20733 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES,— USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification _ PERMIT NO. Butdmg Address: o G I33• ' ^O P7 f'g 17 --- one: A nCITY OFCUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISION, . W tt`ra sn�l° Lm.Nn: APPLICATION / PERMIT BUIL6INC-ELECTRICA4PLUMBINC-MMCH LAICAL CATEGORY CONTROL# Anemia glneer, Ie No: Qn ELECTRICPERMIT ''EPEE', BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTR SDECLARATION I hereby affirm that lam Bcrnunder eed underprovalans of Chapter9(commrnc MI'LIANCESRFSIDENITAL - ROB DFSCRIPTION ingwith5e fu 7000)of deffeon3otthe BuslneeandPro(esslonsCode,and my limns¢le In(u d dies[. ' ` PANELS I � u, ��J la _ Llc,p Date' Date' Contractor ARCHITECI•SDECLARATION 201"1000 AMI'Ss q�q�uu 0 sZ I understand my plaru shell used es pu be uablic records. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. Fz I'j Licensed PrefessimalSIGNS ELECTRICAL . <ILgu OWN3R-BUILDER DECLARATION SPEC CIRCUIT 2 F,r�i'3 I hereby a(Erm that I am exempt fromthe Contranors Llanx Law for the rs following reason.(kdim 7[01,5,Business and Profmiom Code:Any dty or F 33+1 c ntywhlchrequlmnapert ttomrutrud,alter,impmve,de=lish,orrcpair TEMP' S anysbudure prlorlo Its hemance,alsorequires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he,is,licensed pursuant to the prm,ha m of the POWER 'S �u, Contactorf Licewelaw(Chapler9(mmmenMg wkh Section 700Bof Dlvl- SWIMW LELECTRIC slan 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code)or that he is exempt therefromand VALUATION the Wsls for the alleged exemptlon. Any violation of Section 7Rf15 by any OUTLETSSWITCHESFIO'URES G applicant for a permit subjectstheapplicant to a civil penalty of not more than - five hundred sownerdollars ofthep0). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQFT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION �j ❑I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages a their sole compensation,wOldo the wo,"rul thestruclure is not intended or offered for , 0 sale(See 7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contmm?`sLjcetne Law $� does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and OCC.GROUP RIS.UNITS whodoessuchwork himself orthrough hisown employees,p ceekledthat such Improvements are not intended oroffemd forsale.If,however,thebullding or TOTAL: Improvement issold withinoneyoarofcompldloglheowner-builderwlll have _ [Burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of sale.). QTy. i —PLUMBING PERMIT-'' ,',FEE , FTAOD7Arw APN u L as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed PERMIT ISSUANCE contractors to comtmd the project(Sec.7044,Business and Professbm Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of Property who builds or improves thereon,and who contracts for such ptojects with a ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) _ du aram m )licensed pursuant e Contractors License Law. t FEE SUMMARY.' y1(n I am exempt under Sec B&P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTLCL DEVICE DRAINS FLOG ROO$A SANITARY' Y_ N Owner QIITq1I1V PITS Date R REA,COND. R1iCm"T N -WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECIA RATION FIX'IVRES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y— N Of hereby affirm that I have a mrtl0ate of consent to elf-Inure,ora RECFJ!'(M certificate of WorkerYCompeneatlon leaurance or a certified copy thereof(See. GAS EA. INGd OUTLETS 3800,Lab C.)• o PARK FEE . .Y_ N_ .Policy p _ - - RECEIPT# Com an GAS EA.SYSTEMOVER 4(EA) � Y BUILDING DI V ISION FEES CertlBed cop herebytumecity GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE mil Ccrtlfidropybflled with the city inspection division. ' 'CERTIFICATE OF E%EMPIDON FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (rhlsadon need not beduepldcd lithe permit lsfeone hundred dollars SEWER-SANITARY-STORM FA.200FT. Date Remi t# (5100)orless.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N I ll notcertilyemphatloy an person In an the fe,as to became, a permit is board, — I shall not employ any person In any mannerao u to beromn subject to the Workers'Compensation laws o( ATER SYSTEM/TREATING California.la.Date PAID O Z Appllcant Z O NOTICE TOAPPLICANT.e,after es'Co pe cation Certificate of Exemption,oftheyou NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB, SQ.FT, Date Retci t# F Code,shoulo mmesubFdto the Work en'such pmvMou rovhbi permit s Labbe TOTAL: W CWGdre must forthwith comply with such provalom ormh0 permit shall be BUILDING� j deemedrevoked. _ (LG CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 1 hereby affirm that there a a construction lending agency for the perferve ELECTRIC!FE'FU 7 Z anceofthework for whichtha permits Issued(Sec.3097,Clv.C) TOTAL: �xQ) U 0' Lenders Name y PLUMBINIL LendersAddress QTY;'ytt •MECTIANICAL PERMIT, rFEE, MECHANOW Imnlfythatl have read thisepplicatlon and stalethatthe above Information -a scorted.l agree to comply with all chy and county ordinances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAI>. relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives ofthaZ city to enterupon the above-mentioned property for bupectbn purposes. ALMORADDTOMECH. DateReCei t# (We)agree to ave,bdemnlfy an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino Pagainst llabllitles,jadgerents,costs and expenses which may In anyway accrue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,ODO CFM) TOTAL: ago Wt City In commIg of the grant) g his permit tT 1 Q AIR HANDLING UNIT(ovelR lo,BoocFMf) CONSTRUCTION TAX Beaman,of Applicant/Contrador Cloth EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUSM ERIALSDISCLOSURE - - - Willtheapplicantorfuture building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date Recef t# material as defined by the C rtlno ModI Code,Chapter 9,12,and the _ Healthxnd Safely Code dion25532(a)7 Hili1TING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Yes Na -- -Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment ordevlces VEN"fILAHONFAN(SINGLERESID) o ISINWATE which and hazardous air con nanlsaade(Ined by the Bay Arca Air . ' Quality Maagchndt DBt BOILER-COMP OFNOR 100,0(0 BTU) Ya u ca F have read the haousmateriaLsrequlmr ntsunderChapter&95of BOILER-COMP(OVE2100,E00 BTU) rhe California Health&Safety Cale,Sections 75505,25533 and 255.34. I V " understand that if the building does not currently have a tenant,that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.• SQ.Fr. ,,F mapmoiblllty to notify theoccupant of the requimments which must be met �• of Cunei Sino. or to once of a CertlO teof0 panty _ I .i + _ mer or aul mi,ced agent Date' TOTAL: 155UED OY: OFFICE COPY