CC Resolution No. 4907 ~ ~ RESOLUTION :10. 4907 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES FROM ITSUO UENAKA AND MARIAN UENAKA LOCATED AT THE EASTERLY TERMINUS OF DUNBAR DRIVE A,YD FARGO DRIVE Wf~RF.1S, there has been execuced a Granc of Easement for Storm Drain Purposes which is in good and suf- ficieat form granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, Stace of Calfornia, easement over certain real property for Storm Drain purposes, sicuate ia the City of Cuper- tino, more particularly described in Exhibic "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. :IOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~IED, that che Cicy of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 5th day of February , 1978, by the following vote: Vote ?Sembers of the CitY Council aYES: Meyers, 0'Keefe, Rogera, Sparks, Jackson :IOES : None ?,BSE:IT: None e1BSTP.IN: None APPROVED: ~ ~ ~ r=..~-r~_'-~_- ~or, Cit o Cu ertino ~ Y.~ P ?.TTEST : ,tL~r~~~ ~ ~ . ~1ct in~Glerk . . ~ ' ~ 10' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT - UENAKA Al1 that certain real prooerty situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Parcel No. 5 and Parcel No. 10 as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record in Book 316 of Maps at Paqes 46 and 47, Santa Clara Co- unty Records and beir,g a strip of land ten (10) feet in width the Westerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southwesterly corner of said Parcel No. 5 of said Record of Survey; Thence along the westerly line of sai:~ parcel and along the Westerly line of Parcel No. 10, as said parcel is shown on said Record of Survey N. 0° 02' 06" W.220.00 fee: to a point in the easterly terrminus of Dunbar Drive as said terminus is shown ca said ~e~ord of Survey. Containing 0.05 Acres, more or less. .6~^~.:__~_ 9 G'~9! , ~ ~ IAN I A~~ _ ~ • ~ - - ~ ^ y ~ ` , IG ~ CG ~ . 9 ~G~ . 7 ~ I o ~ _ I . - - - . Jt.l?IbAR' I PGI. ~p ~ ' ~R. ( ' r g ~GI. ~o LANt7s oF U6NAKA ~ PGI. S ~ 0 Z ~p' S.D.C, - - - - - Pc1.4 ' I~o 3o'I •o~ ~ ~ I , pcl . 3 ~ ~ LANt7~ IoF ~R.OWr•1 PGI. 2 ~ I 4 i ~ ~ P~i . N ~ i Q ;~.,~RO.s - - D~ ~ W 95~ 35~ I - - - I Z ~ I p~ II } ~ ~ - i ~ i , ° I ~ ~ Q ~ ~i J , . SCA1.rE : 1' ~ I 5~' I~ ! L<*Z.AjNEO aQ. i . I r~il ~'AT To A~GGa+.~tpAN`r J. y ~ ~~uM flR~r+ EASEM~~ Ft._o~+t UENA1Cp~