELECTRIC PERMIT - �� FE.Em.' BUILDING PERMIT INFO Aid. ' PERMITISSUANCE VV ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Iherebyafflrmthat l amlicesed under provhionsof Chepter9(comme APPLIANCFSRESIDENHAL- - BDP M'ITON IngwRh Section 7000)of Dlvlslon3ofthe BuvneaandProfealon.Code,and my 1p Lima 1.insoli fora end .# PANELS ��`rc 'a" ` Sey- Date Clan Lontr - V Dale 2onkactor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION WI-1000 AMPS C -Q q�v cc0 O I understand my plan shag be used as public remrde. OVER 1000 AMPS' SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ. Fi Limned Profeasional SIGNS ELECTRICAL 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION, {"is Ci SPECLILCIRCUIT/MISIZ E, Iherebyafl.that l am exempt from the COntadoe.License Law for the following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or TBMP.MEfEt ORPOLEINST. F, 1' cointywhkhrequU.aNe ttommtmMaltegimpmv,demolish,orrepiir _ anystmm.prkrtoltsissuance,aLwmqulrestheapplimntfonuchpermitta aN x4,a file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provlslow of the POWER DEVICES 30� Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9(mmmendeg with Section 7000)of Divi- SWIMMING FOOL ELECTRIC r sion3 otthe Business and Profealoru Code)orthat he is exempt therefromand VALUATION O the balls for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7all.5 by any OUTLIHSSWITCHESE7XTUI6FS applicant for a permit subje ntheappllcant to a civil penalty of not nnre than $ foe undred dollars($500, I,as owner of the property, NEW RFSID=AL ELFGTR SQ,Ff. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION p perry,or racy employes with wages r their door Cz6 , compenrol(on,Business and Pwilldothe ,andthes Code:e is The ot Cotractodo License d for Law D dile(Sec. ppy to alnowandf property Code:The Contractorsthemelaw $$ does not apply torn owner ofpropertyiso n improorst that suchOCC.GROUP RFS.UNITS who does renexa no tinself ndedorough fferedowne.If,hoes,providadildlegor Improvementsasold wntendreyearferompletale.ILhowevequilder ill have TOTAL: 1t Improvement Vsold withinoneyearo(completlon,theowner-bu0darwill have Aturden of provingthat he did not build or improve forpurpose ofsale.). QTY PN„` PLUMBING PERMIT FEE4� FLOOD LANE A u 1,as..at of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed pp(h(IT ISSUANCE cordactod to construct the project(Sec.7014,Business and Profealoru Code: ' The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-D It& rl _ Wilds or Improve thereon,and who contracts, for such ptojecis with a co actor(.)licensed Pursuant th Contractor's License Law. t' FEE SUMMARY: _- I am pt under See B &P C for t In reason BACK FLO LT.DEVICE e DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N— or Date RECFRTN V KMAN COMPae ATION DECLARATION FDOURFS.PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N ❑1 hereby of roc that I have o la um to of consent m.pythmere,ora RECERxr If certificate of Workers Comperuatlanlruuranaoraertlfled ropythereof(Sec. GAS FA.SYSTEM.INCA OUTLETS PARK FFR Y N - 7800,IabCJ � - Policy N GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 6(EA) RECFIlT 0 om any BUILDING DIVISION FEES CCertinedmpy is heed withfurnished. ecity _ GREASE/INDUSRiL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE ❑Certified'copy b filed with the city Inspection division. _ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GRFASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE fo SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.20OFT. Date Rewi ttl RMa section need not be completed If the permlt V for ane hundred dollars ($1mle I mWATER HEATER W/VENT/MrCTR ENERGY FEE Y N ttify that in the performanceolrhe work forwhlch this permit Issued, — I shall not employ any person In any manner m as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING ' Workers'Compensation laws of California.Date PAID' 0 Z 'Applicant - NEW RESIDENTIAL ELMS. S&T. Date Reoei tW Z O NOTICETO APPLICANT:If,after nuking this Certificate of Exemption,you Hshould becones, b)dttothe Worked'Compensation provisions ofthe Labor - TOTAL: CN Code,you=at forthwith comply with such provisloaor this permitshall be > decreed revoked. BUILDING E LU FEO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z ance of the work for which thin permit b Issued(See.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: u2 Lender's Name - PLUMBING FEE LLH landce.Addma QTY. •MECHANICAL.PERMIT '! MECHANICAL FEE . OD U I retifythat l have read this appliad tl.... Mate thMthmbave lnfemutlon O W is correct.IagreetoemptywithallcityandcountyordinancesandMatelaws PERMITISSUANCE S;aD r--Ess PAID: } (L relating to building construction,a rad hereby authodice representatives of thin Zcity to enter upon the above-mentioned property for Impeelion purpose. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. ,Date RCCCI t# — (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino - - P _ agaiet iia Ides,pdgmenb,met d expenses which may In any wayaccrue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,0011 CFM) 'SUBTOTAL: V againeI City In consequencgbyyyfaf he granting of this perm . ' 1 / O lqj AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IO,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX 14 SignatureofA plicant/Contractor ale EXHAUSTHOOD(w/DUC'D CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous 1 HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) t QQ Date Reuel tp material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1 7,and the ...-/� He.lthand SafetyCade Section25532(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER IW,000 BTU) TOTAL' ❑Yes (n No Will the applicant orfutum building occupant use equipment ordevices VFNTILATTONFAN(SINCLERESIM' ISSI epATE which emit hazy W ous air contaminant.a.deflnrd by the Bay Area Air _WATE Quality Management District? WILIER-COMP(31IP ORIOEOW BTI) T 4Ye gNo OCTE have read the Nazar our miterlala requirement.under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP 100,0001171) 4 the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25536. I understand that if the building does not currently have s tenant,that it is mys NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.rT responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be met /tt�sa asF p�ss,sa�ehs� prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Y11L ir`Y Y�1E_�a Owner or authorized agent - •Date . TOTAL: .OD ISSUED BY—_ � OFFICE COPY (;d g u irV < WITH HORIZONTAL EXHAUST TERMINATION.: P { L Locate proper position for type"PL"wail thimble(F). Use a saber saw or keyhole sawto cut a7-Inc Giamete ' hole through the wall (G)(for 3 inch pipe.) For 4 Inch p!pe, cut 8 inch hole..Install wall thimble In the hole; s R" ; i i he wall on floor pad. Push type 'PL pipe'(D)'through £2.,,Position stove approximately 12" from twall w'thimble (F). Squeeze a bead of high temperature silicone (RTS sealer (A) around end`of:machhnedtportion _ .of the 3" pipe connector on the back of the stove (B). Firmly push on section of type PL pipe](D) unteii 7 FAC �A ff>• YL . inner.pipe Liner pushes into the bead of RTV sealer. +�dc c a 3: Push stove (with pipe attached)towards wall. Pipe (D)will go through the wa-I thimble( Po51Uor Move no closer than 1 inch to the wall. ` 5 lyiaglj ' 4. Install type "PL" 45 degree elbow(H)with rodent screen cap(optional)on outside end of pipe OTE: , end of the exhaust pipe must extend a minimum of 12 inches from the outside of the building Rodent screen; s should not be less than 3/8" in mesh. 'r ` 5. If installing with combustion air from outside: cut a separate hole through the wall,fortha fresh�eirtube:(E). kr, This tube must be 15/8 inch(min.)diameter, steel only! Conner o nis e�� p �(r n stove(C) �Tlii d : f tube must be terminated with a 90 degree elbow or hood (s g1 tt LoU � AIRU 4�;x 110 7 ' UQVI i n TION DENR ' a " ' ,r'6 pttimlgA�00�11�1 D F 7 r � �� •kr. .. .+qW �J' r , h f' • i f •� canmx� w-Fx�naw ce+xraxa fix}.': �� �l ' MEN 111;h un ifflff COR 111/2 .�• 44 y'' �• H L - ,. (DIMENSIONAL TO `� �"^'• SS ` i r ,a VENT ALIGNMENTa v r^ C. < :31 x3 T�� •_ • ;L.-,; i � .. 'h °loo' $ }�^ � y. ?Iitfleld ° VANTAGE II" pellet stove has been independently tested and listed by Warnock Hersey an ,��2eddestingYabotatory, in accordance with the specifications and procedures outlined in UL 1482 for •5` , Olid'fuel room.heaters, stating requirements for installation as a freestanding room heater, or hearth insert . F asonry�o4smetal(zero clearance)fireplaces. The safety listing label is located inside the hopper,on the d, see exannoWbWow.' S eappliari els dsigned specifically for use only with pelletized fuels. Itis approved for residential installation accordmg't0°currenfnational and local building codes as: >.n 1 FREESTA�DINWROOM HEATER. See pages 14 & 15 ;2. W+HTH I SERI WHEN INSTALLED ON THE HEARTH OF, OR INTO A MASONRY OR FACTTOOR�rYY BUILT (REPLACE ice N 6k7,h. ;. Y µ a A BUILT IN HEATER Seepage 19 " " OCT 4 1l1 111 II' 111"'AAA 4 A MOBILE HOME HEATER. See page 13 " ja age ♦ �bfry.:v,ISr. NOTE :THIS STOVE NOT APPROVED FOR COMMERCIAL INSTALLATI0A1 G. INSPECTION DEPARTS • 'CI'1,1(, OE CUPERT(NQ.� The sto e,wlll n"ot'operate'using natural draft, nor without a power source for the blower and fuel feeding systems:�The apphence is provided with an exhaust connector fora 3 inch type"PL"double wall vent pipe with F It, -as 7saawer o stainless steel-Inneer liner or single wall, stainless steel rigid or flexible pipe. 4711 S,. '' se lar '+"'"an'I`USTFD ROOM HEATER,PELLETIZED WOOD FUEL TYPE i}� ALSO FON USE IN MOBILE HOMES,AND AS AN INSERT FOR MASONRY FIREPLACES d y ! ANC FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACES,OR AS BUILT-IN !e. MODEL•.WPA ADVANTAGE TESTEDTO: UL1/82/U"27/CSA R3662w ULC-SS28(REPORT 110:6515(APRIL 1086) , Instep and uw only 16 sadannwBhthe mmullcWrar's Installation Instruction.Contact local budding for lire officials about raldWonsand lfi Batch Inspection In yaw are Do rot .emnad this unit to a chlmrey lWe writing another appliance.See local bupdng page and manufacturer's Instructions lot precaution rapuired for pastng a chimney through a combintlblli MFI crW�.�linL4;.�'�p7�y' NE IIraglipplWpru been tasted and lalad lot ua in manufactured Mme In acomarce with Oregon AdmlNSlrstM rude BI427ADO Ihiouph et 423.900 •'�+�5'Hd iflIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS F r•<:P N 4tlIWALL ALCOVE YCx WALL A61110ENT WALL tF INSTAl1ID A8 —MOBILE HOME OR RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION /.FPEESTANDIN06TDVE" 'v'_Np11Al1iA,iL NE,WRfGILY WTERINSTALLATIONIOR I£Rf14LiWE B E ` B C edx LTO UNMIV pA ,-u LW/71Mu IIN/71LW y L ...Lla WR 1 IIN 171AW alNl71dAA1 D]IWER TO WRS^ a WrtsaEM ux/xsAw 3 A i 4 y:- AIOOwTOFUELHOPPEA L O 1W/tlkwr 1W/71Mu Maryce Authaii A E r INN/e0MAN WA IIr I I c 'a RU TO�WrAl1gl F WA SINITeMM D I D—{ SP's-^FWTi.vmn:i+Tx inn"' ��' ��• DO.NOTgREMOVETHIS LABEL Combuglblefloor muedbeprotected by Nontpmburtlblematerial In n - +5.ar y„- ry.-,�:, Canada and IOMM(3/BIN)asbestos millboard or eluwilend ron � WN MR P ;:-• compatible in USA edendingbeneath line lwterand tothe front and y v sides a iWinted or to the nearest terminad combustible rroaral K r( Components ragubM lot reidenlal lr•allalign or moble home Imnalatlon: + 61N(150MM) Model PL writ W mney and eomporcma-7/75MM W 4'11 DOMM diameter. Intuited as an Inter , 6 Padesttl Wee,pambustbn ear dux Un 7175 MM nca Pyro Industria,nl PL chimney component,or laced single wall chimney �F'CenUon rak of MUSNI tempeatura. Keep an door closed during firing of Ne hater. liner, Seal the area between me fireplace camper and the men.Flue may ca Installed in a Toyuaixah pastbpa wood fust only.Replan glass only in ceramic glass. morryfireplace IN(mean nsNpnal and local building art requirement. Do nW temp" m°M'r Electrical NAUrp Val%110,"a 3.0.Ni 60. oroksorm Nr. Maybe instaliedinatclorybulft fireplace. DorotaSerormoonythe 73^ k 'y,•>: ? WNIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS: fireplace. LS: Opsit on7ywith uxclMlrpnce OperanphiyweM h awop Door , a 'pJ INSERT OR BUILT-IN elgae. InsoPr OleIrecueWN Clean hal eanngarsM flue be it goo is preveW accumulation aW The hair and flue man !' G. SIDEWALL 3'/75 MM 1 .;� be a pond coMilion. ROGnrW cpmpp enw Oampa falIno pat / ,M, I. SIDEFACINGt'/25 MM for ipfam,hingsand, ne,ioalrompanenn:Shroud mrinsro an I.TOP FACING 1'/25 MM Keeplurnifhinpsand nihrcompatible msteriaawall away from J. MANTLE . 17/305 MM heals. :: w PYHD INDUSTRIES,INC., EVEflETr,WA r Whitfield'pellet stoves and fireplace inserts are safety tested and listed by ; Warnock Hersey Professional Services, Ltd.: Coquitlam, B.C., Canada and r, Santa Rosa, CA, U.S.A.;;ICBO #TL116:) F iT.f„JY�+.:NfiS IGT •+(I .-:Y..: - �!„ L'm%4�.