CC Resolution No. 4807 / ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 4807 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWIt7G CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR SALARIES aND WAGES FOR THE PAYROLL PERIOD E,IDING SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 WHEREAS, the Director of Finance or his designated represen[ative has certified to the accuracy of che following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment [hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law; NOGi, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amoun[s and from the Eunds as hereinatter sec forth: Warrant Amount Employee No. Paid Linda F. Howell 10315 12.38 Jeffrey Talbot 10316 146.64 James E. Jackson 10317 S 183.20 Daniel P. 0'Keefe 10318 164.88 Barbara Rogers 10319 183.20 Robert ~d. Quinlan 10320 831.60 Julie Shields 10321 53.11 Uavid A. .ldams 10322 1,366.88 Wm. E. Ryder 10323 708.22 Carol Sontag 10324 390.28 Audrey Magelky 10325 282.61 Pat "tassocco 10326 312.58 ~ Karen Lynn Ryans 10327 332.57 ~ Dorothy Schmid 10328 207.36 Michael Fratus 10329 273.04 Carmen L. Morisch 10330 202.64 Shirley Oeser 10331 128.94 James Idlett 10332 213.94 Darlene Truelack 10333 256.68 Roberta Ann Tdolfe 10334 141.32 Dorothy Cornelius 10335 382.22 Teresa A. Briones 10336 45.Q5 Barbara K. Brown 10337 418.35 Piary Reasoner 10338 258.56 Lorraine Flora 10339 256.44 Merle 0. Butler 10340 650.87 Stephen Dowling 10341 449.80 rtildred M. Mattison 10342 295.48 Brita Oklevik Narris 10343 264.96 Patricia F. Philip 10344 359.54 Isabel Franklin 10345 275.88 / ~ ~ Warrant ~mount Employee No. Paid Donna K. Zetterquis[ 10346 $ 175.04 Allison Villurante 10347 256.44 . albert E. Ariza, Jr. 10348 331.84 i John Black 13049 14.60 f Craig Chaney 10350 63.60 I Bruce Allen Meisenbach 10351 122.62 I Thomas W. 0'Dowd 10352 203.74 David S. Stroth 10353 113.08 ''I Jeffrey Thomas Talbot 10354 136.77 Don S. Lampkin 10355 33.84 Kimberly C. Kallbrier 10356 75.60 Douglas Gilberstadt 10357 118.44 ' Charles D. Gould 10358 43.20 :iichelle M. Zucca 10359 13.50 ' Don Best 10360 74.20 Donald P. Skinner 10361 39.60 _ Keith Nelson 10362 70.80 Mark Caughey 10363 457.01 Robert Cowan 10364 682.58 ;fargaret Crissman 10365 357.55 Thomas J. Gil.bertson 10366 249•79 Christine Holley 10367 301.84 Julia P. Knapic 10368 300.80 Toby Kramer 10369 329.51 Steven T. Piasecki 10370 486.94 James Sisk 10371 836.23 Kathryn McI:enna Scott 10372 97.76 Susan E. Hastings 10373 323.51 Warder A. Morse 10374 272.97 Harold Belke 10375 544.74 Hideko Murakami 10376 267.23 Edward ;furphy 10377 459.94 James West 10378 314.93 Angelo Leber 10379 643.32 Winston F. Chew 10380 569.45 Roscoe W. Smith 10381 486.61 Alice Larson 10382 34.19 Jane McIntyre 10383 41.25 David F. Whitelaw 10384 160.88 Elinor P. Williams 10385 35.06 Eldred C. Brown 10386 301.77 Charles W. Eiumphreys 10387 252.66 Dolores M. Connolly 10388 66.00 Bruce Donoghue 10389 454.40 Glenn Grigg 10390 693.80 Lawrence J. Guy 10391 434.90 Sumiko Martin 10392 321.02 Philip ;fay[orena 10393 466.79 _ ~ _ ~ ~ Warrant Amount , Employee No. Paid Steve Sano 10394 $ 409.02 ~ Donna Skwarzynski 10395 774.11 ! Bert Viskovich 10396 695.98 ~ Travice Whitten, Jr. 10397 688.28 Mark W. Lehnhoff 10398 325.18 Richard A. Jones 10399 305.45 i Carole Goldstein 10400 297.68 ~ Howard Kupfer 10401 531.70 Robert Botelho 10402 510.40 ' James Fuszai 10403 351.30 Robert L. Mendias 10404 254.85 . Joseph Moore III 10405 390.30 Frank Ortiz 10406 405.96 George W. Smith, Jr. 10407 299.09 . Chad R. Sontag 10408 115.50 :lerton Yahn 10409 351.56 Alfred J. Talamantes 10410 102.80 Flanuel S. Quin[ana 10411 329.62 Larry Frank 10412 305.19 George Riojas 10413 260.18 Jose Goulart 10414 362.05 Thomas J. Ptaxson 10415 292.17 Charles B. Benson 10416 200.02 Manuel Barragan 10417 327.62 Ambrose Brisco 10418 376.55 Bill 0'Brien 10419 382.54 James Overton 10420 149.40 Thomas Stephens 10421 451.61 Fred Subega 10422 368.77 Albert Tabares 10423 361.70 Quinto tdarchetti 10424 391.05 Vincenzo Novello 10425 300.11 Jimmy Jacques 10426 295.19 Brian D. Saunders 10427 289.87 Jesus Rodriguez 10428 297.32 Paul Krotts 10429 307.68 Kenneth McKee 10430 430.80 Patrick Teixeira 10431 333.60 Carolyn Diaz 10432 104.64 ~larion ~derson 10433 53.55 ~tary Byrne 10434 59.19 Donna K. Zetterquist 10435 22.60 Allison Villarante 10436 49.73 rlark Caughey 1043~ 33.64 Christine Holley 10438 11.07 Philip "faytorena 10439 47.19 Richard ~1. Jones 10440 54.04 - 3 - ~ ~ Warrant Amount Employee No. Paid James Kuszai 10441 $ 169.31 , Merton Yahn 10442 81.08 Fred Subega 10443 63.26 Albert Tabares 10444 95.10 Jesus Rodriguez 10445 18.70 Bob Dockins 10446 7.34 Paul Krotts 10447 129.91 Kenneth McKee 10448 51.76 Patrick Teixeira 10449 141.52 , Total this Resolution $38,033.49 ' SUI~fARY i Gross Earnings $56,914.06 Less: Deferred Compensation $1,234.55 Federal Withholding 7,781.06 State Withholding 1,579.93 O.A.S.D.I. 2,628.00 Retirement 3,183.72 Employees Social Fund 24.00 Credit Union 2,322.00 United Fund 7,75 Healtt~ Insurance 13.76 linion Dues 60.00 ~`Siscellaneous 45.80 Total Witnholding (18,880.57) NET PAIil $38,033.49 CERTIFIED: Director of nance . PASSED AND ~OPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino tiiis 2nd day of Oc[ober, 1978, by the following vote: Vote ~(embers of the Citv Council AYES: eyers, O Kee e, Rogers, Sparka, Jackaon NOES: None ABSE~T: None e1BST~I;i: None ~ ATTEST: ~~r _ Y`~ APPROVED: ' " - - - . . ~^ir,~.. rt . . . *+^vnr r'itv nf !'~~nnrtinn . - 4 -