01060088 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO 7359 RAINBOW DR ACME & SONS SANITATION/E ECTRI01060088 OWNER'S NAME: APPL[y.TION UB DATE 1880 S . 7TH ST 06/ 14/2001 PHONE: (408) 275-2263 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. l BUILDING PERMIT INFO seARCHITECT/ENGINEER:00 BLDG ELE -PLUMB MECH w a u L J I_-.J CI 8 Z N= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job DCSCrIphO❑ z- 1hereby affirmthat 1amlicensed under provisionsofChapter 9(commencing TEMP POWER POLE . r_s_w with smforce ml effect.Division Business and Professions Code,and my license a in fall MAIN OVER 200 AMP . ec a is Clens� Z —e 9 G uc.a 5-11 a 117 3aa Date fie/ +1 Corvus or Saaa.a W/RECPTALCES . ca ca DECLARATION F-so g 1 understand or,plans shall be used as public records Licensed Prnfessinnal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License law for the L•3 following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Pmfesslum Cade:Any city or county Y s o which requime a permit to construct,alar,improve.demolish,or repair any nmaum ro priort t analrequires.mapplicantf ch Permit File a tognedstatement. han he is licenscid Ornoukinni the P a foe t i r L L (Chapter9 S 1. ;t: !(; ' , I $l O br�u cion (commericng with Sat u 7Wbj of D'vi,om3 of the Business dProksim,Cade) i ' •. 1s - 'Sy F[: FloorArea t or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for N<alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 703 1.5 by any applicant for a romit.subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of no,more than five hundred dollars eS503l, 3 6 2,313P1 L`9mb�p vl Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the prope.,,or my employees with wages as their wle compematom, -will do the work,-and"the swcwre is not intended"or'offered for sale(sec:70 1. 3 0 4 — ROUGH EL�tTLR�Qd9�ectiohs Business and Professions Cade:The Contru.,-,License law dnes not apply w an ` owner of property Who Wilds crimproves thereon.and who does such workhimself 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY or through his own employees.provided mm such improvements oto not intended or ,-_- -_. . oft for salt,-lt however,me Wilding m imprnis mvemt sold"wimra yea or 5 0 5 in o — FINAL. ELECTRI CAL iompletion.the ownerW Bder will have me thunder,of proving thus he did not Wild or mprove for Purprse of sale.). i peer,to withPd mmc h.Is1 tenon omittotme .-. ❑1 fm . am exclusively withl h t uvsto -I- 1 C,, t ten project(S 71}0 B 9'1 I I, _ . Lit, La d m I t f n h W la tan this and who colluder forh t __. _ - Cont ctors License Law, i r 0 minexempt under Sec B&PCf for reason -r' )�• - rIt - Owner - :. 'Eric .` 400 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATIONIh by Ilirm derpen lty of Pel y Imc.toll gd .tions I h d will-roadromn .&'nificroc of C n' t'to If for Worker's 6/ Cmnpemaumi, as provided far by Seanum Seat37W or the Labor Code, far me O peff.mearce of the work forwhich this mail isissued l / ❑I have add wdl'mainaln worker's Compammion'In....ncc,as required by Section - 37W of the Labor Core,for the performane7of the work for which this permit is issued.My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Carter: 47W7r' Policy No, 671- 00 t ( ( '. '.k„ it (. :'i CERTIFICATION OF.EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'C' "1 I' COMPENSATION INSURANCE 'f (This sell en need ndt W completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars st f, 1s'U1L s' - r;,; 1 certify that in me,performance of rhe work for which this permit is Issued-1 I mCi .`.L'• ' shall not employ any person in any manner'so'as m become subject a the Worker, C..'arat on Laws of California.Dme 'NOTICETOAPPLICANT II 'iter mik gro xCen'tsatcof Lxcnpti n-you chruld , ` ' 'k bee a bl 't to the Worker':C pens t p ns of[heLabor et,,C yut ou't O ftorhovilli arsoply with suchprovisions o this permit.hall be,deemednokcd ZI ' ' " y •CONSTRUCnON LENDING AGENCY l I Hereby affirm that there i...omd fSer. lendings.C.l for the performance I X1.0 Under work Nfor Name' which this Perot:t is issued 1 —.1N7.Civ.C.1 -Lender's Name•. _... ...- .r. ....1.....__. :_._._... ._ a. 4' Lender's Address' IccnfYmat I base readthis ml'itationand.mte that the above information is correct.1 agree to comply with all.city inJ coanty ordinances and_store laws relaing :.Q V tobuilding cen.smiction,and hereby authorize Fepresmoives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes.,,--- - (We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless toady rl Cupertino against -V] liabilities judgments.cats aM expenses which may is any way acme against said (.) z. City: mnxqueree of the.....ngottnispermit. ' ._ _ AY .ICANTUNDERSTAN SAND 'ILLCOSIPLY -NON'-POINT Issued b Date t/!3• 5 RCE REGULATION. Y' Slgrutex of Appli• Contractor,. ": " - ate'' Re-roofs IZARDOUS MATER1AI.S DISCLOSURE '• will aic ppli t or fretum tor handle mupshw,material, .Type of Roof as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.12and the Health and Safety , Code.Semina 255331a)^.., t,;-I: ..::i)_:.., 0Y., . ..oNo,.", ' All roofs.shall be.inspected prior.to.any.roofing_material being installed... . — — Willtheapplicanwrfutu¢building excursion use equipment ordeviceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; Piigree'to'remove Quality Management emir rannxaircnnmminantamaefnmb the Ba Area all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with r v o Da tO Ycs ,ONo .7- .. ,. .. all non-poen[source regulations. ;"-,..,y,yl,..' - 1 hu've'read,he'bazuNons materials re-t itm tins under Chapter 6,95 or the Iifornia Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505:255J?and 2553J..1 undemand that me building does not curxmly have a rental,that it is my responsibility to notifythe uccypnf of the xyoiremems which musrbe met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Oce.�amav Signature of Applicant _ . _ Date All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better Ow aumonzcd agent.' - Date .� -'OFFICE" l r