CC Resolution No. 4698 i RESOLUTION ~0. 5698 ~1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF CUPERTihO ~1MENDING THE ENVIROt721ENT~~I. ~1SSESSi1ENT PROCEDURE AS ORIG- • IN~ILLY ~1DOPTED ON *iARCH ~7 , 1973 , ~W ~`SE~IDED Otd :•IARCH 4 , 1974 , 1AIVUARY 17 , 1977 ,,1ND MAY 1, 1978 WHERFAS, the Office of the Secretary for Resources of California held hearings to consider amendments to the State Fnvironmental Assessment Guide- lines; and [dHERF.IS, after said public hearings, the Secretary of the State Depart- ment of Resources has officially amended State Guidelines and forwarded [hose amended guidelines to local jurisdictions Eor their consideration; and WHERF.~1S, the City of Cupertino has considered these ameadments as related to the Fnvironmental Assessment Procedure of the City of Cupertino; ~IOW, THFREFORE, the City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby amend [he Fnvironmen[al Assessment Procedure of the City of Cupertino, as set forth on Fxhibit "A":attached hereto and made a part thereof. PASSID AND ADOpT m at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City uf Cupertino this lst day of :Nay, 1978, by the following vote: aYES: ,yeyers, 0'Keefe, Rogers, Jackson :r'OES: None ABSENT: Sparks ABSTAIN: None APPROVID : ~ l~.''°rt ~ Mayor, Ci ~_Cupert~no , ATTEST: City Clerk ;esu_uc:un :~o. 5698 ' • . ~:iib'_c Ihe collow:ng amend~encs and zddit+_ons are narebv :ncorpora:ad in[o ~ya Ci~r oi Cupert_ZC'; 'cr.v+_ronmental ?~sassmenc ?r x edure. ~ C~~\GE ~~1: Section 2- Deiinitions: :`ie iollovine deiini~+_ons sre added: a. Laad aaenc~•. Laad a~enc;~ means the puoi'_c agenc~~ wnich has Che princi?a1 responsibili[y ior car:~riag out or approving a project. b. ~otice of Preoaration. `Iotice of ?reparation means a briez nocice sent by a ~aad ~gency by certi_`ied aail co notify the responsible agencies that the Lead .lgenc~~ ~lans co prepare an EIR for the projact. c. Resoonsible :~tencv. 4esponsible agency ~eans a public agency which proposes to car r~ ouc or approve a pro~ect, for khich I a Laad ~gency has prepared the environmental docu~ents. ~ CH.ISGE ~t?: Seccion 7.1 - Referral co cnvironmental Review Co~i~tee (ERC) is ~ amended to read: ~ Saction 7.1 - Referral to Environmental BdV12W Ccmmittee (ERC). Cpon determination thac a project is not categorica2iv e:cempt fror~ I the requ irement of the Eavi:onmental Quality <lcc of :970, the j applicant shall preoare the Environmencal Assessment '.Jorksheet, ~ wrtich ~ay be obtained st the Planning Departaent ofrice. Upon ,I completion of said worksneet, the ma[tez shall oe refarred to the Fnvironmental Review Co¢caittee. The wor~csheet together with agency comments and other suoporting data shall constituce an ' initial study. ' C'.~.~~GE ~f3: Sectiun 7.3 - De[erminaci~n of cnvironriencal Revia~a C~r,~aittee ('cYC) is amended co zead: Section 7.3 - Deter~ination ot Environe~ntal ~e•~i~a Co~;.r..ictee !E??Cl ' (a) If aore than one public agency will be involved in undertaking or approving a pro!act, the Environmental Reviaw Committee shal'_ consult wi[h alI responsible agencies before evaluation of the initial study. The c~nsultation may be done iaior~ally. (b) If a determination is aade t5at the project will aot have a significant imoact on the environment: (1) The Cocmiittee shall prepare wtitten .'iadings not e~c- ceeding one page in length, that a\egacive Declaration be recor~mended .'or approval by the ~ro;ect decision- maker. (2) The Environmental 3eview Co~ranittee shall cause a notice Co be published in a newspaper of 3eneral circulation within :'.:e Cit_~ c: Cu;erti»o desc:'_b~.g .12 projact involved and stating that a`egative Declaration has beer. recommended snd that the final decision oi deter~ining vhether a~egat:ve Declaration vi11 be ;equi:ed shall 5e determined bv cha decisionr~aker :n con'unction ~+it:~ the reviec~ oP Cie project. tv'here an adv+_sorv bodv suca as the ?lannizq Ccr.~iss:on is reauired ~ake a:ecc.r~ e^~- ation oa a~ro;ect :o the dec:s_or~akin¢^bcd^, c`.:e ad:~i~ . bod? sha11 also ,ev+_eco ar.d consiaar tie :;?:~t::•e ~ecl3r;ci~ • ~ ~ i'he advisor-: ~ody sna11 oake a recor.~andac'_on :egarding the Vega~ive Deci3raCiun and tne projacc. (3) Ihe notice desc:ibing the recemmendatien _or gran[ing a \egative Dec:arat_on snall be pubiished a[ laast [en (.0) . days prior co Pina1 accion on the pro;ac: ur cen (10) ~a^s prior to reviaw bv an advisory body, co provide an ~ ~ opportunity :or aeaoers oi the public to respond. Ihe notice shall adviae ~hat the 3rant of a\egacive Declaration means that no c.nvironmental iaoact Report ~ will be required £or the project. 'Lke decisiocuaaker shall review the recomsaendation for ~egative Declaration and the oroject concurrently. if after due consideration oc the ERC reco~endation and public input, the decisionmaker gran[s a`egative Declaracion, said Vegacive Declaracion shall contain the following inioraation: ~ (a) a descr:~cion oE the projec[ as ?rooosed. 1 (b) Include a:inding [hat the project ai11 not have a significant impact on the environaenc. (c) a briei stacement of reasons to sunport the findiags. (d) ~ briei statement indicating who prepared the initia_ scudy and wnere a copy oi it aay be obtained. The Negative Declaration shall be filed wi.h the City Cler'.:. (5) After making a decision Co carry out or approve a projec~ for ahich a Vegative Declaration has been orepared, the City shall file a Vocice of Deter.nination. The notice ot Decerminacion shall include: (a) The decSsion oi the agency to approve the pro~ect. (b) The determination of the agency whec~er the project will have a si3nifican[ eifect on che environment. (c) a statemeat that no EIR has been prepared prusuant to the provisions ui CEQA. (d) The address where a copy of the ~egacive Declaration may be esaa:ined. (6) If the lead Agencv is a local agenc~, the Vot:ce oi Deteraination shall be iiled vit4 the countv clerk of the county or counties in wiiich [he pro,jec: wiil be locatad. If the project recuires a discretionary approval f:em any State agency, [he ~otice of Determination aiso ehall oe filed with the Secretary for Resources. (i) If the decision aaker determines that the ~ro;ect 3av ha•:a a significant i~pact on the environment, t5e pro+ect shall be returned to the t'nvironmental Revizw Cur.~it:ee for preparation of an ~zv:ronaen[al Revie~.r Re~ort. The City Council and ?lannine Cos~ission aemoers ut ttie • Comaittee sha11 beco~~ acti•~e relati•~e w the oreoara~ion oi the Environmen~al P.!llact ~anort. (8) The City shall comolete and adapt a\egat.~e Declaration in not more than LJS davs. The time li~it snall be measured trom the da[e on vhich an apol±cation requesting • approval for the projecc is received and accepted as complete. The time l~nit may be waived if che project applicant has requesced or consented to tne waiver. Tha time limit ~say also be waived ii the project requires a combined State ot California and Federal Environmentai Review Process. CHAfVGE d 4: Section 8- preparation and Feview oi Environmental Impact ~eport is amended to read: Section 8: Preoaration and Review of Environmental Impact Revort ~ Section 8.1: Responsibilitv of Environmental Reviem Coc~mittee (ERC) a. I~ediately after deciding chac an Environmencal Impact Report is required for a project, the City shall send to each responsible agency by certiiied mail a votice oi Preparation statiag that an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared. i This notice shall also be sent to every Federal agency involved I in approving or funding the project. 1. The Notice of Preparation shall provide the responsible agencies with sufficient infor.aation describing the project and the environmental effects to enabla the responsible ' agencies to make a meaningiul response. ~1t a minimum, the information should include: a. Description of the project, b. Location ot the project, and c. Probable environmental effects of che project. 2. 'IIte Lead agency aay begin work on the draft EIR L~ediatel:• vithout awaiting responses to the :Iotice of Preparation. The draft EIR in preparation may need to be revised or expanded to confoan to responses co the votice of Preparatio: 3. In order to expedit the consultation, the City, a responsibl~ agency, or a projec: applicant may requesc one or more meetings between representatives of the agencies involved to assist the City in determining the scope and content of the environmental infozmation which the responsible agency may require. Such meetings shall be convened by the Cit~• as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days, after the meetings were requested. b. The preparation of the Fnviornmental Impact Report shall coor3lnated by the Environmental Review CoB¢nittee,not ±ncludiag the City Council and Planning Co~ission members. c. The report shall be prepared by an environmencal advisor, who may be a City staff ineaber assigned to prepare t:~e report or consultant employed by the City. The Cocnmittee shall estabiisn a Zist of consultants with esperience in the preparation oi -3- _ ~ ~ Environaencal L~apacc Reports. ?r:or to the selection oi a consulcant, che Environ~enca2 Reviev Cos.mittee snall ask the consultant to subnit a•.•eriiied stat~ent lietiag any prior, esis[ing ur contemplaced pro2essional relationships oe- tween consultanc and che applicaac of che project, or those in concractural relationship aith appl:canc, such as landowners or architects. d. The Ccamittee snall, after consul~a~ion vith the apnlicant, ' select an znvironmental advisor and collzct the appropriate £ee ior the prepara[ion oi the °nvi:onmencal Impact Report. e• The Committee shall review aajor areas oi concern as identified in the initial study with the environmen[al advisor prior to the preparation oE the draft Environmental Impact Report. The Commitcee may direct the envizonmeatal advisor to enphasize the major areas oi concern in che draft EiR. Lhe environmental advisor may utilize segments of earlier Environmental Inpact Reports to minimi~e redundancy if in the opinion of the Environ,.^~enta; Review Co~ictee tne circums~ances oi che projeets are essentially the same. C:LI.YGE !/5 : Sec tion 8.4 (b ) is amended to read : The Environmental Review Cu~ittee shall cause the draft Environmzntsl Impacc Report to be distributed to resoonsible agencies and othe: public agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to tae project. Said agencies shall have thirty (30) days in which to :esoond , in writing relative to their review of the report. The draft Environmental Imp,:cc Report review period for projects requiring State review shall equal the review period provided ia the anolicsbie Scate agency review period. da EIR prepared [or any project uf Statewide, regional or areawide significance which ;~eets the cr:ter'_a described in Section 15161.6 of the Sta[e "Cuidelines for Environnenta: Impact Reports" shall be submitted to the State Clearinghouse and sh~uld be submitted to the ~lssociation of Bav drea Gavernments for review and cocaoent. CH~1.~GE {~6: Section 8.8: Time Limit is added. Section 8.8: Ti~e Limit T'ie City shall complete and certify an EIR In not more than one vear. The time limit shall be measured from the date on which an application requesting approval for the project is received and accepted as cor~pletz. The Ciae lia~ic may Se waived ii the project applicanc has requested or consented to the waiver or if a Federal Environmental I~pacc state:aent (EIS) is processed concurrently. 4~ _ , • • -'.=sc:•::~on :io. •'+~oo li _ ~ I C::Y OF C:.?ff_.~ :v0 ~viranaeac ~.ssessWent 2.ocsdu:_ Sect~?.c¢ 1?i~cse. The pu?ose o: tze doc•:aenz :s co esC3DL_3A local procedu:es to i~ie~eat che Cal~°oraia _av~ror3eacal Qual:~ ;c: oz 1970 (CEQA). TSe ~rov+s ?ors set Eorrh hereia saa~~ be const:sed ~ accordaace :rith CEQA aad aay iats~retations t~eraot by a ccapeceat _=~uaa? . :iothiag ne:eia shall praclude t.'~e Citp frcm cak:ng such ~or..'~er act~oa :a :snect to ~ ~rojects as is 3ee~ed necessa~ by u7e Ci_j to obtaia °u.11 ccapl_ance by ~se Ci:y w~ts ~'~e prov?sions of C~QA. Sact1on 2 De='^ _ons. Sec:ioa 2.1 inol:c3nt. The ters "applicaat" shall meaa Che oerson :rho subm?ts a pro~ec~ or a specific part of a proiect for gove:y.ea~a! acc:on. Saccicn 2.2 ~~nroval. ~a action an the part o: a da~s:ee~zrer co~ttiag _.e Ci^- to a de__.:t_ course .^egardiag a?:oject iatended ~o ~e carr?ed I out. 'Lhe eaac: da:e oi annroval snall be dete^ aed bc :e:e:eace to apnlicable ! Citj ordia~aces and rosolutions. Hc~:zver, it shall geae~all? be consi3ered co occur unon t~e earL' zst cem~i~eat by t!~e decision:akez prov-'_di~g for the entitle~nt of i:se. Section 2.3 Califoraia °_avfron~ental Oua~?ti ~ct of I970. T`~e pnrase "Eavi:oa~ental QuLcy Act of 19i0" saall ~an Division 13 of .~e CaL:oraia ?ublic ~Zesaur:ss Code, as it may be ~ended :rcm Ci.:,e to t{=.e, ~d any regula- ~~ors adopted ~ursuanL ~'~ereco. Sec=?oa 2.4 De_^'sior~~ce:. T:e te~ "dec=s:on~atie:" shall ~e~~. a:v ageacp, oi:icial, or zr.nl~yae oi '~s' e Ciry :rno is an:.'~o:;zed to taice a 3oce-±e~ta1 ac~:.oa oa a pro~ec_, !~clu'c._.'ag but not 1~i~ad to t.~se Ci~ C~u.^.ci: aad ~~e f ?l.:aaiag Cac.:~issioa. i ~ Section 2.5 :~ez~anw. i"he term "e.:.erb_acy" .:.eaas a sudde~ uae:c~ected ~ accur_eacx d~...andiag '.~aediate action to p~e~reat or xitigate less or dz.age I *_o L:e, healts, property, or essentfal pubL'c serricas. i . Section 2.6 Disc__tjes:arr P:o~ect. T'se te~ "d?sc_eticaa.,^p pro;ect" shall ~ ~eaa an act~vi:r ~e~'~ed s a projac~ :=n:~ .-equ:=_s t'~e zc~r`se o: iucy~nt, ~ ceT' erat:on, or cecis~on on tae oa_t aF ::e ~~:alic agency or So~q in :he ~:ocess of a~provi=g or d'sapprov~:ag a?a=r:.cs~~ ac__city, .:s d:s:-'~3~'_saed _'.cro s.tsaCiors ~aere '.re cecisi~nratiar ~re_y aas to det~. =~e ~ae*_.;er taere i ~.s been caaxo:~y .i,:~ e~oL'c~Ie s:ac::te.s, or~'r.:saces, or ~0~^~'~~3L_CGS. f ~ II f . . . . _ . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ac_ion i =.~r__~ ~enc. : - :'he aa~r__..._ sa`'= ~a~ e .,rs~:a: ^~OIIC:~~v'IlS :T:~:3 c.':L~.SL +~C.t1~II ClZ ~'_3 :C::.: ;7' 11 72 3_-2C =Q J^ d, ~iODC52Q ~ ]=O]OCL~ ~1C~IIG~.~.3 ~3IIG~ 3'.~~ aacar, 5.~2.3?S~ ~~~=3~ :dllIId~ 3.:.D~2IIL 10'S2~ dIIG ooiec:s OI CS~SLOI2C OS dflSC~:ZL~^ S~~'1_~C3:C._. °.12 ~9:e_al C2~ "eaviror.~enc" '_s di•r_ded ia.o ~za ~oi'_oLi:.:?~• C3L~50:' d5 : ~ (a) T4e pitys:~a? or iaorganic eav:=e~.:.e~~, cocpr';_~g SUC.: _3C.ors 3s c~_~aca ~d so:l. (b) 'I'he biologica: envr:oncent, co~o ~siag :-ild plzats and ^T~3yls. . (c) The saciat eaviroa:..eat, co~~siag c`s_ags cue to hu~an activity >nd . divisible in ;urn iato: (1) The paysiosocial eav±=o;.~ent, co~ris_ag build,ags, :oads, aad aL' ~aau:actured cbjecu. (2) The biosoeial eav±ronne~t, cranrisiag donesticatzd ~lants and an;^~a~s. (d) Sceaic •n_ew and a:c3eolog±cal si__s. j Sectian 2.8 ~av±:o~enta2 ?ssessaent. :~e phrase "anvi_o~encal assessaent" ~ sha11 xean aa evaluation oi C~e c~aracca:+s tics of a project ta de.a_y;ae ' :rhet`~e: the projec: ~ay have a sigu.i~~,;.aat ei:act on t~e anv:::~enc. Sectioa 2.9 E:v:=~~.e~.~1 :~v+scr. :^:e ~nrase "eavi:onnent~ adv±so_" ;e:ers eit~er co aay ouuide coasul:ancs ~plcyed 'oy ~t:e Ci:y to ass:s: =a t~e preparation of env':=onaeatal i:pact _epor~s, or to a City s~a:' ~~er or xecbers ass:~ed co pre~are [~e :nviroa=ental ~act ?tepart (~I3) , Section :.10 3av±ron=eatal Doc•.~ents. 'Pie phrase "env~_on:.eatal docw:.eac," shall meaa a11 oi tae paper pe^aia~ag to a specif?e projac: ::aic'~ are prepared by, or on oehalf of, or for G`~e City~ and a:e reLed unon as t:~e basis, proor, ar suaoort of the eaviror~atal iaoact of [he ~roject. Saction 2.11 =av±:onaental IW~act ia~or~. The pn:ase "~av_r~~.ea~al L-nac: ~port" snall :~.aa ~We detailed vzi~~en state~eats and co~encs, s de~:~ed ia t~e Bav-:_oc.:.e_w~ Act o' 19i0, aad a~eac.:.ent ~aere=o, and ~::e GuideLnes :or =,-n:~,entation of t4e ?avi:oc=eata2 Quali~ ~ct o° i970 as adopcad by c:~e Secreta.-~ oi 3esour:.es, Sect+_on 2.I2 raviror~.eatal Rev±_v Cc~.--ee (E~C). The ?n=...se "?av-ir~~.eatal ~vie-~ Conittes" :e:ers to a caccittee c Weosed of one C3cy Coua~Lan, one ?laa~iag Coaissioaer. the C:ty :Sa :ager, ~e Di:ec.or or ?ubL' c'~o:!cs, and c`~e Direct~r of ?laaa:ag, or thei: desigr.ated alteraaces. Sec_=on 2.13 Cove...=ea:a.1 action. '?".ze pa::se "gove:..~ental act~on" saa11 ~eaa tae proposed auchorization bv t.5e Ci~ of a proiect or a s~e~_`.c ~a:~ o: a project. Suca n:aposed autsoi-!:at?cn ray be oy or:i~ancs, ::saiu~oa, c:in~act, lease, ~exait, Licease, or ary oLe_ .`o:a of eat'__Ie=ea: o: use. ~ ~ Sec^won 2 1_ .`iiy3ce.:a1 ?~o~ect. T~ae ?n=ase "a~a~sLa~al ~ro;ect", as a 3eneral r.ila, iacludes caose acc_•ri::es de:_aad as ~ro~eccs, anica are uacer~akea or approved by a gover._:ea:ai dec:sion ~zat a~t:c:=c oi'_cer or 7L'D~~c ageac~ aakes upaa a gi:-ea staca ~f :ac_~ :a a~resc__~ed ~anae: cbedieace co cae ~aadaca oi _aga: auz.o:i:q. rinea cons:der:ag these ~r~;ec s, c.`~e o~=ice: or ageac3 aust act upon -~e 3_vea 'acts ~ ~zouc regard co a:a _ar. jud3~enc or opiaioa coacsz=~g C~e ~ropziet;~ or :risdoa oi che ac= a1~7ouga t~e starsta, ord:aaace, or :eg~t±on say :eouire, ia saae degree, a conscrsc- ~~on oi is language bp :$e of:icer. Sec_on Z.1~ veRative DecLa:ac_on. T:~e pnrase "Vegac_-~e Dec?arat'_on" sha1= ~ean a s_atient by t':e decision~aicar :or t4e Ci~7 sectiag :o::.z chat ar^.~ougz :se projec_ +s aoc categor=cal.ly exempt, iL wot:.].d not have a si3a=:icaac efiect au the environmeat aad theraiore dces aoc :eQui:e aa Eaviroamencal Ispact 3epor_ (EI3) . Sec`cn 2.16 Yotice of Decex~aaCaa. :':ie pnrase "Votice or Dece~iaation" shal'_ meaa a briei notice co be -11ed by t~e CiR uhea it approves or dete~iaes to ca.^~ out a project :rhich is subject to t~e requirements oi the ravir^^~^p~tal Qua?ity ~ct oi 1970. Sec~.oa 2.17 ?erson. 'Lha tars "person" shall aeaa any person, :iaa, assoc:atioa, organization, paztaersnip, busiaess, c:ust, corporat:.on, cozmaay, district, couar~, citj and couary, ~tq, town, the stace, aad aay oi tae ageacias aad political subdiv+~sions of suca entities. $flCL+.OII ~.Ig ~LO~flCt. ~le :EI~ "project" Il2d:19 G~lH VT10~.2 OI dII dCt`OII~ ':(lf CC1 has a~ot_aciat foz physical i~pact on che envi:ona.ent, d:rectly or ult=sacal7, that is any of the follo~riag: (a) ~1a aczivit7 directl~ uadertakea bq the Cie7, iacluding but not La:.ted to pubL'c wor~s const:uction and rzlaced acti•a~ties, cleariag or gra~sg ef land, :~rovemeats co eaistiag pubac structures, eaactmeat and amaa .~,pat of zoniag ordiaancas, and L~e adoption aad ameadmeat or Local Ganeral ?lans az elaxeats thereoi. (b) an activitq undertakan bp a pezsan, ot`~er ~an t~e Cic3, :rhica s supported ia :~hole or ia part t~:ough cont:acts, 3raacs, subsid:.es, loaas, or oL'~er for~ of assistaaca £roa c'~e Cici. ~1a activity iavolviag the issuance to a per9an by the City, of a lease, per.ait, license, certificate, or other eatitle.:.eat ~or use. Section 2.19 Sizaificant Effacc. The phrase "sig~tficant ef_°ect" snaL' .:.eaa a substaaLial advane i~pact on tse environaent. Ia accardaaca vi:s L~n legislative iatenc stated ia che Eaviroameata: Qt:aL':7 Act of 1970 ~ tae e..ects on the fallcsriag iteas arx dea:.ed .o be xore sigaificant tsaa other eav~~onmental. ef:eccs: (a) :1es:hetic eaviror.meataZ qual:~es. (b) Yat~,Lal environmeatal quaL`~es. Cc) 3cenic en~•nr.eat~ aL:a~±ties. • 3:3LOI'~C ZIIV:~7BIDE.+IIC3~ QUd~.=C~25~ 2SDHC:3:=7 2.Y3mD~2S OS C::2 :..d~OL ~ariods oi C.~:oraia iistor?. ia) ~~e saiateaaace aad ~er~eciat=oa of ?_~a iad -r:=d_=:_ 3Dec_es. Yoiae. (g) Solid vaste, a:r aad aacer quali~. ~rat-ic. -4,- ~ac=:on 3 Ganer~?=n•r!s:ons. • Sec==on 3.'_ .?f~ect o? ?=o~r_s~cns on ?a.s: ~ct_~ns. :':~e 3dODt=OII ~i =::ese ~r~visions shali aoc oe caas:rsed to iava~..~dac~ a~;~ ~ast gove~..::18IIL3~ ac~=oa ~y _ze Cin srn_ca d:,3 ~ot co~iy ai:a ~ese ~.o~r_sioas o: o~ c4a Envi.or.~eatal vua_~ :1ct oi 1970. ~y ~ast gover:~~nta= ac:_~a :;r ~'~e Ci,^r on ~`~e :~~l~u;:~3 :r?es oi ~rojecta hen_cp ~ rac=:_ed and apnrovec: (a) ?rojects anic~a :rauld aoc aave a si3ni=lcaaL ei:act oa the anv~ror.~a~. (b) ?rojecu .or :rn.c:z :~e=a was substaatial comn~:ance aic~ t~e orovis:crs oi this title oz oi c.'se ~aviroa~eatal QuaLi:7 ~ct oi 1970. (c) Projec:s whic'z rece~ved eav±ronmeatal aperoval irom the stace or federa: gover..meat. (d) Projects far vhica :.':e eav:ron~eatal Sxnac: aas considered bq t~e Cir? evea though t'~ere ~.ras ao :nvironmentaL L.^~ac= ~porc pre~ared. Sectaon 3.2 Qa-~oina ?roiects. '~ii:h respect to ca-goiag projects ae 3~a3e- liaes set iort.4 ia Sactioa L070 0= GuideL'aes 'oz I~vlzmeatation oi r.~e CaL':or.~ia ~avironmeat3l QuaLty Act of 19i0 as adcoced 'oy the Secreta-a oi 3escurces shall prevail as related to on-goiag projec:s ~rithin the ju =s~~ , Coa os the City of Cuee:tiao. Sac^~on 3.3 ~stablish:.eac oi Eavizonmental 3e•a~_a Co~m:.:tee (3:~C) . :'~e Ci~7 C~uncil herebq e9tabli3hes cze 'cavironmeatal 3ev±ea Cosmittee ccapased of cne Ci~ Councilsaa, one ?1aar.i:g Co~ttissioner, ~`:e C~n `".aaager, t'~e Di_ac~o: o: ?~'~c «orks, and Che D:_ectar of Plaaaiag, or t~eir des'_3naced altar_aLes. '^sis co~ictee sha11 revisw projects as ta vhec4er the projact aay cr say not have a si3aiiicant ef_°act on :~e eavironaeat and taice the dpDrODriatz act_~us aa aereisafter providad. Upoa makiag a fiadiag t'~ac a pro,ject ~ay 4ave a si3isicaat effect oa tse aavironmeat, tha Ci~ Council and Plaaniag C~ffii.ssioa '^°~^^ers of the co~ittea shall become inactive :e.Iative to ~~e preoasac_on of ~e ~avironmeata2 L.,~act 3e~ort. Section 3.4 Feee. (a) ?:eli~iaazy eavi:nnmental assessment. Ihe:e shall be no fee ~or a prelisiaary environaeatal assessment; provided, havever, tsac cha costs oi making sucz assesameat aay be raflactad ia aay otse: fes required for processiag tse project. Cb) :avi:onmental assessmeat. The fee far aa environ~ental assessWeat oi a project spoasored eatirelq by a person at~er c4aa the Ci~ sha.11 be $25 aad shall be paid prior to suc'~ environsental assess~eat. (e) :avironaeatal L^~pact 3e~art (y~) . The aac~t oi said fee s:~a~~ Se dateraiaed by L~e Eaviror.aeata.L Bevi2w C-s.a? ttas, sfiall be based upcn :Se sise and scope of tYe project, shall be ia an ~ouat a2equate t~ c.nmaeasate f.'~e Ci:g :or its caats ia conaec-.~on ~.'~erewit~, izcluci~g, but aot liaited to, all costs of an eaviron~atal cnnsultant i~ or.e is retaiaed bq the City. . . . r . . ~ ~ (d) Cast or D~1:sa::.3 voticss. ~=ee 3d3~~ ~e c~iiected cei_ap cae casc iacur_ed b~ cae ?uolicat:~n oi aot~.ss :a ~ie :.easna~e= :or ~ro~ects sporsored anc~..el~ by a:er~cn aczer _7an tze C_,^~. :aa :ea shall noc Se coi;ec:zd anea aa noc=cs is 3i~~ea ia cor.juacc_on :ri:a anoc~er aea=^~.g requ:red zs a~a:: ~i ~.e 3or~a1 ?iann_ag ~rocsss. (e) Cosc oz Env:,_ocaeata.i Doc~.~eats co ~:e Gaaeral ?•.sulic. ~:ee sna'= be collected irom sesbers os ;.~e pubLc :or a c~oy of an an~rironaeaca_ doc•.iment to defray c~e actual cost of produc:ioa or :eproduc==on. Sec_ion 3.5 Puclic Co~meat on 2av:.ronaenta? Dec•.:meacs. ?,11 ari~_~n co~ea:s ~or tae :ecord Lzereat by :.~e pubL' c or by a govers~ental ageac~ spec~:ica~'_y i on c:~e environmental czaracte~stics af a d±scretionasq project sha?1 be • c_aasmitted to ehe PlaT*+'~g Departxeat ~d, i: not required to be a?art oi t~a Eavironaeatal I~pact 3eport by the ~avi;cameatal QuaL'ty act of I970, ~ be included a~it~ c4e eav~ronaental dor.saents _°or che projec.. Sac_ioa 3.6 aut'~ori^~ to Sizn FindiaQS. ~'hene•~e: an agenc~ of c'~e Ci-ry, ' sucz as t~e City Counctl er t`se Plaaaiag Ca~mission, is required ta xaica a ~ ==ndiag, such fiad:ag ~ay be xade araLy. Tsa Ci:7 Clerk oi c~e Cic7 Couac:l , aad :~g plann?ng Dlrector cf G'~e Plaaniag Co~l.ssioa herecy are auc~sorrzed to ac: on behaL of tsat ageacp ia makiag t~e •r.ittea :±adiag ia the aperopr_' ate laagnage on thn aparopziate documeat aad in si3aiag suc'~ appropriata 3oc•.meat. 3ec=ion 3.7 Commeacameat ai ?,c~ons .:1ny ac_ion or proceediag to a:tac~C, reri~, set aside, void, or anaul aay deta~:na~on, decisian, or gave~aa~ntal action by Ghe City an ~e grouad of aancomoLance Wit~ t'~is title or ~ c.`~ t~e :nvi:onaeatal QuaL'ty :~c: oP I970 sha17. be co~enced as iollews: (a) .~ay act:.on or proceediag aLleging that t'~e Ci~ is carryiag out or aas approved a pro;ec= :raica 3ay have a si3ai:=caat ei:ect on :~e aavi:on- meat wit.4out haviag decerained ahetser t:~e ~roject aay have a si3ai?i- caat ef~ect aa the eavironmeat shall be ccmmencsd wi~'~in 180 da•~s o~ che City's decisicn :o carry out or approve che ?roject or, i.° a project is undar:akea vi:sout a fora decision bq t4e C+_tq, ~i~_s 180 days azter coa3aence:aent of ~4e projec:. (b) .1ay ac.ion or procaedia3 allegiag tha: r~e Ci:? has i~Qraperlq dets:~iaed whether a project aay have a sigai:icaac 2i~flCt on t'~e eavi:onseat shail be coa.meacad wits~ 30 days a:taz the fi?~g o~ :he ;iotice o~ Dete~~a- tion vith the Couaty Cleric a~ required by che cavironmenta2 QuaL'ty ~c= of 1970. (c) .1ay action ar proceediag allegiag that an 5a~ ronneatal I~act 3e~ort daes aot co~l~ vith 1ega1 requiremeats eha11 be co~eaced rL~`~ia 30 days after tf3e ~i' :ag oi the :7ocice or Dece~iaatioa vit`~ tse County Cleric :equirnd by the Eaviroaaea.al Qual:ty act of 19i0. Sec~on 3.8 Pzoof of Senice. Proof of prior ser~icn bp aa:l upon _4e Ci^~ of a vri.tea notica of t4e conaeace~eat of axiy action ar procsed~ng 3esc =~ed in Coaxiencenent of ac:icns above ideatL~iag :~a p:o,i,ect shall be 'iled co~- es -eatlp ~.rita C'se iair.ial pleadiag ia sucs acr:on or proceediag. Section 3.9 Filiaz of vocices. The Di:zctor os ?laaaiag saall ~_la a..-^~ notiese _equired b? ~'~e ~a-riror.meataL Qua::,t7 ~ct oi :9 i0. Sac=_on + w{siSL8~3~ ?_7iZCLS. :'L3j5C2~3;,•jec:.s are aac subjec_ :ae aavi.onaencal .~aac: ~roceduze spec_:'_ed :zar_'_~ ~r *_o =::a ?a r =~r^`ea_a_ Qu~~~ ~ct oi 19i0. ~e =oilcwing 1~st sec; ~z ~~ose ?ro;ec=s. (a) .ssuance of bui:dag aad otzer relac_d pe~.i~. • Co) Lssuance oi bus.aess 1±c~ases. (c) ~eoroval of ~iaal subdiTision aaps. (d) Issuancn of encroacl~eat persits. (e) I9suaace oi streec-cut par.,iit. Issuaace of grading per.~it. . ia :ha eveat a question +_.s :aised, either bq aa apoLcaat or by a aembe: oi ~e Ci:y staf:, as co ~he~:er or aot a projec~ Ss or is not a ais=sta ~al i projecz, the question sha11 Se referred to the Cit7 ~ttorsep far his ni::ag as ta ;rhetaer ar noc, uader stace aad loca2 law, t:ze projecc is or is aot • a a:ai.sterial project. Sac~_on 5 Cace~ca.L wce...^~nti~a. • 3ac__on De~reloem.ea~ ~v ]i_eccar a: ?1~r~a;~. ~'4e ~i_ector oi ?'_a:.Z:g ana?_ aevel~o a'~st or ~..rasses ot projec_s ~~n::.a saa:: ~e 3_3IIC2Q _acegor_ca? =YP.~D G~OIIS . Sect_ea 5.3 3daotion bv wocion. T_::e C:~ C~unci~. ;ha11 adooc oy _oci~a chose classes oi pro_ec:s :rhica sacu:.d'oe 3_aated categorica'_ 232_'^DCi~as. ~ac~.ion 5.3 =~_zc= of a CateROrical ~xe~ac'on. :~ay ~roject ~ni~.a _s -aith:a a class ot projects 3rantad a categorical exempcion and whica does zoc nave anri_ona,ental c:zaracte~stics si3aa.:icantly dii:arenc from e`~e ocher ~embers ai euc.~ c_Lass is deemed to be a projac: wii~ca ai1,1 noc have a si~:icaac aiiect oa :ae eavironmeat. 'Io environmental assassmeat or eavironxenta'_ Lapact repart is requtred for such a project. Section 5.4 Cri:eria iaz Grantisa a Class of ?roiects a CateRO r`ca' =•ce~tion. ~ (a) The follawiag classes af activicies saa?1 be graated cata3orica~ 2.YEIDD- I tion~ from tse :avi:onmeacal Lapact ?zocadure, ozovided chat aa czaage I ia uae, occupancy or mniag on che si:e is invol•~ed. Crite~a :cr ~I graaG:ag a class oi p:ajects a categoriral esemptioa ara: ' The projects ;ritsia t~e class occ~sr ~requencly. (2) T:ie projact.s v:thia the class ±a 3eneral will noc have a si~:_- caat efiect on ~e eavironment due to their aature. (3) 1:ze projects wir.hia the clas9 ia 3eaera? aill noc have a si3ai?i- cant ai."ect bacau~e sufficient guzde~?aes ior taking gove r.=eatal actian already have beea estab L'saed ±a ~~e Ci.y by ordizaaca, resolutlan, or aotion to easure coniarsi~ ~.ri;h ~`~e Ca'~=o:..ia Eavi:oaxeacal Qualitq 2,ct ai :970. (b) Categorical F.ze~otions shall nat be graatzd, evea for projects vni ch norsally quaLfy uadar ane of c.'~e exe~t classes, i~ ~4e project ~ig:z: cause one ar aere oi tha :ollowtag: (1) `Soniag oz aore ts' an l00 cubic par3s of sail. (2) Dest~-ucL:an oi highlq desirabl.e treea, snrubs or aildL~e. (3) D13 tuzbanca of streams or uauaual land iax~g. (4) Crnation of my uausual air~ aater ar noise pollut±on sou:ce. (5) Disrsrbaaca of aap slope of more t'saa 30~. (6) Destruction oi historically snor:ant buildiag3 or aitas. (7) Dialation of aaq lasa, regulation ar aut~oriaation of a:y ather j uris di c _on. -8- ' S'ZCt_JS 5.~ C~~ ''G~.9L~;.2 =3C:.?1''_2S. C~55 ! COnS'SL3 JL ::lfl JD2_3- ~=~a• :2ad~~~ ...d~:C.°IId.^.C8 Or ~::Or 3~=d.3C_JII OL _:C3L_:3+7LLD1=:. OL 7S':•Td~2 S C.^.IC~13:8$ ~ LdC~~~L~fl4 ~ :.2G3I1~C3~ @'~LL7WE.^.C ~ '7r ~DD0~:3~[la ~:,3: ~d3.'1~~5 ~ izvol•riag aeg~~3i5_e or no ~ansion ~t use ~e7ond ~7a~ ?_e~~_ous:r ~~;t_ag, :.ac~udiag : (a) iaterior oz e.Yter:oz a:terac:.ors :avol~riag such ~'~aSS as _at= ~or particions, pluaciag, and elec_r:ca1 can-~e7aac~. (b) :sistia3 facilities of both iavestor, and pubii~y cwned uti'~:_es used to cenve~ or dist~bute elact~.c power, aatura: gas, aewage, ecc. (c) :zstiag ni3nways aad s~eets, sidewallcs, gutters, birfc:e and pedestrian trails, aad siatlar faciL~es. (d) Restoration, or :ehabiLtation oi dece~aratad or d~aged stric:sres, fae:lities ar artcaaa:;.al equipaent ta 9eet car_eat standards of public healCh aad saiaty, ualess ic is detex~iaed that tha damage was substaatial aad resulted ~rom aa zm~=onmeatal ha: ard suca as eazt~qualce. laadsL'de or flood. (e) ~+,dditioas to ~stiag strsctures other t~an siagle-~amily residences, provided that t~se addicioa vill aot rasu:t ia aa iacrease ai xere t~an SOZ oi tae flaor azea af tha st:uctuze be:ore the addition or alteration, or 2,500 square ieet, w~ic~ever is less. .lddlcion of saiet3 or nealch protec~on de~rices :or use duria3 c~n- st:uc:ion wits e~9tiag st:uc~sres, fac:;.ities or :ec:zaaical equipmeac, or topogranhical fzat-sres (aclud±ng aavi3ational dev±ces) ~ha:e c~ese devices do aoc have or result ia aa advarse eavironmeatal i~act. (g) :Zew copy on ec:stiag oa aad of:-preaise si3as, (Iz) :Saiateaaace oi ez~stiag laadscapiag, native growth and uacer Si1DD17 - rese:~oirs (eac~udiag the use o: economic poiso~s, as deiiaed ia Division 1, C:~apcsr 2, Caliioraia dgr:cultural Code). (i) waiateaaaca of °isa screans, fish ladders, :rildiife habitat areas, arti-F:.cial wildliie ~.racer.ray devices~ st=eam'1oWS, spriags aad vatersoles, aad stream caanueSs (clearing af debris) to protect :ish and wildlife reaoazcrs . (f ) FisE~ stocking by the Califorsia Depart~ea: of Fish and Ga~e. (k) Divisioa of e~dstiag ~u1C:.~le-family reazal uaiu iato coadoffia±t:~s. (Z) DemoL'tion aad :eaoval of buildiags and ralated structures exce~t ~hera t'~ep aze oi hlstorical, archeological, soeial. or arc:sitectsral cansequeace as off±c:ally desigaated bp ?ederal, State or loca'_ govn:ameatal action. (m) .1ddi~iobs to eiagle-faaily reesidencas. 3ect:on 5.5 Clas~2: 3efllac~enc or 3accnst~,:•on. Class 2~onsiscs ot :_placeaeac or =econst.sc_ioa oi '~Y~3C~34~ sc~ictures 3IIQ _3C'~~C~29 uFere :he ae~r stric.s:e a~w~ ba locatad on ~ae same ~ita as che st=uc~ure reniaced and :ri_1 aave substantia'~y _:e sa~e ?unosa and ~anac:t;~ as :~e ~c_utsre :eplacsd, iaclud~ag ~uc aoc 1'~ited to: (a) 3eolaceneat or _econsc=uction of ~stia3 sc:ools and :os~i=.~~ .a provide aartheuaice :eeistant 3L:1C.ures ahich do not :ac=ease canacic•r aore csan 50~. ' " (b) ~eplacemeat of a co~ercial structure ~i~h a ae~.r SC~1CL'1:? of sub- stantially che saae size and pur~ose. Sectlon 5.7 Class 3: ;1ev Constrsction oi Smali Structu:es. Class 3 consists of constructian aad location oi siag2e, aew and small Eacil.icia9 or st:uctures aad installation oi new equi~ment and :aciL'ci~s ~aclud_ag hut not li~i.ted to: (a} Single-familq :esidences aat in conjuaction ~.ri.:h che buildiag of cao or aore such unics. <b) wecels, apart~eats, and duplexes desigaed £ar aoc ~re chaa ~our ~ell.ia8 'm=~s i= not ia conjunction :~ch che bu~diag of tsro or ~ore such stzuctures. (c) Stares, offices, aad restau:ants i: desi3aed :or an occapanc load oi 20 person~ or less, if not ia conjuaction with the bu=ld=ag of cao or more such structurea. (d) Water naia, ae~aage, electrical, gas aad ot~er utiliCr e~:easions of reaaonable leagts t~ seroe such const:sction. (e) ~lccesso rs (anourtenaat) st:vctures :acluding garages, ca:~orts, pacios, s*ai~ing paols aad fences. Subdivision direction sigas. Section 5.8 C~ass G: ;+,i~or Alterations co Land. Class + cons:sts of aiaor 2ublic or pri~ate alterations ia the condition o~ land, vacar and/or vegeta- cion, iacludiag but not l~ited to: (a) Gradiag on laad :rith a slope of less thaa 10~, ezcept :raere :t is to ba lacated ia a watar.ray, ia aaq vetlaad, in aa ofiicially desigaatzd (by Federal, S~ace or local gover.smeatal action) scenic area, or ia officially aapped areas of sevarn geologic hazard. (b) :Iew gardea±ag or laadscapiag but aot iacluding removal of ~aturn, native or eaotic treea. (c) 8illing of ear'a iato p:eviausly eicavated land :rith naterial co¢paL=ble with tha natural :eaturns of the site. (d) w.iaar alcer~ons :a land, vatar and •regeca'~ion on 2:C_9L=1$ o~:_c'_ally desi3aated 'ri_dli~e aaaagement araas or `ish product_on :ac'__:~_as waica resu'_: ia i,~provexeac of aabitat coz r.sh and a~d?'_~a :zsources or greacar ?ish ~roduc~ioa. (a) ~.i.zor c~orarr :~.ses oi land 'aav'_ag se31'_3_ble or ~o ?e~aaeac 2__2CL3 OII ~i1fl :II7:~OL'm2IIL~ 9i1C~ d3 Sd~23 0= C:l~iSL~dS :.E95~ dCC. Sect=on 5.9 C~ass 5: ~lteracions ia Laad IIse Li~i~at=ons. Class 5 consists oi ~iaor alterac.ons in laad use li~icacions, excepc zan_ag, iaclud=ag 5ut not limiczd to: (a) :iiaor loc l~e adjnst~ents, heighc, yard, coverage and a:ea regulatioas, side qard and setback nariaacas aot resultiag in the c:eacion oz anp new parcel noz ia an}r change ia laad use or density. (b) Zssuance oz encroachmeat pe~ics. Sectien 5.10 Class 6: Iaforaation Colleccion. Class 6 cons~ts oi basic data coll.eczion, researca~ ex~era~eacal naaagement and resou:ce a~ra,luation activi.ties wcic's do noc result ia a se~ovs or aajor distnr~aace to aa eavironmeatal :esaurce. Thesa may be :oz st~ ctly iaio r.~acioa 3at4ariag ~urposes, or as part of a study leadiag ta an action :riiic'~ a public agencq has not pat anproved, adopted or :unded. Sectioa 5.11 Class 7: Actions bv Re¢u.latorv aqeaciee For ~-ot~c•'on oi :Jatural ~esourc~s. Class 7 ccas~ts oi acLions takea by regulatar3 ageacies as authartzed bp Stata 1aw or local ordinanca to assure che aa~ateaaace, restozation, ox enhaace~ent of a aacural :esource ahere c~e regulato r~ process involvea procedures -or protection of t~e anvironmeat. Exaapl~s iaclude but aze not l~i.ted to arildL'fe greservatiaa activities of t'~e State Depart-~~at of Fish aad Ga~e. Constzuction acti•ricies are aot included ia this e.eempcion. Section 5.12 Class 8: actions bv ReAUlator~ d¢eacies for ?~DL2Ct~0II of t'~e Environaenc. Class 9 coasists oz act=oas cakea by regulat~ r~ agencies, a.s authorized by 4tata or local ordinance, to assure the ~~acaaance, restoratlon, aaaaacemaat, or protection of t:~e eavironmeat uhere t:~e regulato rj ~ rocess iavolves procedures for protaction of ~4e enviroc~eat. C~ast,uetian activities are aot iac].uded ia ~'~is ese~pcion. Section 5.13 C1ass 9: Iasoectiaas. Class 9 cansists or` acti•r'_cias L+ztted eatiraly to iaspectioa, to check for per:oz~ancc of aa aperatian, o: qualitq, health ar safety oi a projact, iacluding :elatad activitiPS sucs as iaspection for possible aislabeliag, aiszepresentatiaa or adulterat;on o: products. Section 5.14 Class 10: Accessor~ StrucLures. Class 10 censists oi coestruc- t:.on, or placemeat oi miaor st:uctures accessorq to (appur;eaaat co) a~tiag ca~ercial., ladust~aS, or iastitutianat faciltties, iacluding but aoc liaited to: (a) Qn-premise sigas. (1~) Saall pazk:~g lots. Sec~~on 5.1~ C~s Ll: Su~lus Gove_:.ment Sa],es. ~~,;,ss consis~s oi sales or su~?lus 3ove:..meac proper~j axc=pc 'or ~arels of iaad. Secc_on 5.?5 Class L2• zaerzeae~. C~ass 1' _~nsi.su o= ac^'.~1 -ias 1~-ad ta ,.:e aae~~orat=oa o~ an e=ergeac~ :~c'_udiag ~u= noc '_:aicea (a) ?ro;ecs under~akaa, ca-iad out, ar aanroved by a~ub1=c agenr~ co ~aiacaia, repair, restore, de~oiisn ar replace proper.~ or :a~licias damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a d:saster sL~~kea area ia wEL:c+s a stata os ~er3eae~ nas beea praclaiaed bv ~~e Gove~aor pursuaac eo Gzaptar 7(commeac=.zg vit'~ Sec~ion 85:0) of Di•ris:on 1, Ti~,le 2 os c~e Gover~eat Cede. (b) =mergeacy repairs to puclic servfcs iacilities aecessa~ to aaiataia serrica. (c) Projacts undertaicea as i~ediate actioa necessar~ to preveat or ~i.tigate ~ aa ~er3encj . i ' SecL'an S.I7 Class 13: actiritles vot Substantiallv :1:fec~aa c'~e Haviron~eat. Class 13 cansiscs o=':hose acti•rities =or ahic;~ ~ apolicacion ior a govers- mO^t perait or other eatitlemeat for use is aade to the City, aad ±t is deter.aiaed (baged on t~e provisions of ~.a' is Caaater) that sucz ac~:vi,y does aoc svbstaatially ai:ec: tse eavi~ameat. I~ C~1VE.4T W'hile c:~e categorical exe~ptioas listad above , centai~ classes or ez~aales oi pro jects whi~'~ ia maay cases aay be ainisterial, the iaclusion of thca is ia ao vap iatended to isply aaq fiadiag hera that tsey are aiaisterial ar dis- czeciona~. Z~ae categorical ese~t:ors, aatu- rally, only apply whare tha project ia question is found to be discracionar~. S_ection 5.18 Oual+___cacion oi Cer:a:a ~teavCons. 'Phe ~-ceaption os Clasaes 3, 4, ~ and 10 shall noc apply vaare che project: (a) Is located so as to af~ect a pa:•~eular sensicive eavironaeat (althougn its eaviromasaeal iapact wauld not be ~ignificaat ezcapt :or its partieular location). (b) Impacts on an eavi:onmeatal resource or hazard of ~^itical cancera as map be hereafter desigaatad, pzecisely aapped aad ai£ic±a_].y adooted pursuaat ta laa. (c) ~11 eaempcioas L'stad 'sereia shall be :aapplicable uhen the rs.,.^ulacive i~act of suceessive ptojects of the s~e c~e ia c:~e 9ame o:.ace over a period of t~e becomes sigai~icaat (e.g., aaauat additians ta aa eris~ag buildizg uader Class 1) . I ~ . I ~ ~ I Section o Iai~~al St::dv. i ~ Sect_on o.2 Data -_oa ~noL'cant. :::e c'_cj oi:__a],, ;rao :ecs'_•res a?roject :or procassiag, aay requi.e ~'~e aooL' cant _o ~rovide a1= or aay par= or ~'~e ~ base ~iox~ation on *~e ?roject aecsssarr :or a?re~±~~ar~ eavironaeacal asse9smeat of ~`~e pro;ec:. i Sect~on 6.2 :iadiaQS bv ?:ocessia~ Of::c:a:. ~nen a 2ro~ec: ~ suoai:tzd co the Cicp :or processag, t.'~e cic~ oi~ic:al responsible _°or tZe processizg shall aake a pre.~.•_'aiaa~ aavironmental assessneat of che projecc. I~ ~e ~ dacer~ines t~at the oroject qualifies :or a cacegorical e.Yempcion, ne ~ha11 record his fiading ia vritiag. I: he detex~iaes t~at t~e project daes aoc I quali£y ior a categor!cal exemption, he saa11 :ecord ~~is detex3iaacioa ia Writiag and t:ansmic the pzoject to tae Dizector oi ?la~ag, :or :ur:.'~er traasaittal Co the Eaviro~eataL Rev±ew Cc~ittes (E~C). , 3ectioa o.3 Evaluatioa of ?roiects Beaui~sq ~iore Ihaa Oae D+sc~e~'onax^r ~ccion. Ia c~e aveat :~ac a project requires sore thaa cne (1) discrec;,onarj ~ action, i.a., c'iaage oi zoae, use pex~it, taatatine map, etc., tha 21a~iag Director map fiad, upaa reviev of tse project taat the scope aad :atensity ' is ~;caepiag ;rl.t~t the ort3iaal eavironmeacal assessment aad taat c.~e , subsequeac discretiena:ry actiaas ara exemat .:om the provisions oi thesa guideliaes. The ?lanaing Director shaLl report all suc.'~ actions talcaa uader I tsis section ta t3se `av:ronmanca]. Itaviev Co~ittee for fina.l a~arcnal. Sac^~oa i :av:=• atal assessmeat ?:ocedure. • ?act'cn 7.1 3e=er=~ to _..•rircnaen.al ~•r_aa Co.~-:- as ~_3C ~ar- - ` Lnon 3e_ .~:aa- . t~on taat a projecc is aoc cace3oria_p a:ce:nc :.on :.ze _equire~enc oi :.ye 3a•rironmeacal Qua~i.~ ~ct of 19i0, t7e anni:canc aza1= ?ra~are ae 'cavi_cn- ~eacal 3ssess:enc Nor:tsaeac, ahica ~ay ~a oota=aed ac ~4e ?I~*+-++-+3 ~e?ar~ae^c oz:_ce. Upon c~anlatica oi sa:d :ror!csneec, c4e aacte: szail be re:a -ad c., ~e ?a•riron^eatal 3e~ev Ca~ittee. `n:t~=a :_:_esa da~s ai ~'~e =e==~a1 date, c.he :avironmeatal ~riew Co~ait,ee shall prepare a~_tten :indiag as to whether or aoc ~e p:oject aay aave a s13ai:_~anc ef~ect oa r~e aav:ron- 9eac. Sect+on 7.2 ~valuat=oa of ?:oject bv ~avirocaentai 3evie~.r Co~i-_ee (f~C). (a) In evaluatiag t'ze niga:~±caace of tae eaviro~eatal ei°act of a pro;ect, wtiere dis`-etioaax7 goversmeatal ac~.ion is iavalved, c.~e Cemaittee shall cons±der both pr+,~a~ aad secondaxry censequeaces. (1) Primury caasequences are i~ediately related to :h2 project (CZe canstrscti.on oi a new treatxeat plant say fa`L'tata ?opu~aticn Srawt~ a a par.icular area). (2) Secoadarq consequeaces are related mora ~o primar~ consequeaess thaa to the projact itsel~ (aa imsact unon t:~e :esource base, iacl.uding land, air, :rate: aad eaer3Y use oi w4e a:ea iz question may result zrom tha papulatioa). (b) 'caamoles ai Consequeacss vnich aay have a si3aificant ef:act on the ~aavironmeat: (1) I9 ia conflict ~a:t.~ envfronaeacal plaa, tae cc~a:eheasi•re Ganeral Plaa* and goals that have beea adootad 'oy c~e City. (2) Has a substaacial aad demonst~able negative aes t'setiC 2f:2C_. (3) SubstaatiaL'y aiFects a raze or endangered species of a.^.i~al or plaat, or nabi:at of auch a species. (4) Causes subs:antial iac2rfareace :ric~s :ae aovemeac o: aav res_dent or aigracorq ~:sa or wildli=e species. (5) Results in a substaatial decr'~.eatal ef:ec: on air or :rater qualicp, or on ambiaat naisa levels for adjaiaiag areas. (6) Iavolves tha possibility of contaainatiag a pub 11c aater supolq system ar advarsely ai:acting grouad vater. (7) Cou~d cause substaatiaL flaoding, erosion ar sil:at:en. (8) Ls sub ject to ma j or geol.ogic ha: ards . (9) Brnaches aaq published natianal, state, or local staadards relat~ag to saLd aaste or L+tter control. • (10) Causes subsL.~nc=a1 af:ecs as reiaca~c~ •~ez_~alar sove~eac Ccra.::ic) . }Saadator~ ?iadia~ os Sizai:?csnce. ia a•~e^~ c.sse ane:_ any oE _~e :ollow:.3g coac=t_ons are :ouad :o e:csc as a:esu'_c oi a~roiecs, ~.e ?roject •riL' be :ouad to aave a s:3~:_csac __°:ec: on ~'~a ~z•r~_or.reac: (1) I~ac:s :micz zave ~'~e ~oceatia~ co deg~sde tae qua1=:~ or :.~e eavi.ranmeat. - Lapacts whi,~ achieve short-ter.a, ;e t~e disadvaatage oi '_on3-ta~, envi_onmeatal 3oals. a short-ce~ i~pac~ oa w~e eavironaeat is ane vhich oceurs ia a rel.atively brier, de?iaitive period af ci.:.e, vhi=e Iang-ter.a i~pacts :rill eadure well iato che suture. (3) Impacts for a project whica aze iadi•~idual?y lisited, but cw~au- latively consideracla. For ea~ple, a project aay i~act cn c.ra or more separace :esources wnere c4e ±3nac~ on eac'~ :esoures is zelatively sma?1, but averal.l i~aact cens:derable. Howevez, :ais maadatorp ~~nd~ag of sigaificaacs does aot apply to Cao or sore aeparate projects whera tae i~oact of sac:~ :s iasfgni:'_caat. (4) The eavironmeatal e-fecu of a project ~.ri11 cause substaatial adverse effec:s oa humaa beiags, ei:her 3irectly or indirect?q. (d) The Ca~ittee eha?1 be 3uided by the fol.lccriag questlons as a:u:~e: aid ta decerainiag c~e si3aificaace oi a ~rojec:. (1) Does the cosroreaeasive Geaeral ?laa aporoeriatelq consider ~~e prapased project as relatad to ~ajor caacaras suca as land :isa aad traific aad its overall fuacticnizg ;rit4iz t4e cosaun'_c~? (2) Gill the project be inconsisteat wi~ che Ci~'s Geaeral ?laa aad its plaa~ag policies concersiag ~e zatural envi:an~eat aad resources of :~e City? (3) Will the oroject ba iaconsistent vi:~ ~e Gaae:al ?1aa and planning palicirs of the surroundiag goverameatal ageacias? (4) Daes the project siga:.ficaatly chaage prsseaL uses of land ouu ide the projact area? • (5) Does Cse project ai:ect the use of a recreac:,onal area or area of i~portant aestaecic vaLue? (6) Does the project result ia the dSsplacemeat of aay co~uai~ rasidence? (7) Are aay of tse nacuzal or maa-made :eatures ia the project area uaique, tsat is, aoc fauad in ot~er pa~s oi tae councy, suce ar aation? (8) Does the project sigai?icaatly a.f~ec: a~acvn historical or archeological sita or its set.iags? . ~ ~ (9) ~aes t~e p.-ojec= sigai'icantlp af:ac_ ::e ~ocenc~al use eatraction or COIIS2L'78C~CII oz a scarca ~aciral rssource? ('_0) Daes t7e orojec= a~~ea ser~e as a iaai_ac, 'cod sourca, aest_a3 place, scu:ce o: uater, etc., :or _r~ or endangered :rild'~=a or Lish saec',es? Doas c~e pro~ect si3aiiicaatly a_'~ec_ ~_sn, ~i1dL~e, or ??aat 1if e? (I:) are t~ers aay :a:e or eadaagered plant spe c:es ia t'~e projec: area? (13) Daes tae pzoject result ia erosion oi ouuide propert-3? (14) Does the profect require a vaxiaace from astabI.ished eavi_on- m°^tal standar:s :or air, watez, aoisa, atc., or adootad ~laas? (15) Wi,I1 the project raquira certifica C on, aur~orization or :ssuaace of a persit by anp 1oca1~ state or ~ede~al eaviron:.eatal concral ageacq? (16) Will the project require issuaace of a vaz=aace or condi~ona: use pesaLt? (17) Will the project favolve the apnlication, use or disposal of hazardous aate ~a.Ls? (?8) Will t'sa pro~act iavol•~e coastsuct:.on oi :aci:3t~es ia ilood plaia? (19) Will the project :.avolve constructiaa ef :act~~ties ia tae azea of a kawn active £ault? (20) Could the coa~latad project result ia a geaeration oi si31.::=caa: amounte of noise? (3).) Could tha const_ictioa of the project resulc ia a geaeratiou oz ei~icaat amounts of dust? (12) Cou].d the coc~lnced project result ia a 3eaeratiaa of sigai:icaat amouats of, dust? (23) Will the projact iavolve the b u:~iag oi b:usa, t:esa ar constrsc- tian matarta]s? (Z4) Could the project _eault ia a ai° , Ficaat c'~anga ia the quaL' ~ of aay poztioa of the City`s or regioa's aiz or water resources whnther thep bn sis~aca, grouad craczr ar oz:-ehore? <:S) :iill the projac: da ir:evocable hara to c.~.e aes:.'~etic a~eni^.ias in aa area2 . ~ ~ ~ (26) ~Till ~~e oro~ec~ ove~ur3ea z.xi;tiag ~uo~c uc_L+C:29 and ean.itacion ~ac.:~~~_es, aace~ 3t1DD]..7, :~aste disposal and scor3 : drainage. (2:) ~ill the ~roject :rzace subscanc~ai a?_a:at_on oi _ae paysic~, caemical aad biological nroper:ies of :.~a a:r, •;ater, or ?and in c~a coamun:.tj =a a~~aer c~atrar3 to ~e proaocicn oi che heal~, sa=ac~ or weL~'aze of a substaatiai aumoer oi ~erscns or ta t~e balaace oi ecolog'_ca1 resaurca? (ZS) 'dill che pmject breac'i aay pubLshed aacional, staCe or 1oc~ s:aadards relae:ag to soL'd wasta or litter control? (29) Wi11 the projec[ ianolve const:uction oz facilities wi 'ts~'n aa area of fire haza=d? Sect3.an 7.3 Detex~i.nat±oa oi ~aviro~eatal 3evie~.r Com~.;ttae (~C) . (a) If more rhan aae puhlic agenaq aill be involved ia uadertaking or approviag a pro jact, che 'carironmantal 3evie~.r Co~t~tee s'r.all coasult vits a1.1 reaponsible ageacies bezore co~laciag a:tegative Declaratioc. .Lrter complating a vegative Declaration, the ~RC shall foraard a coov to oc:~er public ageacies having ,jur;~3tction by 1aw. ii (b) If a deteraiaation is ~ade taat Ghe project :rill aat have a s:gai:icant ' '~act aa Ghe eavi=onment: (1) 1^se Co~ittsa saall prepare writtea iiadiags aoc e~ceedL^g one page in leagth, t4at a Yegatiae Declaration be £=1ed. (2) ;he vegati7e Declazation shal? be ii2ed :rit4 ~4e CiLy CZar'.~ o: the City oz Cupertiao at least ten (10) days prior to :iaal action aa the projecc to provide aa opportuuitq far members oi the public to respoad co the fiadiags. Said vegative Decla:aticn shall not eaceed one page in length and canta:.z c'~e fallcwiag iaf os~ation : (a) A des~~pcioa ai L'~a project as ~roposed. (bT Iaclude a fiadiag that the project :rill not have a si~i=icaat i~act on c'ie anvironment. (e) A brief stacxaeat af reasons to supoor: the fiadiags. (d) A briei state~neat indtcat:.ag who grepared tha initial sts~j and cr~nre a capy of it may be obtaiaed. (3) IIpon fi].ing a aega•.:ve declaration :rich C:~e Citq Cler!c o= the Cir7 of Cupertlno, the Env±ronmental ?te7±ew Ccss~.:tee shall cause a aoticn to be pubL'shed ia a nerrspaper oi geae:al eirculation :r_:.~ia t'~n City oz Cupe:t:.ao deac=:biag t:~e project iavolved aad s:at=ag that a vegative Dec:arac:oa has beea filed aad L`~at no 3avironaeacal Imnact Fteport :ril]. be _equired foz t~e project. Said aevspaper r.cc_~e shaLl advisa tsat tae decsion aot 'to require an Eavi:onnental i~act -17- ~ ~ 3enort aay ba. apoealed iz ~rra ~~ag :o w4e C_~~ Cauac=: a~:.`La :en (10) days o= :.'~a date oi sa:d ae:~soaee~ 7LLD j~:.3L_oa. (~i) ~.ftz: completing c:~a `ie3at_•~e ~ec'_arat_on and upoa :iza1 act_oa on _'~e project, ~'~a dec:s:onaaicer snal:. f__e a Vot__ of Deca~~a- t_on ai~ G~e Councy ~lar:t oi Saata C1ara Couat~. Said aoc.ce shall conta:a ti^.e :oL' owiag i.a:or.~at~on: (a) A descript;,on of t~a projact as pronosed. Cb) The decisioa to approve or disanprove tze protect. (c) The decisian as to smet~er G'se project :riL have a significant i~eact on 'ue environmeat. • (d) ~dhet:~er aa Eav:ronaeatal I~nact cZepozt has beea prapared. (c) I.`, a detersiaation is ~ade t5at c.~e p:oject ~.r:ll aave a si3ni=icanc i~act an the eavirona.ent: Tha Cammittee shall aaice a fiadiag in arit=ea =ora identify~g ~ajor areas of coacers as ralated to the project aad that it aap hame a sigaificant ±~pact on the environmeat. :~fter making the above fiadiag, tha City Cocmcil and Plaaaiag Co~:.ssioa memcers oi the Committea shall become iaactiva relati•~e co che prepara- ~oa of the Eaviron~eatal I~pact 3eport. Section 7.{ :~noeal of E3C Detersiaaticn. (a) d project sponsor, elected or appaiated City Of:ie:al aad/or a arerber of the 3eneral public ~ay apoeal a decision by ~'~e =avi:onxeatal 3evie~a Co~ittee regara.~..^g t:~e .iLng af a;Ie3at_•~e Dee;a:ation or ~e requirea,ent far the pre~aration of aa Eavironmeatal I~pact Report. The anpeal shall be heard by r~e City Council wi;~ia tsirry (30) daqs upan :ecaipt of the apoeal. ~1~ pending pub L'c aear=a3s on t~e pra;ect saaL' ba contiaued uat:.l actioa on the appeal is taicea by ~.'~e City Co~ac:'_. (b) The Citq Couacil shall reviasr t'~e envtronmeaca'_ doc•amencs submitted to aad prepared by the yavironmental ~aviev Committza. :':~e City Counci~ a.ay : (Z) ~efer the mattar bac'c to ~e Eaviro~ental 3eview Co~mittee £or addi Lonal considnration. (Z1 Dete~iae tsat tke pro~ect aill aot hava a aiga.i_icant iapact upen the mvi:onmeat aad aa4i~ the action taicea by ;~e 'caviron- ~•~tal Review Co~t:tee cencersiag the :iL'ag of c~e Vegac=ve DecLa:ation. (3) Deta~iae that tse pro ject :riL' have a ai3ai_icaat i~act aad ordar tse preparatioa os aa :aro~ironmeaca2, iapact 2eport. ,o Sec^~on 8?~~a3ratica aad 3e~r'ew oi 3nr_.onae•1 ?~nac_ ~eno:_, Sect:on 8.: ?.es~ors_biL:-~ oi ~n~r~n~eata? 3a~~iea Co~c_ee(~C) . (a) '^ie p:eparation of che :av:_~nWeatal Lznact 3apo:t sna.~? ~e caordiaaced by c4e ~n•r±:onaea[al 3ev=e~r Coaai._ae, aot :acludiag ;.4e Ci:q Caua~: and ?'_anaiag Commission ae~ers. I^ae report shall be prepared 'oy aa ;a•r~,:~a~eatal .~.dv±sor, aho say be a City staz~ me~bz assigaed to pre~a:e c4e report or a consu.Ltant e~ploped bq the City. • (b) The Ca~mittes shall astabl~a a list af consultaats with aaaeriaace in tae pre~aratian af Envi:onmeatal Lznact Reporu . ?rior to the salection af a consultaac, t'~e r.a•rironmental ~ev±ea Cor~ittee shall ask tse consuStaat ta submit a vezified stataxeat 1'_stiag aay prior, e~sting or conte~plated pro=essional re2a~orsni?s bec.reea coa- sultaat aad che applicaat oi the project~ or tsose ia can~actsral relationsi~p •rl:fi a~pLcaat, sucz ~ landcwners or arc'.sicects. (c) Tha Committae saall, aztar cansultation ait,'~ t'se appL' c3nt, select aa Eavlronmeatal Advisor aad coLect the a~ropriate fee _°or tse prepara- tion of che ~avironmeatal L~aact tienart. . (d) The COII'4.~Lt2E nha1T, review aajor areas of concera as idenci::±ed in the rnvi:oaaeatal .lssess~ueat Procedure with the Eavtroncseacal ~dvisor prior ta tha prepazation of u'e draft =avironaeatal Inpact ~por.. '?'he Committae aaq direct the Enviranmeatal ~ldviser to e~ahasiae the aajar areas af ccncera ia the dzaft 2I~. Tha Enviran:aeatal a:visor aay utiliaa se~aeats oi earL'ar Eaviroamental Ixpact 3epor:s w a:aisize reduadaac~ ia che opiaion af the Eavironmeacal 3ev:ew Ceaaittee the circuastaaces of the projecs are essentially the same. Section 9.2 Contents af Draft Bavi:anmental Isnact 3evor~ (~~3) , (a) Descri~tion of ?:oiect ihe descri~c:oa of the p:oject ehall contain the faL'~wiag iafozmation. (1) 'Phe pre~sa locatioa and bouadaries of the ~rooased ?ro±ect saa11 ba ~hown on a datailed map, prefarably topog:aph±c. T^.se locaticn of the project shall also appear on a regional ~ap. (2) ~ stateaent of t'se objectives sought by the praposad project. (3) A geaezal desc..-iptioa of tae projact's te~'~aical, economic, aad eavironaeatal characta~stics, consideriag :~e prisci~al ea33aesri~g proposats. (b) Descriat±on of Eavironnental Seet_nA Iaclude a desc:i~tioa of the an~riranmeat ia t'~e vic+ni:y of ;Se project, as it edsts besor_ co~eaceaeat of the project, frca bath a local and regional perspectiva. Discuss eavironaental :esources that are rare _ . . . . - ..soi. a~p~ . ....i... ~ ~ ~~a~.~ ~ l~, 1, it~6 ~a.. ~ , private, e.~steac and planned) =a the region shall also~be !acluded for purpo of e.Yamiaing ~he passible lative i~pact oi suc?~ pro~ects.~ ~ (c) 2avi:o~eacal IaDact The :ollow~ag subjecu shall be d:.sc:s9sed, prefe:ably ia separaca sectioas or paragraphs, unless c.'~e =nvironmeatal Bev±ev Co~mit:ea dete~:aes c5at the subject is aporopriatelp coasidered in tae com- prehensive Geaeral Plan ia uh;c~s ~eat appropriate :e:erences chereto shall ba aade. Subaections (e) and need be iacluded only ia EIBs prepared in cannection ~.rith cke adoption, amendmeat, or eaact~eat oz a p an, po c~, or or nce. (1) The Environmeztal I~paet of the Procosed Act'_on: Deseribe the direct and iadireet i~acts of the project on t'~e eavironmeat, giving due eansideration co bocS the short-ter~ and loag-ters effecu. Iaclude epeaifics of the area, t'~e resaurces iaval•~ed, physical csanges, altezations to ac~logical sysceas aad c:zaages iaducad ia population distribution, papulat..on cenceatracion, c.he humaa - use o~ the laad (iacludiag ce~ercial and resident~al develop- meat) aad oG'~er aspects of ~'~e resourca base sucz as vatez, sceaic qualitp aad publtc eerrtces. (2) Aav l,dverse Eavironmental E~fects whi:h Cannot be Avoided if Che Pranosal is Imolementad: ' Deacz~«~'e aay adverse i~pacts, ~cludiag those vhi ci' c~ be reducad to aa insigaificant level but not el3ainaced. Where cfiere arn Lzpacts G'~ac conaot be allevi.ated aiG'~out :~osiag aa altersative design, their ~eL'cations aad re~ons vhy the project is baing proposed, aot.rirhstanding thei: ef:ec:, shall be desesibed. Describe i~pacts on aay aesthetically •raluable 913I'SCt1II~II$9 ~ or on humaa health. (3) `Iitiaation '!easures ?rovosed to ?iia'~ize ~4e Lzoac=: De~criba avoidable adve:sa L3pac ts iaeluding iaei=~~~eat aad naaacessazry eaass:~pcioa of eaergq, aad cse measures proposed to minimizn tliasa iapacts. I^sis diseussion shall ia~ude aa idea~ieae:on of tha accaptable level~ to vnich sucs ia~ acta vi11 be zaducad~ aad the basis upoa whieh suc~s levels vere ideatified.. iJhere altersat.'.•~e measures are available ta mitigate aa is~pact, eac's ehould be discussed and t4e basis for selectiag one aitnraati7a shauld be idenc::ied. :.zergy conservat3aa meuures, an vell as ot`~er appraoriate aicigation measures . shal.l be dis cussed. (4) Alteraat'_ves to the Prooosed Action: Deacribe reucnable alte~aci~es co tse project, or to G'~e locat~cn of the project, :rhich eould feasibly attaia Che basic objectives of -20- t'~e ~~ct, and ;rhy t.hey aere ra~ec~ ;,a :avor oi :~e ult~ate caoics. ~e speci_ic altar..aci•re o; "no ?ro~ec_" si:s: also be avale:ated, a?oag vit~ -_:e ~ac:. Desc _be a:ta^ati•~es C3Dd012 of sucstaac.a'w7 reducing or e"~+;~at=ag any _nv._~r~:.eatall/ adverse i~aacts, eve~ i: ;~ese ~ta~aati•~es st:cst.~nc_~'_, i~ede c~e at.a'^+*pat oi t~e project oc;ec~i•~es, aad ~a aore coscly. (5) 'Ihe 3e*~acionshin 3et-aesa Local Shor:-ie~ Uses of waa's 3aviron- xenc anc :.ae `fa.inceaaace aad ?anaacemeac o= i.ong-?e~ ?roduct_vicr: Des~~be ~ae csmaslative aad long-ter3 e_°fects oi t4e ?rooosed ' project vhic~s adverselq a_=:ct C:ze scata os Ghe eav:romaeat. Discuss i~pacts whics' na:rcw t~e :aage of bese=icial tses of :.~ae eavi:onment or pose Iong-tera risks to health or saiec3. In additioa, the reasons whq t~e propased project is be'~eved by the applicaat to be just~^ied ~aw, rac.'~er thaa rsserr{~g aa aption for far~er alteraacives, sha11 be a.t~laiaed. (6) .1aq I~e~~ersible Env!ronmeatal Caanqes T++'hic:~ 'dcu?d ~ Tavolved +a the 2:ooosed action 9hould I~ Be ~lemeatea; Irretrievable co~it~ents oi resources sha11 be ava?uated to assure L~at suca cur_-eat cons~cion is ,justified. (7) The Crowr.h-Iaduciast L~anact of t':e ?rooosed ~ction: Discuss ~a ways ia which _~e ~roposed projec: could _'oster econocdc or populatioa grwta~ eithar ~rectly or ~direc:lq, in c4e sur- rouadiag eaviroaseat. Iacluded ia ~4is are projects :rhicz wauld remove obstacles to populat_an 3rcc,rth (a major ez~ansion oi a waste -aacer treaCneat plaac a1.3at, far eaample, allow for aore con- stzucr{ea ia ser~ice azeas). Iacreases ia the popu~ation aaq fur•..s' er taa e~stiag cemmuai:ry ;e:z:ce facilitirs so consi3erat'_on must be 3iven to this L3pact. ~Lso discuss che c.karac~2P~3~C oi eame projects v~ich may eacaurage aad facllitata or.he: ac`vit+_es ehat ceuld s+_3nificantlp af_act :ae eaviroe~eat, ai~er indi•ridually or c~ulatively. It must aot be assuz,ed G4at gr~ats in aay area is nacessarily beneficial~ detr'aental, or of little sigai_icaaca to ' t'ae eavirca~eat. (d) OrqanizaCons aad ?ersona Consulted • Tha identity af all federal, state or iocal ageacies, otser orgaaisations aad pzivata iadividua3s consulted ~a prepariag the Eavironmeatal Iapact Raport, mct c'ae ideatitq of t:te persons, firs or ageary p:epar~ag L'~e Eaviro~eatal Zxpact ~aport, by contrac_ or other aut~ari=at=aa aust be givaa.. (e) Water Ouali~ Asaects Dascribe ia the eavironmeatal sat~:g sectioa, aad otser sact_ons ahere applicable, water qualieq aspecu of :~e proposed ~rojec: ahi;~ ha~~e bena prnviousl.y cartified bp tse aporopriata state or iatarstace organizatioa as be:sg ia suostaatial ce~nL*ance ~ri.th apoLcable :ratar qualit7 standards. -Zl- Depend:.ng n~e iazeasi~ and scone uz*e ~ro;ect, L`~e _av==~n- xeacal :~e•~ Coz~'t:ae ~ay irect ~ne _a~r__oa~.eata= 3dv:sor tn prepare aa econemic se~seat of :.'~a =~vi_on^eatai =3nact 3epcr= uhir.z ~ap consider oae or nere o~ ~he :oi_cWiag as 3eeced dDDLOD =3L2: (1) 'I^. e appro~~.ata zu~cer and ^~pes ~f ~cos _o be creaced direct_-~ aad iad:rect:.y by cwe 2ro;ec., iZC.,'ndi~3 w1e au~ber and ~j~es ai per.~aneat aobs to be creaced and c4e ~nact oi ~e prcposed project on uae~oloy~aeac aad uadere:aflloyment. i=) Tha iaaact af r.he project oa c.4e local cas base and the 3eaera- tiaa of stace aad 1oca1 sales cas and ouer ta:c zeveni:es . (3) The ixpact of the project an recail aad wholesale sales, busiaess aad personal serrices, suppliers, aaaufacturers, and relacad business. (4) 1"se econoffic i~act af t:~e project on aiaoricq groups, i~ aay, aad uhether the project may ame~iorace povar~? and :~rove che liviag candicions of re9idents of the geograpaic azea af~ected. (5) The economic consequences of aanadept=on oz t:se proposed ?rojec:. (6) .1lteraati•~es, i: aay, to the prooosed projecc. (7) .~ay adverse eccncffic as:ects whi e~ caaaot ba avoided =i c4e project is :aplameated. (8) 'I^se i~pact of ~'~e pzoject on pur c'~asiag power, per caa+_ta iacome, aad ot~er economic iadicators oi the state, ragion, 1oca1 a:ea, aad ca~~sni~'s well-beiag. (9) 1"se ahort-tera aad long-tera costs of L'~e gavezamenta; se: ~ css , c~ics •ri~l be requi:ed as a result of the p:oject. (g) «'$ea deexed appropriata bq the ~aviron.:.eatal ~ev1eW Coc~itcee, ~`~e ~avironaeatal Iapacc Beport shall evaluate G4e :elationship of ae project to existiag aad propasad pub~:c aad ?rivate trans~o:tat_~u fae.'liCas aad plans . Sectlaa 8.3 Conteaes oi =~al 'cavironaental Ianact 3e~ort. (a) The fiaal Eavi:oa~antal L~pact :ieport sna1.I consist ef L'~e dra:t E~ironmeacal L~apact Beport containiag all of the va;ious elr~eacs describad ia Sec•~oa 8.2 abcne. (b) aa addi`:ona1. sectian ahall be provided cca•~?n+~g tt;e coa~eeacs rnceived du:a~ag c:~e ^.evieW aad coasul.tation process ~:om ~~e 3eneral public aad ather pubL'c agencies :~aving jurisdicrion hy lv :ri~s respect to the project. Said ca~eacs aaq be set for~'~ eit~er verbat:.m or ia s~a~ f or~. (c) ~ List of persoas, orgaa3zations aad public agea~as cc~eati.zg on tse draft EIR. ~Zi~ . (d) ~e Ci:7 s~ rrsnond co c~e caa:aeats :s•.red air~er by revis_on of c~a dzar. _aviror.~ental :...~aact 3apor: or ~y ,3a accac:zmeac a ~ze drai~ .aviroa~ntal i~acc 3epar=. :he _esponse saail desc.:~e ~`~e disnositioa oi ~e ai; a'_cant ea~roarent.~: asues ra_sed durag ::.a =evie~a and consu::at=on ?rocsss. Sect=on 8.4 Revie~ of _a•riron~na? I~act 3e~cr:; (,;.3) . (a) IIpoa complecian of ;.ae drait Eaviromental Z~nac: 3enort, and ~r:or to seadiag copies oi c4e report ouc for _eviacr, t~ke ~aviron~eatal 3eviev Camaittee saaL' cause a notice to Se published ia a aeas~a~er of geaeral cirr.ilatioa ia the Citq ai Cupe:tiao, statiag thac t~se drazt Eaviroumenta3. L3Qact Report has oeea ccmpleted for the ~ro~ect (wnose name, natsre aad locat:,an sha?1 be b:iefly described), c:zat a copy is available at t:~e Plaaaing Depaz~eat ia City Hall aad Public Library far raview and G~at writtea pub~c coameat is iavicad to be submitted ~.ritsia clzirty (30) days of ;~e ~ublication oi ~'~e aotice. Said notics shall be referred to as a":totice of Camelecion". Ia addition, sa:.3 `totice oL Campletion sha11 be filed :riLh che Sec:etarq of the 3esouress Ageacy. The Ean:rcnaental Review Ccamittee shall collect a~ae f=om the applicant to defrap the costs iac~:ed bq tse publishiag oi said notice. (b) Tse Eavironneatal ~ev-Lew Cemeitttee shaL cause ,;,~e draft Eavironmeatal Impact Report to ba distributed to otser ~ub Lc agencies uhic}s nave ju:'~dictioa bq law -.r:~ respect to tae project. Said agea~es saa?1 have thlrtq (30) davs ~a which to respond ±a ar-!ting relative c~ ~~eir revies~ of the r~nar~. The draft Eavizonnencal I~act Beoort rev:~a period foz project3 :equiring State revie~.r saall equal the :ev±ew period provided ia t~e anpL'cable Stace ageac~ rev:ev per±od. (c) Ia tae eveat aay pub L'c ageacy or person fa:?s to co~aeat ;r: ~~ia -~e abava specified t~e, :ri.thout request for eateasioa ep tixe~ S; saa11 be assumed that tse agency or person has no ccaxient, (d) Upoa receipt af v~ttaa eo~ments, t:~e :a~_onaeatal RerieW Co~.+ttas aha11 prepare a;rr~ttaa response as :ollcc:s : (1) a verbatim or eu~ar~ accouat of ~e cc~:ents . (1) Describa t4a disaaait:.on of sigai~ican= :ssues raised by t'se co~eau . (3) If t5e Eavi:onaeatal Raview Cae~ictas'y posit:on is at variaace vith reca~endations and objectians raised in the co~ents, ;~e reaponse shall state reasons why spe~ic cammeats aad sugges~ons are not acceptabZa and what factors e.cist :rEzica' , ia the opiaicn of thn Eavi:cameatal Seviesa Caamt:tee, aar_ant an oner.ide of rre cor~ents . (4) The response of t~e =avironmeatal 3e,v:,ew Cacm.ttten shal,i caice the form of eit~er a revision to :ha dra:: 'caviraaaeatal I~nact Report or of aa attadiaeat to the dra_t :.a~v:ren~eatal I~aacc Report. ' -23- Sec=ion 8.5 PubL' c ?ea~'~RS . • (a) 3e~ore aa~ve~encal acr~on ~aq be ta~ oa a~raject ~rE~c^. ~a~ have a s:3~si:ican: a==ec= on the eavir~.:.enc, a?ub~rc 4ear=ag saa~.l be held oa c!~e Haviror.xeatal Lznact 3epa:~ :or :.he ~roject. I_ is iateaded, that ~rheaever oossible, cae pub?=c heari~g on t~e =a~ri_on- 'nPRtal L~act 3e~or= '~_l be aeld ia c~njuaction lits, and as a~ar: o=, aay ou' er hear'~g :aquired 'oy scaca or 1oca~ 1aw. (b) Pc~lic notice shaL be gi~~en by publish~ng a aocica ai tse t=.:~ and placa os the hear'...sg at least onca ia a neuspaper pubL'shed and eizculated ia t'~e City oi Cupertiso, the zir3t publication o= ~ai;:z shall be at laast tna (10) days px-ior to the :~ae aet for t.'~e heariag. The ten (10) day t~e. period ~aq rua concur:eatly vitli tha thi::y (:O) day period af pubL'e aad ageacy reviev of e.'~e draft Eavironmeatal I~act 3~port. SecLion 8.6 Amendment of ?:oiect. ' (a) Ia the aveat the scape aad iatens~ty of c'se project is altered az:er comQletion of t`sa draft EI3, tse scaif ~embers of Che ~C may cause • t'se environmeatal advisar to reassess tse project to detezair.e the applicability af t~e d:ait cL~. (b) Tse appLcaat spomor shall ba responsible :or aay additional c~su aecassary bs a rnsult of addit~onal review of the ameaded projec~ or additiona]. ia~o:matioa related tc che dra:t EI~. Section 8.7 Aetion af Dee'_sicn~aker. '*ha dee:siaamaker, at t'~e public heariag, shaL reviesa aad consider c'~e raaunts oi Lhe final ~aviroumental I~act Qeport Whea mak±ag 1ts decisian aa ~e project and shall detes~ine vhethnr Ghe project vill ar vill aoc have a sigaificaat i.~act on ~~e eavironmeat. Upca clase af the pub~~c heariag, the decisioamakar shall certify that t'~e :faal ~aviroc~aeacal I~pact Report hae beea comQleced ~a co~L'anca wi:h t'se C'QA aad t4e State Gu:deL'aes, aad :hat r~e dacisionaaker has revieved and considered the iaf or.~at? on cea- taiaed ia r.he Eavi:on~eacal L^spact Beport. The deeisio~aker shaSl aot approve or car.q out a project for which an mvironmeac impact repor= nas een coaoleced c:nic i eac sies one oz more s gnis cant e=secLS o= e project un ess t.e ec s~aa- mauar a es ane or more or c e to oviag csea : aa~ngs tor eaca or t.ose s : canc e=:ects, accomp e a scaceaenc or c e tacts auDpor:ing eac. ia iag. (1) C:sanges ar altarations have been requi:ed in, or iaeorporated into, cne pro~ect w ich aitigate or avo e s13aL icant env roameaca.. essects c erea u i enci: e n e s :.l . (2) Snc.h chan es or altersatians are vithia the :esponsibility and urisdictiaa o aaocher ub c ageac an aot c. e agenc~ ~a~c:-zg ~ke :ia ing. Such changes have een a opce v suc. ac e: ageae9 oz ean an snou e aaapte q su ot er agencq. (3) Soeci:te economie, social, or acher eonsideratione aake iafeasible c5e micigation aeasures or pro~ect a:ersatlves _eeati=.ea ia cne na ~ -24- '~e R'_ndiaAS shall be sunvorted bv gub9C3IIt~31 ~v~aezc~ ~n the ^pcor3. :l~e f'_ndin¢ i~bsection (2) shal~ aoc be -~e aReac•~ ~ak'z~ the :'_naiaz has cancurrenc iurisa'_ct~on t~ anot~e- a¢e~c•~ ~o dea~ t~ iaenc,:ied ~easible aiti~acion aeasures or a?ce_^.iacives. Upan che :ina1 approval ar disaporoval oz the pro~ect, ;he dec:sion- aaxer shaL' ~ile a Yocice or Deca~:nacion vith che Countl Clerk of , Saata Clara Caunc~. Said nocice sha11 contain the :~lleving iafonation: (a) a descriptioa of Che project as proposed. (b) 'Phe decision to approve or disapprove the project. (c) The decision as co whether che project vi11 have a slgnificant ~act on the eavizonment. (d) Wliacher aa Eavironmeatal I~pact Report has besa prepared. (a) a statemeat af ear-ever-~~s--eer~a?~e~et:eea-{ept~asse=} vrit.en :indiaas com9l~iag vith Section L5088 af Title 14 of che Califorsia Adsiaist-at~ve Ccde.