02060008 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO -- BUILDING DIVISION , PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDINGADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21641 REGNART RD ALTON AIR CONDITIONING & HTG 02060008 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE DAVID BLIVEN 45300 INDUSTRIAL DR #4 06/03/2002 •.. PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 1 (510) 490-5655 0,-6 ARCHITECT ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑❑ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH day •S •-. ,,:'•.: ,•�',-;.�,"."-_ '. -:,':.LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION - Job Description OZ Ih by affirm that l am licensed der provisions of Chapter 9(commencing �,tI F=t's withSation700rBofDivision3ofoeBus a:andPmmsgmna�ydcpitamyPortae INSTALL A/C �'���E® cl pl- is in(all a an Rttt tJjs Y / C z a License [iC.N 1 to Date'' r� Cf'S DEC< TIO - Q L y g I uWerstvrd my plans shall be uud as public me. APR O ata 200 00 Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contactors License Law for the BUILDING tea following reason.ISeeuon 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county' Y Z O which rtgmm a perm t to construct.alter pin a demolish.or repair any structure $2900 3Is ..pnorto its issuance,alrequires the Applicant finch Permit to file a signed statement Ntht humLlceresed pars tt the provisionsfin C t tore Littre law(Ch pt 9 F[ pa,1Q OC fey say; r f Valuation nimcmd'i wth,Secii ,7000)of Division J of the❑ mess and Professons Cwkl +[J�'; 1.3,JS(JL ,0 4•,+V Si.lMn '^aA fl iii or that he 14 evemin therefrom and one bass for the atliged emorptioo.Any violation a' -.(Section 903 L3 by arty apptican for v permit suM1jecu the vpplicanno v rivil Pendry TyP of no,mom than five hundred dol)am S50% API tt�� TTTD������� "' •^ Occupancye 304 - R�UGH EL' E' CTRICALa O L', us owner of the property,at my employees with wages as their sale compensation, .wAI-do-the'work;-add'the-stmende isnot intended or offered for sale'(Sec-7U41, 'Budrm s and Professions Code.The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 505 - F I NAL E1SL^CITSI A1TVRctIODS - ` owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himulf or th ugh h w employees,provided that such p mens am not intended or t lofficed for s the bu of Prove nen is sold wthn nneYar of ,+, tL. completion,the owner bmWer will haveethe burden of proving that he did not build or improvgor purpou.(tale.). ❑or, owner o(Ihe property.am exclusively contracting with licenud convacton[o .,i.t.,t';.0 o duct the project(Sec .7044,Business and Profexsi0ne Code)The Contacror's 'License Logr does not apply to an owner of progeny who Wilds or unproven thereon, r, c ' a dniamori License such,projecu,wth,a cantanm(s),Itcemed,pursuan to the_ ,r 'C - Law. p oder sec.' rr.•';"B&PCfonhis rwson �,i11...... .. '.d.', :... . ❑tem exempt :.. ,.•e ,.. . .•.: ,... ..•.. i :.. n Dome W RKE)�PENSATION DECLARATION ,�• -I hereby affirm under permlty of pc 3 ry ne of the following declamlio .... ❑ I Wsi, nA w i,monitor,v Cehirei"eW Consent to'self-insure for Worker's 'o�i'' _ Compensation, as provided for by Section 3100 of the labor Code; for the -_ performance of[tie work for which this permit is issued. ❑I have and will mAimain N'oder s Cminkmvmn iion Imuce.as segoired by Sermon 1700'of the Labor Code,for rhe peko6nanhbf the'Ilmic for which this permit is issued,My Uri C ,rdaii.o Insurance came,.and Polcy .in arc � - s P,..v - th b (1 CLRTIPICATION OF E%EMITIgN FROM WORKERS j' 1", i;- ,- +1- Y1 JA i)I ...,. ! .. ,. COMPENSATION SURANCE y. ...,.,, . .._. _....,,.. .._- __..:....,._ '....... "-_ ..., .,..... ' t(Thm cec[i0n need no[be completed if the Permit is for one hundredd011an t ' ' `I'"''t - 11 100)or leu,l . Y is J 1 I tend Ib i the Per f romance e of[h work f which this permit is , 'hvllnot en l 'm n in in rete s W'kers Gr.:a .1 ;i:lipfJ: - tf Apmpcnwuon Laws of Calr[om o.Dare- -' NOTiceoT PLIC ;NOTICE TO APo the Worker's after Compensation this Cenificm f the Eicmplion:,ycni mind _ hecomesubject lothe Inch Cbmpenwvon Pormit oas of thetabor Cole,you'mun Q Q fonitwith mmply'witti such provisions unhis permit shall be deemed revoked. 1 .r )( '.'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ' -"''`" - 'I1 1 "'•' 1 hereby ano Jut there is a con n I A -g agency(o th peRomuanc eokf - hch thisParma (S issued c 409] Ct C) te /N LensN s � z Lch J 4 Add. ;s _ t L V �, 1 can fy[ha I have read th a xppl cm on and stoic that[he above information is eomn.;l agme to comply�+vi,h oil city and gionty ordinances and state Ivws misting f.1 m h IJ g m ci n a J h by uth n[ repremoolflors.hh rhe b m d p p ty f m Pure s _ city enter nmr upon (W lag em indemnify and keep hamless the Cityodf Cupemno against (Z) liabilities.Pdg a u,ImmJ expenses which � may in any way ac<sue against said V.z ci[Ym< q ee of theg in of 0apermn ' Pf ICAN'T,L c AND IViLL COMPLY WITH ALr UON'FOYNT ay h d Rc Ikt: m ,pi's ,t�l. . Issued by: ' Date Signat pp fiilr mcantractor "' ;Y:. / -, ",Daze. Re-roofs ,• HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE 01 [urc.11 Fatan pat furor handle huallous ten[nal Type of Roof esJfined bthe Cuen Mail is pa J Chpmr 91 and theH,lth JSfr, ' on Code Sectio 25$7t a) r u o f b a I Y f i• 7 I «.i' ( i',syl ra i.r .. . , ❑Yes U. r ✓ - n - u, All roofs shall be inspected prior_to any rooffng,matenal,being instilled , t W Rtheapplicanto future bWildingoccupantuseintuitional rdevices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspecnori,'I agree to remove emit hazardous en t nms (s d d by the Bay A'e Ail Quality Management District? all new-mateilials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply,with_ alCnon-point sourceYe ulanons I h Health &Safety hazardous e iopals ray rremenu under Chapter omte of the if theOrnia Health s of Code,have am mount, that t itis and 25574 1 of to of that "t the mg,m not currently whiCvea mnbe met priosmymsponsiofa to notify the occup'ani[o ere vire s whi<h'mui[h me[pnono issuance o(p Cenifcate of ' - i. t - Signature of Applicant _. .-,_ -- Date _ o rat, .ee,get - i., ^pats; f All roof coverings to be Class B"or better -- __. ._ .•_:. . . -OFFICE. . .