CC Resolution No. 5048 ~ ~ • II RESOLUTION N0. 5048 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ESTABLISHING SCHEDULES OF PAY GRADES AND COMPENSATION CHANGES FOR VARIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS, POSITIONS AND E.~fPLOYEE UNITS ~ WHEREAS, the requiremen[s of the California Government Code have been i ~ met as they pertain to meet and confer with employee units, and WHEREAS, compensation changes for 1979-80 have been presented to and - approved by the City Council for both represented and unrepresented employee units; and WHEREAS, the pay plan of the personnel code requires that schedules of pay grades and other wage and salary schedules be prepared and approved by the City Council to effec[ wage and salary changes; :TOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thae the following attachments hereby made part of this resolution be approved and adopted to be effective July 4, 1979: Attachment A, Schedule of Pay Grades, Confidential Positions Attachment B, Schedule of Pay Grades, Miscellaneous Employees IInit Attachment C, Schedule of Pay Grades, Management Classifica[ions Attachment D, Salary Schedule "B" (Exempt Classes) BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED [hat the Employer will contribute $1.06 per 5100 of payroll per month toward long term disability insurance premium for regular, full-time employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City will contribute $100 per month towards a health benefit program for all permanently au[horized positions within the "Siscellaneous Employees Unit, the Managemen[ Employees Unit, the Confidential Employees Unit, Department Heads and the City Manager. PASSED AIVD ADOPTED a[ a regular meeting of the Ci[y Council of the City of Cupertino this 2nd day of July , 1979, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Jackaon, 0'Keefe, Rogera, Sparka, Pfeyera NOES: I7one ABSENT: None ABST.IIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: . r,/~_... . ~ r.~~~ !-~c._ ~•~_t~L_' G.~ City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino ~ ~ ~ ~ SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES At[achment A CONFIDEIVT7AI. POSITIONS Resolution ;Io. 5048 EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 ~ Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 :Saximum • 1-C Week S 157.80 S 165.68 S 173.96 $ 191.36 . Month 683.80 717.95 753.83 829.23 ~ Hour 3.945 4.142 4.349 4.784 i 2-C Week 161.76 169.84 178.32 196.16 - *Sonth 700.96 735.97 772.72 850.03 ; Hour 4.044 4.246 4.458 4.904 ' 3-C Week 165.80 174.08 182.80 201.08 Month 718.47 754.35 792.13 871.35 I Hour 4.145 4.352 4.570 5.027 i 4-C Week 169.96 178.44 187.36 206.08 Month 736.49 773.24 811.89 893.01 ~ Hour 4.249 4.461 4.684 5.152 ~ 5-C Week 174.20 182.92 192.08 211.28 ~ Month 754.87 792.65 832.35 915.~5 Hour 4.355 4.573 4.802 ~•Z$< ~ 6-C Week 178.56 187.48 196.84 216.~2 Month 773.76 812.41 852.97 938.25 ' Hour 4.464 4.687 4.921 5.413 7-C Week 183.04 192.20 201.80 222•00 ' Konth 793.17 832.87 874.47 962.00 Hour 4.576 4.805 5.045 5.550 ' 8-C Week 187.60 19~.00 206.84 22J.52 ' Month 812.93 853.6) 896.31 985.92 Hour 4.690 4.925 5.171 5.688 9-C Week 192.28 201.88 211.96 233.16 Month 833.21 874.81 918.49 1010.36 Hour 4.807 5.041 5.299 5•829 10-C Week 197.08 206.92 217.28 239.00 Month 8~4.01 896.65 941.55 1C35.67 Houz 4.927 5.173 5.432 5.975 11-C Week 202.00 212.12 222.i2 Konth 875.33 919.19 965.12 1061.6i Hour S.O50 ~.303 5.568 6.125 _ , ~ • SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS F.PFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 Pay Crade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 12-C Week $ 207.04 S 217.40 $ 228.28 $ 251.12 Month 897.17 942.07 989.21 1088.19 Hour 5.176 5.435 5.707 6.278 13-C Week 212.20 222.80 233.96 257.36 Month 919.53 965.41 1013.83 1115.23 Hour 5.305 5.570 5.849 6.434 14-C Week 217.52 228.40 239.84 263.84 :fonth 942.59 989.73 1039.31 1143.31 Hour 5.438 5.710 5.996 6.596 15-C Week 222.96 234.12 245.84 270.44 Moath 966.16 1014.52 1065.31 1171.91 Hour 5.5~4 5.853 6.146 6.761 lo-C Week 223.~2 239.96 251.96 277.16 Month 990.25 1039.83 1091.83 1201.03 Hour 5.713 5.999 6.299 6.929 17-C Week 234.24 245.96 258.24 284.08 Month 1015.04 1065.83 1119.04 1231.01 Hour 5.856 6.149 6.456 7.102 18-C Week 240.08 252.08 264.68 291.16 Month 1040.35 1092.35 1146.95 1261.69 Hour 6.002 6.302 6.617 7.279 19-C Week 246.08 258.G0 271.32 298.45 .ionth 1066.35 1119.73 1175.12 1293.24 Hour 6.152 6.460 6.783 7.461 20-C Week 252.24 264.84 278.08 305.88 Month 1093.04 1147.64 1205.01 1325.43 Hour 5.306 6.621 6.952 7.647 Z1-C Week 258.56 271.48 285.04 313.~6 Month 1120.~3 1176.41 1235.17 1358.76 Hour 6.564 6.787 7.126 i.839 22-C Week 26~.04 278.28 292.20 321.a4 Month 1148.51 1205.88 1266.20 139~.91 Hour 6.626 6.957 7.305 8.036 , • ~ SCHEDULE OF PAY G&1DES . CONFIDENT711I. POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 P_~ Grade Ste~l Step Z Step 3 Maximum 23-C Week S 271.68 S 285.28 $ 299.56 $?29.52 Month 1:77.28 1236.21 1298.09 1427.92 Hour 6.792 7.132 7.489 8.238 24-C heek 278.48 292.40 307.04 337.76 ~fonth 1206.75 1267.07 1330.51 1463.63 Houz 6.962 7.310 7.676 8.444 • ~ SC'dE7QLF. OF P?.Y GB.~,DES Attachment B MISCII.LANEOUS II~LOYEES UNZT Rea. No. 5048 &~FECTIDE JLZY 4, 1979 Pav Grade Sten 1 Sceo 2 Sceo 3 w.as~xua 1-B Week S 157.80 $ 165.68 S 173.96 S 191.36 :Sonth 683.80 717.95 753.83 829.23 Hour 3.945 4.142 4.349 4.784 2-B Week 161.i6 169.84 178.32 146.16 :Son~h 700.96 735.97 772.72 850.03 Hour 4.044 4.24b 4.4'S8 5.904 3-B +1eek 165.80 174.08 182.80 201.08 uoath 718.47 754.35 792.13 871.35 Hour 4.145 4.352 4.570 5.027 4-B Week 169.96 178.44 187.36 206.08 :Sonth 73b.49 773.24 811.89 893.01 Hour 4.249 4.461 4.684 5.152 S-B '~ee1c 114.20 182.92 192.08 211.28 :!onth 754.87 792.65 832.35 915.5~ Hour 4.35~ 4.Si3 4.802 ~.282 6-B 'deek 178.56 187.48 196.84 210.~2 '!onth 773.76 812.41 852.97 938.25 Hour 4.464 4.687 4.921 5.µ13 7-B '~Teek 183.04 192.20 201.80 223.00 :4onth 793.17 832.87 874.47 962.00 Hour ~.575 4.805 5.045 5.5:0 8-B '~eek 187.60 19i.00 206.84 22?.:? Konth 812.93 853.67 996.31 98~.?2 ' Hour 4.690 4.925 5.171 ~.688 9-B ~eek 192.28 201.88 211.96 233.16 :4onth 833.21 874,81 918.49 1010.36 Hour 4.807 5.04i 5.299 ~.829 10-8 aeek 19i.08 206.?2 21i.28 239.OQ :!onth 85~.01 896.65 9~1.5~ i035.oi 3our 4.927 5.173 5.~32 L1-B ~eeic 202.00 212.12 Z22.i2 2~:.00 :!onth 875.33 919.19 ?65.12 I05~.51 Hour 5.0:a 5.303 ~.568 fi.l?S . • ~ SCHIDULE OF PAY GRaDES MISCELLI.`1EOUS II~LOYEES UNIT EFFECTZVE JULY 4, 1979 Pav Grade Step 1 Sten 2 Stec 3 ;iaxim~ 12- B Week $ 207 .04 S 217.40 $ 228. 28 $ 251.12 Month 897.17 942.07 989.21 1088.19 Hour 5.176 5.435 5.707 6.2i8 ~ 13-B Week 212.20 222.80 233.96 257.36 ;Sonth 919.53 965.47 1013.83 1115.23 Hour 5.305 5.570 5.849 6.434 14-8 Week 217.52 228.40 239.84 263.84 Month 942.59 989.73 1039.31 1143.31 Hour 5.438 5.710 5.996 6.596 15-B Week 222.96 234.12 245.84 270.44 Month 966.16 1014.52 1065.31 1171.91 Hour 5.574 5.853 6.156 6.761 lo-B Wee!c 228.~2 239.96 251.96 2i7.16 *!onth 990.25 1039.83 1091.83 1201.03 Haur 5.713 5.999 6.299 6.929 17-B Week 234.24 245.96 258.24 284.08 Month 1015.0~ 1065.83 1119.04 1231.Q1 Hour 5.856 6.149 6.456 7.102 19-B Week 240.08 252.08 264.68 291.16 ' Konth 1040.35 1092.35 11+6.95 .161.b9 Hour 6.002 6.302 6.617 I.Z;? 19- B Week 246.08 258.40 271.32 298.w4 Konth 1066.35 1119.73 1115.12 1293.24 Hour 6.152 6.460 6.753 7.461 20- B Week 252.24 264.84 278.08 305.88 *Sonth 1093.04 1147.64 1205.01 1325.48 Hour 6.306 6.621 6.952 1.647 :1- B Week 258.56 271.48 285.04 313.~b ~Sonth 1120.43 117b.41 1235.17 1353.70 Hour 6.464 6.78i i.126 7.939 22- B Week 265.04 278.28 292.20 321.:+4 ~fonth 1148.5I 1205.88 1266.20 i39?.91 fiour 6.626 6.957 i.305 3.036 ~ . SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES MZSCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE NLY 4, 1979 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 23-B Week $ 271.68 $ 285.28 S 299.56 $ 329.52 Month 1177.28 1236.21 1298.09 1427.92 Hour 6.792 7.132 7.489 8.238 24-B Week 278.48 292.40 307.04 337.76 Month 1206.75 1267.07 1330.51 1463.63 Hour 6.962 7.310 7.676 8.444 25-B Week 285.44 299.72 314.72 346.20 Month 1236.91 1298.79 1363.79 1500.20 Hour 7.136 7.493 7.Sb8 8.655 26-B Week 292.56 307.20 322.56 354.80 Month 1267.76 1331.20 1397.76 1537.47 Hour 7.314 7.680 8.064 8.870 27-B Week 299.88 314.88 330.64 363.72 Konth 1299.48 1364.48 1432.77 1576.12 Hour 7.497 7.872 8.266 9.093 28-B Gleek 307.36 322.72 338.84 372.72 :Sonth 1331.89 1398.45 1468.31 1615.12 Hour 7.684 8.068 8.471 9.318 29-8 Week 315.04 330.80 347.36 382.08 ;fonth 1365.17 1433.47 1505.23 165.i.68 Hour 7.876 8.270 8.684 9.552 30-B Week 322.92 339.08 356.04 391.64 :Sonth 1399.32 1469.35 1542.84 1697.11 Hour 8.073 8.47~ 8.901 9.791 31-B Week 331.00 347.56 364.92 401.40 .Sonth 1434.33 1506.09 1581.32 1739.40 Hour 8.275 8.689 9.123 10.035 32-B Week 339.28 356.24 374.04 411.44 ~Sonth 1470.21 1543.71 1620.84 1782.91 Eiour 8.482 8.906 9.351 10.286 33-B Week 347.76 36~.16 383.40 421.76 ?tonth 1506.96 1582.36 1661.40 1827.63 Hour 8.694 9.129 9.585 10.541 ~ , SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES MISCELLANEOUS II`~LOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 Pav Grade Step 1 Step Z Step 3 Masimum 34-B Week $ 356.44 $ 374.28 $ 393.00 $ 432.32 Month 1544.57 1621.88 1703.00 1873.39 Hour 8.911 9.357 9.825 10.808 35-B Week 365.36 383.64 402.84 443.12 Month 1583.23 1662.44 1745.64 1920.19 Aour 9.134 9.591 10.071 11.078 36-B Week 374.48 393.20 412.88 454.16 ~fonth 1622.75 1703.87 1789.15 1968.03 Hour 9.362 9.830 10.322 11.354 37-B Week 383.84 403.04 423.20 465.52 Month 1663.31 1746.51 1833.87 2017.25 Hour 9.596 10.076 10.580 11.638 38-B Week 393.44 413.12 433.76 477.12 *Sonth 1704.91 1790.19 1879.63 2067.52 Hour 9.836 10.328 10.844 11.928 39-B Week 403.28 423.44 444.60 489.08 :Sonth 1747.55 1834.91 1926.60 2119.35 Hour 10.082 10.586 11.115 12.227 40-B Week 413.36 434.04 455.76 501.32 :Sonth 1791.23 1880.84 1974.96 2172.39 Hour 10.334 10.851 11.394 12.~33 41-B Week 423.68 444.88 467.12 513.84 ~lonth 1835.95 1927.81 2024.19 2226.64 Eour 10.592 11.122 11.678 12.846 42-B Week 434.28 456.00 478.80 526.68 Month 1881.88 1976.00 2074.80 2282.28 Hour 10.857 11.400 11.970 13.167 43-B Week 445.12 467.36 G90.72 539.90 Month 1928.85 2025.23 2126.45 2339.13 Hour 11.128 11.684 12.268 13.49~ 44-B Week 456.24 4J9.04 503.00 553.32 :ionth 1977.04 2075.84 2179.67 2397.iZ 8our 11.406 11.976 • 12.575 13.333 . • ~ SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES Attachment C MANAGEMENT POSITIONS Res. No. 5048 EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 Pav Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 :laximum 25-D Week $ 286.16 $ 300.48 $ 315.52 $ 347.08 Month 1240.03 1302.08 1367.25 1504.01 Hour 7.154 7.512 7.888 8.677 ~ 26-D Week 293.32 308.00 323.40 355.16 Mnnth 1271.05 1334.67 1401.40 1541.63 . Hour 7.333 7.700 8.085 8.894 27-D Week 300.64 315.68 331.48 364.64 Alonth 1302.77 1367.95 1456.41 1580.11 Hour 7.516 7.892 8.287 9.116 28-D Week 308.16 323.56 339.72 373.68 Month 1335.36 1402.09 1472.12 1619.28 Hour 7.704 8.089 8.493 9.342 29-D Week 315.88 331.68 348.28 383.12 Month 1368.81 1437.28 1509.21 166d.i9 Hour 7.897 8.292 8.707 9.57g 30-D Week 323.76 339.96 356.96 392.64 Month 1402.96 1473.16 1546.83 1701.44 Hour 8.094 8.499 8.924 9.816 31-D Week 331.84 348.44 365.88 402.48 Month 1437.97 1509.91 1585.48 1744.08 Hour 8.296 8.711 9.147 10.062 32-D Week 340.12 357.12 374.96 412.44 Month 1473.85 1547.52 1624.83 1J87.24 Hour 8.503 8.928 9.374 10.311 33-D Week 348.64 366.08 384.40 422.84 Month 1510.77 1586.35 1665.73 1832.31 Hour 8.116 9.152 9.610 10.571 34-D Week 357.36 375.24 394.00 433.40 Month 1548.56 1626.04 1707.33 1878.Oi Hour 8.934 9.381 9.850 10.835 35-D Week 366.28 384.60 403.84 444.?4 Month 1587.21 1666.60 1749.97 1925.04 Hour 9.157 9.615 10.096 11.106 • e SCfiEDULE OF PAY GRADES MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1979 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 36-D Week S 375.44 S 394.20 $ 413.92 $ 455.32 Month 1626.91 1708.20 1793.65 1973.05 Hour 9.386 9.855 10.348 11.383 37-D Week 384.84 404.08 424.28 466.72 Month 1667.64 1751.01 1838.55 2022.45 . Hour 9.621 10.102 10.607 11.668 38-D Week 394.48 414.20 434.92 478.40 Month 1709.41 1794.87 1884.65 2073.07 Hour 9.862 10.355 10.873 11.960 39-D Week 404.36 424.56 445.80 490.40 Month 1752.23 1839.76 1931.80 2125.07 Hour 10.109 10.614 11.145 12.260 40-D Week 414.48 435.20 456.96 502.64 Month 1796.08 1885.81 1980.16 2178.11 Hour 10.362 10.880 11.424 12.566 41-D Week 424.84 446.08 468.40 515.24 Month 1840.97 1933.01 2029.73 2232.71 Hour 10.621 11.152 11.710 12.881 42-D Week 435.48 457.24 480.12 528.12 Month 1887.08 1981.37 2080.52 2288.52 Hour 10.887 11.431 12.003 13.203 43-D Week 446.36 468.68 492.12 541.32 Month 1934.23 2030.95 2132.52 2345.12 Hour 11.159 11.717 12.303 13.533 44-D Week 457.52 480.40 504.44 554.88 Month 1982.59 2081.73 2185.91 2404.48 Hour 11.438 12.010 12.611 13.872 ` ~ CITY OF CUPERTL`IO • SaI..~RY SCHEDULE B Attachment D Efiective July 4, 1979 Res. :70. 5048 The salaries, wages or races of pay for intermittenc, part-time employees shall be as set forth below; provided, however, that such may hereafter be established or changed hy the Appointing auChority as permitted by the Pay Plan. a.l.l rates so indicated shall be on an hourly basis unless otherwise specified. Pos ition Title Rate of Pay/Hour Intern $2.90 - $3.50 (Range) . Building dttendant 2.90 - 3.75 (Range) Clerk 3.50 (Flat) Crossing Guard 3.50 (Flat) Ranger 2.90 (Flat) Recreation aide 2.40 (Flat) Recreation Leader 3.05 - 3.20 - 3.35 - 3.~0 Recreation Instructor and 3.00 - 3.25 - 3.50 - 3.7i - Recreation Speclalis[ 4.00 - 4.25 - 4.50 - 4.75 - 5.00 - 5.25 - 5.50 - 5.75 - 6.00 - 6.:5 - 6.50 - 6.75 - J.00 - 7.25 - 7.50 - 7.75 - 5.00 - 8.25 - 8.50 - 8.75 - 9.00 - 9.25 - 9.SQ - 9.75 - 10.00 Percentage Rate 702 of participant fees SOZ of participant fees 90X of participant fees Flat Rate a specified weekly or mon[hly sum for the performance of service which are determined in advance of such service and approved by the appoincing ~uthority. Senior Ranger 3.15 (Flat) Senior Recreation Leader 3.60 - 3.75 - 3.90 - 4.05 - 4.20 Traific Councer 2.90 (Flat) Vocational Intern 2.90 (Flat)