21890 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY building Project Identification - PERMIT NO. Building Addmae: 21890 Za.ZoS Aye- L t L ; ane: APPUCA RON SUBMITTAL -SU„I fif e V P CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION cwt 'otor Na : Lie.No: APPLICATION / PERMIT I•SZtr ions BUILDINGELECTECAI.PLUMBINGmECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTtla i l rchited rt� Lie.No: 10 S V — '` - - BUILDING PERMIT•INFO - �• G QTY EGECTAIC-PERA'fIT " FEE A 'T110 -✓` -J� PERMITISSUANCE �2„pD 1 � (Q LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION a �T LFJ' Iherebyaffirmthat l amlicensed under provislonsof Chapler9(mmmene. APPLIANCESRESLDENTIAL JOB D75CIiEs'fION tngwlth Sedion7lBU)Of DiWslon3ofthe BusinessandProfesatons Code,and my f'� ES RIPHO license ism fun tone and after. PANES ��Y L 12 5�6-woLifteData mdr lass L 1 Date Contractor UP TO 200AMPq ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION XII-lfgO AMPS rcOz I understand my piamahan be used as pubic records. OVERIODOAMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. O 1 L Fj Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL `�l�"� A3 ^`5.oo 6 ° OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION - BPFGIALCIXCU[T/MIST I `b I Lyt %2— 7F, I hereby affirm that Is.exempt from the Contractor's License law for the c l following reason.(Section 70315,Business and Professions Code:An d r O t. Y city TEMP.METER ORPOLE INST. ��f - K� muntywhim requlroa perradttoromtmuices theaprovantfor ich,ormpairmarto b g anyswdureottemepriorto lb Issuance,abo sed Pursuant to provisions of dte POWFADEVICES C F rNE � the a algned stawment that he b licensed pursuant to tM provblom of the Q63u, do Contractor's License Law(Chat pter9(commencingwlthSectlfD on7DOO)oivl- O G SWIMMING TOOL ELECTRIC I„m�s slon basis fo the alleged Any violation bexempt therefrom and VALUATION the Wan for the alleged exemption. Any violation oenadbn 70315 by any 'b A five.hundred dollars($500). the applicant t°advll penalty of nor more than UTT•EISSWITC}[ESFlXT"(1RFS V L Q five hundred dollen($500). � � � �,q 6� u• co NEW RESIDENTIAL ELFLTR p, �1,as owner of the properry,work,a or my employees is act with wages r there dole --�' ' S'�R�S a� TYP�CONSTRUCTION rompensatlon,will d°the work and the structure br�ot intended or offered for N A E Cl sale(Sec.70K Busmessand Profession Code:The Contradors Llcemelaw $ does not apply to in owner of property who builds or improves thereon and a who does such work himself orthrough his own employees,provided that such improverrcnb arc not intended proffered for sale.](however,thebullding or TOTAL: , � OMP Imp. menl bsold wltMnoneyear°fcompldlon,the owner-bunderwill have tlill.�uNen of provingthat M did na build or improve forpurpose,ataxia.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE p 7 lie 41 LPW contr I,as owner of the property,am exclusively Business and Pro with licensed PERMIT DANCE P] monamom The Contractor's act roavt. the probed(Sec apply to ness and Professions property Code: V Wil Contractor's Limrue law does h apply to an owner M Property who ALT-DRAIN k VENT-WATER(EA) o9wa or Improvus thereon,and who centrads for such plo)eds with a Z_ 0 anp(pdmexe must plunder Sm.nt the ContradoYeLlre,P Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE CUSTS UMMARY FL I am exempt ober Sec. B&P C for this reason I - DRAINSFLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N Date Owner RET- N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES—PER TRM g. �u SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑1 hereby a(lirm that 1 have o ce xaminc of°°resent to opfdnsure,oracertifiRECEIPT M 3800,Lah o(Worken'Compematlonlmunnce orarertilled copy thereof(Sac. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INC ODTLM PARK FEE Y N Policy lab CJ Com an - GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) DING TM Y BUILDING DIVISION Ef:f:S rti0ed copy b hercbyth the city CREASEANDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE entified copy b(lied with the EXEMPTION FROM division. �\� CERTIFICATEMPE SATI N INS ROM WORKERS' CREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE IThb sedlon need not be complded lithe permit b Torunn hundred dollars SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA TOOFT Date O Re 1 of O0 ($100)°rless3 WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE I certify that In the person in an the wmksfor as to b corn permit abject tothissued, — I shall not employ any person In any manner n m to become abject mthe / WATER SYS EM/TREATING . 0 U PAID - Z Compensation laws of California.Date II Q^ Z5 NOTlicant ICETO APPLICANT:If,ofter making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB._SQFT. Date I.cel tk e!L� Fshould beromeaub)ed to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: N Code,you at forthwith comply Mthsuch proWlom or this permit shall be Uj j deeed revoked. ac mCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGpNCUN Y SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm that there i e ermtmdlon lending agency for the pedorm ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z once ofthe w°rklorwhich this cu permit Issued(See 3097,Civ,G.) TOTAL _00 U O Lander.Name PLUMBING FEE- - pp LL — 1<nice.Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W _ Irertifythatlhavenadthlsappncatbnand nate thattheabove Information - tscorrcd.lagreetocomplywlthalldtyandmunty°rdlnanmsandtlatelawsPERMIT ISSUANCE Z.dU FEES PAID: >. O" ral.tl.g to building romtmdlon,and herebysuthoriu representatives°fthb 1.- 0 city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. DO _ (W)agree to save,ind iffy an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino - Date Receipt# gait set bill pdgmenbco ander seswhshmayinanywayaccme AIR HANDLING UNIT ITO Io,ODOCFM) SUBTOTAL: 1.. . I s d in inns yu nce sf the gra Ing oft a rm s,p a AIR HANDLING UNIT OVER IO,ODOCFM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX Signature of Applicant/Contractor / Data EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei tk' material as defined bN y the Cupertino Mucipal Code,Chapter 9,12,..d the Ilm❑lt yea and Safely Code �-S,Lection 255326t)? HEATING UNIT(OVER IOD,000 BTU) TOTAL: No 723Q�W Wllltheapplicant or fu lure building occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which em8 hard rdous air cents Mnanls as defined by the Bay Area Air PA= Management District? BOILER-COMP 0HP OR 100,D(U BTU) ❑ Yrs No 7haveri.11heh &vf,4y ateriabrcqulrementsunder Chapte .I of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,OW BTU) the Gltand taatIfthOa Safety Code,Sodium25505,ve a tantl Xi534.1 understand that noillyheocupanhe building t note cureartly (hatb bmy NEW RESIDENTIAL METH. SQ.IT. rcspomibtu issuance Cemaavpantof ccepanequirerrcnn which must be met ' prior to issuance ofd Certlticate ofOmpancy. of c p `•.RV^w r Owner or authorised agent Date ,t ISSUED BY:' /1 w TOTAL: V """YY9--- - OFFICE COPY