00050110 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOWINFORMATION: �0S Q 1 ' [;BUILDINFA�DDR�S: _ l1l����f�O �U /1USANITARY NO. APPLI ATION SUBMITTALDATf R'S NAME: { r- C7O C, Our ��^' VVCC WC CONTRDLN IONZ: o ^ ❑ a.Sa" 6 a r CHITECT/ENGINEER BULDING PERMIT INFO e7 �oo on it I_H i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby anwn Nl am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 koonrnc.ing Job Description Vi<m(:uCi with S.d 7")aDivision3ofthe BusirmssnM fusions Cog mylicenwis Y x I� in hull force aad ellen. ^^ s Lice se Clan Lic.• �Q- ( T ( QO( e �W,,..dtlIYel 3 LL Dam Conu.cwr LLC ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION g 1 understand my plans shall W used as public recons lee Li4meed Profeniavl OWNER-BUB.DER DECLARATION I-Z m a 1 hereby anion deal 1 aexempt from Nm e Contrtors Limmm law for the i �M< following...(Senior 7031.5,Business mad Profmiona Cude:Any city.wunty w_m which rtu's wto qa permit emnwcor et.al ,improve.demolish,or repair any awcmre 1322 pride tolOissuance,ales,"tures thea applicant fWmettpewitmfileaSigned NtLment Sy. FL Floor Area I G Valuation ��Coa That he is liccmed pnuanuo the provisions of the CommutatorsLianas law(Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70001m Division Sof Oe,BRSIK,dust Profenioru Cral an APN Number Occupancy T g that he is exempt therefrom and the batia for the alleged exemption.Any violation a �I P Y YP `_ -s Section 7031.5 by any applicant f.a pewit subjects the applicant m a civil penalty of L 645 Itl` o I I pof more than five hundred dollar(5500). I,n ewnm erthe preprty,err mr employees with w.get,weir ante emmpmadon, Required Inspections will dothe work,and he swnure imor interned eroRer d for We(S«.004,1.Business and Nvfeavem Code:The Committee's Licene,law docs mer apply Is,an ovncr of property who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or though his own employ.,,provided Ws such improvememta art nm inmMed a offered for We.If,however,the building or improvement is auto within one yearof complasion,the owner, Ihim will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild.,improve fw pr- I'ae o a.). of the propenY•am<xdusivdY conmmtin8 with licensed wnmicton to cenmosthe project(S«. Business and Professions CodcJ Tim Convmmi s Li- ses LaLk w docs min apply r..m of property who Wilds imptovta th«enn,and who contracts for such proj«ss with a a contractor(s)licensed pesrsumuu Ne Contractor 1 law. 01 actprtuMcr s«. .B&Pero this Ow n Dem Qe 1004'e/ WORKSIIII. COMPENSATION DECLARATION O 1 hereby anrm a sed'mf perjury one of the following declasatiom: ]In.as aM will maintaineCion 37 m of the La for Workdace of the V ,tion,as provided for mi Section 3900 of the Labor Codc,fmr the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑I have aM will onde,for y, divce,Compnwip work which h re,his m d i Section My stinthe.C.Code,for Ne pertwmance of the work for which Nis pewit is issued. Ca Wwters Compawtiw insuwme carrier add Policy number art: Ceman Policy CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROO M WORKERS' COMPENSATIONTIONINSURANCE This section need not be cnmPlnM if the pewit is fwone M1urstrtd dollua 15100) .ku.1 (certify that in the performance of the work Ode which this permit is issued,ishan not employ my person in any manner m as m become subject to the Wmhcrn'Comprn- Ap Applicants laws o(Cdifmmia.Due NOTICE TO NOTICE'ro APPLICANT:IL Cmrnutting this Cmit.ofth Utter Case, wuM1mot asuld home h compel o it Workers o Compeor this provisions of the labor Cade,. must fuMwith comply with such provision or this pewit shall be d«uoest revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY p I hereby affirm thin then is a conswcuon lending agency for performance of z the work for which this Famous is issued(See 3097.Civ.C.) 2 Ew Leaders Name Undeh Address GilE I certify that 1 have read Thu applicmion and awe tMr the above infomution is a, z correct.I agme to comply with all city and scurvy cedinmcea and state law,relating ro Z. building conswction,and hereby anchorite representatives of this city to enter upon the U above-menrienr4 property for mapcctiom purpous. ri. rr (We)agem m save,indemnify and keep hawlen the City of Cupertino against O U Iiabilmasjudgments.cosDasM expenses which may in my way su meagamt said City in consequence of the grmling of this pewit [-� d APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WI I ALI.NUNIroINT SOURCE RI:GUI.ATIONS. � z $I,..of A,IicmuComtutm Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building excupm store whmNc haraamus...end Re-roofs O as dermcd by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Heilth and Safety Type of Roof Code,Section 25532Q)0 YP B ❑Yes XNo Will the applicant or fumrt building meander use equipment or devices which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being amt n ora dreonw imentaasdefinedbydbeBayAreaAtiwdilyManagement installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection Diamkr9 I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant . ❑Y. �#m Ih..re.d Nelwardw,mamrWartgminm.Ia ender Chapter 6.95 mfNe Cali- building understands and will comply with all non point source regulations. fomite Health o safety Code.S«timu 25505,25533 tad 2553,1.I padmuad that if the building d.x nw currently M1evc a tenant.Nar it is my rtxponxibility in notify thea wcupnt of the mluvemmu which m,.i W met perch to issuance of a Cenilicete of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owner or awhonaed agent Dam All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better OFFICE