CC Resolution No. 5006 ~ ~ RESOLL'TIOV V0. ~006 A RESOLCTIO.I Or TY.E CITY COL?rCIL OF TR:E CITl OF CL~cRTIVO ~lE\DI`iG iHE SCHEDCZE OF REI~fBURSE:IE:I: RaTE FOR PERSONaL ~ USE OF VEHICLES 0:! CITY BCSIVLSS k'HEREAS, [he City Counc+_1 wished to fa:rl~ comoensate individuals ior ~ the use of personal vehicles on City bus'_ness; and WHEREaS, the a11 U:ban Consumers Private Transportation index is a~air reflec[ion oE the cest o[ operating a c~oto: vehicle in the San Francisce-Oakland 3av ,~rea. VOW, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~cD that the City Council amends the Rulas on Conditions of Employ~ent, Section 10.1, to read as :ollows: Employees who occasionally are required to use their nersonal vehicles ior City business shall be rei~bursed for such use at an appropriate rate to be deternined by a schedule adopted by the Cit~ Coun.il. Submission of a request for reiaburseaen[ nust be approved by the deparcmeac head. 'caployees, other taan depar[ment heads who are required to use thelr persena~ vehicle Lor City business on a recurring and uften basis shall, with the approval of the City P(anager be teinoursed a[ the zate ef .ifty dollars (S50) per zonth for :he given number o.° ailes to be determined by a schedule adopted by the Cic~~ Council and at the established rate per mile [or each mile in escess oi the aiorementioned nileage reimbursement of S50.40. Employees other than deoart~ent heads who ~aere nired prior to :larch 3^_ 19~3 and who are reimbursed for the use of their personal vehicle for Ci[v DUS~:1253 at the rate of seventy-five ~ollars (S75) per mon~h ~or such use shall continue to receive said reiaburseWent withou[ the requirement of reporting a record of ~ileage incurred on City business. The e:tcept!on [o chis paragraph sha11 be the 3uilding OTficial who shail be reimbuzsed at a rate of seventy-five dollars (Si5) ~er aont:~. P~SSID ,~.~D ADOP:ED at a regular meeting of the Ci[y Council of the Citti• or Cupertino chis 24th da}• oz `lay , l9io, yv the following vo[e: Vo[e Dlembers of the Ci[v Council :1'iES: Jackson, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks, }!eyers SOES: tione :~3Sc~T: ~'one ~wST.~I~: vone ~;~rrc; ; j1PPR0~ cD: - n ^ " ~~~1~~,,.~~~~ C,-~~~~~ ~r ~ o-~ :e~ut? ~i[v Clark htayor, City of Cuper~ ao ~ ~ Attachment Res. No. 5006 ~ Schedule for Vehicle Mileage Relmbursement I Consumer Price Index Vehicle Cost No. of Miles/?ionth Private Transportation Per Mile for $50 Reimbursement 170.4 15.7C 300 173.6 16.0 300 179.1 16.5 300 184.5 17.0 300 190.0 17.5 300 195.3 18.0 275 200.7 18.5 250 i, 206.2 19.0 250 ' 211.6 19.5 250 217.1 20.0 250 221.5 20.5 225 ' 228.0 21.0 225 233.3 21.5 225 238.7 22.0 225 244.2 22.5 200 249.6 23.0 200 255.1 23.5 200 260.5 24.0 200 266.0 24.5 200 271.3 25.0 200