CC Resolution No. 4996 • ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 4996 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AI~D NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF EASENIENTS IN, OVER, ' UPON AND ACROSS REAL PROPERTY FOR ROADWAY PUR- POSES AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS A.ND DIREC- TING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN AND DECLARA- TORY RELIEF PROCEEDINGS RECITALS: (a) The City Council of the City of Cupertino, on April 18, 1979, pursuant to the requirements of the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1245.235, caused to be sent by first-class mail to each person whose property is to be acquired by eminent domain, (as hereinafter des- cribed) and whose name and address appears on the last equalized county assessment roll, notice and a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1240.030. (b} On May 7, 1979, and prior to the adoption of this resolution, the City Council of the City of Cupertino held a hearing at which all persons, described in paragraph a) above, were afforded an opportunity to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1240.030; and, c) The following persons appeared and were heard at said hearing: ~ ~ Name Address Mr Robe S~xe. At*_orn@y 22303 R~nart Ro~d,~C~pertinu. CA .Io-Ann Ghulson 22125 Reenart Road. Cuoertino, CA • Ann Vosovic 534 Flannerv Street, Santa Clara, CA John Olson Mid Peninsula Open Suace Distric[ 745 Dietell Drive, Los Altos, ' CA Jerry Merkelo 11119 Sutherland. Cunertino. CA Robert and Kachy Nellis 22322 ReRnart Road, Cupertino, CA Ellis Jacobs 22051 ReQnart Road. Cuaertino, CA RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, that it finds and determines and hereby declares that the public interest and necessity require the acqui- sition, construction and completion by the City of Cupertino, of a public improvement, namely, the widening of a portion of a road known as Regnart Road, to be used for roadway purposes and other public improvements in, over, upon and across those certain parcels of real property described in Exhibit "A" (plats of which are on file with the City Clerk, and also the Director of Public Works, of the City of Cupertino, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 94015), which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; that the use to which said acquisition in, over, upon and across all of said parcels of real property is to be applied is for such roadway purposes, and other public improvements, and such use is a public use authorized by law; that the acquisition of easements in, over, upon and across all of said parcels of real property is necessary to and for such public use; and that the taking of such easements in, over, upon and across all of said parcels of real property is necessary to and for such public use, and that proposed -2- • s widening of said roadway is planned and located in a manner which will be the most compatible with the greatest public ~ good and the least private injury; the City of Cupertino is , authorized by Section 37350.5 of the Government Code to acquire said property by eminent domain. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino acquire by condemnation, easements in, upon, over and across said parcels of real property in accordance with the provi- sions of the law relating to eminent domain for the uses and purposes hereinabove set forth; and that the City further seeks declaratory relief from a court of competent jurisdic- tion declaring that Regnart Road, or portions thereof, to be a public roadway. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that David H. Adams, City Attorney, be and he is hereby directed, required and empowered to institute, maintain, and prosecute, in the name of the City of Cupertino, proceedings in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, for the condemnation of easements in, upon, over and across said parcels of real property for roadway purposes and other public improvements and to take all steps necessary for the condemnation of such parcels of real property in the name of the City of Cupertino, and for an order permitting said City to take immediate possession and use of said parcels of real property, to make such deposit or deposits of such securities in such amount or amounts so fixed and determined -3- ~ ~ and in such manner as said court in which the condemnation proceeding herein authorized are pending may direct; and, as ` a further portion of said litigation, to institute and prose- cute an action for declaratory relief seeking said court's determination that all, or portions, of Regnart Road be determined to be a public roadway. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, this 7th day of May 1979, by the following vote: HiEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AYES: ,Iackaon, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Sparke, Meyers NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: C r ~ 1' ~ c ~ r~- . MAYOR, City of Cupet no ATTES~. ,i ' ~ i,~ i• =f?-`L y ` . City C er, -4- ~ 7185 • • I~chru:ir.• lo, 197!1 ~ ~ I'Altl:t{i, t L - I.ANUS l)I~ h'IZI t~ll'I' ~ UE5CRI1'7'ION Ot~ LANU CU BG ACllUlltlill I~UIZ IZLGNAIZI' ROA11 It/IV ~\I1 that ccrl,iin ~iarccl of lan~l situ,~tc in thc c:itti~ of Cupcrtino, County ot Santa Clara, StaCC of California clescribccl as follows: IicF,inning at thc Northcastcrly con~cr of tliat ccrt:iin 7.d70 :icrc i~:irccl ot land on the ccn[crlinc of a 20 Cout i~-idc Ri~;ht of Itlay as saicl p.irccl :ulcl Ri~~ of IY:i~~ are shoian on that Itcrord of 5urvcy fi led in I~ook 131 of ~iaps at pagc 36, Santa Claru County Itecor~s; 1'hencc from saiJ point of bc~;inning alon~ chc ccntcrlinc of ~ai~ lU foot i~icle f2ibht of l~'ay Sou[h 22°45' lti'est 60.35 fcct an~l Soutl~ 12°53' IVest GG.70 feet; Thence leavin~ saicl centerline South 18°56'Od" IVes[ b7.d5 feet; Thence on c~ t;~n~;ent curve to thr ri};ht ~Jith a raelius of 1814 feet tlirough a central anglc ol 4°27'40" an arc distaiicc ot 141.24 fcet; Thence North 77°48'30" lVest 28.55 feet; 'Phence on a cur~~e tn the ]eft a~ith a r;icliu~ of 17Yt~ Ieee Crom a t.~n~;enY that bcars North 23°3d'2•1" f:ast throu~l~ a ccntral an~;lc ol 4°38'20" an arc clis- tancc of 144.b0 Ccct; ~ 1'hencc North 18°56'Od" Last 82.t19 Cect; 7'hencc on a tan~;ent rurve to thc Icft with ,i r.i~liu~ of Iltlt, Ccct through ccntral anblc of 3°50' :~n .ii•c Jis[cuicc ol b7.!~3 lcct to ri point of reti•crsc curvc; Tlicnrc on a rc~~~•rr:i~ riirvc t~~ th~~ ri~~l~t with ;i rn~li~i~: nf 1Z4 fcct throu~h a ccnlral an~lc oC 19°ZZ' ;~n arr Jistancc of ~il.9l fcct; 'fhrncc South 75°00'~l" i:;ist 23.1)G fcet to thc ~~oint of hc~;inning. Containing 898.;.4 ti~~u:irc I~cct of Arca. EXHIBIT "A" p.l ~ Joh No. 71R5 I~ebruary ld, 1979 Parccl No. 9- Lancls of Gholson UliSCItIYTIUN OF LANU 7'0 BG ACQUIRGU fOR kG(~NAR'I' KOAU R/IV i~11 that crrtain ~,arccl of lancl situatc in thc ('ity of Cu~~ertino, County oC Santa Clara, Statc of Califot•nia, clcscribccl as follows: I?c~;innin~; at 2 3/d" iron ~~i~~c :it tl~c most liastcrl~• corncr oC that ~ertain 9.97 acre Yract r~f lnncl descrihecl in thr I~eecl from Roy i~'cirhauser to Tc~l it. Rrush, ct u~, rrcor~lc~i in Rouk .i81)2 of Official Recorcls, ~i;iF;c IGO, Santa Clara County Rccords, sai~l ~~oint hcing also thc L'astcrnmost corncr oC that ccrtain 2,5 acrc ~,,irccl of land shown u~~on that Itecord of tiurvcy filc~l in Rook 131 0l ~in~~s ,it papc 36, Santa Clnra County Recorcl~; sai~ point being on the ~enterline of a 20 too[ ~~~iJc right-oE-way; Thcncc (~~~~ii s:iiJ ~~oint of' hc~innin}; ;ilon~; tl~c ccntrrl inc of saicl 20 foot wiclc ri~;ht-of-wc~~• tioutl~ 5~~° 17' IVcsl 118.38 I~cct, 5outh 4J°31' IVest 63.26 fcet anel South 3b°15' lti'cst 29.34 Cect; 'I'hencc leavin~; saicl centcrlinc North 75°00'2l" I~'cst 21.70 [eet; 1'hcncc on ,i curvc t~~ thc ri~ht a~ith ;i ra~lius ol~ lZd Icct from a tan~;ent that bcars North d4°.ti8'31" i'.;i~t tl~rou~;h n ccntr~il anglc of 2°57'34" an arc ~istancc oC b.41 fcct; Thencc North 47°3b'Od" Gast ?.95 fcct; fhenrr on ,i t;in~:i~nt iurvr tn tlic I~•ft ~~ith a r;i~liu~ uf 5•!I Ccct thi•ou~;l~ ;i cctttrnl an~;lc ol A° 10' ;in ;~rc clistanrc of 311.3.1 Ccet; 7hencc North d.i°lb'Ud" li.~st Zc,.9l, I'cct; '1'hcnre on a tan~cnt curvc lo thc ri~,ht with a r;i~liu~ I IQ fcct through a central an~;le oC t5°5tl' :in at~c ~listanre oC 31.50 feet; 'I'hencc North 59°16'(1~1" Gast ~10.c,3 Icct; I'hcncc on ,i tan~;cnt rurvc fo fhc Ic~lt with ;i ra~lius ol ZAb fect throu~;h a ccntral an~;lc oC 4°28'33" ;~n :~rc distanrc of ~Z.34 fcet; 1'hrncc South c~0°55' Gast 21.13 fcct to thc POINf (ll' ISIiGiNNING. Coi~tainin~; 3777.3 sc~. i~t. oC rlrc,i. EXHIBIT "A" p.2 Job Nc,. 7185 ~ • 'February 15, 197y Parcel 35 - Lands of Learned UI:SCRIPTION OF LANll TO I3E nCQUIIt1iU FUR REGNAR'1' ROAll R/W A11 that certain parcel of land yituate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of Califoraia described as follows: I3eginning on [he centerline of a 40 foot right-of-w:ry dist~in~ Nurth A9°56'S6" West . 20 feet from a puint marked "1/16 SGC. COR." as said righc-nf-way and "1/16 SEC. COR." are shown on tha[ Record oF Survey filed in Uook 135 of Plaps at page 17, Santa Clara County Records; Thence from said point of beginning North 89°56'S6" West 6.t7 feet; Thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 109 Ceet from a tangent that bears North 51°42'29" Eas[ through a cenLral an~;le of 4°02'1)" an arc dist.~nce of 7.68 feet to the centerline of said 40 foot right-ot-way; 'Chencc along thc centerline of said 40 foot righ[-of-way South 0°13'04" West 4.55 feet to th? point of beginning. Containing 14,4 square £eet of Area. EXHIBIT "A" p.3 Fc~~ru:~ry ?li, 1'J7) . • PARCEL N0. 31 - LANDS UF PiAl10N UESCRIY'PION OF LAND 'I'0 8E: ACQUIRID 1'Olt RIGNART ROIiD it/IV All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: • Coumieneing at a one inch pipe and a stakc m:~rked "lil" at thc most northcrly corner of that certain so called 15 acre tract of land conve~•ed b~~ lv'illiam Rc~;~iart to Ptarbaret Rc~;nar•t as recorded in l~olume 350 oi' UcecJs, pa~;c 382, Records of Santa Clara County, California, sai~ point of conunencement being one of the h'esterly corners of the lands of tlerUert h'. Regnart; ' 7'hence along the ltiest line of the lancls of ilerhert Ite~;nart, horth 1°18' tYcst 497.50 fcct to a onc inch pi~~c aC thc southwcst corncr oC that ccrtain tract of land conveyed hy thc Fcderal Lancl 13;inh oC (tcrhrlcy to licnc~rt t4illiam Regnart, Jr., as recorded in L'olume 1018 of Of[icial Records, at pa~e 22; Thence along the South line of said tr,ict of 1r~nJ ronveyecl to 11crh~~rt tYilliarr~ Rebnart, Jr., North 89°34' Gast 1082.~8 feet to a onc inch iron pipe; 7'hence leaving said South line ~ncl r~~nninf; South ~1_'°Oi' lia::t 196.5~ feet to a onc inch iron ~~ii~e in thc ccntcr oC a road said ~~oint bcin~; thc TRUG POINT OF BGGINNING of this clescription; ~ Thence from sai~ 7'RUIi POIN7' OP BGGINNING along the centerline o£ a 20 foot ribht of way tlie folloiaing courses ancl ~listances: South 28°57' b'est 33.d2 (cet; South 11°3G' 1Ycst b9.10 fect; ' South 2d°57' tVest 47.84 fect; Soutli 37°59' tVc~;t 73.10 [cet; South 52°U5' iVest b3.95 £ect; ' South 41°02' ly'cst 60.9d Ccct; and South 22°U5' tYcst 47.08 fect; 'I'liencc lcaving the centcrlinc oI said 20 foot Iti~ht of h'ay North 43°48'19est 7.48 fect; Thcncc on a curt~c to thc ri~ht with n racliu5 of 184 fc•ct from a tanf~,cnt that bcai~s North 25°3~~' i:ast tlit•ou~;h a centr.~] anblc of 2°10'04" an arc ~istance of 6.96 fect to a point of revcrsc curvc; ' ' Thence on a reversc curvc to the icft with ? radius ol 186 fect th:c!igh a central anbie of 7°00' an arc distance of 22.72 fcet; Thence North 20°46'04" Gast 28.G9 fcet; '('lience on a tanLCnt riirve to the rii,hT with a r:i~ius oC 114 feet through a central angle of 30°00' an arc distance of 59.by feet; Thencc North SO°4G'0~3" Gast 32.Sb fcct; Thence on a tan~_ent curve to the icft l~ith ~ radiu~ of Z2G fect throu~;h a ccntral anblc of 3b°OU' au arc ~istancc oC 142.00 lcet; Thcncc North 14°46'04" liast 22.43 fcet; 7'henrr• oi~ a tan~;~~nt ciu~~~e to the ri~;ht t,ith a rc~diu~ of ~1~4 fect throu~;h a ccntral anblc oE 17°33'05" an arc cli5tancc of 80.87 Ccct; 1'hencc South dl°5l)'25" f:a~t 18.75 icct to thc 'fftlll'. Pt)IN1' 01~ RLG[tvNING. C~~nt;iiniit~; 1,,~~ r,; ~~u:ir~• i~~•t nf :ir,,,~ „r I~'' EXHIBIT aAn p.6 - - _ _ . , ~ , u~.:,t:~c~ ~ tvN u~ t.,lydu • ~s~. nC~,u~ ii~:u i ~~i; ici:i,Nn~c i~u ic/~c All that ccrtain parcel of lancl situ,~tc in thc Cit~~ ~~l' Cupcrtino, County of Santa Clara, State of California dcscril~ed as folloti.~s: Commcncin~ at a stakc m;ii•kc~l It5 sct in thr ~lividin~ I inr het~.ccn Srct ions Z6 ancl l7, '(ownshi~~ 7 South, Ran~;c 2 tVest ~tni~t;ri at thc tiorthcastcrl~~ corncr o[ that ccrtain tract of lnncl descrihcil in thc cicc~l Crom ltiilli.im iic~;nart to D1ar~;arct Regnart, recor~le~ in l3ook 350 of deeds, Pa~;e 382, Santa Clara Count~• Records; ThenCC lVcstcrly along thc Northerly line of land tio clc~rriheel in thc ~lecd to sai~ lic~;nart South 83°3(1' tt'est 1551.72 fcct to n stakr m:irkcJ R4, North 4]°30' IVest ZZ7.70 fect to a stake markrd It3 anel South 81°01~' lt~est 1~(~.7Z fect to a stakc markcd IZZ sct at thc Southcrnmost corncr of thrit rcrt:iin 3.57 arrc tract oC lancl elescribec] in the c]eed from It'illium kegn,~rt to '~i:iriorie Rebnart recorded in 13ook 448 of Deeds pabe 341, Santa Clara Cow~ty Itecorcls; , T'hcncc North 30°00' liast alon~; thc Southc;~stcrl~~ 1 inr ~~C saicl 3.87 acre tract of land for a Jistancc of 2G4.00 tect to a stakc markc~ Ilb; Thcncc Northwest along thc Northca~tcrly linc of ~c~i~l 3.87 acrc tract 114.47 feet to a 1/2 ineh iron pi~~e set in the Southcasterl~ c~~rner of that certain 14.h3 aci'e tract of lan~ describeJ in the clecd from ilerhert lti'. Ke~:nart Sr., et ux, to Cecil II. Mahon et ux recordecl in liook 1G~18 of Official Records, pa~;c ~b9, Santa Clara Count~~ Recor~s ~ai~l ~,oint lyini: on thc ccntcrlinc of a~ll foot Ribht of lti'ay ancl bcin~; thc 'I'IZUI: I'OlN'f 01 RLGINNI,\'(~ of this description; Thcncc Crom sai~l 'I'HUIi I'OIN"f 01~ Iif:GINNING alon~; thc ccntcrlinc of said ZO foot ribht of way thc following courses ancl ~listances: North 3~°03' L•ast 53.20 fcct; North 2~°02' Gast 86.64 Ccct; North 9°27' ~ast 8b.30 tcet; North 2Z°US' l:;~st 47.(IA icct; Nortli 41°OZ' I:ast G0.94 fcet; North 5l°05' Gast L'ast b3.f~5 fect; an~ North 37°5~1' Last d9.17 fcet; Thence leaving said centerlinc South 38°d7'14" Gast 9.73 feet; 7'hcncc on a curvc to th~• ri~:ht ~,~ith :i ra<liu~ of Z54 (cct frc~m ;i t:~n~;cnt that bcais South 3d°11']0" W'est through a ccntral anglc of 16°34'S4" a~i arc dis- tance of 73.51 fcet; Thence South 5U°~l6'Od" l~`cst 32.86 fect; Thcncc on a tan~;cnl curvc to thc lcft ~.ith a raJiu~ o( 86 fect thro~gh a cen[ral angle of 30°00'00" an arc distancc of 45.03 (ect; Thencc 5ou[h ZO°4b'OA" 1~'est 28.69 fec[; Thencc on a tan~;cnt ~ur~~c to tlic ri~,ht iYith a ra~liu~ ol LI~1 (cct thruu~;h a ccntral angle of 7°UO' an arc di~tance of 2G.14 fcet to a ~~oint of reverse Curvc; 'Hience on a r'evei•se cur~~e to the left ~Jith a ra~lius c,l~ ISI~ Ce~•t throu~;h a central an~;lc of lb°30' an arc clis[ance oC 44.J2 fcct to a point of revcrsc curve; 1'hence on a reverse curve to the ri~,ht with a ra~liu~ of 349 I~eet throubh a central anglc ot S°30' an arc ~istancc oC 33.50 fcct; 1'hcncc South 1G°4G'04^ lVcst 7.~i7 Icci; Thcncc on a tan~ent cur~~c tv thc ri~~hl ~.ith a ra~li~iti n( hl~l Icct throua;h ri central anglc o£ d°~10' an arc ~istancc of bb.3U fcrt to ;i ~~oint o( compound curvc; EXHIBIT ~~A" p.7 71h5 - 1'cbruary lb, •9 Ya~;c Z Pr\I~I:GL N0. S- LANUS 0l~ UL•S8LP1S llESCitil'TION OP LANU TU IS[i ACQUIRIiU POl2 12GGNAIt'I' IZOAU IZ/IJ Thcnce on a curvc to thc r•i~ht iaitli a radius of 214 fcet throubh a central . anble of 15°00' an arc distance of 56.03 feet; 7'hencc South 36°2ci'Od" l~'est ~7.GG fcet to the Nort6castcrly linc of said 3.37 acre tract of lanel mentioned above; Thcnce along thc Northeastcrly line of sai~ 's.87 arre tract ol land North 53°A3' IYcst 19.50 feet to thc '1'ItUI POIN"I' OP tiGGINN]NG. Containing 6285.83 square feet of tlrea more or less. EXHIBIT "A" p.8 . i:,. ;t.~„i~ , i~~ir; i.xiiiisi.i. l~.,~ , i'ARCLL N0. 13 -~DS O1~ ~fIU FL'NINSULA OPGN•ACI: DIS'!'KICI' UL'SCRII'TION OF LAND TO AL' ACQUIRL'll POR RL'GNAR"1' Ro,1U R/19 r1ll thosc ccrtain parcels of l:ind situatc in thc (:it~~ of Cu~~crtino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, describc~ as folloias: ' 1'arcel 1 , [3eFinning at a 3/4 inch iron pipe in tlie centerline of a 20 foot ~~~ide I'lg~tt-Of-w;Iy 3t tltC northernmost anglc point in thc northcrly ] inc of ('arccl •'A^ as said ri~ht-of-way and parcel arc tihown on thrit I~ccc~rd of Survey filed in Book 184 of n~aps at page 48, Santa Clara County Necords; Thence from said P01N7' OF I~EGINNING South 60°55'f.ast J.53 fect; '?~hence on a curve to [he ri~;ht with a raclius of 31~9 lcet from a t:uigent that bcars Soutl~ 52°Z1'l2" lVest through a central anglc of b°54'~ll" an arc distance o[ 37.88 teet; 7~hence South 59"16'04" ~Yest 90.G3 feet; Thence on a tangent curve to the left with a raJius of Sb feet throu~h a central angle of 15°SO'00" an arc distance of 23.77 feet; Thence South 43°26'04" tVest 26.JG fcet; ' 'fhencc on a tangent curve to the ri~ht ~aith a raJius of 5G9 feet through a central angle of 4°10'00" an arc distance of 41.38 feet; Thence South 47°36'04" tYest 7.95 feet; 'fhcnce on a tan~~ent curve to thc left with a ra<lius oC 9(, fcct throu~;h a ~cntral anE;ic oC 32°30'00" an arc ~istancc of ,d.t; (ect: 'fhcncc on a rcvcrsc cut~•vc to thc ri~ht t~~ith a radius oC 1D4d fec~ throu~;h a rcntral :in~le o(' 3 5f1'00" an arc clistance of (~J.85 (eet; ihence S~~uth 1,4°5b'04~~ ltest 15.Sd fect to a point on the centcrline of said 20 foot right-of-way; 7'hencc alon~ thc centcrlinc oC said 20 foot ri};ht-~~f-way North 12°53'UO' I:ast bb.70 fcet, North 22°Q5'00" I:ast 6~.35 fect, North 3b°15'UU" liast 50.80 fect, North 4'.1°31'00" liast (i3.2G Eeet and North 59°17'00" Last 128.38 feet ta the POINT OI~ BEGINNING. Containin~; 30•18.883 syuare Ceet of area and bcin~; a portion of thc above mentioiied Parcel "A". Parccl ? ~ Rcginnin~; at a 1" iron pipc in the centerline oE a 20 foot ri~ht-of-~:ay at tiic wes[crnmost cominon corncr of Parccls A$ B;~~ saicl ribht-of-~.:i~• and ~~ai•ecis :ire sho~rn on that Record of Survcy filcd in Book 184 of Piaps at page 48, Santa Clara County Records; lhcnce from said POIN'f OP 131iGINNING along thc centerlinc of said 20 foot ribht-of-way Nortli 17°10'00" liast 60,59 feet; Thence leavinb said centerline South 78°09'OU" liast 1.97 fect; 'I'hrncc on a curvc to thc lcft with a radiuti of I?7.5i1 Cect from a tan};cnt ih:~t bcars South 17°0)'17^ lVcst throubh a ccntral an~lc of 39°53'13" an arc distancc ot 88.7G lect; 'fhcncc South 22°43'S6" Gast 22.03 tect; 1'hencc on a t:in~;cnt curvc to thc ri~;ht. wi th a ra~lius of 3G7.50 fcet throul;' a central an~;lc oC 8°20'27" an arc distancc of 53.50 fcet; 'I'hcncc North 36°5R'311" tr'cst 32.3U fect; 'fhcncc North lZ°01'SU" h'cst R0.38 fect to thc POIN"f OP RI:GINNING. i'unt;iini~i~; 1 iR7.F'1 ~;r~u;irc fcct nf :~r<.~:i ;in~i hc~in~• ;i ~~nrt inn r~f thc :~hot~c i ~ i~:~~<<,1 1b PUll I 1NSUI.A c~E~i:r~ sr. ~:i: n~sritir I~IiSCRIPTION OF L~ 1'0 BL• ACQUIKIiIi f~OR I2GGn~n~ ROAU 12/l4 • ~tai•ch 5, 197J All that ccrtain l~:ircel of lancl situat-c in thc City of Cupcrtino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as Collows: • [3ebinning at an iron pij~e sct in the cen[erlinc of a 20 foot wi~le right- of-iaay at thc northcrnmost corner of Parccl "13" as said ri~ht-of-~.ay and ~~arccl are shown on that Record of Survcy filc~l in Book 184 of ~faps at Page 48, Santa Clara Cowity Records; Thence from said point of beginning South l2°O1'S0" I:ast SO.i8 feet; Thence South 36°58'30" East 31.30 fect; "Ihence on a c~irve to the ribht with a ra~ius of 3(~7.5 lect frorn a tangent that bcars South ld°2i'29" East througl~ a ccntral an~lc of 3°4~'33" an arc distance of Z4.54 tcet; "I'hence South 10°33'SG" L'ast s4.74 feet; 1'hence on a tan~ent curve to the right with a raelius of 817.50 feet through a central an~le of 4°OU'00" an arc distance of 57.07 feet; 7'iicncc Sout}~ 6°33'SG" L•ast 23.15 fcet; lhence on a tan~;ent curve to the left ~~ith a ra~iu~ of _ii~7.50 fec•t through a central an~;le oE 4°35'2d" an arc distance oC 31.37 feet; "I'hence South 11°27'20" L'ast 41.67 tcet; Thcncc on a tanbent curvc to the right with a ra~lius of ?~17.5 Icet through ~ ecntral anglc oF 39°27'S8" an arc clistancc of 1711,q8 [ect to a point on the centcrlinc ot said 20 foot wide ri~ht-of-way; Thcncc along thc ccntcrlinc of saicl 20 f~oot ividc rif;ht-oC-~;ay North 10°29'00" liast 38.35 fect; North 0°39'00" lVcst 75.00 Ccet and North 25°05'00" lVest 54.83 fcet; 'Clicncc lcavinb sai~ ccnterline North 11°27'ZO" IVcs[ fi.'J7 Ccet to a point of said centerline; Thcncc alon~; said centcrlinc North 8°49'DO" li.ist ;7.U5 fcct, North 3°30'00" lVr~t 146.30 Ccet, North 34°l0'00" IVcst :,,i.~18 fcet an~ North S°25'00" I~esi G0.22 fcet to the PU1N"f OF [31iGINN1NG. , C~ntaininL 7677.118 .yu.~rc fect ot arca and bcinb a ~~ortion o( thc abovc mentioncl Parccl "B". EXHIBIT "A" p.10. i 71 R.5 . . I'cbruai'y 16, 1979 I'AItCGI. NU. 11 - LANUS UP UUT AtILI ~ llESCRIP7'lON Ol' LANll "f0 BG ACl~U1k1iU fUlt RGGNAKI' RUAU k/~v' • r111 thc~t ccrt:iin F~arccl oC l;ui~l situatc in [hc Ci 1~~ uf Cu~icrtino, Cow~ty of 5a~ita Clara, State of California, describe~ as follv~<s: ~ Commencin}~ at the Southeast corner of that certain 7..1711 :icre parcel of land ,is shoi~n on that RecorJ oP Survey Ciled in Book 13l o[ ~taps at pa~;c 3G, Santa Clara County Records; Thence along thc southwcstcrly linc of ~ai~l 7.47U ;irrc ~,arccl North 77°48' IVest 40.51 fcet to the fRU~ POINT OP IiEGINNING of this ~lescription; 1'henec from Sf11~I TRUfi Pt)INf 01~ Rf:GINNINI~ rontinuin~ along said Southwestcrly line North 78°09' lVest G.Si feet; thcnce North 77°48'30" tVest 11.28 feet; "1'het;ce on a curve [o the ri};ht with a r,ielius ol' 15~) feet I rom a tan~;ent that hcars North 1(~°id' :8" lias[ throu~;h a ccntral :in~lc ol 7°31'Ob" an arc distancc of 2U.8G fcct; Thence North 23°4G'04" l:,ist 13.G5 fcet; 'Thence on a tan~;ent curve to the 1eC~ ~.~ith a railius nf 1786 feet through a central anglc of 0°I1'40" an arc clis[ancc of b.06 fcct; Thencc South 77°48'30" (iast 18.55 tcct; Thence on a curve to the ri~;ht with a radius oC I81-i feet from a t.ui};ent that hcars 5outh 23°2.i'44" l~'est through a ccntral an~;lc of ~~°22'20" an arc distancc of 11.7~1 fect; "fhcncc South ~.i°db'Ud" licst 13.(r5 Ccrt; Ihcncc on a tant;cnt rurvr ~o thc IcCt ~;ith r;iJins c~f l.il fcc[ throu~h a c~ntr.il anglc of b°37'SZ" an arc ~listancc of I:.It~ Iccl to thc '1~IZUl POIN"I' OP I;GGINNING. Containing 113b.88 syuarc fcri of ~\rc:i. EXHII3IT "A" p, 11