S 2899 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING.ELF.CI'RICAL PERMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMP NG-MECUAN1CAL BUILDING PROJECT IDENI'IF'ICA'110IN qq OUILUINC )DLESS: � SANITARY NO. tPLICATION SUBMITTAL ATF. OWN". " / CONTRACTOR'S NAM!;: _ LIC NO: C ' '-//11��AAOO CONTNOLp 1POtCIFIFECI'IIINGINIER: LICNO: ADDRESS: ❑ CON'fAC'I': PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO A '��'X(� ElConsultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BI.DG ELECT PLUMB MECH /7 vAs� El EJL� ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DFCLARNPON QTY ELECTRIC P17RMIT FEE I hereby affirm liar I an,licensed made,pmviebm of chapter 9lcamm..ring JOB DESCRIPTION �aZ wihsocllmn IlXXBefDeWou 30,hc Businesailnd Prafessi...sCade.andmy Blease is RESIDENTIAL, OO PERMIT ISSUANCE UlU mfense Class c0un. ❑SIUWL ❑KITCHIiN REMODEL EUU License Clms LIaA APPLIANCI3S-RPSIDENI'IAL ❑ADD]TION ❑PLUMBING Rf P1I'II E-Z 1 Dole—GnnlDECL Q¢ AIiCHI'IP,CI'S DF.CI,ARA'I'ION ❑MULTI-UNIT! ❑STRUCTURAL [-D N PANELS Z Oval l undcmand.11...shall he..it as public recoNs O Z�`� UP'02XIAMPS ❑INTIkIOR ❑CHIMNiY REPAIR r L4t:w Lovscd Prnfessl...I 201-1000AMPS IMPNOVEMENT EJ SWIMMING POOIS OWNER-❑IIILDIiR DECLARATION OVER INXIAMPS ❑HATI I REMODEIIREPAIR El DEMOLITION a LLa Q I hereby affirm hal I am c.aempt from he Contractor's License Law far he aC,U I"ollowing revs....(Section 7031 5,liminess and Pmfcssions Cale:Any city nr county SIGNS Fa.CCfI21CA1. ❑OTHER ul a h which requires a Permit to construct.alter,impmve,demolish,or repair any swclure asQ / 6 Q 'mono its issuance,also requires the applicant lar such permit it)file a signed statement SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. and he is licensed purstrand to the provisions of the Contractor's license law(Chapter 9 W Q� (amm�encing with SeminaRXX))ml Divisian3 mf the llusinas anJ Rnfessions GMel ter TEME METER OR POLE INS'T COMMERCIAL: a0 1 hat he is exempt therefrom and the basis far he alleged exemption,Any violation at NEW BLDMADDITION ❑DEMOLITION 'a(�a• Section 70315 by any upplicam far v permit subjects he applicant ton civil Penalty of POWER DEVICES W�r� mm�...cman five hundreddolhus(5500). TENANT ❑FOODSERVICE IMPROVEMENT =Q [ I,,,it,wowner kf the property, ry mann ended with wages edfor sale IS ,compemmtinn, SWIMMING POOL F.IJICI'RIC 6q a� wdl da he work,and lheauunurc man imondeJ or it l'ur solo(Su.]n44.Ilusinuas ❑OTHER W and Profusions Calc iise Committees 1.icenx Low does non apply m an nm of OUTLETS-SWITC1113-ITXTUR[S pmpwty who bmdds m impmvflu macs..,n.d woo hta.au"h ware h ed m o,mroogn I own owevecarrdo,vi,me taildo d hon such..in., old am not intended nr o0cml for NEW RESIDENTIAL IiLGCI'R SQ F. cele.IL however,the huilding nrlvy+nrvmn,m is snlJ whhin ane yntrnfunnpletlap the SQ.1'11 FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FI'. s owner-bra er will have the burden of Proving that he did not builA nr improve for pur- c. Ons asowta T'O'TAL: �� of the property,am exclusively contracting wih licensed contractors In ceroil Ili,project(Sec]Ilan,Bn imus and Ihmfexsimts Code:1'11te Comrunmr's hi- nwLawsaesnotapplymono ter nl',..play who build..or itnprms hereon,amu QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEF, FD whncnmructs tpmjuas toil tv mw,om( licensed pumuunttothe Cnmmctor's 4 99 License l.uw. PERMIT ISSUANCE 3 APR 1 1 ❑Ism 'A Sec .B&PC ter lli' rcmon All1'17R-GRAIN&MINT-WATIiR(IIA) 'X�It VALUATION Owner Datn ORKE MPENSA'1'ION DECLARA'f1U HACK FLOW PROTECT!.DEVICE 1 hereby affirm under penally of Perjury ane ofthe fallowing decluratiom: B I haveund will muinminu Cenillcem ofConsenuo xelf-insure lar Worker's Canal DRAINS-11OOR,ROOR,AREA,CON 1). '1'YPECONSTRUCfION ration,as provided for by Section 3700 of nM Labs Calc,for Ibc performance of the work for which this Perot lis iswn1d. FIXTURES-PER TRAP EI I have and will maintain Workefs Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 371111 of the Labor Coda formeperformnuccol""the work far which this perothis issued. GAS-EA.SYS"IT F.M.I INC.4 OUTIS OCC.GROUP A p My Wa,wr`,Compenmtion Insurance carie,and Policy number are: V Car,ar: Policy Nn: GAS-F.A.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) / CERTIFICATE OIs EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASFANDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES ('Ihis.,mn need nal be completed if the permit in formic hundred dollars(S 100) GREASETRAP � - — --� or Iess.7 PLANCHECK PEE I cenily that in he performance of he work lin which ibis permit is issued,l shall SEWER-SANITARY-STORM PA.21X1 FT. not employ any person in any manner so us m raccoon,subject it)the Workers'Compen- ENERGYFI Z sari....LOW.,of California.Date WATER 11E 11311 W/VIiNT'/ELECFR 7�Q Applicant GRADING FEE .^. rj) NOTICE TO MTLICANT:If,cher making this Centurion,of laemption,you should WAFER SYSTEM/TREATING F became subject to the Workers Cpe omnsation provisions of the Labor Code,you must SOILS ITE tiforthwith comply with such provisions or this shall he deemed revoked. WA'T17R SL'RVICE Q Q U O CONSare kitcmis LF.NDINGAGI cant' NEW RESIDENTIAL I'I,MiI. SU Frf, PAID I e Rent iplp 1 hot which lite hem iso,d(Ser.30 lending agency far tM1c perrtmtuna of Ibc work for which this permit is issueA 15w.Jtlq],Civ.C.) Lender's Name TOTAL: Lende,Address a 1 unify Ilial 1 have read This applicmion and su¢Ihm the above infnnnaninn is BUILDING tHE tF-t f/J "once,I agree tocmnply with all city and Oi uynnlinarre,O d stem laws rcla ing m QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE U building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the SEISMIC '.E aMwe-tae Maned pmixny tin'inxpcetinn pupnaea' PliIi MIT ISSUANCE ( agrcemuvc,' oily unitkn•P harmless the City of C.,mrat.,mast CLEC TNTC Iiahlllliu.udgmen,,casts ndexpemes which mayi..anyway accmeti,timt said City g1;1'F:R Oft ADD TO MECII. O in curtsey sof the......f this permit PLUMBING P'F, APPLIG.T UNDIiRSL )S AND 11.1.COMPLY Wilt ALI NON- DINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(0IB,(XX)CFM) SOURCIi .'UL 4T O' MECHANICAL ai AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000CFM) CONSTRUCT ION TAX Slgn,arc of moor D a E%IIAUST HOODIW/DUCT) IfAZARUGHS MN'ERIALS DISCLOSURC HOUSING MITIGATION FEE t theapplicant or home building occuprm store or handle hazardous refumml HEATING UNIT(TO]BLOW Bill) as defined by the Cupertino Municipal GMs,Chapter 9.12,and the lieanh and Safety Cale,Section 25532(a)'! HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 ETU) ❑Yes VEN'I'ILADON FAN(SING LE RESID) PAID Dane Reca p Will the oppliwm car fmnm building aceupanl use equipment or devices which BOILER-COMP(31{p OR 100,(NIO BTU)nit namrdous air contaminants as dl by he Bay Area Air Quality Management TO DISH 1 ❑Yes BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,0(al BTU) AIR CONDITIONER I has ad the he7do nmaials uiremen(s under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali- ` ISSUANCE:DATE fnmin i:ca t S,Rf,Calc, r s 2550 25533 tmd 25534.1 ua I•.In n I that if Ibc NIIW RL'SIDENTIAL MECII. SQ,FP. onfic,gd sr maily se u' mymspnnsibirty m r 'fypth��e cups.., I nl'Ibc ret en t w & not it t ammo 1vCenil r� l + Owner Ihnri- 1tgenl Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: s7_ OFFICE