CC Resolution No. 4788 ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 478$ a RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPx',,,RTI:IO E{PRESSING L:1TE:VT TO L*iPLE`fEi`IT THOSE PORTIONS OF THE dB.~G ~VIRONME.*tPAI. `lA:IAGE"fENT PL1.`I REL~ITI:1G TO W~TER QUaI.ITY [v'HEREIS, the association oc Bay Area Governmencs (:1BaG) was designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection dgency (EPA) and State Idater Resourses Control Board (SWRCB) to prepare aa Environmental `tanagement Plan (E`iP) for the San Francisco Bay area; W'HERF~IS, .1BAG has prepared an initial EMP that includes water auality, air quality, solid vaste aanagement and wacer supply elements; WHEREe~S, the water quality element of the ~SP contains policies and actlons ior surface runoif that were developed by the counties of the Bay azea; WIiERFaS, ABe~,G has received aore than 1,~00 pages of public co¢~ent on the d:ait and these have been considered fully by the responsible aSaG approving bodies; WHEREaS, the initial E`SP has been reviewed, modified and approved by the ~1BAG Eavironmental `Sanagemenc Task Force, Regional Planning Committee, Executive Doard, and General jlssembly; WHER~IS, the City of Cupertino has revie~.red the initial EtP: WHERFIIS, EPa and SWRCS policy is that significant water quality management agencies named in the EMP must indicate their wi111ngness to imple~ent the E`SP beiore EPe~ and SWRCB can give unconditional approval and/or certification to the initial FMP; WHEREdS, che City of Cupertino is a sigaificant aanageaent agency ior the purpose of implementing portions of the initial E"1P relating to water quality; WHEREAS, flexibility in iaplemencation of the initial E"SP is implicit in che plan so as to include good faith efforts to implement; WHER&1S, ABAG has developed a continuing planning process so Chac the initial rtP can be updated and revised on a regular basis; WHERE~S, alchough addi[ional local expenditures resulcing directly from the E`t° are not large relative to previous or ongoing environmental management activities, iocal government fiscal resources are strained by the Statewide passage of Pronosi- tion 13 on June 6, 1978; :iOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TH~1T THE City of Cupertino approves and adopts those portions of the EfP relating co water quality for iaplementation: Resolution Vo. 4788 • • 3E IT F[JRTHER RESOLVID T3.~T THE Cit.~ of Cupertino agrees to con[inue with ics 3ood :aith ei:ort to iapla~ent those portions oP the initial F.`fP relat:ng to uater qualicy as per ::chibic chat are aithin this jurisdiction's re- soansibilicy; 3E ZT FURTHER RESOLVID TH:1T implemencation oi actions financed wholly or in ?art by Federal and/or S[ate funds will be conditioned on [he availabilit•r of chat money; ~ dE IT FURTtiER RESOLVED THaT THE Cfty of Cupertino because of the Smpact of Proposition 13, reserves che right to postpone implementiag any provision in the ~SP involving additional local expendi[ures; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID TfL•1T THE City of Cupertino will seek to modify the iaicial E.~IP as appropriate during the continuing planning process if implementa- ti~n does noc proceed according to the EtP's approved schedule; BE IT FURTHIIt RESOLV~ TH.aT [his resolution is adopted on the condition chac the vater quality portion oi the initial FMP vill be certified without change by t:~e State, with regard to those items on the at:achment; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID TH?~T upon additional inforsiation regarding the severity oi water qual3cy problems and/or the effectiveness of various concrol measures, ac:ions included in this resolution may be modified. PASSED a.`ID ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 21st day of August , 1978, by the following vote: Voce Members of the Citv Council :~YES: Meyers, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks, Jackson ;IOES: None ~BSE:IT: None ~.BSTaIV: None APPROVID : -~yor, City,f -Cupeftino ~1TTE5T : ~ ~ l / r G` '7cF= -f-«--~ Deputy Cit~d Clerk