CC Resolution No. 4638 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • • ~ RESOLUTION v0. 4638 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIYO ' DESCRZBING PROCESS TO BE IISED IN SAIVTA CL.~~RA COU4TY TO L*~LEMENT THE FEDERAL AID SAFER OFF-SYSTEDI ROADS PROGRAM i I ! WHEREAS, the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1916 provided for the estab- lishment of a Safer Off-System Roads Program; and w'HERE.\S, the Federal Aid Highcray act oE 1976 provides Federal funds , for expenditures on toll free county roads and ci[y streets which are not on any Federal-Aid System, and which are under the jurisdiction of and ~ c~aintenance by a publlc authority and open to pu6lic travel; and WHERE.~S, Section 2530 (c) of the California Streets and Highways Code requires that the distribution of funds amonR the cities within each county and the county shall be determined lry agreement between the county and a ma,jority of cities, which cities shall include a majori[y of the municipal population within the county; and WHERFJIS, the County of San[a Clara has been designated as the lead agency to coordinate this program in Santa Clara County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby approves the following process for distribution oi Safer Off-System Roads Program funds among the cities and coun[y; Each apportionmen[ of Safer Off-System Road Program funds to Santa Clara County will be allocated to the individual cities and unincorporated area ot the county in accordance with the following provisions: a. The funds allocated to each city and unincorporated area of the county shall be based upon the ra[io of each jurisdic- tion's popula[ion co [he [otal county population. b. The la[est State Department of Finanee population estimate figures will be used in determining each jurisdiction's share. Based on 1977 population figures and 1977-78 fiscal year allo- cation of $387,714 the population percentage and share for each jurisdic[ion is as follows: • • Resolution ::o. ao33 ~ CITY POPULATION i' SHARE ~ Campbell 25,350 ?.11 8,181 Cupertino 22,900 1.91 7,405 Gilroy 17,150 1.43 5,544 Los Altos 26,250 2.18 8.452 Los Altos Hills 7,225 0.60 2,326 Los Gatos 24,650 2.05 1,948 *tilpitas 32,300 2.69 10,429 Monte Sereno 3,240 0.27 1,047 Morgan Hill 12,200 1.01 3,916 :fountain View 55,800 4.64 11,990 Palo A.Lto 54,900 4.57 17,719 San Jose 575,100 47.84 185,482 Santa Clara 83,800 6.97 27,024 Saratoga 29,700 2.47 9,577 Sunnyvale 105,000 8.74 33,886 Unincorporated 126,500 10.52 40,788 TOTAL 1,202,065 100.00 $387,714 Unclaimed funds will be redistrubuted to eligible projects to avoid Loss of program funds in Santa Clara County. The redistribu- tion oE the unclaimed funds and deadline dates for submittal and oi project related contract documents will be es[ablished by majority vote of the City Engineers and/or Directors oi Public Works of [he ci[ies and the County. PaSSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cuper[ino this 16th day of January , 1978, by the following vote: Vote Members oi the City Council .~YES: Jackson, Meyera, Nellis, Frolich iOES: None ~BS E:IT : 0' Keef e .~BSTAI:1: None aTTEST: APPROVED: ~ _[~~,.e Q Ci[y Clerk ~tayor, City of Cupertino Deputy